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The article below is from the internet, it is very long so I have only copied half and will put the link to the rest if you so desire to read it fully. I found some of what Delores is saying to be interesting, but I believe there is way more to it however, if you all wish we will discuss this tonight.

Here is the Link for the entire article;


My fear and doubts have vanished like mist
into the distance, never to disturb me again.

I will die content and free from regrets.
This is the fruit of Dharma practice.

Milarepa, from ‘Fruit of Dharma Practice’


Fear plays a very important part in our daily life, and in human society as a whole. Fear comes in many shapes and forms, but it could be described as: an unpleasant feeling of perceived risk or danger, real or not. It functions to make us alert and ready for action while expecting specific problems.

As is often said, fear lies at the basis of all religions. At the time humans were gatherers and hunters, little was understood of the world around them, so without understanding the causes for many everyday experiences there is logically existential fear. In search for understanding the world around them, shamans and mystics tried to explain the world with invisible and incomprehensible aspects aspects like spirits, gods, nature itself, the sun and moon etc. which also gave the possibility to do something about ‘the unexpected’ by pleasing the gods and spirits with prayers and rituals. Later on, more advanced ideas and philosophies developed, and of course, organized religions.

Also Buddhism is to an extent based on fear; the fear of suffering. The historical Buddha went out on his spiritual quest when he realized that everybody is subject to discomfort, problems and pain, and with the goal to find a way to end it alltogether he discovered a ‘way out’.

In fact, this is not too different from the main motivation to develop human civilization: we fear discomfort so we store food for more difficult times, we prepare ourselves for dangers like wild animals, or to defend ourselves from other humans. This fear of discomfort and attachement to comfort has driven humans in their development from a type of smart monkey to a creature that has gained control over nearly all other living beings on this planet.

Our most basic fear is the fear of death, which functions to make us alert in dangerous situations, and can thus be a very healthy emotion. But much less dramatic reasons of fear are found everywhere in our daily lives: ‘Did I lock the house?’, ‘Isn’t this food unhealthy?’, ‘Is my health insurance high enough?’, ‘Shouldn’t my daughter be home yet?’. These worries can be based or quite baseless. Problematic types of fear can be when we are afraid of things that do not pose any real threat, like fear of spiders or large spaces. Fear and paranoia, together with attachment, craving and hatred are usually responsible for wars.

In all cases, we could say that fear is a reaction to something that may happen in the future, be it realistic or not, it is always uncomfortable. And here we find one of the contradictions of fear itself: it should work to keep us from discomfort, yet it is uncomfortable itself.

Any happiness there is in the world ultimately turns to pain. Why? Consider the two sides of a coin: just because what we desire is to be seen on the front does not mean that dislike won’t soon appear on the back. Likewise, hope and fear are a single coin, one entity with two faces—on the other side of a moment in which we hope for more happiness will be our fear of more suffering. Until attachment is eliminated, we can be certain of having both hope and fear. As long as there is hope and fear, the delusions of samsara will be perpetuated and there will be constant suffering. Thus attachment is the nature of both hope and fear: looking at the ultimate emptiness of the self-envisioned magical illusion of hope and fear, we should hang loosely in the flow.
From The Great Secret of Mind: Special Instructions on the Nonduality of Dzogchen,
by Tulku Pema Rigtsal

Fear: a gift from Jan Theuninck


As fear is based on something that we think may happen in the future, it is clearly a mental process which tries to predict the future – in that sense, the reason of fear is a projection of our mind.
We can be afraid to fall, but once we are falling, we are afraid to hit the ground, once we hit the ground, we may fear we have a bad injury, once we know we have a bad injury, we may fear the pain and the consequences of not being able to work for some time or become disabled etc. So one could say that fear is always based on something that has not happened yet, and is therefore a fantasy of our mind rather than fact.


