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In my postings I have never hidden the fact that I was a fearful child. I worried a lot and wondered most often of death and that “Final” moment. As a child I would sometimes look at my mother and burst out bawling at the thought of death taking her away from me. I thought she was old, (children usually think grown up’s were old, my mother was perhaps in her late twenties, early thirties then) and death was near. The thought of this would make me sad for days on end, until she reassured me that she would be ok.

Through out my life I paid much attention to my fears (which were often imagined), which seemed like a creepy old guy with a scathly look, and beady black eyes with gnarly fingers, and a wicked smirk, who walked behind me all the time, like a heavy black cloak that hung around me all the time, pointing out things to me that I usually would not even have thought about. I would be walking from school and all of a sudden, weird guy would just pop up out of nowhere and whisper in my ears, “look at this or look at that, did you know this or did you know that?.

Often times I would swat him of with a quick flip of my hand, and he would withdraw for a while, standing and watching as I walked briskly off, but he would find some way to come back, he had no shame, and was determined. There came a time when he began to have influence over me, yes he did. I had become vulnerable, this was during the time when my  mother had withdrew her love for me and was not being kind to me.

He first came as comforter and friend, oh yes he was deceptive, that is his character, and as I relaxed and leaned into his false warmth, he gained control over me for a while, so much that he brought his wife, depression along. This scowly, daunting looking woman, who never smiled or had a good thought. She entered my life with dark clothing, and a sour smell and she insisted in staying for a while, although I protested at her coming, she never smiled instead she wore a scowl like a crown, she hated everyone and I hated her.

They lived with me for a while and the two of them brought their children, anxiety and panic attacks. These were the worst, and they taunted me often, they had me in their grips for a little while, refusing to go and refusing to release me. They dared me to tell anyone that I had first entertain them and that was how they all moved in. It was my fault. I had allowed them to come and now I had no idea how to remove them out of my life, and I was too fearful to tell anyone what I was going through with them for fear that people would think I was weird, mad even. I cried every day and night, and while I cried and became even more sad day by day, they grew stronger, and stronger.

They jeered and mocked me and told me that I was weak, and crazy, they told me I was good for nothing and that I was a fool. They told me nobody loved me and God was not real,for where was he as they tortured me, and if he were real, he did not love me as well. They had a strong hold over me and I feared that they would never go, The created a lot of bangarang at nights, so much that I could not sleep. I felt like a crackhead, without the crack. I was jittery, and my fingernails became my food. They cheered me on as I bit and chewed on my nails, and urged me not to eat food or even spread my bed.

I felt as if I fallen into a deep empty well with no way of getting out, and no one knew I was down there. From where I was in the well I could see light, but it was so far away off, and as I screamed for help, I heard my voice echo, but no response from a single soul, I was on my own, shaken, alone and sad, and I just did not know what to do.

After a while, I decided that I would not be their prisoner anymore, something deep inside of me urged me to fight them, and so I dared to do what they taunted me and told me I couldn’t do. I began to talk. I spoke to every and anyone about them (fear, depression, anxiety and panic attacks), all which was spawned by Fear. I began to tell people how I felt, and all that I feared, and that my fear made me sad and my sadness made me anxious and I could not breath at times (panic attacks) when fear gripped me with strong hands. I had no idea, that as I spoke of them to others they began to lose their power over me, the more I shared my story, the weaker they became, they tried to regain power with threats and more, but as I took people who I had opened up to advice, in meditating and relaxing, listening to light music (chinese music helped me a lot) drink woodroot tonic and take vitamin B6 or B12, building up my strength, which they had drained from me as a vampire would his victim.

I did as recommended and found that a rope was thrown down the well for me to pull myself up and I did. It took a little while, the infestation of them around me was much, but eventually I got rid of them and to this day I have never entertained that wretched beast, Fear, again. He nor his skanky wife depression nor the devil children anxiety and panic attacks. I conquered fear. You can too. Never be afraid to talk, if you are worried, if you have no one to talk to, then hire someone. You are not crazy if you seek therapy, I have never had it, but would recommend it, (no medication however). Find a stranger (if you are private and do not want friends or family into your business), and speak to them, you will never have to see them again and it will help. Just do not entertain fear of any kind. Below is a post I wrote a while ago, please read and add your own story.


