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Good day to you all, yesterday I had a conversation with a peeper to our blog who is also a friend. He told me that he was going through the blog and saw where Rudolf Steiner’s post was put up and seemed as if it was rejected by most of my active bloggers (mi shame ei si). He continued to say that I had brought all of you to Africa (your minds), and then here I was with a huge white face (Rudolf Steiner’s picture), representing spirituality/metaphysics and spiritual knowledge.

My friend who is not shy of speaking his mind (which is why I like him), told me, that seeing the face of Steiner, big and bold on that post was the real turn off for him. Even if he would have read the post he said, knowing who Steiner was, he would do so if the picture of him was not there, daring and glaring.

I changed the picture while we spoke, not only because of his suggestion, he does indeed have a point, but I figured that if the picture prevented you all from reading, and gathering all that the very brilliant Steiner had to teach, then it was nothing for me to change it, a small sacrifice for knowledge.

I told my friend that in the song the Sounds of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel, there is a line that says “Prophets writes on subway walls and on tenement halls”, which I interpret as meaning that you can gather wisdom from anywhere and from anyone, although I do know that White people generally get their doctrines out to the mass which they have strategically controlled all the media outlets and any form of publishing and then some.  However this white and black argument has no bearing within the realms of spirituality and its true meaning and teachings, after all, all ah we shadow black, every striking smaddy. If you are spiritually educated, spiritually attuned and connected then you know that color, race nor creed matters not in the spiritual reality. The stupidity of race and color hatred is fueled/urged on by Christianity and other religions.  White Jesus, black worshippers, foolishness, stupidity, abomination, a race of oppressed people worshipping the image of the oppressor, seeing the pale image who had them in bondage as God!! We should understand that this is a plot of deceptive men, a race of people who wants to continue to hold hostage (mentally) another race of people, and it worked, in the name of Jesus, it worked.

Racism belongs only to this world where we live, and only with Human Beings, developed by the evil mind of race, and it can only be used here on this earth plane. We spend so much time hating each other because of our race and skin color and we are all the same when we leave the earth, (I do agree that my race of people have suffered much at the hands of the white man and they are still suffering to this day, but I am sorry to say that all these argument does not have merit in the realm of space and time) Just a floating burst of consciousness akin to a bubble floating within time and space. Wasted energy it is as we continue the hate. Now as an African, I do defend my race if challenged, and I am very proud to be who I am and I will say it loud,  I’M BLACK AND I AM PROUD!

As a Metaphysician/Spiritualist/Traditionalist an educated person in the knowledge of all things spiritual, I see no color and I can take in the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, L. W. De Laurence, Alice Bailey, Eliphas LEvi and all others, as there is much wisdom to them, regardless of who they were.

Below is a speech from the Dali Lama on Religious Harmony, I pray that you will read it, as he dropped a lot of jewels here!

A Biased Mind Cannot Grasp Reality

I am extremely delighted to attend this inter faith seminar on the Preservation of Religious Harmony, Co­existence and Universal Peace organised by the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF), Ladakh group. Thank you very much for the detailed explanation of the association’s history, activities, objectives and their relevance in the present century. I have nothing to add on what the speakers said earlier. But I would like to say a few things.

We are now in the twenty ­first century. The quality of research on both the inner and physical world has reached quite high levels, thanks to the tremendous stride in technological advancement and human intelligence. However, as some of the speakers said before, the world is also facing a lot of new problems, most of which are man­-made. The root cause of these man­-made problems is the inability of human beings to control their agitated minds. How to control such a state of mind is taught by the various religions of this world.

I am a religious practitioner, who follows Buddhism. More than a thousand years have passed since the great religions of the world flourished, including Buddhism. During those years, the world had witnessed a lot of conflicts, in which followers of different religions were also involved. As a religious practitioner, I acknowledge the fact that different religions of the world have provided many solutions about how to control an agitated mind. In spite of this, I still feel we have not been able to realise our full potential.

I always say that every person on this earth has the freedom to practice or not practice religion. It is all right to do either. But once you accept religion, it is extremely important to be able to focus your mind on it and sincerely practice the teachings in your daily life. All of us can see that we tend to indulge in religious favouritism by saying, “I belong to this or that religion”, rather than making effort to control our agitated minds. This misuse of religion, due to our disturbed minds, also sometimes creates problems.

I know a physicist from Chile who told me that it is not appropriate for a scientist to be biased towards science because of his love and passion for it. I am a Buddhist practitioner and have a lot of faith and respect in the teachings of the Buddha. However, if I mix up my love for and attachment to Buddhism, then my mind shall be biased towards it. A biased mind, which never sees the complete picture, cannot grasp the reality. And any action that results from such a state of mind will not be in tune with reality. As such it causes a lot of problems.

