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Good day to all, I thank Olodumare for waking me up this morning and I thank Yeye Osun and all the Orishas, I also thank my ancestors and my Ori. I greet everyone who will look this way today, even if just to peep on our blog, greetings! I am always appreciative of my active bloggers who are faithfully here with me everyday, may Osun (sweet water) bless you all and to you I send love and light. I think this is a great blog if I do say so myself. Why? I think it is unique, and very informative, It is a place where the few who meet here share, learn and vent, yes vent, which is a good thing to speak your mind without harming or disrespecting anyone. Here you will find a peaceful, loving, supportive group of people, and a happy, lively, lovely environment albeit cyber world.

Yesterday the topic which Yw posted was a very thought provoking subject, it took me places I did not want to go as yet with you all here on the blog, but I went there any way. As usual he took us on a journey and I must say I love these outings with him as all of you came along for the ride.

There are countless of realms within and beyond time and space and although we were not taught of them in schools, or through religions, they exists. Years ago when I had gone through my first initiation,  read here , I had spiritual encounters with other beings within time and space. It was not frightening while I went through my experiences, but when I arrived back into my body, and remembered what I went through and the places I went I wondered, yet I kept most of experiences to myself, mostly because I asked myself  “who would believe me and not think me mad!

During that period of my life I learned a lot, and experiences a lot, and even after, my education continued, even to this day. I scoured books to see if what I had seen and learned during my spiritual travels were in them, anything at all, and while some books alluded to the things which I experienced some did not. There were however some authors which spoke to me within the volumes of their pages, authors like L. W. de Laurence, (I like him a lot), Eliphas Levi, Rudolf Steiner to name a few, But I hungered for someone some where to connect to me through books with utterances from their pages confirming to me of experiences similar to my very own. I have yet to discover such. Yet hidden in the crevices of my mind was knowledge stored for later use, this is what I was told after reading from a big black book which my spiritual teachers, non physical beings would thrust under my chin during initiation and  my eyes would scan the pages fast like a computer. When I came to my senses I remembered nothing.

Watch Penny dreadful, the showtime series, pay attention to Vanessa Ives, the medium on becoming awake, there you will see some of my story,  all but for the sex, psychiatric wards, straight jackets, and working for the devil, was my own experience. I became misty eyed when I watched her torture, but then I realized that it was the first and only time in my life I saw something come close to my own experience. I wondered about the writer (s), who were they? did they have any Idea of the truth that they wrote. Not all of her experience on the series were mine, because not shown there were my travels to the outer realms, yet I identified with her on the show, remarkable!… I am no ordinary person, I am not!

The book was huge and it had leather black hard binding, they (my non-physical teachers) would bring the book very early in the mornings and I never saw them, rather I felt them, their presence, and so I knew that they were there. They pointed me to water, what they told me of water I cannot share, but I remember one morning very early seeing a black finger, index with a ring on it and it came from above me while I laid against my pillows, it  pointed to a chapter in the bible, in ecclesiastics and told me to live my life by those words. Not the bible mind you, but the words of that particular chapter, and remember I was christian at the time, so they spoke to me, still keeping in tune with what my mind could relate to, which was Christianity at the time.

Do not be quick to dismiss things you may not have heard of, been taught or experienced. In the christian Bible Jesus said “In my fathers house there are many mansions there, if it were not so I would not have told you” John 14: 2.

Now I quote the bible regardless of how I feel about their teachings to show that there are certain wisdom placed there and in other books also, in words which tells of many things, but wisdom is needed to understand it. Many may say that these things are left to interpretation, but what could Jesus have meant by this? And if death is final then why would Jesus promise this as a place he would go and prepare for his disciples?

The mansions referred to in the bible represents realms. There are nine worlds or dimensions including the earth and each world/dimensions have countless of realms. Let me not go further here, when it is time for everyone, not just a few to understand, then I will go deeper, but maybe by then it will not be on a public space such as this, I have much to contribute to the mind of some.

At the risk of going too far with what is not meant to be a post, let me curve myself and stop here. I want us to continue from yesterday’s post contributed to us by Blogger Yw, with a small introduction by me, here is the link;

There is still much needed to explore and we should go into them and learn and ask questions. Yazzy asked some important questions yesterday and everyone thanked her for the questions she asked, because I answered right away and clarity was gained by all.