Fear The Destroyer of Lives

By Obara Meji

I was recently privy to a conversation of a man who was complaining to a woman about her behavior in their relationship and he had decided that he did not want to continue with her anymore. The woman in turn threatened the man wildly with everything that she could including witchcraft. She called onto him brimstone and fire, (as if she had the power to do that!, lol), and also threatened him with impotence through witchcraft. You would have thought that she was the mythical Lucifer’s mother, the way she acted. Trying her hardest to use fear to bend the man’s will. Hurricane Irene  (Orisha Oya) Lifted her skirt tail over New York. The media scared the living daylights out of the whole city, through FEAR!, supermarkets and hardware supplies were sold out!!!……What a power this little word has!.

Fear is an evil enemy to human beings. It is fear that created racism. It is fear that breathes war!, It is fear that spews hate!, It is fear that causes religious disharmony!, It is fear why you call the spiritualist a witch, it is fear that drives ones mind mad!..Fear cripples the mind, causes confusion, stress, heartaches and pain!!!. Fear you wicked brute, I Obara Meji command you to flee!, Fear you son of a bitch!!!….I rebuke you in all that is holy and true, I place light upon your ugly face to expose you as the slime ball you are. Fear you are a criminal, and we stomp on you with heavy boots. Fear!, we fear you not!, we stand upon you and smirk, because we have conquered you!….Remove your self from the heart, mind and soul of human beings and set the world free…from the grips of your dirty hands. We have thrown down our Gauntlet and are standing up to you Fear!!!, you shall never win!!!. It is Fear that propels gossips, its is fear that sparks greed and strife. Lucifer, human beings are always cursing you, they say that you are wicked and so they cuss at you and rebuke you through fear!!!, what power they have given to you, (if you really exists, which you do not, but fear have created you and have used you to hold the inhabitants of the earth as captives), but I Obara Meji do not believe in you, so therefore I fear you not!,    We learn important wisdom from proverbs!, and as you can see at the end of all my post that I always use a proverb, here are some quotes of Fear…our natural enemy!!!…always remember….There is nothing to fear than fear itself!!!….every problem has a solution…Obara Meji.!!!


Franklin D. Roosevelt….You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so.

For remember, fear doesn’t exist anywhere except in the mind hence the quote, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” ……

Always do what you are afraid to do.

You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you

Don’t fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things.

Fears are nothing more than states of mind

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.

You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith

Every time you win, it diminishes the fear a little bit. You never really cancel the fear of losing; you keep challenging it.

Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right

We should not let our fears hold us back from pursuing our hopes.

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood

Fear is excitement without breath.

Try a thing you haven’t done three times. Once, to get over the fear of doing it. Twice, to learn how to do it. And a third time to figure out whether you like it or not

It is better to be feared than loved, more prudent to be cruel than compassionate

Fear is a darkroom where negatives develop

There are very few monsters who warrant the fear we have of them

The surest way to prevent war is not to fear it

Apprehension, uncertainty, waiting, expectation, fear of surprise, do a patient more harm than any exertion

Great occasions do not make heroes or cowards; they simply unveil them to the eyes of men

occasions do not make heroes or cowards; they simply unveil them to the eyes of men.

He who fears something gives it power over him

Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends

Get the facts first, THEN panic

The basis of optimism is sheer terror

To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear

Fear breeds fear

The things you fear are undefeatable, not by their nature, but by your approach

Obstacles are like wild animals.  They are cowards but they will bluff you if they can.  If they see you are afraid of them… they are liable to spring upon you; but if you look them squarely in the eye, they will slink out of sight.  ~Orison Swett Marden
If a man harbors any sort of fear, it percolates through all thinking, damages his personality and makes him a landlord to a ghost.  ~Lloyd Douglas

A cat bitten once by a snake dreads even rope.  ~Arab Proverb

Fear:  False Evidence Appearing Real.  ~Author Unknown

The wise man in the storm prays God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson, Journals, 1833
Anything I’ve ever done that ultimately was worthwhile… initially scared me to death.  ~Betty Bender


Check out this article;

