Recently in the news there has been on going conversations stemming from the very disturbing video of Ray Rice knocking out his wife in an elevator. I saw the video and I must admit that it was very disturbing to me. Following the whole debacle the release of the video which I believe was released long after the incident had occurred and the couple had apparently worked out their differences and are still together, there has been a lot of talk about women in abusive relationships and why they stayed. This seem to be a new bandwagon which every body now has jumped on and are talking about.
Talk show host Meredith Vieira, told of a very disturbing and physically abusive relationship she was involved with many years ago and the reason she stayed, other celebrities also began speaking of relationships they too have been in where they have suffered some abuse or another and have endured and stayed.
I thought about what to write for today’s post, because initially I wanted to follow up on Saturdays post on Fear and Karma, focusing especially on Fear, but the “Why I stayed” Conversation was all over Google and also You tube and I reflected on some of my posts here on Embracing Spirituality and the “Wicked Baby Father”, and Why I Stayed!. Yes, there were times when he hit me (so ashamed to write this, although I have written it here before), and I remember my mother telling me that once a man put his hands on you, he would do it again. Now as I look back on the day when I ran to her the first time he hit me, and he came right behind me, chasing me to her house and begging her to send me out, she went to the door smilingly to him and told me to go home.
Now, I am not trying to put my mother in a bad light, I am just being honest about my life as always, but now that I am free to look back, (as oppose to being in that situation), I wonder why would she send me back to him. I had no where else to go, and the children were a major factor, what would happen to them, I could not leave them and he threatened me that If I left I could not take them, those times I had nothing and no one, I thought I had chosen a tough life.
Growing up in Jamaica, I witnessed men beating their women all the time as a small child, the women would most often run to my mother for rescue and she would send them into our house and stand before her front door with her cutlass, daring the man in pursuit to follow, they never tested my mom. I remember this one woman named Pet. She had moved into a room with her baby father and a small child in the same tenement where we lived in Jamaica. The man was a very tall dark skinned man called Prepps, he was a Barber who worked downtown Kingston, and as a child I remember being afraid of him. He was always very serious looking and he hardly spoke to anyone. Pet was a very short woman, she was light skin and had what Jamaicans refer to as “Pretty” hair or 3/4 coolie some would say. The man worked as how I remembered it while Pet stayed at home. She was a very clean woman and she would wash, cook and clean all day. She too was quiet and kept mostly to herself and she hardly ever smiled . I often times watched this huge strong man beat Pet, toss her like a rag doll, she never hit back, never even tried, but endured the beatings until somebody intervened and begged him to stop, after which he would walk out of the yard and not return until the next day or the next week.
There were times when My mother had to give Pet food, and she would sit and cry, because Preps did not come home and when he did he did not give any money for food for her and the child, the beatings continued but Pet never left, perhaps she had no where to go or like me when I went through my own abuse, had no one. I was a child, I had no idea the reason but I remember feeling sorry for her. One day the man never came back, and Pet was devastated, she cried and cried for days, but she eventually moved away as she had no means of paying the rent. I never knew what happened to her, but I have never forgotten her.
The first time he hit me was when I had taken a taxi to school. He was suppose to be out of town, he was a hustler and he would do his business out of state. He was having his own affair, which I did not know about until long after, that affair resulted into pregnancy for him and a nightmare for me. I had a particular private car pick me up every day to bring me to school, and because It was in the evenings when I went, I would stop by my mothers house for food which she would give me in a carry way dish. The cab driver and I had became good friends as he was the steady driver who would pick me up and drop me off everyday, so when he parked in front of the school, I would sit in his car and eat my food, before I went into class.
On this particular day, the same routine, the man picked me up (de bredda did fine out nuh hell enuh, an me fine out nuh hell tuh, but we had nothing going on, I have to inject humor here because these memories can be painful) and took me to my mothers house, I got my food and got to school, and began to eat. While I ate the driver and I chatted, the car door was yanked open and it was the wicked man pulling me out of the car while hitting me at the same time, shame and embarrassment made me fight back, but not as aggressively as I thought I should have that day, I was shocked at what was happening, not understanding why!
The street was full of people, this was a very busy area, and some students and teachers stood there and witnessed my shame. Then the police came, two of them, some one had called them. They took him off me, (by this, the coward taxi man run gone, or or drove off I should say, poor thing was just as frightened) I really had no idea why this man was fighting me. The cops asked me if I wanted to press charges, I stupidly said no. He was a gangster/hustler/ole prisoner/just gotten off parole I had to say no, or so I thought, so I jumped into another cab and ran to my mothers house, of course he followed and the rest you have already read up top.
True to my mothers words that was not to be the last time, he did so several times, he was jealous and his friends had told him that the same cab picked me up every day and he believed the man and I were an item, (mi get beaten fi nutten, man lick pon mi soft skin fi nutten!!). There came a time when I did the damage after feeling disrespected and tired of his BS (yup, ah chop him wid sinting one night), and it felt good. The relationship was terrible and toxic, after a while I hated the sight of him, but I did not leave. I told myself it was for the children’s sake, but I think a part of me willed/wished him to change. I had grown up into a home with both my parents and I wanted the same for my children, I did not know that everybody’s life could not be my life, my destiny was my own. When it became unbearable I begged my so called family to please help me, they all rejected me saying the same thing, “They did not want to get involved”.
