Good morning on and all. This week has been an interesting week with all the topics which were posted and discussed. I know some were hard to deal with but I must say that you all did well, and I thank you, I am blessed to have all of you here, such a bright set of minds. The book club topic was very hard for me to be as interactive with as usual, I have always found the subject of suicide depressing, and even though I understand it from a strong spiritual perspective, human emotions makes me very sad when I hear of any form of tragedy, The thing is I as a meta-physician know of the spiritual consequences behind certain human actions, therefore it bothers me when faced with topics such as theses, as I am unable to explain to the depths of where I would go to, all that I know to minds which may not be as developed as my own spiritually, some may find my explanations hard to fathom, and that is quite understandable.
Last night during the Book Club discussion the subject of DNR was brought up, Do Not Resuscitate. I thought that it was quite an interesting addition to the topic. Someone asked if this act was suicide or aiding the act. I have found this article of something recent on it.
From Wikipedia;
In medicine, a “do not resuscitate” or “DNR“, sometimes called a “No Code“, is a legal order written either in the hospital or on a legal form to respect the wishes of a patient not to undergo CPR or advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) if their heart were to stop or they were to stop breathing. The term “code” is commonly used by medical professionals as jargon for “calling in a Code Blue” to alert a hospital’s resuscitation team. The DNR request is usually made by the patient or health care power of attorney and allows the medical teams taking care of them to respect their wishes. In the health care community “allow natural death” or “AND” is a term that is quickly gaining favor as it focuses on what is being done, not what is being avoided. Some criticize the term “do not resuscitate” because it sounds as if something important is being withheld, while research shows that only about 5% of patients who require CPR outside the hospital and only 15% of patients who require CPR while in the hospital survive.[1][2] Patients who are elderly, are living in nursing homes, have multiple medical problems, or who have advanced cancer are much less likely to survive.[3]
A DNR does not affect any treatment other than that which would require intubation or CPR. Patients who are DNR can continue to get chemotherapy, antibiotics, dialysis, or any other appropriate treatments.

The state supreme court has dismissed a mother’s appeal of a court-approved do-not-resuscitate decision for her brain-damaged baby, saying the matter is moot now that the state has agreed to abide by the mother’s wishes.
The child welfare agency that won a judge’s approval to make medical decisions on behalf of the infant announced last week that it would defer to the wishes of the teenage mother.
On Friday, a supreme court spokesman said the mother’s appeal was “dismissed as moot.”
The mother’s attorney, Scott Hess, said he’d hoped the Maine Supreme Judicial Court would weigh in on whether the state violated the mother’s constitutional rights by seeking and winning a state judge’s approval to make life-or-death medical decisions for a child who is in temporary state custody.
“It is disappointing that the mother will not have the opportunity to have the case decided on the legal merits, but we of course respect the decision by the law court,” he said Friday.
The baby suffered severe brain injuries in December when she was shaken by her father, who is awaiting trial, state officials said. The baby cannot see or hear, must be fed through a tube and suffers severe ongoing health problems.
The 18-year-old mother, Virginia Trask, originally agreed to a DNR order but changed her mind after the baby began breathing after being removed from life support and placed in her arms.
The state judge who gave child welfare officials the authority to make medical decisions found that “neither parent can be counted on to be physically or emotionally available to make the necessary informed decision when needed.”
Gov. Paul LePage and the Maine Department of Health and Human Services intervened when the matter became public. For now, the injured baby remains in foster care, and Trask retains visitation rights.
Let us go into deep discussion today, Thank you all!
Today we will continue from the weeks post of Abuse, Forgiveness and Suicide.
Comments and questions from last night;
From the Moderator Yw;
Hello Obara Meji, the ES fambo, all peepers (of ES only, of course), and everyone else!! This, in my opinion, is too big a topic to do in one go. So, I suggest that we deal with the issue of suicide in parts. If the class agrees, where do we start? If it is ok with all, we could start at #5. and just touch on the other points….
1. Cultural POV (point of View)
2. Emotional POV/coping mechanisms
3. Psycological (mental health issues)
4. Other Health (Terminal illness or comas)
5. Spiritual
Cool. I wonder about the spiritual side of this topic because there are times when a person’s death comes about from their loss of will to keep going. If a person gives up the will to fight but does not physically take their life, is that suicide?