According to Buddhist philosophy, happiness is the result of an enlightened mind whereas suffering is caused by a distorted mind. This is very important. A distorted mind, in contrast to an enlightened mind, is one that is not in tune with reality.

Any issue, including political, economic and religious activities human beings pursue in this world, should be fully understood before we pass our judgement. Therefore, it is very important to know the causes. Whatever the issue, we should be able to see the complete picture. This will enable us to comprehend the whole story. The teachings offered in Buddhism are based on rationality, and I think are very fruitful.

Today, a lot of people from different religious backgrounds are present here. In every religion, there are transcendent things that are beyond the grasp of our mind and speech. For example, the concept of God in Christianity and Islam and that of wisdom truth body in Buddhism are metaphysical, which is not possible for an ordinary person like us to realise. This is a common difficulty faced by every religion. It is taught in every ­religion, including Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam, that the ultimate truth is driven by faith.

I want to emphasise that it is extremely important for practitioners to sincerely believe in their respective religions. Usually, I say that it is very important to distinguish between “belief in one religion” and “belief in many religions”. The former directly contradicts the latter. Therefore, we should resolutely resolve these contradictions. This is possible only by thinking in contextual terms. A contradiction in one context might not be the same in the other. In the context of one person, a single truth is closely associated with a single source of refuge. This is of extreme necessity. However, in the context of society or more than one person it is necessary to have different sources of refuge, religions and truths.

In the past it was not a major problem because nations remained aloof from each other with their own distinct religion. However, in today’s close and inter-connected world there are so many differences amongst various religions. We must obviously resolve these problems. For example, there have been a lot of religions in India for the past thousand years. Some of them were imported from outside whereas some have grown in India itself. Despite this, the fact is that these religions have been able to coexist with each other, and the principle of Ahimsa has really flourished in this country. Even today, this principle has a strong bearing on every religion. This is very precious and India should really take pride in it.

Ladakh has been a predominantly Buddhist area ‘for so many centuries. But other religions such as Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Sikhism have also flourished here. Although it is natural for the people of Ladakh to have attachment to and love for their own religions, yet this place has a very peaceful environment with no major problems of religious intolerance. During my maiden visit to Ladakh, I heard elderly Muslims using the phrase “community of sangha” in their speeches. Although such phrases are not found in Islam, yet a reference of this kind invokes a lot of trust amongst the Buddhists. Therefore, people from different religious background in Ladakh are very close to each other and live in harmony.

As far as the Muslims are concerned it is appropriate for them to have complete devotion to Allah while praying in the mosques. This is also the same with Buddhists who are completely devoted to the Buddha when they pray in Buddhist temples. A society, which has many religions should also have many prophets and sources of refuge. In such a society it is very important to have harmony and respect amongst the different religions and their practitioners. We must distinguish between belief and respect. Belief refers to total faith, which you must have in your own religion. At the same time you should have respect for all other religions. This tradition of believing in one’s own religion and having respect for others is in existence in Ladakh since your forefathers. Therefore you do not have to invent it. The most important thing at the moment is to preserve and promote this tradition. I would like to thank all of you for working hard regarding this and request you to continue to do so in the future.

If a harmonious relationship is established amongst societies and religious beliefs in today’s multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural world, then it will surely set a very good example for others. However, if all the sides become careless, then there is a danger of imminent problems. In a multi­ethnic  society  the biggest problem is that of between the majority and the minority. For instance, in the capital Leh, Buddhists constitute the majority of the population whereas Muslims belong to the minority community. The majority must consider the minority as their invited guests. The minority, on the other hand, should be able to sensitise with the majority. In other words, both sides should live in harmony. In order to sustain this harmony, both sides should not take lightly the sensitive issues between themselves. Indeed, the majority should pay attention to and appreciate the views and opinion of the minority. Both sides should discuss and clearly express what they think about the other’s view and opinion. The minority, on the other hand, should be careful about where the sensitive issues of the majority lies and express whatever doubts they have in their minds. If problems are resolved in such a friendly manner; then both sides will gain. Suspicion of each other will only harm both communities. Therefore, it is very important to live in harmony and analyse where the opinion of the other lies. The best way to do this is to engage in dialogue, dialogue and dialogue.

Excerpts from His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s address to the inter-faith seminar organised by the International Association for Religious Freedom, Ladakh Group, in Leh on 25 August.

Ẹni tó ńlé nǹkan níwájú, ńfi àwọn nǹkan míràn sẹ́hìn. /
Whoever is pursuing something ahead, is actually leaving some other things behind….Yoruba Proverb!

[There’s always a price tag…]

All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love….Obara Meji!
There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned……Obara Meji
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10 years ago

Happy Sunday to yu all! Obara i like this pic u selected, im draawn to it. Who does it represent? it reminds me of Lakshimi

10 years ago

Please note: My break don’t mean I’m not peeping because me tie to Obara for some weird reason…lol NOT WEIRD really SPIRITUAL OCHUN PICKNEY DEM GATHER LIKE SAND GRAINS AND WATER.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Cami! Whe yuh deh guh?