I keep asking for a school, but we have one already it seems, here in cyber world, let us put it to good use. I am prayerful and I know all who are suppose to be here will be here and the ones with no good intentions or hearts or who are mischievous will not be allowed to be apart of us. We are few in numbers but quality by design, and I know for sure that the ones who are a steady fixture here were chosen to be here, there are no coincidences, none!

Many of you do not know this but I am compelled to share, Yw has been posting from the other day and I thank him. He and his wife Ty felt that it must be difficult for me at times posting everyday and writing all these posts by myself. They expressed their appreciation of me and my work and wanted me to be be in good health, mind, body and spirit. They asked for me to take it easy because they knew that my days were filled with me doing so many things, and they did not want me to overexert myself. These two incredible people decided to give me a week’s break from writing, urging me kindly to relax and take it easy and so they planned to assist me by Yw contributing some posts, which some of them he had written and had in his personal journal eons ago, never ever expecting to share his personal musings with the public, and some of them he reconstructed and sent in. I was touched and also impressed, not of his intelligence but also of how deep he and his wife obviously were.

Cami jumped in and sent her post in which was excellent and I asked Nunu to do a post which she also did well. It was so good for me to read their words on paper and although I made my (long ass) introduction, I realized that God has blessed me well.

If you should scan through this site, the stories here, whether they are my own personal experiences (which most are), painful or joyous, nostalgic or giving information on whatever, you will learn something here, and that is my goal. There is no harm to anyone’s character here, no assignation on any persons name or lifestyle, just pure good clean information which is shared from the heart.

Courtney our new comer emailed me and asked if she could share a blog post and I love that she would want to, of course her yes.  The selfless act of Yw and his wife, who also will be sending in her posts, has been a trigger for others to share and contribute their own thoughts and feelings. We are growing here on Embracingspirituality and to God be the Glory. Oore Yeye O, Osun!!


 Bíbíre kò ṣeé fi owó rà. /
A good pedigree cannot be bought with money……Yoruba Proverb! 

[Money isn’t everything; it’s not everything that wealth can confer]


All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…..Obara Meji!


There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned…..Obara Meji


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10 years ago

good people, I have to take a break and prepare dinner. Will do my best to be back later to discuss the movie. Can’t wait. I am super excited!!!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Please picture an image of an old wise African woman with a lappa sitting on a stool saying “don’t worry the “students” you have are ready. IF they choose not to learn the lesson that is not on you. Teach on” LOL

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara thanks so much. This is all so fascinating! I’m definitely getting it. You explain so very well….. You are a teacher at best! It’s how effective and efficient you are in allowing your students to grasp the complexity of the knowledge shared with such simplicity. A you name TEACH! 😀

10 years ago

I really think the reason all of us are here is, because we have encountered certain people or different things have happened to us in our lives, I guess the people would call themselves “normal” would see as strange. I tell the honest truth at 13 years old this guy I was friends with in middle school was telling me about Astral projection and he was telling about his outer body experience and I believed him, but because I was telling my friend at the time. She said I was weird. I never said it to anyone again. Obara, we… Read more »

10 years ago

Toy, the article you posted is interesting. I am glad to hear that “science” finally caught up with ancient wisdom. I am not a scientist so their discussion on particles was a little abstract. Particles of what? And how to do these particles translate to human beings? The conclusion though was interesting because from what I understand about hard sciences its all about logic and what you prove. So happy they can finally prove it.

10 years ago
Reply to  nyaha1

Yeah, the particles were dealing with some experiment they had, but they did not stress to hard on that. I guess the writer didn’t want to lose to much focus on his point he was trying to make. I will be here for class later.

10 years ago

Obara Meji (and everyone else), let me share a little story (a real one). Its not directly related to the conversation about dimensions etc but it is related to numbers and counting. Yw mentioned circular and here I would like to share a circle of knowledge to me. My people the Kikuyu (well what we are called now) identify with 9 clans, each person belongs to one of them. It is taboo to count people, children etc so we say we are a full 9. Meaning more than 9 or 10. So for the people who know, know that we… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara, I don’t think you have to be quite honest, I feel we are starting to understand slowing. I think you have dumbed it down for us just by telling us to go watch the Matrix. I am going to go rent it just so I can see if I can grasp it now, because when I saw it years ago I didn’t understand it. Everything that you tell us is needed. I think you are so cool, we learn from you daily and you have changed us for the better.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

sorry O sorry. You survived and here you are 🙂 I didn’t know you before, in getting a small glimpse of you here, I am thankful for you.