Some people like fear, because in activities like riding a roller-coaster or during bunjee-jumping, we get an adrenaline-rush: a physical reaction to make us alert and ready for action – some people actually get addicted to this natural drug and get into extreme activities. This can easily lead to needing more dangerous situations more often, so they may tend to take ever increasing risks – until the parachute does not open, or the weather changes while climbing a steep, dangerous mountain slope……


Fear is generally a very uncomfortable feeling – Buddhists would call it therefore a form of suffering. We do not like to be afraid, but still, our fear can keep us from harm for example as it makes us hold back when we see a snake or a fast car straight in our direction. So, yes, we need to realize danger and be alert, but once we are alert, we cannot do much more than whatever we think is best in the situation.
If we let our fear take over completely, we can even ‘freeze’ and become completely helpless. Similarly, many of us are afraid for quite irrational things, meaning things that do not really pose any threat to us. For example, fear of spiders, small enclosed spaces or large spaces. Life can become really difficult, simply because illogical projections and delusions are taking over our normal, rational mind and small things can begin to determine our whole life. In that case, we can start to talk about having a phobia.


The process of normal fear turning into phobia is very similar in Buddhist psychology to when anger turns into blind hatred or a liking of chocolate turns into addiction. The difference is in the levels of the fear. Initially, anger or fear may have a useful function in life (to protect ourselves from suffering), but they are both based on mental projections. When these projections grow into something like phobia, it only means that the mind is strongly exaggerating the situation. For whatever reason, our mind gets out of control, and it turns a spider into a monster or the height of a chair into a ravine. So the remedy to phobia cannot really lie in taking medicines, but must be to habituate our mind back to ‘normal’ reactions.


Therapies for irrational fears work on the same basic principle: discover by experience that the feeling of fear (paranoia) is an exaggeration of what we perceive in the world, and force our rational mind to keep in control of the emotion. So, if you are afraid of spiders, perhaps the cure starts with simply drawing them, then looking at a small one – far away locked in a safe place – then forcing yourself to go closer (the rational mind says that nothing can happen), in the end, usually the patients will regain so much control that can even hold a poisonous, hairy, huge tarantula in their hands – obviously the end of therapy! This is not because they are exceptionally brave people, but they have gradually learned to take control over their exaggerated emotions, by realizing these emotions were not based on a real danger.

In extreme cases, people can be much harder to treat. Specifically when the reason for the fear is vague and hardly known, like imagining that you are being followed (paranoia), it is not always straight-forward or simple to make people realize that these fears are unfounded and the rational mind should take control.

Many types of fear/phobia are identified, I found some in a web blog recently:

Common fears:
Acrophobia: Fear of heights
Arachnophobia: fear of spiders
Agoraphobia: fear of open spaces
Belonephobia: fear of needles
Brontophobia: fear of thunder and lightning
Claustrophobia: fear of confined spaces
Hamartophobia: fear of sinning
Suriphobia: fear of mice and/or rats
Necrophobia: fear of death
Pentheraphobia: fear of the mother-in-law
Thalassophobia: fear of the sea
Xenophobia: fear of strangers or foreigners

Also some fears may be more common than generally thought:
Athazagoraphobia – fear of being forgotten, ignored or forgetting
Atychiphobia, Kakorrhaphiophobia – fear of failure
Metathesiophobia – fear of changes


Naptime in WastelandYes, I was quite scared of heights when I was young. I knew it was unrealistic: “the building will not suddenly collapse when I come near the edge of the balcony, but I just don’t want to go there: every step closer to the edge scares me more”. It proved absolutely awful in something like a church tower: already the feeling on these endless spiral staircases gave a feeling of, “if I would fall now, I couldn’t stop falling”. At a certain moment, all realism completely disappeared, when I even got scared of towers when I was standing in the street, just looking up at them!

To someone who does not have this fear of heights this probably sounds absurd: and that is correct – it is an absurd way of thinking! And that is exactly the problem. The fear became bigger and bigger, until there was fear even without the possibility of falling.

The end of my exaggerated fear of heights I owe to my big brother; during a holiday he told me in no uncertain terms that I was behaving like a silly little baby if I would not dare to go on small tower on top of a pier in the sea. The pier was made of wood, and perhaps some 6 meters above the sea. He said, “now look, you dare to walk here, but already you are 6 meters above the sea – why don’t you have problems here?” He was right – somehow I considered the pier as ‘ground’, so there was no fear of heights. Then he said, “look, the tower is only twice as high as the pier, if you manage to get on top there, you are a real man, and not a silly baby” – hard to argue against if you are about 10 years old…. So I walked up the stairs to the top with a heavy heart. Every few steps he said, “look down at the waves, see, you are hardly higher now”. At the top, he told me to look over the railing, saying, “even if you fall off, you’ll only fall in the water, and you can swim, so there is no problem even then”. For me it worked, and from then on, I forced myself to ignore the strange feelings in my stomach while standing in a high place. All I have left now, is a healthy feeling of apprehension if I stand near a dangerous precipice or so, which is good: I should be careful in such a situation if I don’t want to get killed.