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

women* correction

10 years ago

GOOD AFTERNOON! lol I’m still on me break. BUT I can’t help contributing ; here is the mother of all conventional, public figure being exposed for being a monster behind all the self righteous rant…part of my reason for a break from the internet…but I have to read my global new articles…Here goes:

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Lol…so disgusting….him better keep his mouth lock from now on

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

14 woman? Bill’s PR team did a really good job of keep it under the radar for a very longtime, but the truth will always come to light. What a disgusting man. Thanks Cami for that news update

10 years ago

Obara I very much like and appreciate the Dali Lama’s teachings at times but don’t we all have a biased mind based on what we have been exposed to as “our reality”

I agree that we should all try to coexist with each others religious beliefs and respect each others faith…. I don’t see it happening in this Era but alteast we have the tools we need to minimize the tragic outcome of our biased minds.

10 years ago

Goodnight my sweetie Obara and alllllllll my other sweeties! Some great words of wisdom from the Dali Lama. Obara he basically sums up one of your fav quote that “all religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love” Obara your peeper friend spoke for himself. I personally wasn’t intimidated by Mr. Steiner’s skin tone I just hate to be here and not be fully present and interactive and alert. So I knew I wouldn’t be able to mentally take in all that was posted on that particular day with my particular work schedule… big up yuh peeper… Read more »

10 years ago

Hey family

Hope everyone has s great weekend.

10 years ago

Hey family…glad everybody doing good…I really had fun with you all last night and learned a lot…

Book clubs are fun and I hope we continue…acv was a topic I had little knowledge on, I researched it and shared what I found…

Peepers, u too can join in or lead a book club…

Have a wonderful weekend everyone…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Have a wonderful weekend too Ty

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty


10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ms. Chinnnn! 😀 mi reach late and everyone probably a count sheep.

You good sweetie? Mi wake yuh?

10 years ago

That’s exactly what I daid up top Toy, Jeremy Irons a mussi him reincarnated, lol

10 years ago

Nunu mi nah lie, yu mek mi laugh…Teach like how yu love tic tok no way yu cudda guh inna ‘church’. Dem wouldnt be pleased.

Kia yu neva si pan the Steiner post. (HIm fava Sheldon from Big Bang Theory and a little like Jimmy Fallon if a suh him name spell).

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Dem spiritual people always have a certain look

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

He looks the actor name Jeremy Iron.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara yu a pay mi mind!!! 😀 😀 😀

10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Lolol Kia!!!

10 years ago

Looool yes you and only you! but is like yu did a sleep. “yes kia that good” snore “yes that is right kia” snoooooooooooore grung!!!

10 years ago

Greetings Obara howdy ES <3 Hi hello mr peeper yu cudden come ina the steiner post come ask two question? yu neva si mi dea deh a type wid nuh response from my ES fam aye sah lol bredda YW i know how yu felt when you chat to ur self on the blog looool

the pic did creepy and reminded me of an actor i can't recall his name tho. it wasn't really the pic for me…it was alot to read one time and no one was really responding with questions or statements.

10 years ago

Lolol who seh mi ready fi tun no teacher! When mi find something rightid that I think I cam manage mi wi mek unoo know

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

tehehehehehe Nunu seh unno nah boast her!!! Hey Nunu when yu ready we ready….

10 years ago

lmao lmao

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Ah you tell me fuss Ty, Thank you

10 years ago

NuNu don’t be shy

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lol! wha mek unoo a duh mi suh star!

10 years ago

Teach let Nunu do book club. Let her get her info.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes Obara, a it mi deh comb over now. The info it provides need some attention. Mi think wi need some teacher/students time with it

10 years ago

Yes Teach, mek all a wi gi Ty a big clasp. That girl done out did her self. *Slobber wet kiss from me inmy red lip stick*

10 years ago

Howdy M and Toy

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Hi Nunu….Ty did awesome!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

The Steiner post again

10 years ago

Toy come yah mi gal mek mi shake yu han…I felt like I was in bondage. When I used to go to church I used to feel this guilt as they would teach that every thing I liked was a sin. I like (notice the present tense is being used) sex, I like drinking and dancehall. All 3 sins. While I can give up sex (for an extended period), I feel it was too much to give up the drinking and partying. I dont mean I drink to get drunk etc. I will put away a flask one or 2… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Exactly Mth! straight bondage.

10 years ago

Teach mi big bulb yeye dem naah fool mi, is you…

Yea Toy, yu gwan good last night …

10 years ago

I love when Dali Lama spoke and agitated minds. I am only speaking my opinion. I feel that is what so many Christian are going through everyday. Mental struggle of trying to be a better person but no peace or happiness mentally.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you Obara.