Often times in abusive relationships there are many reasons why either party stay, because although we hear about abuse especially physical ones often with women, men are also victims too. Abuse is never ok, the Abuse I suffered was emotional more than physical and often times while the scars on the outside heals, the mental ones may stay for a long time or for some never heal at all. Our hitting sessions happened about three times, three times too many but three times there a bout never the less. The emotional abuse began almost after he was released off probation and could do as he wished and go where he liked. He was into himself, and they called him Pretty boy before his name, meaning whatever his name was, “Pretty boy” prefaced it. He was handsome, well dressed and well loved by all. He was a very quiet man, and he smiled a lot and had a lot of respect for people. This was how everyone saw him, but in home he was a villain, a devil (if he ever existed). To the world he seemed nice and perhaps I seemed miserable, because How could I smile when I was unhappy, and no one seemed to care, no one!
It was the worst relationship I had ever been in. He took the pain he gave me as fun. He smiled while I cried, and went about his business regardless what I said. He would sleep out and come home whenever he felt like it, expecting his food cooked and his clothes prepared, and I to be ready for him in the ways of a woman to a man whenever he wanted me, which was always. Whenever I denied him, he would act as if the world would end and say cruel stuff to me. I wondered about that because he had so many women, why did he act like he would die when I refused him?
What got me sad often was the shame, everybody knew how he treated me, but thought I had it good so they did not see why I should complain. All his friends who would come to our house for dinner, or to hang out with him, knew of the many women he had, he was even having relationships with some of his friends sisters and family members. The women would call my house and curse me, they would plant their friends in my shop to work for me just to watch our business, I had no idea. He would be the one to tell me to get rid of some of the girls he knew were working for me and were friends with his women, he never told me the reason. I guess there was something which made him feel bad at seeing me vulnerable to secret enemies. Yet he had affairs with some of the stylists in my shop and even solicited two of my sisters behind my back.
The first sister he propositioned never told me of it until I eventually left him, by this time all my family members knew that he had done this but they all kept it from me, she was my second oldest sister. She lived with us after he had come home from prison and he quarreled with me everyday for her to leave, she never knew how he felt because I never wanted her to feel bad and she had no where to go, so I suffered his anger toward her in silence, while he showed her a smiling face everyday. It was after she moved away when he made his wants clear to her, which she kept secret from me. The other sister was my younger sister who just suddenly stop coming to my house to baby sit while I went to school or to my shop. I missed her and wanted to know why she refused to come back to my home, again like the older sister, after I left him, it came out that he had exposed himself to her, she had told my mother who stopped her from coming to my house and told her not to tell me.
Although I had no idea that these things were happening, I had other things that I was dealing with at the hands of this terrible man, and on top of it he had some awful family members and along with my own who did not wish me well and to be happy. They all fawned over him and looked at me with contempt. All because he was rich, (he was never giving), once in a while he may hand out a few scraps but that was good enough for the vultures. They all thought, I was young and I should not have had the privilege to be with him who gave me a shop and according to them or what they thought I was living the life, Privilege? I was not! He had parents who loved him, and turned a blind eye to his “Profession”, yet they believed that as he was not giving them anything, ( he was not a kind fellow, he pretended to be but he was not) because he gave me everything and that was not true. So they resented me, especially the mother and the she-devil sisters and also P-hole of a brother
My own family believed that I had nothing to complain about, my life was good and there was also some jealousy from the older sister, who thought that I was lucky, lol. Other people saw us and believed that while he had a lot of women I should relax and accept it because I was his “Main Woman” so I had nothing to worry about. They all pampered him. Let me force myself to stop here.
If I follow myself while writing and remembering I could go on and on and on. I know now that we came together for the purpose of my children and there were lessons learned during our time together. I have often wondered what kind of Karma did I owe for me to come back into this life and meet such a character as this man. That question was solved one day during mediation when I was told by my higher-self that he was not a Karmic debt which I had to pay, but also one of my greatest teachers. He was my first real relationship, but it set the way for me to know what I did not want in my life ever again and I am happy to say that from that day, I have never gotten involved with such an awful human being again, I thank Olodumare, I thank Osun, I than Orunmila and my ancestors, I thank my Ori, my head, not only did I meet good loving men since him, I always had control of my life and my happiness since him. He showed me during our horrible relationship, what not to accept, for that I thank him.
My reason for staying was because I had not choice, all who I sought for help turned me down, I had no where to turn and no one to turn to, but I now know that what I went through were lessons that I needed to learn. I am speaking of My own personal experience, another person will have his or her own to say. If you read most of my post, this wicked person is mentioned in almost everyone of them, even when I tired to omit him, he kept coming back as I revealed parts of my life to you. It was torturous but I survived and got away from him, he was my teacher, One of them! All that he did to me help set me on my path, I would not trade my life for another, but if I had to go through that again, I do not know how to answer, but for now the end justified the means, I love Obara Meji.
I hardly speak to him, and only one of my children have any semblance of relationship with him, they talk here or there now and again, but whenever they speak he would always ask the boy to let him say hi to me if I am near. I had resented him for a very long time. What I have written in all of these post about our life together still has not scratched the surface of all I went through at his hands, I could call it suffered, but I have released it and only write about it for all who could relate to my story somehow. He is not as I knew him before, hard times have gotten to him, and there were times before when I wanted to feel good at his pain, Schadenfreude if you will, the spark came and wanted me to turn it into a huge bon fire, I tried but I could not. I actually felt very bad for all he is going through, the problems for him came one after another, yet I would comfort him with words of wisdom, in my role as Obara Meji as he complained to me about his life and the happenings. I wish you all to believe me, because I am being truthful, I felt not happiness at his sadness, and I still do not.