10 years ago

Obara Meji, wait please! I think I get it. It took me using several senses lol but I got it. Had to say it out loud, look at a map (the world and country parts). It will take time to understand, I do get it (as in its in my mind to ponder further).

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Why would you delete what you put up? You trying to open our eyes to what is out there.

New Name
New Name
10 years ago

I have to read and re read in order to fully undersand, and I am really trying to

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

We will get it slowly, but surely.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ok Obara, so in the other dimensions except for earth (maybe even the earth but the other realms), are communications ONLY done thru the mind consciousness/telepathically?? Or is this just how they try to communicate with us??

10 years ago

Sorry if it is long, but i figured these is just a part of things you are trying to teach us. Yw can’t leave you out thank you also.

New Name
New Name
10 years ago

Brb peeps.
Mi pot ah ketch. I will be in and out. Cooking

10 years ago

 News Entertainment Lifestyle Tech & Innovation All SectionsFeedbackView DesktopTermsPrivacy Policy Copyright © 2014, Inc. | “The Huffington Post” is a registered trademark of, Inc. All rights reserved. THE BLOG Does Death Exist? New Theory Says ‘No’ Robert Lanza, M.D. 12/08/09 04:06 PM ET Many of us fear death. We believe in death because we have been told we will die. We associate ourselves with the body, and we know that bodies die. But a new scientific theory suggests that death is not the terminal event we think. One well-known aspect of quantum physics is that certain observations cannot be predicted absolutely. Instead, there… Read more »

10 years ago

Obara so is earth considered like the kindergarten of the other dimensions/world??

Is this why when movies are portraying anything ET the showcase them having extraordinary intelligence compared to us and that they came here to “teach”??

So are we the least intelligent of the other dimensions?? Is this why as we ascend we have to shed the body but the mind which is the consciousness of the earthly body can transport us with the spirit?? Or is the spirit that has memory??

A wanda if a meking sense doa god???

10 years ago

Let me ask to question to see what I understand. Earth is the 3rd dimension. There are 12 planes on/in this dimension. A human being can only go up to the 6th plane. So what is it with the beings that are on the higher planes (7 and up)? Are they on Earth (the 3rd dimension)? Not sure if my questions make sense. I am trying to make sense of this “oh and bare in mind that the last is not the ninth, but 10, and it is dark and void, and the spirit which has inhabit a human form… Read more »

10 years ago

well you went past what I wanted to share, but let go read and catch up. reading will be right back

10 years ago

Reading and being educated…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

A “bad” thing happening may have a “good” result (in the long-term). Our emotions (a key part in being human; on this plane) give rise to the idea that if we were wronged, then “justice” must be done. However, perhaps, what was done was for us to learn something. – On the other hand, there are times when doing something “wrong” earns a karmic debt because it was not written to be so. I hope I did not just confuse myself. It is hard to navigate this level of discussion with our limited process of language….

10 years ago
Reply to  Yw

Closer to understanding, Teach, or still “cold”?

10 years ago
Reply to  Yw

Could something happen simply to give us a better understanding of an ancestor or would that be closer to part life?

10 years ago

I think I see. Thank you… For order we must have chaos – Balance

New Name
New Name
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Understood! Hence Ying and Yang

New Name
New Name
10 years ago

What are the first and second dimensions Obara? Curious to know as well, what the last is

10 years ago

AHA! and that is why its important to get a life reading (if that is what its called) cause it will guide you to why you are here so you can do what you came here for and not waste “time”.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Because we would not learn the lesson we were to without doing the wrong?…..Ahhhh. Thank you, Obara Meji. So, someone can do something terrible and that is what they were suppose to do. But that may leave them with a karmic debt, which they would have to come back and pay or learn from? Very circular system…

10 years ago

I can see how this is difficult to explain, thanks for your patience.