Òkò tí a bá bínú jù kìí pẹyẹ. /
A stone thrown at a bird in anger can’t kill the bird……Yoruba Proverb![Actions taken in anger seldom achieve desired results]

All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love….Obara Meji!
There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned……Obara Meji!
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10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Sassscrise Obara mi tripe!! LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Mi nah lie yuh… mi did wah fi seh dat but mi nuh wah di peepers dem tink mi racist cawz mi not but some a dem white ppl ya jus suh rassssssswssssseeeee mawd and wah get deported to Africa or Jamaica guh grow some balls caz when hard life lick some a dem dem mawd too raaaawwwwrse quick and tun psycho pan wi to claat! Dat neva happen to mi yet! And mi seh di fear pin mi to di car seat and mi see mi effn life flash cross mi eye! Cah dem… Read more »

10 years ago

Fear is a hell of a ting eenuh! It was just this Monday I was sitting in the car in a parking lot waiting for someone with my feet out of the car just thinking and observing when this car drove by and then suddenly went into reverse and backed the hell up a bit and stopped behind me and the guy swung the car door open so swiftly and opened his back door and proceeded to take something dark out and mi a tell unuh seh mi effn heart skip a backside beat deh! Mi swalla mi spit and… Read more »

10 years ago

Cho if we a wait fi mr flames find it (i doan waan no more mans) di whole a wi G spot aguh MIA. Psst u tink him kno waa punash fava?! I cyaa afford it fi go missing i neeeeeeeds my GSPOT

10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Kia Boooooooo!! I swear every time mi type yuh name it put Boooooo next … it’s cray! What’s good mami?? Hunuh a guh gwaan wid hunuh hawny self hin ya eenuh! 😀

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

♥♥♥♥ its alright yazzy yaz. Glad fi si yu.

10 years ago

Obara you did another post on fear where that author said that fear was also a vehicle that drives us or even propels us forward at times and for that an equal amount of fear is needed in our daily lives. “Healthy fear”… is there such a thing? Ie, it is the fear of failure that forces us to do our best to succeed. .. it is a fear of loneliness why we get into relationships and marry… and have partners. What’s your thought on “healthy fear” is there such a thing? Should it be expelled or expected?

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Mi always guaranteed a wicked piece a dutty mawkit laff when mi drop een ya! Hunuh kill mi dead is a shame! Di ppl dem mus tink wi loss wi screwz! A laff till a weak weak weak! It nuh right!!

Well, this ties in perfectly with the post cawz di tinkin bwouy fear and him frownzy harmz wife depression HATES laughter and it’s a powerful antidote warrior against them and dem tribe. Suh hunuh keep at it! A likkle fun nuh hurt nubadi!

10 years ago
Reply to  YObara Meji

lmao Obara… lmao lmao lmao. Yazzy lmao…

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Toy mi watch di vid you shared and yuh mek I laff till mi choke. I hit replay a mili times!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Obara Himagine how mi dis a come and mi get assignment already seh mi affi gug look fi missing clit! Pupa Jeeezas! Yuh is a madame eenuh… yuh deh need dat! Di man dem cyah weak widout e! Mi wi help yuh look cah dis nuh right!

10 years ago

Hey Obara sweetie! Hey alll my other sweeties! Happy Thursday! What a way unuh a git weh hin ya! Lawd di clit and hice cream have hunuh weak hin ya! Hunuh too bad! Halellulerrrrrrrrr! LOL! 😀 Obara I LOVE your play on words! Genius! Bwouy da germz bukit bwouy deh weh name fear and him tribe wi wreck henny badi! Yuh know how much time dem rasshole deh try mi!! but suh him and di tribe dash out pan mi mi dis dash out pan dem and evict dem claat from houtta fi mi space! Mi wah add some more… Read more »

10 years ago

Obara yuh si yuh! Yuh cause all kinda chubble an den run like yuh innocent, lol,Ty mi innocent, innocent yuh know seh mi not even know what dem talking bout! Lol, Ty know di chute!! Mi an Toy innocent, mi cyaan claim Cami doe chubble dat!