I wrote on this today because the whole “Why I stayed” got me really thinking of “Lessons Learned”, for there are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned, this is one of my own quotes which I believe in strongly. Someone, a Babalawo In Nigeria once told me that “all human beings must go through some badness/bad times/problems at times in their life, this will bring about long life, we should pray not to see devastation”. What would be the point of a human being living here in earth if they had NO problem or faced no challenges
When things happen to us, or if there are decisions which we make which others may wonder why, it is for you to try to understand the life lesson you are being taught, we as individuals have to face our lives, be present in it, show up and live the life we came here to live, while praying for wisdom into making wise choices and also for accepting the lessons learned along life’s way, and aslo be willing to introspect and change what we know is needed for our own good which will impact how we deal with others . Whenever we are faced with anything good or bad remember always that we are being taught, life on earth is a school, ask yourself, “What is the lesson here”, the minute you figure it out, the problem is solved and you get to enter a new chapter of your life.
Please share your story or a story if you have one, or even an opinion, let us talk about this.
Ọbẹ̀ tí ò pọ̀ kì í kan. /
A soup that is moderate in size soup can’t get (so neglected as to go) sour……Yoruba Proverb!
[What’s not common can’t lose value; the higher the supply of something, the lower it’s perceived value]
All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…..Obara Meji!
There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned…..Obara Meji
Here is the link to the article on the Ray Rice and Wife situation
I hope all is well with you Teach; I am here trying to catch up!!!
Obara your honest is so refreshing and highly desired; a wholesome will find no need to physically or mentally harm a woman…
I’m good Lalibela
Hey Obara, here catching up…
Yep Teach…
Hey Ty
Hey Lalibela!
Thank you, but mek it was a homosexual him dis, or if it was ablack man did name donald Sterling..yuh get de picha!
Teach I cant watch the videos:-(
Interesting discussion no lie. Look how the Donald Sterling thing has died a quite death.
So tru Mth…den u all hear him have cancer, fi we fi sorry for him…smh…
Black churches and dem minstrel shows…yeh i said it!
lmaoooooo, it start off slow but be patient, God and dem up inna heaven ah grung yah nung afta watching dis, lololololololol…grungggg!
Grung…you don’t wanna be a side chick for The Lord and savor….lol
My faves are the asthmatic and the mathematician…enjoyed this one…
Cami, probably he is a comedian/preacher, it funny nu hell! lmaoooooo!
Ok Cami!
Me gone again, soon come back.
I just could not help mi self, I laughed, lol
I found it funny and the comments funny nu hell…I can’t seem to do whe me set out fi do because of yu site OBARA!
Lol…him do the black preacher good…lol
I guess he worked with the time he had Cami, But I still thank him for it!
Ray Rice lick dung de gal, and all of a sudden “Why I Stayed”, is now the big thing for talk show hosts to get big ratings!
TMZ, is something else!…They just killed another Black mans career, when white man ah beat him wife and all dead she end up dead!
Give Wendell Pierce a Black hand (round of applause)!
How can our voices be heard when THEY control media? and our relatives who have media houses like Oprah and others are controlled by them!
Wendel used his opportunity to highlight some things which needed to be highlighted!
He should have highlighted the fact that Ray Rice and Mel Gibson sitting in the same woman beating boat, but Mel is forgiven.
so when Wendel highlight them and their conniving ways, I stand and applaud him!
Exactly Cami, but it was in the news for 9 days and done!…This what they are doing to Ray Rice, is what they did to Chris Brown, O J and all others, when it comes to them, it quick and forgotten about!
Cami, read again mi friend, everyone everywhere has some violence within but if you compare the heart of the Africans to their Oppressors, enslavers, the Europeans/Americans, who outshines in wickedness and violence??
If more people spoke like Wendel in the video, regardless of what, instead of riding with folks who seeks to highlight the ‘VIOLENT BLACK MAN,”, giving them more reason to shoot and kill them, being threats to society!
Ray rice beat de gal from when, when, ween and it is the biggest news!
ahh, and hence the case of race hypocrisy, for which I would side with wholeheartedly.
It becomes a race issue when media fly dung pon it and highlighting, like they still on Chris Brown’s dick. Yes we saw Rihanna’s face, but we were not in the car and we do not know what, if anything provoked the beating, what did he suffer at her hands, all sides must be examined. Wendel made his point, because Cami, these people, once our people are involved they blow it up, when everybody figet Mel (beater man) Gibson!
I haven’t forgotten Mel at all…he even planned on burying the woman in his rose garden afterwards.
Cami but the act of one thing sets the path of another. In other words, giving syphilis or for someone contracting syphilis and this disease goes untreated, it works on the minds, the brain cells of the afflicted, it changes their mental capabilities, to the point of insanity, smallpox the same, while it may be genocide as I agree with you on that score, it does leads to the long term effect of others. Violence and Violent people are everywhere but I do not agree with you on Africans being violent before American/European invasion, if so they would have not… Read more »
O, if Africans don’t have a violent streak how come the annals of their history shows men and women of great fortitude in battle, ie…Warriors? Coward and nerves like jelly fish can’t go pon battle field.
The good thing is that Africans don’t go about molesting and conquering other nations in the name of greed, which is what set the EruoAsians/Europeans apart from other nations and their level of violence. If Wendell made a case of hypocrisy then I would agree.