Another question; The 3 dimensions are in additional to the 12 steps? So there would be 3×12 steps. Or in the 12 steps as you ascend (so to speak) you enter into the 3 dimensions? So it would look like 3/12

10 years ago

Teacher teacher!! Yuh gi chuble eenuh! Lolol… Nuh lesson cyan in vain, yuh hout hof horder!! 😀

mi come here lost like di sheep weh Jesus lef di flock and guh search fah… And yuh wah see mi note book now how it tun up! Di amount a sinting I learn and apply a chue mi nuh chatty chatty mek it nuh stink a road and yuh nuh hear back!!! Lolllol!! Love you Obara Meji… But yuh fi gwaanin beta dan dat! Lololol…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara, is it ok if I share something that I found on the Huffinton post it speaks of all of the things you have been telling us and I wanted to share it. I does touch some of Yw had posted yesterday.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

this clears up so much for me…thank you

10 years ago

mmmm, so it can take a lot of different “turns” on the wheel with 12 steps? Meaning that if you don’t get it right you keep coming back until you complete it (lets say 24 times) but you still have the other 11 steps to complete?

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

You did a phenomenal job of it. This has been very enlightening. So, in essence, to move from this realm we must: 1. aim to live in a way that accrues no karmic debts 2. learn what we need to transition and 3. learn it in a certain way? If my understanding is correct, that explains why it would take so much time….This leads me to thought(s) of the school and community…need to iron out this thought a bit…

10 years ago

Obara Meji, so once you pay the debt, or teach the lesson then you leave? I am assuming you can also choose to leave before it was your time, meaning you didn’t pay the debt? If this is so, you MUST come back HERE? Or can you go some other place?

10 years ago

YW mi glad yu forward back..Mi did tink yu did a guh have one segment wey yu decipher dreamsor mek mi try decipher dreams. Mi love dem tings dere…

10 years ago

Yw, I agree with your view of dreaming. For me it has taken, and continues to take time, to learn my language (how my subconscious speaks to me), how I interpret things around me (entities, energy etc) and how all this relates to dreams. I keep a dream journal and that has helped tremendously with seeing patterns. These patterns help me understand “my” language, so asking myself (my Ori if you will) questions and getting answers has become a lot easier.

New Name powerful dream/experience!

10 years ago
Reply to  nyaha1

Nyaha, I like how you did “my” because it is personal and that is why we have be introspective.

10 years ago

Greetings in love all. Glad to see everyone here 🙂 I too will make an effort to join in the discussion this evening. It is my sincere hope that everyone continues to participant (and the peepers show themselves and share 😉 In the short time I have been here I have enjoyed learning and sharing my experiences with you all. I thank God, my elevated ancestors, spirit guides and Divine Deities for showing me this site. Who thought the internet would be a meduim for productive wisdom (well Ogun did LOL). I am thankful for all of you, I see… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  nyaha1

Hey Nyaha. In the short time that you have been coming on I have come to enjoy your presence. Thank you for every time you pass through…

10 years ago
Reply to  Yw

Thanks. This place has been a blessing to me.

Yw on one of your comments you mentioned the movie, can’t remember the name about a wizard school, anyway, it got me thinking of the X men. This is like that school LOL to me anyway. I have not so secretly wanted to be storm hehehehe and boy right now in my head I am she ROFL. I am not a child of Oya BUT boy I can pretend LOL

10 years ago

Teach, I had a question(s) regarding leaving this realm. Is it just finding out and completing what we were sent or chose to do?

New Name
New Name
10 years ago

Which post Yw? Not sure if you’re asking if you’re asking if it was because of the post why I had that dream/experience or if that helped to explain it

10 years ago
Reply to  New Name

No. I thought you wanted me to expand on the idea of dreams so I replied a little bit earlier.

New Name
New Name
10 years ago
Reply to  Yw

It did YW, it most certainly did. I liked your way of breaking it down and to let us know that not because we are asleep and ‘see’ something, it means that it is a dream.

New Name
New Name
10 years ago
Reply to  Yw

Thought you meant that you would have a discussion on this topic alone

10 years ago
Reply to  Yw

No, no New Name. I don’t think I am qualified or informed enough to do a whole blog on that. Most of the topics I have done have just been touched on by me. Nuff nuff more to explore…

10 years ago

Large up Obara and New Name. New Name did the last post help with dreams?

New Name
New Name
10 years ago

Hey YW.