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

I’m an INNOCENT and is me trouble making spirit you going to give a detention slip to…if you can catch har…lol Me the innocent going to relax fi Mrs. Yw club tonight 😀 😀

10 years ago

Lololol!!! Toy come bear mi up!!! Obara sen out Most Wanted poster! Yazzzzyyy!!! Lol

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Sisssssssssta!!!! Nunu yuh deh pan di clit and hice cream hunt! Unuh to hout hof horder in ya! DETENTION fi heverybadi! Mine a set di flamboyant dude pan hunuh fi tek di mic han seh ” I don’t want manz no more!!!! Mi wi help hunuh find di missin clit!!” LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO woiiiieeeeeeee mi missin clitoris badi!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lmao lmao lmao. Omg lmao lmao I can’t stop. Tears!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Murder!!! i cyaa maniji yu

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

De U.S. been capture it and tun it into a weapon of mass destruction…it gone left yu! Send Ice Cream duppy go look fi it…lol

10 years ago

Poor Nunu…. they always on your case. Lmao. Cami I can’t with you. Lmao…. The song sound good though.

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Tanks yah Toy! Lol, yuh si why mi have to give out suh much detention slip! Dem unruly bad! Lol

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Yes Nunu I see now. Lol. Cami test drive yes. Test drive is a must. Lmao. Obara you said your G went overseas. Lmao lmao Obara you have a reward out for her return. Lmao dead.

10 years ago

I mean the woman can get pleasure from her G – spot but if she marry a man that isn’t very accommodating to her needs. Then her sex life would depressing. I feel bad for those girls.

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

I’m glad me know bout sex and know what to expect. Imagine how unfair it is when men/boys go have sex and know what to expect and women a save it don’t know nothing but wha de man tell har fi do…lol not a backside a dat…me test drive vehicles maual and auto.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lawd gawd smdh mi a squeeze my foot tight

10 years ago

NuNu Me love YU and don’t have to meet you so hear wah me a play a tune fi yu fi mek the Ice Cream duppy hear…

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Lolol! Mi mumma, all song mek tuh! Mi love unoos too!!!!!

10 years ago

It’s a rite of passage so that the girls can marry! Wait so it’s suppose to prevent the women from “cheating” because they won’t have any sensation afterwards. Wha bout di men, what’s their right of passage? What a wickednis

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

NuNu, de wicked ole zut midwife dem cut it before delivery and sew it back up…and it’s repeated at each birth.

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Right of passage is fi go tek hood and know what to expect, what you like, what mek you feel high and low.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lmao lmao just like that Obara! She is very quiet. Lmao lmao

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Pat him pon de head de fi me! lol

10 years ago

I am back. I thought Ethiopia was the only place that did female circumcision. I really feel it for those girl. It is a pity they will never the satisfaction that little thing brings.

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Toy, thank goodness for youtube…you can go there and find images from different regions of Africa. It’s not something that is exclusive to a country, it’s by region or tribes.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

ok thanks for that I am going to check it out

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

lolollllllllll 😀 😀

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I have a Ragdoll. Relax and unpredictable, lolol

comment image

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

From she pack the suitcase she change har mind and carry him wid har, lol The again, how yu can avoid an Ice Cream eating duppy? lolol

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Mi did a warn dem ie nuh Obara but dem neva hear mi,lol.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yum, Ice Cream and fruit cocktail. I am going to go mek me Royal Cherry Jello and go buy ice cream and fruit cocktail fi me weekend dessert.

Me grandma use to do grapefruit pegs, fruitcocktail with a bit of condense milk as a fruit salad and it was served chilled (bowl on top of ice, covered with a clean plate cloth).

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

See that description above…that is how it was done because the ICE was from my Mother’s mother house. On Saturdays my maternal grand set a big container of Ice for my paternal grandmother to collect after church to take home for the Sunday evening juice, regardless if I was at that home or not…A So we Live good.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

lolololllllllllllll Me nu mek dumpling! Obara! you are a bad influence…again hope the resident male stay off this topic!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Me LOVE everything thing bout fi me…good days, bad hair days….and me will not allow nu body fi mutilate me all if I was born into that culture…me run way or kill something lonng time.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I had to watch a bunch of ethnography and one ole bat have nasty razor older than me madda a cut the likkle girls.