I watched the video, ten times, and I agree with every word!!, new found respect for that brother!!!
I agree Yw!
Nyaha, no one knows how they will react to a particular situation, except specific persons who have patterned same reaction to certain behaviors, (ah suh me tan syndrome), I saw my sisters husband hold a gun to her head while drinking white rum, according to him to get the nerve up to shoot her. He had never hit her before, but she had cheated, he had too by the way, and she was ready to leave him. We were all shocked at his behavior, we all heard actor MEl Gibson on the tape to his baby’s mother (that quickly died… Read more »
“she had cheated, he had too by the way” – I can never understand why someone would feel violated by their counterpart cheating when they were doing it before. Completely baffling…..
Domestic violence I agree with Obara Meji is rooted in the person committing it. I do not believe that Black men are more likely to abuse women, that is what is perpetuated globally. Black men (all, African, Carribean, from Vanuatu every Black man) is deemed as a horrible human being. So the moment a Black man does something (including an abuser) it is said that is “his” nature. The same thing goes for Black woman, we are stupid, materialistic,manipulating whores and if we do anything that image gets brought up. I am not in anyway saying that an abuser is… Read more »
Who are the masters of hypocrisy? Domestic abuse happens very often in “white home” but it is covered up like so much more…Marketing is a hell of a thing.
See why yu have to be here… If that man made a case exactly how you put it then I would be in agreement. The matter is how come the white NFL players beat up dem women and you don’t hear it…but then again they do that in the house, not in the streets or in front of the” homies”.
Cami, it also vex me that they not talking the effects of steroid use….and also the after effects of repeated concussion and brain trauma….
There is more to this story…
Cami, I too am curious to hear what you disagree with. I watched the video and think he is spot on. This country was founded on hate, violence, greed, racism and white supremacy.
NON-VIOLENT ACTIONS using biology Chicken pox blankets (act of genocide using biology) by Europeans isn’t an act of violence, but an act of depravity by depraved minds. Syphilis (act of genocide) isn’t an act of violence, but an act of depravity by depraved minds. ACTS OF VIOLENCE Africans and all other nations has been violent long before America was “founded”, so unfair statement to accuse American Euros of being violent. Domestic violence isn’t a RACE issue. So excusing the NFL players of being violent towards women because of the “white man” actions centuries ago is nonsense. If he want to… Read more »
Full 100
To be honest of what I have seen of Africa and of Africans, we are not as violent and barbaric as the world seems to believe, we are a welcoming, peaceful set of people, there are diverse of people everywhere of course (in Africa, I live there more than half of the year), but again as I wrote in the other post, domestic abuse is not cornered or set to standard by a culture or a race, even though that was not what the video was about. Many things factors into the main cause of these things, but if you… Read more »
Thank you Yw!
ok, Cami come wid yuh argument! I love this!
so Mth is it confirmed that Yw, will moderate this thursday??
Yes, Teach. Confirmed
Please refresh your page, I had first put the wrong link, refresh your page
I watched it and I disagree.
Watched it and agree to an extent: I would say that while violence was not necessarily imparted by colonists, depravity was. If you are talking about the (let me use the term) African-American family dynamics, then you have to consider the history and evolution of such from the days of slavery to now. Dispersion of family members, ideas that blacks were to be bred like cattle (that voids sanctity of marriage), “gaining” freedom with no resources to operate in a monetary system, breakdown of the “big Mama” family structure, difficulty in attaining adequate employment, entrance of women to workforce, depiction… Read more »
Hear Ye Hear Ye, listen up, Listen Up…very interesting, my friend just shared this with me!
Cami, mi know you have been doing an awesome job with book club. Please be present on Thursday…
(long out me tongue at yu) mek sure yu reach to, lol.
Yw, the question of normal v abnormal is like moral v immoral to me.
I would agree with that but, to me (bwoy, mi love sey dat), with right and wrong, there are somethings that are simply right or wrong. Eg: wrong – slavery, ideas of superiority, abuse of power or authority, abuse of those at a disadvantage, etc. The philosophy that if you can take advantage of someone else, then you should is simply wrong.
YW dats mi love yu suh (no disrespect Ty). Mi waan get to di nitty gritty a di topic. Teach, hit a nerve wid mi yesterday, when shi sey ppl thought she had it good so no one benta (New Name mi run wey yu word) fi help har. Mi waan wi dig up some corelated topics such as depression (which I am very prone to).
YW, like how yu love withdraw suh, mi waan know when it normal vs abnormal, yah fallaw mi?
YW, like how yu love withdraw suh, mi waan know when it normal vs abnormal? – To me (and remember that this is all opinion, not fact), that is a difficult question because: what is normal? People generally think of normal as what society deems as acceptable. However, if we take that as the definition of normal, then slavery could be interpreted (under that definition) as normal. – And everyone should know that, for me, slavery should never be viewed as normal – When we talked about the spiritual and the material realm, a key point is the function of… Read more »
Mi ah go jump ova to di latest post all!!
YW mi propose a topic fi book club and mi trying mi best fi get mi tablet sorted. Mi need fi have a confirmed co-moderator. Mi ask Mr. Nile, but he is not on so often. I know its kinda sudden, but (insert a million pleases) could you kindly volunteer to asssit me???
No problem at all. Saw the topic and it is very interesting. I may even have some….alternative points of views. Very exciting….