From Lalibela NIle;
With a Judeo-Christian upbringing, I was taught that individuals don’t get absolved for committing suicide. Naturally, if you are no longer alive an individual cannot show contrition and repent/atone for said sin. Then you find that in other cultures, the act of suicide is regarded as an act of valor and honor. Muslims don’t regard suicide—under the auspice of jihad—as a cowardice act. Shame derived from great disappointment/dishonor of others often times compel Japanese to commit suicide. Here in the West, suicide is highly shunned as it is associated with a life rife with issues—a troubled person. With the different cultural interpretation of suicide’s meaning/validation, we are left in a quandary.
Social/societal conditioning—nurture—plays a key role in how I perceive suicide; accordingly, I don’t equate the suicide of a Muslim, a Japanese or the typical Westerner as one in the same. The Muslim is of the [opinion] that jihad based suicide is an act that serves the greater good and a duty, the Japanese conclude that the act of suicide preserves honor and respect for one’s family and I opine that most Westerners commit suicide because they see no other option in life.
I dwell in the West an accordingly, I am more inclined to understand the ways of the West—whether I subscribe to them or not. Stress and depression are leading reasons for suicide here in the West. Robin William—who had a history of drug abuse—was diagnosed with parkinson disease and subsequently committed suicide. When I heard of his passing, I did not grieve; knowing that he committed suicide, I just concluded that the troubled man found the easy way out. Then I compared his worst prognosis with the best prognosis of the indigent peoples of the world. Suffering is the norm for the indigent peoples of the world and from a proportional perspective, most don’t commit suicide—even when they face sudden death. I might have to soon question this logic as I most recently discovered that Guyana has replaced Scandinavia as the region/nation with the highest suicide [rate]:
“Guyana has the highest suicide rate in the world
According to data gathered by the World Health Organization, Guyana has the highest suicide rate in the world, with 44 suicides per 100,000 people. That puts them slightly ahead of even North Korea, which has 38.5 suicides per 100,000 people. Among large countries, South Korea, with 28.5 suicides per 100,000 people, and Russia, with 18.5 suicides per 100,000 people, have particularly bad records. The suicide rate in the US is 12.1 per 100,000 people.”
Phyllis as beautiful and talented and fortunate as she was should have been helped before she got to that point where she thought that she was helpless…
From Ty;
The will to live is a flame that must be kept kindled….
All suicides are not equal… I like the analogy of the samarai…their suicide was more of a sacrifice….
There are solders, fire fighters and police officers who put their lives on the line knowing that they will die…some may call this suicide because the know they will die and still forge on,..
I am just getting into the spirituality aspects of life so I am no expert here…but often times, if you give up the will to live, you die….I am not sure of the impact on the spirit…I would think it depends on if you completed the lessons you were to learn in the cycle or not…
In Asain cultures, suicides are acceptable and considered honorable…for example a CEO runs a company into the ground and people lose money, lives, etc due his decisions…he will commit suicide to absolve himself from his actions…
In our western thoughts, this is wrong…
In the eastern thought, he is forgiven…
From Obara Meji;
Robin Williams committed suicide after battling depression, drugs and alcohol for years, then he found out he had Parkinsons and he killed himself, we do not know the true reason why, but I suspect, that he could not deal with what he would go through with this disease in time to come
I believe that many people who commit suicide, had committed this act before in their previous lives, I believe that when they get to a point in their life akin to another life they had lived before, they are challenged, whether of the mind through depression or something in their life that they have to deal with and they go out like that again
Many people who are born with some sort of deformity, are suicide victims from another life or lives, and so they come back in deformed hoping to get pass this present life and unto the next..This is my belief, I hope it was not too deep for y’all!
From Obara Meji;
Robin Williams committed suicide after battling depression, drugs and alcohol for years, then he found out he had Parkinsons and he killed himself, we do not know the true reason why, but I suspect, that he could not deal with what he would go through with this disease in time to come
I believe that many people who commit suicide, had committed this act before in their previous lives, I believe that when they get to a point in their life akin to another life they had lived before, they are challenged, whether of the mind through depression or something in their life that they have to deal with and they go out like that again
Many people who are born with some sort of deformity, are suicide victims from another life or lives, and so they come back in deformed hoping to get pass this present life and unto the next..This is my belief, I hope it was not too deep for y’all!