10 years ago

Onu go read that. I’ll respect the traditions of different cultures IF it have communial value, but this circumcision is only beneficial to MEN!

10 years ago

Si Kia all a put een har orda deh! Lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Tell har fi mi deh Obara! Lolol We’re a “strange” bunch ova yah! Lolol

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

lol…I want her to know that I am sensitive and respect people feelings (ones that I like/love/spirit connect) so since is joke I still want her to know to just let me know if I’ve crossed boundries at any given time without thinking twice…like me care….LOLOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

Love yu NuNu but again, that damn ice cream duppy me love! me nu want him at all just the ice cream whey him no nahme off a!

10 years ago

NuNu…would never do that. I am open to any element of me disclosure on here that you find funny and would like to utilize as humor. Not pappy showing of you at all. The ice cream duppy I find hilarious and the seeing cows hilarious and the Milk character just happen to fall right in.

No liberty taking or poppy show ting a tall mumma not at all. If it is offensive or annoying then tell me (especially) to stop.

10 years ago

Cami, maybe di ice cream duppy ova yah deh pree an come back come tell mi when unoo deh chat mi! Lolol

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

lolol…try send him over to me wid some rum n raisin and another pint of butter pecan, dwln

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Mi nuh like how unoo deh tek time tun mi eena pappy show! Cho!

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Some grapenut mi wuda waa ice cream duppy bring fimi looool

10 years ago

Yes mi reach, mi hear Cami uppa top deh scandal mi lol, unoo know seh mi haffi keep eye pon unoo caws unoo wi get weh like bad dawg een yah. Somebody have to keep di orda!

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

lololllllllllllllllll is what kind a alarm yu have pon yu phone fi yu know we a chat yu…cow bell? lololollllllllllll

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Cho Shi reach fass eeeh loool no man dis c-rus

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Kia! Nuh watch mi ie nuh!

10 years ago

Howdy do people! Mi hear mi name a call

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lol Obara yuh wan’ fi seh a fambily conspiracy! Wi juss cut an gawn!

10 years ago

or V string it is really thin. I will be back going to run a few errands.

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

I like the tanga cut…my fav…

10 years ago

hmm maybe pinky neva dead. is handsome doreen poison him wid di killa frog from Haiti mek yu appear dead lol

10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Nah Kia…bullet holes in me frock was visible!

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Looooool Cami yu cyaa mek pinky live

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Kia, according to O, Pinky g-string help end him life, lolol Infection from de elastic dem a pull him bum hair did ago do him in any way..

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

hope we male resident don’t visit this post…lol

T shape string V shape string One a back and one a front….

10 years ago

grung Pinky i miss pinky 😀 😀 O yu tink it possible wi get sum Pip n Pinky dis weekend?! dat wudda nice dont it family 😀

10 years ago

Obara I am dead. I love when you say you came out your mother womb… You were born hot….traffic blockin…lmao.. Yes Obara the original hot gyal. I don’t like thongs it is to thick. I like the t-string they are very thin you forget it is there. lmao. Your friend he use to his…. lmao

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Me stop wear french cut from me past me steady 98 & 132lbs…dam elastics were getting stubborn….dwln

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

lolol…man a wear gtring and a tell yu fi seek comfort inna fi yu own………..grunggggg!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara mi used luv dance wen dance was dance. hmmmmmmm dance did noice dem time deh

10 years ago

Obara yu a di original Dancehall Queen ina yu color color hair!!! loool

10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

plus she have are Dog heart man along…Obara before yu rush me notice me capitalize the D in dog…lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Whatever…me born with bells pon my booties and controversy surrounding me…so me out hot gal yu! DWLNNNNNNNNNNN

10 years ago

Obara did he have on the dog collar with the spikes? I know you guys had good time. lmao. Kia I didn’t know I was so skilled on the disappearing. lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara!!!! White wigs and things I love it

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Oh my…grunggg!

10 years ago

grung tinkin toe!!! Toy mi kno yu nah nawmal cah di magician nuh av nutin pon yu disappearing act looooooool a joke ma! I will wear it MTH n roll mi two big yeye along with you.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Me me…I used to do it, me did all use hibiscus and rub on my lips to make them red… And then there was the kool aid phase…

10 years ago

Thank you Mth.