YW, mi a ask yu fi a favour?
YW, YW, YW ax pardon. MI si wey yu did holla at mi. Lawks mi sorry. Forgive mi duh.
Cami, my hairdresser is very good. She believes in joining inas the side-chick then moving up to be the main chick (however, will always have it in the back of her head that he has someone).
Nuh worry, Mth. Mi know sey yudda si and mi woulda neva duh yuh dat…Memba mi come and si yuh as prefect yuh nuh..
Cami memba Teach sey she is Aries.
Mi sey mi shame like dog…All now YW dayeven tun di black a him yeye and hail mi up to 🙁
oooops, I forgot! O sorry I forgot we in the same month.
MTH, see Yw put it best in regards to yu hairdresser.
good afternoon good people. I have been trying to catch up with the conversations. good topics (yesterday and today).
nyAHA!!! Good to see you.
Guys, mi juss memba something. Mi hairdresser sey if a man nuh have nuh adda woman when him a look har, SHE DOES NOT WANT HIM. Something muss wrong wid him, fi she alone, numo want him…From I was birthed till nung…
MTH! dwlnnnnnnnn I hope her cosmetology skills better than her man skills! She sound like she like confrontations.
PARDI!!! What a gwan? See whe mi ah sey… She trying to function within a dysfunctional system. Is a coping mechanism to deal with the pain she likely experienced with men over her years prior….
ok Cami, no problem, ((((Hugs)))))
Cami, I don’t believe it has only to do with astrology, it may be spiritual also, I too crawl into a hole and stay there for long at times, often time people cyann even see me!
I agree, Obara. From I was very young I used to look at the world in an unusual way…I was always disappointed in the way that many people chose to live their lives (starting within my family and slowly going out). Many just join or partake in the system. Very few strive to truly improve (in my opinion). That made me wonder: how can the system change if we join the cycle? If I am hurt by someone, do I recycle that pain to another and continue, or rather, encourage the same dysfunctional system?
lolol, I had to do that clique comparison, lol
and that Yw is quite understandable. I think we like seeing you here mainly (for me mostly and I believe Cami also, because we are like minded) because you tickle our minds with things/thoughts/topics/comments we may have overlooked, might not have given too much thoughts, may have overlooked, in other words your contribution to the blog is to optimize things which may be overlooked or may have never come into focus.
We need that!
((GROUP HUGS)). Me ago do something and come back.
Careful….I am a HUGGER!!!
lol. me leave fi start whey me ago do and me just had to prips fi see whey yu an Obara a talk sey, dwln.
Obara, yah cancer (lolol) bout “crawl into a hole” that would be the true nature to that sign, lol. pray tell, Yw! cause the roast corn part got me, lol
Yuh know sey man do not wear Capri’s….hee hee
oHHHHHH! lololol lolol grunggggggg. I’ll have to share that with me babes, lol
HAHAHAH!!! Tell him no capri’s for me and no slippers for Obara..HAHAHAH!!!
I second this!
I have to say that I thank you both, ESpecially, Obara and Cami, because by believing in me you give me the impetus (the sustenance, the will, etc) to continue to try to be the best Yw that I can be. Without inspiration and motivation what is the point? If we are disappointed in how the people in the world are, then we should try to be better ourselves….Forgive me, please…..”I’m starting with the man in the mirror..Ooo…I’m asking him to change his ways…Ooo…And no message….” Alright Yw, give the people ears ah break but don’t break them ears…
Yes Yw, we love you over here, lolol ah de choot!
mi nuh mine share him Cami as we bredda, but him cyann big you up alone and figat me, dat not fair,!
Mi….ah….try…nuh…fi…bawl…UNNO LOVE MI!!!! LAWWWDDD!!! Mi love unno yu si…. Mi suh overwhelm…. – all done in the “Maddy maddy cry” way
lolol, see when you weren’t on the board i skimmed to see where we offend you, unknowingly, yes we love yu an Ty at the same time. We may not be exposed to your private, everyday lives but the unison and independence displayed here is what makes you guys a couple to love ( I use ‘we’ because I feel that confident in generalizing for the regular bloggers).
No, Cami-star… ES never offends. I go through periods of slight withdrawl where I try to recollect myself. I tend to “overthink” (if that is possible) and may be working on (or out) a thought that I need to focus on….I have a…weird way of thinking and it makes it a bit difficult for me at times because people mistake it for anti-social behavior. That is why I have very very very few people IN my life – in the inner band; talk to many people on the outer band but have very little on the inner.
Ys, yu a Taurus or Saggi? I have my withdrawal times too.
Close to Saggi…Here is a hint: ” mi love roast corn” hee hee
ok, mi feel betta, oonuh know sey ah suh mi tan!!
ah turkey bacon de dread get, lmaoooo Cami, she hangle de dread, ei si!, lolol
What a miserable empress! lol How many kids in tow? I notice the yard dread dem can’t step to dem yankee empress like they would a yard empress, lol
Sometime wah dem treasure mi wonder ’bout. Katrina, katrina – sorry, one play mi did watch but I doan remember the name of it…
Is it ‘Wicked Bitches’ the british play?
No. Is ah Jamaican play. Ah gwen try memba fi yuh…
Yw, yuh wi get mi hignarant han evil enuh, how yuh fi ha claim Cami han leff mi howt???, I wi shut dung de site enuh man, TY come tawk to Yw, him ah play favorites!!