Much later, I realised that most therapies against phobia work in a similar way, if you are scared of spiders, you are shown some photos and are asked to draw images of spiders, next you can gradually approach a spider in a terrarium, watch videos about spiders, and, lo and behold, after some time, most people manage to survive a big, hairy spider in their hand.

How does this work? Simply by rational thinking, calm and habituation – all important aspects of a complete meditation practice.

An excerpt of a forum message from Susie, which I discovered on Children’s Past Lives:

“Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. And, the only way to get through fear is to face it head on.

I also used to have a tremendous fear of both water and needles. I was 30 when I took swimming lessons, and learning to have the control in the water helped me to get rid of my fear of drowing (thus, my real fear was not of water but of drowning). I got rid of my fear of needles by simply breathing deeply when a medical or dental situation arose where needles were needed. I started off telling medical personnel I was afraid of needles, then they would be very gentle. Now, a needle is a needle is a needle…”

And from Kelly in the same discussion:

“Most fears and phobias can all be bought back to the same thing – a fear of not having control of a situation or aspect of self…the phobia then becomes a product of that fear, as we concentrate and focus all our energy on that one thing (or on many things in some cases).”


Tí orí kan bá sunwọ̀n á ran’gba. /
If one head is blessed, it will positively impact two hundred others…..Yoruba Proverb! 

[Success is contagious]



All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…..Obara Meji!

There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned…..Obara Meji

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10 years ago

Morning beautiful people! I will be back later. Everyone enjoy your day!

10 years ago

Happy Monday Obara sweetie! Happy Monday all sweeties and peepers… Love & Light

10 years ago

Morning all. I am just reading through and I love how is fear is described. Fear is something to come. As Obara has famously coined the phrase, what can be seen be changed.

10 years ago

lolol, then how come you answered? lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Have a bless morning…Obara and All.

10 years ago

Lalibela, don’t think a don’t notice the picture of your babies! They are two sweeties.

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Cami oooooo!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I’m back,,you still up O?

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Nopes, lol

10 years ago

Good night Yazzy and NuNu!

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Hey Cami

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

You up? lol

10 years ago

Goodnight to anyone passing through!

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Night Nunu Boo!!!

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)

Blessed one, gwaan relax and take it easy in the morning and ting:


10 years ago

I’m gonna go reason with my ancestors ya now … and get ready for work. Blessed morning to you Obara and all my other sweeties here and most importantly to all peepers. LOVE & LIGHT! Bubblez anywey yuh de. .. large up (mi mind deh pan yuh!) Ps, what’s cooking today mi peepz?? Unuh send me some food nah?? I know most of our have already made a big declaration of “mi nuh nyam from ppl” independence een ya but I neva bawl dat out. I nyam from ppl I chuss suh mi wi tek a plate a oxtail from… Read more »

10 years ago

I do not believe thay while living on this plane anyone/anything can live… let’s take it a step further and say, can survive without fear. Fear is still needed to sharpen our perceptions. It was thru some level of fear that we successfully evolved and will need fear to elevate us to where our journeys lead us. I loved the articles take that fear and hope are one entity with two faces. It, however, can never be the strongest emotion.

10 years ago

“Most so-called good people don’t do good for goodness sake, they do it our of fear. Fear of karma, fear retribution” ~ NILE

Nile yuh hit the nail pan di ‘ead star! Kool nah!

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)
Reply to  Yazzy


10 years ago

I always associated fear with a bad energy … but since energy can never really be good or bad… fear is neither good or is fear bad. But is fear a manevolent or a benevolent energy?? as the article states.. it’s when the mind begins to obsess on the act and it begins to make ripples in our minds and our lives is when there is an imbalance and a cry for help. I like that the post walked me thru the process of fear and it’s levels. It was spot on! I don’t recall a fear of death but… Read more »

10 years ago

Mawnin sweeties. Mi guh try a quickie “nap” before the discussion and knock right out like a log. Bwouy we can do up Delores in ya eeee man?? Lololololll! It have me weak. Obara, when I watched the vid I could not believe what I was hearing… we joked about our weird lil fetishes of eating these earth compounds but seeit ya… dem trick wi into thinking we have an “eating disorder” (PICA) when this was just innate wisdom from we ancestors! It’s never harmed me before. In fact at was at my peak while ingesting these compounds. Thanks for… Read more »

10 years ago

Good Morning, to All. Be Bless always. ASE

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)
Reply to  Cami

Good morning Cami!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

lol, i love the smell of that powder. Their Vaseline use to smell great.