10 years ago

With the dream thing, all I meant was what my view on dreaming was (is): “Dreaming, in my opinion, is our spiritual mind groping around for the spiritual aspect within a particular experience or observation that our material mind cannot quite comprehend. As we become more attune to our spiritual side, our dreams make more sense to us.” – To expand on this I would say that, to me, our dreams present information from the material plane that we may not be able to perceive or understand in our waking moments. The information, to me, is given to us for… Read more »

10 years ago

Good Afternoon Obara Meji, all fellow bloggers, and all peepers. Obara, to your intro: Ase, Ase, Ase…As to my leaving the discussion last night, it touches the heart to see such concern and regard for my feelings. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart (Michael Jackson voice, tone, and demeanor). I always thank Obara for this site because it is therapeutic, thought provoking, and embracing (it in the name).

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

No Teach, I cannot do that. To do that is to cut my learning short and deny the warmth that comes from the people on this site. Not I, Teach, not I (of course within reason: mi start wonder bout possible reasons to leave – YW mussi stand for You’re Wierd)..

New Name
New Name
10 years ago

Looking at it now Obara, I do believe the many ‘mansions’ that the bible speaks about are indeed the different realms. Also, whether or not you believe it, I do believe that this IS a part of your school. The stepping stone

New Name
New Name
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Teach, I have been thinking about it since I awoke from the dream, and I certainly do not have that particular person as the enemy. I strongly believe they were trying to show me that it is the lineage (that’s the only explanation that made sense to me)

New Name
New Name
10 years ago

I have learnt to trust no one Ty… NO ONE. its just that I couldn’t see any reason for that person wanting to harm me. We didn’t even speak like that and even when we do see each other, is juss a ‘hail an guh chue’… Anyway, that’s life.

That’s why I love this site, I can spill mi guts, talk mi madness and oonu nuh sey mi ‘mad’, like what mi family sey when mi use to tell dem bout certain tings; and Number one reason, I remain anonymous

10 years ago

New Name, how awesome to have the experience you had…meeting your guide is awesome…I have not met mine as yet and look forward to it…I can sense the presence though and have since I was a child…

I would e cautious of who was revealed to you…remember you see a person but not their heart…

10 years ago

“have” typo

10 years ago

Onu lef me breda a heng by himself last night?! Not kool!

Ty, please to have treat Yw a fine meal as an apology from me…I’m working on call for the week so I’m distracted.

New Name
New Name
10 years ago

I am eagerly awaiting Yw’s discussion on dreams also. Sorry about last night YW 🙁 The nights don’t always work out for me, but I will try a little harder to be here

10 years ago

New Name, that’s very cool…

New Name
New Name
10 years ago

OMG! I actually met my guide. Guess they confirming that they are still there watching over me and holding my hand.

Thanks MTH, Teach, Kia, Nuns and all ah oonu!

10 years ago

YW mi fambo, please come back come blog wid wi, yu know mi love yu…

10 years ago

Teach a hope a nuh suh… 🙁

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Yes mi agree wid Obara, M

10 years ago

Hey ladies I am here. New name i believe the being is indeed ur guide. sometimes it is the people we least expect that harm us. be mindful and keep ur eyes open. I also think I remember learning here that flying in dreams a good sign. Nunu and New New loool wahappen Toy

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes Teach I felt bad about that last night, mi opologize to Yw tuh, but those are posts to be revisited and discussed as we grow in knowledge and understanding

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yw your post are very thought provoking. Please don’t throw in the towel.

10 years ago

Afternoon all. Bless up Bubblez. New Name, I dont have a clue what happened to you, but I like the sound of things. I remember Teach saying flying is a good sign in dream. You had a guide is also good. To be shown an enemy is awesome… Just this very morning I got up between 3-4am and followed one of Teach’s instruction on how to be shown enemies (16 Ways To Help Yourself)…New Name, maybe your ancestors reached out to you… (I am so excited, yesterday YW mentioned that he would discuss dream…Mi dey yah eager fi si wey… Read more »

New Name
New Name
10 years ago

Hey Toy, Kia!

10 years ago

Nunu, kia, New name what is goody with you all?

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Mi deh yah Toy, watching up the vidwos for later’s class

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Oh ok! I really enjoyed that movie.