Obara!!!! Mi surprised at yuh…Cami is my sister but you is like mi twin in many ways…memba wi ah twins of twins wid pure lyrical bullets
lolol…a whoee. Gwan yah bro. See Obara a talk pon de green card dread and de bacon, lol
Stop it! me have fi get claims cause I don’t have no big bro…all who want a big bro need fi submit their application to Yw, so him will know that he is a big brother, lol. Btw, yu nu big sister to all a we? Ty, a auntie…me a dat cousin yu call when yu want fi stir up a bee hive, dwln
heaxaky YW!, hexakly
Hi si ha yankee girl hangle ha Jamaican dread one day in ha supermarket, hall because him, de dread, pick up de wrong bacon, ha shame like dawg fi him, mi just stawt yank to mi kids, change hup mi hackcent, de way mi shame ooo!
Whey him did fi pick up? Turkey bacon? dwln…lol
awwwww, thank you Yw!
I agree with you Yw, box har yes, oonuh nuh hear mi sey that i will go a couple rounds wid a boxing glove wid a five year old fi my own dem, tink ah lie?
hall me know sey not ah body gwine beat up pon me hor mi kidz!
Nuff time mi si gal pickney storm man and de man nuh do nutten ad she tek advantage, its not right on either side
Completely agree. You see, is the exertion of dominance upon another. Ego at work. Always some power struggle…”She love me more dan I love her….Him love me more dan me love him…If mi lef, it ah go hot im…No man nuh want har…Rahtid, dat man want har…No, mi want har now…Ok, now mi get har back, mi nuh want her again.” Always a want never love in it….
Dominance is exactly what it is, Yw.
Yazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!! wad up!!!!
Obara Meji!! I could not let this one pass me. Just to remind you (if, in case, yu forget) we love you…I love you and thank you for all that you do. This is an amazing post, topic, and discussion. You are PHENOMENAL (like the woman in the poem by Maya Angelou)
Greetings Obara Meji and the ES fambo and crew!!! So much things to cover here…. Women,,,without you there would be no life, no love, no point. Woman…you are strength, you are warmth, you beauty. A man that cannot treasure his counterpart is not a man. That kind of person degrades themselves with each strike and each insult. Ironically, to prove some level of strength and dominance they end up highlighting their weaknesses, fears, and ego. Mediocrity at its finest……… Most of us have been living in an ABSOLUTE patriarchal system where males are viewed as superior to females…WTF!!! How can… Read more »
Yazzy Morning, but pardon me! GRUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YW!!!!!!! say a gal do him youth dem nothing she a go collect a box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lolololll
Only right, cause you have to defend those who cannot defend themself!
Mawnin sweeties! Last night mi knock out pan unuh. My bad. Obara you made a very important point/ observation… tho I’m not a psychologist. . But you said we often discipline kids then mistakenly console them at the same time which send mixed messages … I know for sure during childhood growth and development while there isn’t a manual that comes with how it’s done, the events that take place during this period is crucial and set the stage for who our kids & who/ what they will become. Abuse can happen to ANYONE! The abuse is someone else’s act… Read more »
Yazzy Superstar: “We are in relationships not martial arts… we don’t anticipate a strike from the hands that are there to make love to us and protect us. We don’t anticipate the emotional torture from the minds that were selected to use their mental energy to trap us in webs of love and comfort. We don’t anticipate financial abuse from the very partners we plan to build empires with.” – You see that “anticipate” is a rahtid ting. When we enter a relationship (hopefully wid just 2 people) the two parties have expectations/anticipations (E&A’s). Many times the two do not… Read more »
No kungfu inna relationships! darn right, Yaz!
I’ve noticed that when females don’t have strong males in their family that domestic violence exist, or if the women in the family are passive/submissive in nature that it exist too, not excluding strong family ties. Abusers will not go into families that HE/SHE know will intervene in the everyday lives of family members.
My theory that has been proven through primary data ,coupled with secondary data, lol…
No Cami yuh a knock out di points dem wicked a dan Tyson! Kool nuh!
Cami thanks fi all the love – know seh is just love we deal wid… Strong males are a curiosity to me….What is a strong male? I’ve met women that want a man to take control…that is their definition of a strong man…A man must not cry…a man must fight…Is like the idiat Foota Hype: “Mi ah star bwoy. Man fi have nuff gal”…Friggin’ idiat…but what happen to the women that accept and even admire that as a sign of “manhood”? Yes, some of them is out there…
lololol YW! lolol (have to laugh because me glad fi see yu!) MI BREDDA! big up…yu vacation did lonnng man, choou!
For me a Strong man is: a man who can hold any battle ground with intelligence, do all things domestic, cry whenever he wants because he is human and will not bow out of situations through intimidation.
Real Talk…Dat is why mi sey: Cami ah mi sistah
Hey Cami what’s popping mi gal? Teach, tell dat, homey dont play when it comes to her children.
Cami youmade some very important points up top, namely, observe both sides before helping. Can you imagine you the good Samartian getting you ass whipped. Sometimes you try to give advice from a place of love and concern and when they make up, the abused people will add and subtract to what you said. God forbid that you are single, it will be that you are jealous and how yu know suh much an yu nuhhave nuh baddy. Just be ye careful.
Whaddup MTH…lol Imagine a gal man a point gun pon yu because you a play superhero! been there…had to get a man fi buss him inna him head because a nu me an him deh so I wasn’t going to accept that. Now a days it’s funny to me,lol.