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Good morning Lalibela

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)
Reply to  Obara Meji

Good morning–afternoon–Obara, I did not see your regards until now!

10 years ago

I have a fear of heights, yet I have a love for the window seat on an airplane. If I’m watching a movie and height is involve my palms will get moist and top portion of my stomach gets weak.

I’ve had those falling dreams and if I’m in a car that is on a steep incline, going down I tense up.

Rats: I have a terrible fear of them. Other than those things I haven’t much to fear.

10 years ago

Night everyone! I am going to read now

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Hey Toy! welcome on board.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

lolol…de only fear delores seems to have is if dem run out a hair spray and hair net! lolol

I can relate to the projection of fear and the fact that it can hold you hostage or have you paralyze.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Obara! I see why you can’t see lalibela posting good! lol Testing a iphone 6?! DWLN!

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Ah de choot Cami!

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

lolol, new toy for all you apple lovers.

10 years ago

Delores look like the milk and cookies type lady..

10 years ago

lol, no quotes.

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)

Obara which reference are you talking about?

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)

Blessed love Cami & NuNu…

10 years ago

I said good night on last nights threat…and here again- Good Night ALL. I am reading but since I’ve come across this statement I’ll begin (prematurely) by saying that this statement “As is often said, fear lies at the basis of all religions” I have an issue with.

I am not religious, yet I have fears that are far remove from religion. My fear are base on nature and society.

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Hey Nunu

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hey Cami’ were those Lalibela ?word or was he quoting from some where

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Which quote O? you trying to get 2 day breaks,lol

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

It look like mi have to guh stawt tek off Saturday and Sundays

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

No enuh I love being here with you guys every day!

I meant his comments, I am unsure whether they are his words or a quote!

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)

Please do!

Obara Meji
10 years ago

Hey Cami!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hey O and Lalibela and NuNu.

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)

Obara, that clay video is really on point; I had to download it–it possesses so much useful information. #OrganicDetox

Much appreciated!

Obara Meji
10 years ago

For years I have craved these thingsl, clay/ dirt powder and all but the doctor said it was Pica, did you hear what he said in regards to Pica?
We must learn to listen to our heads and trust

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)
Reply to  Obara Meji

It is the very fear that compels us to mostly listen to doctors as we conclude that they know what they are doing. If not for our input, most doctors would be clueless; apparently, we have to stand our ground at times!

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

This is a topic which I had written on already and I feeler write on it again

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I will

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)

Can mankind–in the flesh–truly be devoid of all fear? The notion of fear, is often times misconstrued with being reservation and cautious. Given the evils of of the world, an intrepid man still has to be cautious and it is this very trepidation that might be misconstrued as fear. When it is all said and done, fear can only be mitigated by knowledge. We often fear that which we don’t know. I buy in to the notion of karma and constitute karma to be that of unnecessary burden. It all make sense, I am seemingly attracted to the same type… Read more »

Obara Meji
10 years ago

Agreed, Fear itself is a test, often times fear becomes present when things we do not want to face or understand confronts us and we box it away not wanting to deal!

Fear have many different facets, and is compounded by many things within the emotional make up!

Delores says it is the strongest emotion, I disagree! It toes the line with several emotions which same fear can catapult one to and the same for the other

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)
Reply to  Obara Meji

Said fear is used to keep the masses of the people in check. The promises of Utopia or heaven itself does nothing to reign in the masses; it is the fear of hell that seems to do the trick. Most so-called good people don’t do good for goodness sake, they do it our of fear. Fear of karma, fear retribution, fear of losing one’s possessions and the ultimate fear of death…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara and Lalibela, there really isn’t anything to object to, or add to your point of views…you are both spot on.

Yes, O- Delores is wrong regarding fear being the strongest of emotions.

10 years ago

Can it also remove iron from the body?I didn’t watch the vid but I read the comments below it

10 years ago

Afternoon! off to read

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