From Cami;
Emile Durkhiem :” Durkheim explored the differing suicide rates among Protestants and Catholics, arguing that stronger social control among Catholics results in lower suicide rates. He also found that suicide rates were higher among men than women, higher for those who are single than those who are married, higher for people without children than people with children, higher among soldiers than civilians, and higher at times of peace than in times of war.”
“Durkheim was the first to argue that the causes of suicide were to be found in social factors and not individual personalities.”
He went on to list 3 types: Anomic, Egotistic and Alturistic
Mek me start confess…My first suicidal declaration was because I was financially stress and felt hopeless, then have a temp boss bothering the little bit of peace I had stored up. I walked of the job and saw a bill board advertising the suicidal hotline. I drove home a bit erratic, but calmed down because it would be unfair to cause an accident when it wasn’t the other drivers I was having an issue with- the issue was with myself.
I called the hotline when I went home and bless the girl on the other line. She asked me what were my life options! There I sat, light me spliff and started to take stock of my untested options…less than 2 weeks later I got the job of a life time.,,although the company sold out some years later, lolol
This was a matter of me and society and its expectations not panning out too well. Hence, E.Durkheim egotistical suicide I felt “detached from society”. Again, me weed did me well.
From Nyaha;
Good evening good people. I am not sure about suicide from what I understand about death there are several “types” your spirit leaves (it was time for you to die), your body can’t take it (sometimes the spirit refuses to leave earth or your spirit can also leave cause it was also time for you to die) and emotional death (where your will to die is very strong. This can then lead to a physical death by suicide or even a disease that kills you). I am not an expert on this though, I am learning all this now
From Yazzy;
Good night sweeties. Sorry I’m late. Had to relax and regroup for a sec…
1. I use to be think suicide was a sign of weakness but who are we to say that person was weak? I’ve seen some of the most courageously accomplished people commit suicide as well as your average Joe so for me it’s just a sign of distress and loneliness but not weakness.
2. Thank the heavens I’ve never actually had to deal with it and I have never mentally prepared for it but knowing me… it would bring me to my knees. I’d be filled with guilt. It would hurt that they couldn’t open up to me… mi not even wah stawt tink bout dat ya now.
3. The reasoning must be important to the ones whom have done it. It must have been valid in their minds.
4. I’ve been thru some awful lows that I care not to revisit where I’ve had thoughts of soliciting others to help end my suffering… but thoughts are just thoughts sometimes.
In Healthcare, there’s assisted suicides alll the time… I’m 50/50 on this! Yup I said it!
With that said, if I put deep thoughts into it, I would be of assistance to someone that wants to commit suicide. I’ll explain one day…
From MTH;
YW thanks for holding down the spot for me. Niles thank you as well. Obara, Cami, Courtney, Yazzy, Ty, Nyaha1 and all the peepers, respect.
In my mind how Whitney and Michael Jackson treated themselves is akin to suicide.
From Kia;
Evening all i do not agree with suicide. While life gets heavy at times for me, i want to keep living. For others it may not be that easy so they give up. When we see people like phyllis, robin, kurt corbin who we think have everything we wonder why. Yu just cant kno a persons heart or mind. Now i understand spiritually that suicide deaths have to come again to live their life over, it makes perfect sense. I dont want to watch someone suffer a terminal illness but im no kervokan. Im not helping them die so i hope they have another plan besides me.
Ẹni táa fún lóbì tí ò ṣọpẹ́, táa bá fun lọ́mọ kò ní ṣàna. /
A person who’s not grateful when given kolanut won’t pay his dues if given a bride…..Yoruba Proverb!
[Whoever is ungrateful for minor favours won’t be grateful for major ones.]
All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…..Obara Meji!
There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned…..Obara Meji
Found this on facebook. Thought it was applicable to this discussion
I am off to bed… Will link you all tomorrow…best dreams ever to you all…
Same to you Ty. Enjoy your weekend.
Cami everyone has left us! Obara busy tun up!
Cami yuh well plan out di night. Kool nuh. Mi affi wuk a mawnin. Mi wuk everyday…. but I will not complain.