10 years ago

Hi Obara,and to my es family. I didn’t have a problem with Rudolph Steiner picture. I feel if something is written to make us better people it doesn’t matter the skin color.

10 years ago

I am being a bit rauchy, but the closest to heaven I have come (pun intended) is when my guy and I are ‘playing’…TEACH & YAZZY unno loow mi, unno nuh tink mi si how unno gwan last night. who naah search fi G-Spot waah T-String…Toy, Bubblez, Nunu mi Chargie Cami gone but respect Mammy…Nuh stay too long, you is di ying to mi yang…:-)

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Mth Mth lmao!

10 years ago

OK, I understand what you explained above.

Knowledge is power. All I do these days, is try to be the best me I can be. I am not too caught up with anyhing these days. I harm no man and sure a heck will not any man harm me. All I do is go from work to home, take care of my children and guh have a drink now and again and guh eat a one fish roun a Jolly’s. As mi Chargie YW say, I fill deal with the consequences later (if there is any)..

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Ok good idea, will you moderate Nunu, no fear I will be there

10 years ago

How about we all go for a drink and have some meanigful convo…(LOL)

10 years ago

The whole Jesus concept was just to show that Christians believe inJesus, yet based on the church you go to you might not get into heaven. Some demonination believe taht if you were not baptised in Jesus Only, then that’s it for you. Other churches say that you have to be baptised in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost…

Woieee mi a laugh affa miself, true mi never waan di rapture call an mi not saved, mi baptised in both (yep, mi baptised 2 times)…

10 years ago

Teach, even one IS not the same and can never be the same. For a while, YW (mi chargie) was a peeper, then he became a blogger. When him dey yah wid wi, wi benefit so much. His twisted sense of humor (aahh mi mean sey him jokify), his way of thinking and his ability to invoke deep thougths, he makes us think outside the box, so did Mr. Nile. Peeper, come and bring you contribution to the table or as Teach sey, loow di table.

10 years ago

Religion has been used/misused by so many for so long that ppl get turned off. We cant even agree on the same “Jesus’ we believe in based on the church we attend. We have 7th Day Adventist, now we have Seventh Day Baptist…

10 years ago

Teach, mi nuh agree with this 100%:
‘According to Buddhist philosophy, happiness is the result of an enlightened mind whereas suffering is caused by a distorted mind. This is very important. A distorted mind, in contrast to an enlightened mind, is one that is not in tune with reality’.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes martial arts started in Africa…the Angolans are the best and have continued it…in the diaspora, the brazilians have held the helm with capoeira, mixing martial arts with music, spirituality, and ancestral reverence…

Here is a short clip of capoeira

10 years ago

Good afternoon everyone. Just now I was at my desk and had the urge to go stretch my legs. There is a book store on Knutsford Blvd (New Kingston) and I deceided to go look in there. I was in awe, it was like a part of me that was dead or asleep came to life. There were books upon books neatly arranged, I felt some amount of pride when I was looking at a section where there was only black writers, Eric Jerome Dickey etc. The thought came to me to use all my salary and buy books. Teach,… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

He reminds me of Jeremy Irons in the pic

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I know that’s true but i don’t know how to feel about that, are we that ensnared that we can’t find our way again as a people?

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I think it’s also fear and confusion why we can’t seem to come out of the rut we’re in as a people and move forward to better things

10 years ago

Religions that seek converts are not usually concerned about ‘harmony’ if the tenets of the religion isn’t followed down to the letter, “then eternal damnation is yours forever,” that’s the way it seems to be presented.

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

And there is no such thing as eternal damnation Nunu, sey of bastards!

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

And there is no such thing as eternal damnation Nunu, sey of bastards!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Re your post yesterday Obara the power of Fear! That’s what cause the disharmony among us; it truly is a powerful weapon

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Fi real MTH

10 years ago

Good morning folks!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I didn’t have a problem with Steiner’s race. He was talking about intrinsic gifts and power that we possess as human beings and the connection to the spiritual. Even though he’s caucasian there didn’t seem to be any racial bias in his words. His concern is the elevation of the human soul and spirit. I understand how we feel in regards to the black race, wi nuh really get much props fi nutten and if wi wan’ buil a likkle philosophy or share some ‘hidden’facts a bullet fi wi rass(ask pardon) eg. Professor George GM James. However we can’t allow… Read more »

10 years ago

Morning everyone…about to read the Dali lama speech…

I can understand where the peeper is coming from…we are so inundated with white images that we are so thirsty for our black faces…we know that our people have more knowledge but just do not have the outlet….most of us are trying to reclaim our sense of self…we are taking baby steps and struggle with this…it is hard to see these faces…we know that he is from an era of oppression so we can feel the pain of our ancestors as we look on…

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