I’ve dismissed friendships to avoid that because you go and give your advise and it’s not taken kindly and to be in a house where man and woman start fighting at any given moment is HORRIBLE. been there too.
ah yaw suh Yw, we need yuh wisdom and jokes, lolololol
set ah mad people Cami, Yw mi iss yuh!!…have pity pon we an come back, (((((hugs))))))
Him nu come bout from last Wednesday? TY! where is Yw? Tell him de animal lova post done so him need fi come back…a yu honey but we love him to. YW! we miss yu and I love when yu pitch us a grung with those offguard quips and yu out of this world KNOWLEDGE. Hurry back
Kia! yu to!
Chat bout some gal evil?…ah coming out wid a post nung, come mek we reason!
Cami, I am mom for the rest of my life, I will go to de house and drag out me pickney, if him wrong den mi deal wid it accordingly, I am very fair, but nobody gonna abuse my kids, while I am alive or dead!
My mum told my brothers that any day they feel they have to hit their wives, that they should pack up and return to her household and she told my sister-in-laws to inform her of such before calling police pon har son dem.
So, here we have room for open dialogue between all parties. As for my sister and I…we a trouble and mum isn’t banking on eating any wedding cake on our behalf (lol, seriously).
Seriously, I will go to prison in defense of my brothers or sister once they are in the right. My sister had a hitter and he ended up with contusions to the face and then uncle sam jail house…we don’t play that tune.
Morning all. Blessings Teach and Ty. Hope today is great for you all.
Teach, your son’s girlfriendmust have knocked her head. Come tofightyour son in his house. Abuse is never easy and the thing is based on what we have been exposed to, some people see abuse as ‘nothing’ as there are worse things out there.
Hey Cami!!
Morning O. Hail up MTH and EVERY BLOGGER AND PEEPER. I’m well rested today.
Good Morning! What a hot topic to have missed out on, last night. Obara Meji! From all that you’ve written you were honest in pointing out that the experience as brought you to the stage that you represent today date. Blessings always…Ase. My opinion on domestice violence is two folds…Not because I am a female I am going to sympathize because I’ve seen it played out on both sides. I’ve seen it in my paternal home (non-physical) but verbal threats by the grandmother (lolol). What that did to me is strenghten my backbone because I love my granny to death;… Read more »
She was truly wrong!
Ty, what she did to him could be called abuse, because she went after him, he is a very well know person and so is she, he was surprised and hurt at where she took it, crying rape after so much time had passed by
Her actions were wrong…
Yes Ty ah dat she do, and ah qualify it by saying that he came there with a plan, this was months atfa the fact enuh!
A nice example of why I tow the domestic violence line in two-folds. Some men are cruel and some women are evil.
Yes and me have boy kinds to enuh, one day I am home and mi son de gallis, girlfriend come ah mi house wid backle, knife, mace and face well grease up fi come fight mi son, mi ask her if him hit her, she sey no, mi ask her why she come like soldier fi war, she say they been arguing, I asked if he threatened to hit her, again she said no, mean while he is behind me and she in front, gal ah look over mi shoulder like she waan claat mi nine months wut ah pain,… Read more »
She too brite… She lucky you cool and ask questions first… She lucky u never rush her claat….
DWLN!! Why did you ruin the woman’s day? she come battle ready you should a just kick har and mek she get what she come for? lol
Which woman dat Ty, Ray Rice wife?
No, the woman up top you spoke about who after sleeping with an ex, cried rape for consensual sex….
I think her lack of restrained and giving into her desire was what she was ashamed of after…instead of taking responsibility, she bawl rape….
Ty, that woman and the therapist full of it.
Hi Ty, I am writing the other side of the coin, the mens story, Good morning!
Morning Obara….
There is definitely another side….some men grow up thinking that is is OK and that it is a part of being a man…there are mixed messages given to them…
Additionally, there are some men that are abuse by women….there are others who were abused as a child and then recycle their pain….
We all can learn from this topic….any kind of pain can elicit different reactions and outcomes…so we need to pray each day for strength…
Morning Fambo, Sleep trek me whey last night… Obara, this is a great topic that touches on so much…. -self worth -your value in a relationship, perceived or real -your thoughts on how a relationship should be -respect for each other -communication -your willingness to with stand pain for other eg children Relationships are hard….and require lots of attention and work…as my father always say, in a relationship, tongue and teeth must meet…. However, I do not like when fists meet… I pray for all who are suffering today, whether psychological, financial, emotional or physical abuse…. We all learn from… Read more »
Good night folks! See you in the morrows
I saw the foota hype interview….I was disgusted with his attitude…I would like to hear her side… Bout him mek her part of a legendary couple…him lucky she no have two bad yaws brother fi lick him down… Additionally he should not come on tv to discuss the bedroom likes and dislikes of a 9 year relationship …I do not like that…
It made me say, she smart fi no marry him…
He’s narcissistic and an ass Ty
Hey everyone, had a busy day and was peeping…caught up and must say this is a Deep topic…
Hugs to Yazzy…
Love and light Kiab..
Obara I am so grateful, you found the strength to get out and leave him…God has now given you peace and love…
For all the men and women out there in abusive relationships, I pray you gather strength and peace…get help if u cannot do it on your own…
Night everyone Obara, you are so amazingly awesome. I feel so bad that you went through all of those things, men like that always study woman that they are with and he knew your situation with your family and use it to his advantage. I got hit one time. I got slapped so hard across my face the first thought in my mind was like did this b!^ch a** mutha just hit me. He hit me right in front of my kids while we were in the car driving. When I snapped to reality. I put my foot in his… Read more »
Thank God you came out Toy…
It is a visciuos cycle…it only gets worse when u stay….