Mi gonna just sleep since I start working at 6. Enjoy the African movie. I’m OBSESSED with African movies! Watch di Julia Childs movie for both of us.
Gwaan gu pamper yuhself to this weekend. Unuh all deserve it! Be safe Cami Cam.
Night Nunu Boo. Hope yuh dun pack and clean… Night Niles! Night all my sweeties. Night mi hottaz Obara! We love you… and appreciate you as a friend.
Smoochez everyone!
Sleep well our Darling Ty Ty!!! Pl don’t forget to go get pampered this weekend sweetie! Plz! Promise mi!
I will Yazzy…
Night Cami and Yazzy…
Yazzy, go put the channel on oxygen and watch the Julia Child inspired movie…a girlie Friday movie, after that if i’m not sleepy I’m log into youtube to watch an African movie. Self entertainment oo.
Go relax since a de two a we. You go pamper up tomorrow to. Sleep well.
Obara, big ups and to all other bloggers and peepers Good night.
Night night Ty, Yw and the kids!
He also told the court that he’ll see everyone in hell…he need to log on over here so Obara can tell him where him going, lolol
The next time he’ll be in the news is because one of those balls get cut out him face.
Yes Yazzy, him is a magnet to him own destruction. Ty, I’ve been trying to pronounce that name from when, dwln.
I would love to slap him on those forehead bumps with a dutch pot just to hear the sound or to see his face in pain, lololll The people who perform these alterations fi go a prison!
Oh wat a name? All me know him bat shit crazy and now him salt and get sheg…
Yazzy, you spot on with the Kartel thing. See i mentioned people dabbling at holloween time, and interfering with things they have no real knowledge of, just to obtain self serving power.
Cami you’re spot on chica. Pure darkness is unleashed around the Halloween celebration time.
Speaking on abuse, this is also the perfect times for the effn perverted pieces of shit to really hide behind their masks and unleash on little kids. They kidnap the kids most during this time. Lock dem dung inna dem dungeon dem inna dem house battam… dis is around the time pedophiles come out in full force on the prowl …
If you have little ones and participate in the day with them take them to the mall. Other than that…I’m not into the day. One day I’ll tell of a scary day that I had because of the mask thing.
What name him have?
This is more than low self esteem…he is a wanna be, who wish for some altered sense of power…he feels that those forehead implants would make him scary and exempt…see him claat going to prison after 4 days of deliberation… A bet him will scream like bitch when dem ketch him in prison…no more ruff demon voice…
I agree Ty, this is no self esteem issue… this is mental nut case…
lolol, bubba going to have the voice, lol from behind and above.
I’m glad you say this isn’t about self esteem because of his alteration and homicidal trait. I hate when people associate peoples “abnormal” to self esteem issues.
Nu kill mi Cami, bout Bubba voice! LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Ty started it with the “ruff demon voice”. I notice markings in his face looking like a blueprint…I wonder if his relatives even let him in the drive way? If I was related to him he couldn’t know me yard or nothing about me.
Same suh, these negative people should not be in your space…
The karma here seems very similar to the Kartel situation…. they invoke these energies that they are ignorant to and have no control over … and the darkness lingers and they become consumed by it. The same energy the worship and try to showcase is the same energy that brings their demise and destruction
I agree Yazzy…
That is why we walk in the light here…
Yes Ty. I pray we remain walking in the light.
We will…ASE…
We prAy, meditate, fast, give, and love…
Another article:
I think last night we were suppose to include self esteem in the conversation BUT the main character in this article throws the concept of self esteem into a tailspin.
Mi mummy claat…him crazy…
Thank God him white…tired fi only black men in the news…
When dem done wid him backside in prison, him will see that that is his hell…
Yuh know seh a di evil energy weh him invoke deh pan him! Yuh see di evil inna di bwouy tuff face.
He and his 16 y/o then girlfriend cut smaddy inna dem back and locked the blood off the knife…. two mawd rass… not even aids cuda hol’ dem back from dem wicked spree….
In prison he will wish is only blood him licking off a knife blade…
Ty! it look like a you teach Yw (lol) you vicious man! Loving it! lol
So Ty, most of FL would be rendered desolate then…
Yep…road empty, breakfast diners empty, nursing homes lock down…
Bank pack…mall pack…
My rahhhh,,,Ty, what you saying? lol Capitalism would go 50/50? lol
Lol…yes Cam cam…
Wow that’s crazy, so Belgium is the place to be if you want to be euthanized. The ppl dem kids seh they are all for it because none a them have the time to look out for the remaining parent.