New Name
New Name
10 years ago

Here goes my earlier experience (Hope I don’t bore you all, caw mi have a tendency fi get whey at times) I don’t know if its because we have been discussing the realms, or because I had very little sleep last night, but anyway here is the story. Around 10:30 this morning, I was asleep and dreamt (at least that’s what I think) that I was high above the clouds on the top of a building. There was another being with me… We were not really in our human forms, it was more like an animated character that I have… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  New Name

Wow! That is truly amazing. I think the person that was shown to you, you may need to watch yourself around them and don’t get to comfortable, because maybe more things will be revealed about them. It is just my opinion.

10 years ago
Reply to  New Name

New Name, good that you remained alert in the realm to tell us about it.

10 years ago

Morning Obara, Mth, Cami Ty, and all the other bloggers.

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Hey Toy, Bubbla and New New lol

10 years ago

Good afternoon everyone i thank God, my ori, ancestors, and guides for sending Obara Meji my way. Yah! they know what it is I am to learn and knew who’s class I was to be assigned to. I did not know that Obara’s comments would peak my interest but they did and still do. I AM LEARNING maybe not as fast as I would like but every word written by Obara, YW, TY, CAmi, MTH, AMH, CGOH, Nunu, Yazzy, Nyaha, Toy and everyone else is being read and absorbed by me. No words are being wasted not even the greetings.… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Kia, I had to co- sign this, I love every word!

New Name
New Name
10 years ago

Let me first say that I share the sentiments of most of the bloggers on this site.
I love coming here. Even though at times I don’t understand all that is being said, I pick out the little that I can relate to, and learn I do!

Thank you Obara and thank you fellow bloggers.

10 years ago

Good afternoon folks!

New Name
New Name
10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Afternoon Nunu

New Name
New Name
10 years ago

Morning one and all
I have to go play catch up. Didn’t have any internet connection, just came back about 1/2 hour ago and here tending to my son who is home sick from school.

Teach, I had a very weird dream (I think I woke up and it continued when I fell back asleep), I will share with you all, but I need to go feed this child. I will be back as soon as I can

10 years ago

TY trust your Ori…Let it lead you. Personally, I would not want to be apart of that. I think lot of fabrication would be included to ensure that the customer gets his money’s worth. What if the ghost doesnt turn up, you can get a refund?

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Mth, I am not going to buy the tours…it just shows how like religion, even spirits them commercializing and marketing…there is no line drawn in the sand wen it comes on to making money…

10 years ago

de Laurence is wonderful to read…I read some of his books…some of the info was above my head…now that i am spiritually awakening, I would love to go back and read again for I think I would get more out of his writings…

10 years ago

Teach you have so much to share and have shared so much. We are learning that’s why we come here daily.

10 years ago

SO today i get an email from groupon for deals..with halloween coming up..they have guided haunted house and ghost tours on sale…I am not going to by and not sure that I agree with experiencing the spiritual world via this means….let me know what you all think?

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

You know whey me think,lol. Hi Ty/Yw.

Imagine, how some people may have stumbled upon this site, they may have formed a perception of US (lol) as being loonies, or blasphemous; But it is without a doubt that they are quick to want those coupons…even Ty’s share.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Exactly Cami!

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Cami, I want to call you Cam Cam, I don’t know why.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

You can, Toy, lol. People call me that offline too.

10 years ago

Obara, your initiation and intense schooling in the spiritual realm was not for nought…for here you are leading us and guiding us as we try to meander through slowly in the spiritual world.

We are grateful to have this site…i have seen my growth since being here…I love the sense of family and love we have here…

i hope as we continue to grow and travel through the realms, we continue to come here to share and vent…so that all can help, teach and learn along ALL our journeys…

10 years ago

Thaks YW and TY for the kind consideration extended to Teach. As Teach said earlier, we might be small in number but we have substance.

Teach just a gentle reminder, you mentioned that you were going to post stories on Osun so we could get an insight before tonight’s book club meeting…

10 years ago

Greetings my people. Bless up Teach and Cami…Havent it all a yet, y=just want you know I am here.

Today marks the 13th anniversary of the tragic September 11. To all who lost a loved one or knew someone that passed, my condolences to you.

10 years ago

Ekaro to you ALL. Obara, special one to you because i can feel the emotional energy in this post. Bless you, your ancestors all the forces that has granted you with the gift of our ancestoral elders…ASE.

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