Toy glad you left before it was too late
Spiritual seeker, AMH, Court, New Name… blessings my resilient sisters! Keep your heads held high. There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learnt! ~Obara Meji
Good night guys. Sorry I’m late. I was working and had stolen some ESP time to come interact and I stormed outta here in tears… and a very heavy heart. Mi bawl mi bawl mi bawl.. I had to ask Obara if anything worse came after the line I had gotten to cause I just couldn’t continue reading any further! She assured me that I should in fact continue reading as there was a lesson in the blog and mi just now tek mi time done work and come bravely finish read and have also read all the comments and… Read more »
Awwwwwww Yazzy!!! (((((((((((Hugs)))))))))
Hugs Obara! You know what I LOVE about you… you’re never to HIGH on that horse to not revisit issues like this… and actually acknowledge that you were also a victim and show where you are now. I’m very proud of you! We have loads of peepers and I know you and the others that shared your experiences have silently helped a victim today out of their situation!
Yup Yazzy that’s why I dj this everyday
Obara mi tink yuh tell mi seh nutin worse neva dere fi see. As I read my way down the comments… mi nearly drop dung when yuh seh di wicked man KIDNAP yuh fi guh dun off you and him???? It stress mi out!! Mi not even a guh siddung pan da one de… on the ” what if” …instead I’m gonna look at the glass half full… you are still here caz try he might it just was not your time but what a dutty fucka wicked and brite. Mi nuh like style ppl but dis a di heights… Read more »
Style de dead sway Yazzy, if yuh nuh class him yuh nuh like mi, class de gez buckit!!! Yuh si de comment whey de door stop and hi scream fi days tink sey ah duppy, grung!!!
Yuh always have mi a laff and a bawl sed time! Weh yuh seh… if mi nuh style di mungrel mi nuh like yuh???? Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Ova here have mi like a mawd ooman… mi wi deh ya a laff and den braps mi just stawt puddung some cow bawlin den a sec lata a me dat again a roll a grung wid joke a kill mi…. mi feel dem need fi commit mi! LMFAO!
You too MTH
Have a good evening everyone.
Kia is fine Y’all, I heard from her!!!!
(Whew) THANK GOD!!!! Kia boo love and light sweetie!
That must breed anomosity among the mothers and children. That means he is riding bare back and that is not cute…
Sweet sugar stick di*k.
To me, that is straight up neglect, which neglect is also a form of abuse. It must be terrible to know that you are child 28, let alone child # 34.
You too M
Teach, I saw this Inyanla Vanzant thing on TV where this 1 man, has 34 children with 17 mothers, in addition he has ‘adopted’ nine more children from the women i.e. they had childrenbefore getting with him and he accepted them…
My thinking, is that at some point a woman can look on and say, heck no, I value myself too much to be a part of that mess. How do you even think of engaging into a relationship with a man who tells you he has 10 baby-mothers, let alone 17.
Me scornful Sunday Dock deh cudden come near mi!
On topic peeps,
I saw on the video where the girlfriend spat in his face. Now while I do not condone violence, I say that that in itself wudda mek any man, woman, boy or gyal give a sound loudas. Don’t know if there was anything else that I missed, but I know for sure if someone spat in my face, it would not be so easy
Two people with major issues AMH, wow!
MAJOR does not even begin to describe it! Unfortunately I do not believe she will ever fully recover from all the abuse she has suffered in her life, and it is said that it still weighs her down after so many years apart and a new husband who truly builds her up.
Self worth is a hell of a thing! Some women are ver desperate and some are weak we should all pray for strength
Ah him name sweet dick or lips, lol
Sad to say, it is usually after you are in way deep that you find out.
Case in point, I have a friend (memba suck a few teach?) who been trying to get with me from Whoppy kill Phullup and ah years after, when me an him ah tawk, mi know sey all di talk him did ah talk, him did have ooman all ovah.
She was wrong to spit on him, but he should have never hit her at all! At allll!!!
The lady I have mentioned before that I work with who has VERY strong anti-spiritual beliefs, stayed with her very abusive husband for years because she used to be very obese and he stayed with her then, “loved” her and cared for her when she felt she was “disgusting”. She felt she owed him some debt for that. As she lost weight was when the severe abuse started.
If come down to me or you I choose me! It’s gonna get real! Thank goodness you were able to get through that night.. I was listening to dr Umar last night and he was giving some real interesting points on the state of the black family and the psychology of why we stay in the cycle of abuse and the psychology behind it
My parents did not care
That stuff gives me nightmares! I always want to leave my kids a place to stay no matter what they have someplace to go
That’s why he stayed with her AMH it was to abuse her, he took advantage if he low self esteem
Yes, when things got really bad in their divorce process it all came out.
If him si mi talk to any man, it was so-so worries. I left numerous times and he would come bawling his damn crocodile tears, and me the idiot, took him back. Yes, he did hit me, butttt after the seeing that I could be a terrorist in my own way, he knew better and stopped (ah dehsoh di bun get hottah – guess that was his way of socking it to me). Long story short, me an him leff, but the men I have been with or who try fi look mi, since then have all proven to be… Read more »
Dem is da set ya boil ya pot for!