If this ever take off in the USA, Florida empty…
All those parents left in the nursing homes would opt for it
The Jews in Florida would say that any such law would be tantamount to holocaust era law to coherst them to kill themselves–I kid!!!
Nile, de Jews dem pickney whey put dem inna di nursing homes here would euthanize them before the ink dry if the law pass for euthanasia…dem would be ready to collect a check…di nursing homes pack up down here…
Ty, you can dune (yes it spell right according to the Jamaican Dj woman on the ” quint de P***y” rant, lol) the Florida seniors when you ready, lol
Lol…been here a LONG time…
Nile, you kid, but is true. Ty, right, The ink would still be coming out the pen point when those greedy offsprings and their greedy spouses (wives usually) see that law come to life.
Lmao Ty! Mi laff but it c-russ!
Near end a month so Obara well busy. O you a work before holloween come? Had a Padrino who nu work dem time de because him say people like to throw all kind of things out in the world at that time by going to the cemeteries.
Lol wha yuh seh Cami, holloween time tun up
lol Tun up wid people that like to play with fire.
OMG, this is so wrong… The children are the worst. “Identified only by their first names, Francis, 89, and Anne, 86, they have the support of their three adult children who say they would be unable to care for either parent if they became widowed.”
lolol….you welcome, dwl I posted this with YOU Lalibela in mind.
Thank you dearest Cami!!!
There’s mention of one that was broadcast on television, Man was 59 and in a Swiss clinic.
Sad thing is that I am sure millions tuned in to watch too
Mek dem tan de Obara say they’ll come right back with other issues.
Very sad case…not sure if living on morphine daily…living half deaf and blind us living…Plus your kids do not want to care for you…you fraid fi live in nursing home…I try not to judge…
Wow… I feel bad for the poor couple. It easy fi wi judge them but most elderly or sick ppl are terrified of who and what they leave behind… mi nah judge the couple but mi smell crosses pan di wicked ole evil ungrateful pickney dem. Dem paint di picha like dem parents a burden to dem. And the surviving parent is gonna be a burden. OH GAWD! They didn’t even have the decency to LIE to us and be pretentious and try to convince us that they have tried everything in their powers to get their parents to change… Read more »
Yazzy! yu slip whey last night, lol It’s weekend…so we spirits have fi TUN UP.
Me a watch TV movie so i’m in and out.
I’m packing and cleaning so mi go scarcish
Nunu… a weh yuh off to?? Nobada disappear pan wi eenuh? Nunu… dis sound like some secret romantic getaway eenuh???? Yuh know mi fass! Nunu!!! 😀 Ayeeeeeeeeee
Pack? going on a trip…can i come, lol
Yazzy, relaxation is entertaining if you keep the remote near by and you computer charge plus a book. lolol This is my set up. On top of my water or red wine. Me Babes is International so I kip me likkle self to me self…
Cami I love yuh set up. Very simple and direct!
Cami yuh llove yuh babes so much. I can you two make a very cute couple. Di long distance ting is so hard but SO WORTH IT! kip yuh self to yuh self chica… when a ur time fi negotiate wi CYAH talk to yuh… yuh BUSS!! (no pun intended Cami!!! 😀 )
Cami Cam!!! Yuh love yuh movie nights eeeee???? 😀 a wah yuh deh watch??? I’m happy we made it to the weekend! We need a spirit booster baby girl. Mi nah drink… mi nah pawty… mi nah &#/$ (TMI!!!) Lmfao. .. suh mi need TREVOR!!!! Sasscrise! Obara plz help!! Mi a crave likkle HEXCITEMENT!!
Yazzy, Di only romance mi deh si a Trev Trev eena mi min’ lol
Julia Childs movie (oxygen) and ID channel
Nunu wi wah come deb since is not nutin romantic we wah fass! No bit seriously Nunu, you and I both. What would I do without Trevor?? His memories keeps me warm at nights. When him tease mi like dis mi satisfy until him unleash again.
Goodnight Obara **know bout** Meji-Chinn!!!!!
Night all mi other sweeties!!!
Mi seh mi come buck up pan mi man dem name and yuh see like how mi “blue” I SO need HENNY ONE A DEM or even BOTH!! Yes, mi wi manij!!! 😀
Night Yazzy!
Night Nunu Boooooo!!!!!!! Mi miss yuh! A weh yuh did deh ooman???
Mi duss ah si di comment Obara
Ayeeeee (maskita bite mi)
Lol! Cami disambiguate di las’ part deh “earth bounds” nuh nah lef dsr alone, lololol
*yuh nah lef dat alone!* that’s what I meant to say. Trevor would be good fi mi spirit yah nung!
Hey Nunu boo
Hey New Name howdy!
Thank yuh Cami! After these couple a posts, a story would be nice! TREEEEEVVVVOORRRRR!!!!! !! although we haven’t heard from Penny in a hot minute and itwas about to go down!
NuNu me say mek we tek Trevor first (no pun intended, dwln) we can do penny fi de fall weathers. Then we smooth back out with the earth bounds.
Trevor or Penny then most vote wins
Cami mi ah do sacrifices, mi soon, come oooo
all who waan Trevor 6 say aye!
OBARA! Me nah lie me could a read something inna de weekend yah…please to call upon your story telling spirit. Please and tonks.
Evelin’ fam, how unoo duh?
eveling NuNu…although me a step out de gate fi a little bit.
lol @Cami
Gonna check out the price
Kool. Be very discrete about it, don’t even tell moms.
Here’s a hug for you Cams… Yuh know what yuh saying. She is the one who started a lot of this shyt, but yuh done know… madda ah madda
If she would only say sorry, then all would be forgiven. She done set eena har ways, and so it is.
Hugs in return.
Thanks guys!!!
I am trying to stay out of dem way, but is like the more I try, the more they have to say. I will send the flowers
Thanks fambo
Make them chat and whomever is bringing back every god almight thing dem chat say tell dem to stop because it’s bothering you cut tie process. If is not a warning you don’t want to hear it. They in turn (if loyal to you) should tell dem to shut the ***k up.
Hope it’s in your budget to send ALL white lilies. Let it be breath taking because dem can go chatter bout “one pretty bouquet and we don’t know who send it” so if teeth and tongue meet one day you recall it and feel BADDDD…lolol
lol me mean dem fi feel “BADDD”
Dats kool Mama. Mi juss did waa hear what you guys think
New name, as Obara said pray pray pray…with time it will be removed…ask
God to remove those people from you and try to be out off their way…
Ty,Ty, evening mums, you feel better?
see i told NN to stay out of them way as well. I felt a trace of familiar ties when she wrote family, for that I suggest the unknown bouquet so they can chat till the cows come home she’ll be smiling because she sent flowers.
Thanks for asking, feeling better…had to run out with the kiddos…
Darling Ty, you weren’t well?? Oh no! Plz get well soon babygirl. Happy weekend to you and your beautiful likkle fam!
Allergies did tek me Yazzy…doing much better now….thank you…
You got the allergies as well sweetie? It’s so annoying… mi happy it nuh mash yuh up as you know sometime it way outta control. Happy your better sweet Ty! Kiss the babies for me and plz enjoy your weekend. It’s well deserved. Yuh nuh tap have dropsy pan wi all week. Poor ting lolol! Mi well mash up to mi know bout!
I have allergies too and it is very annoying when it act up, plus it drains me…work was challenging this week so…a piece a tiredness lick me…
Ty, the allergies is no joke man. Do you take something for it?? Mi sure if yuh do yuh tek di non drowsy ones but even so the allergy itself takes a toll on the body. Ty, di wuk tup up pan yuh star. Yuh kunk out pan wi couple nights but mi a laff caz mi kunk of more dan yuh but mi deh watch yuh! You better take it easy tho chica… nuh push it… caz all di gym mi see yuh… tek off dis weekend missis! Hubby wi be your superman … gwaan guh a spa guh… Read more »
I will definitely take your advice…
Ty, is no joke eenuh. Plz relax this weekend and tek a mini mommy vacay/staycay… and retreat to a spa or salon (nails or hair or both) … dem have some place yuh can get if is even a 10 min massage fi a small change… (this was while I was living in NY… mi nuh feel out FL yet … but you know di place well)
Just go!! No excuse. If it was someone you love you would tell the the same thing to rest and recoup suh tek mi advise and guh do dat.
I will…thanks for the love…
New Name ah doing sacrifice ah soon come ansa you, if another blogger waan gwan ansa, dat good to but nare wid mi, mi ah come ooooo
Obara, Lali, tell me what you guys would do in this situation please. I have an Aunt who carry news pon mi to someone who could very well harm mi, shi ah give di person di ammunition. Her daughter, mi know from mawning, nuh like mi, an nung ah midnight. Obara, remember yesterday I commented that its like you knew what I was struggling with, when you did the topic on ‘forgiveness’? Well, it was the night before that I heard that the said daughter pass remark bout mi pickney, and to tell the truth, it bun mi so till,… Read more »
Hey, N.N., If you know for a fact that the information given to you about their dislike towards you and your child is factual and not careless gossip…stay out of them way.You not congregating at the hospital is just a part of heir campaign of having things to say. You can send flowers (a unique one) without a card.
New name…. plz nuh stress out yuh self wid ppl mout… yuh send di flowaz and dem still a guh bash yuh!! Yuh heart hood fi even a consida di flowaz! Not I… New name, inhale, exhale and release di dutty energy and di ppl dem. Stawt bun dung some a di branches weh mek up di fan tree! Fam is who de de fi yuh and show yuh love and keep it real. Only advice mi gree pan weh Cami gave yuh is fi tell di smaddy weh a bring di met come go yuh fi kibba dem mout… Read more »
Di part Weh kill me Yazzy is dat dem a talk bout her child…I hate when people put dem duty mouth pon pickney…
Ty, a suh ppl weh wanna hurt yuh play foul! That’s hitting below the belt maine!!! Datz why mi shock she a guh check price fi sen flowaz… send dem soap and wash rag fi clean dem heart… kmft….
I think the white flowers are a symbol to show that new name is NOT her…she is above her…new name has no ill will and on hearing of her ICU admission is still sending peace, love, and healing…
The universe will take care of the brute that goes after a child…
Time hawd!!! New name save yuh money. Yuh nuh affi prove to har seh yuh is not her… you already know you is not dem.
Send a praya and some holy wata! Haleluyerrrrrrr!!! Ok..mek mi stop mi figet seh dis is the FORGIVENESS post ?? Is it?? Lololololll
Sarry New Name.. mi nah joke out yuh ting a tek mi head a tek mi likkle. .. mi sarry.
New Name pray on it, and let it flow, but do not allow them to consume your life
Obara, this forgiveness thing for me is deep. I am struggling to try to forgive some people, and its like the more I try to stay outta dem way, is di more dem mek me an issue
ah the burden of forgiveness. Stop trying and go do you…the energy spent on ‘trying to forgive” and yet they sully the path…why bother?
I’ve made my self clear on how I feel about forgiveness. If me offend any one my apologies for just not changing. Therefore, I’ll keep it minimum regarding the topic. Just felt like answering NN. lol
Mi deh yere, juss come back from road
lively up oonuh self wid dah yute yah!
The useful Obara!
mi deh yah New Name but de people dem run gone today oooo
good afternoon good people. Anyone here?
Good afternoon everyone
Selam New Name!!!
Good afternoon all peepers and bloggers. NuNu and Toy! big up.
Lalibela you lock it dung well last night…Ty (smiling) AFTERNOON SUNSHINE, hope your feel better.
I’ll come in frequently to what I can add to the conversations.
Cami me? No ma’am!
Love and light everyone. Teach, I am going to pop out for a little bit. Take care untilIget back.
Hey Ty, Lalibela and Toy, I’m in the process of catching up!
Good morning everyone! I do apologize for missing class yesterday. I am going to read and catch up.
Morning everyone…I am a bit under the weather from allergies and fell asleep last night…I am doing my usual peeping at work but will catch up later…
Obara, this week has been awesome, the whole family touched on some amazing and deep thoughts…
I wish you all a wonderful friday and weekend…
TY, get well soon!!!
NuNu, you were here in spirit!
Good morning fam! I’m sorry I missed last nights class. These last few posts haven’t been easy to digest, plus I’ve been busy running around like a headless chicken