10 years ago

Kia well if you are part of the es crew you couldn’t be normal

10 years ago

Toy, your drink is served.

10 years ago

Kia yu a ramp…I am dark skinned an yu fenny fi si some colour lip stick wey mi wear. Mi yeye dem big and mi love roll dem out. Suh if some body nuh sey nutten, mi just roll out mi yey pan dem.

10 years ago

Yes Mth… I will take drink yes. Mix me one of your best drinks. Mth in hot pink, Obara in blue, Kia you can wear the yellow lipstick it just depends on how you apply it.

10 years ago

Teach, this post connects with the post from yesterday. See what I wrote yesterday:-
Nov 12, 2014 @ 13:40:50

Pretty girl Toy, wad up mammy? Another quote I love Teach is
“If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.”

So flipping true.

10 years ago

Cami yu know sey yu facety under sikes. Yu sey:

Nov 13, 2014 @ 13:12:10

All the posts are great postings…today post nu different except for the information. .

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

I side eye that comment…me nu want NuNu and har dairy man dem come bum rush me a tall…no sir reee

10 years ago

yu kno i waa try the blue n yellow lipstick but tru mi fearful an nuh like shame mek mi nuh wear it. it look nice pon sum ooman den odda fava di RAT whey Cami fraid of loooooool not laughing at yu Cami cause most sane people nuh like rat. wid dem likkle scampa scampa dutty self

Toy yu kno from whey day di madness jus a creep out smh somebody tell me yesterday mi head go n come an is truuuuuu

manners n respeck peopleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

10 years ago

OK, I am passing out slobber kisses too. Dont mind my hot pink lip-stick…

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

MTH yu ina pink I ina retro red *mauh*

10 years ago

Toy, yu still up for the drink…*Singing*
I drink when I am happy,
I drink when I am sad
I drink because I am free

10 years ago

Hey Ty!

10 years ago

I had to share the video with you all yesterday. Mth, Mrs. Winfrey need Obara on her network. Oh! yes she does. I like Iyalan but I feel she has to water herself down to appeal to the masses.

10 years ago

Ty mi girl, long time mi nuh si yu inna di daytime…

Dis lang time gal mi neva see yu come mek mi hol yu han
Dis lang time gal mi neva see yu come mek wi walk & talk
Peel head John Crow sit inna tree top, mek mi hol yu han gal

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Mth, Christmas a come, me want mi llama….di work tun up fi di holiday…I not complaining, cause di bill dem up too…

10 years ago

Woieee mi glad a nuh me one numo a beg fi Pip. Teach, yu have tree people wey voice dem longing fi hear bout the lonely or hoemly girl (how di song guh again?)…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Why yu think me call him Bro…our humor is skewed to the LEFT! lolol

10 years ago

Large up family, I am here peeping, will rally back later….love and light…and wet slobber kisses to all…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

TY! me know yu may get me fi de oprah/harpo jabs…lolol

10 years ago

Teach mi a fight it man. Teach nuh badda mention sey yu can tidy yuself propa-propa. A you sey Brazilian hair and blue lip stick.

10 years ago

Toy, mi yu seet to how Cami is a real comedian…*Singing* Cami is all about the bass, the bass, no treble…

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

lolol. I have a skill for turning the truth into humor so me nu hot up feelings or to confuse, lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Me ago want dem improve phone battery life!!! when me want fi chat or in the middle of chatting and the phone DIES! me bex

10 years ago

Cami, mi wudda waan si if Oprah wudda buss Teach. Memba Teach nuh normal enno. When Oprah si di pretty browning wid har band leg wey well bright, wey know anthropology, spirituality, humanity, thug flex and uptown runnings. Teach, well rounded.

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Dang right MTH…she going to have to get juju up unda har because she and her “bosses” will attempt to undermine the genius of O and take high profit and claim rights…oprah and martha are 2 of a kind.

10 years ago

Obara how do you deal with Cami. She said had to re read when you brought the husband, wife , and children. lmao lmao! Ok are we going to get to read more on Piper?

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

TOY! yu and yestiday video was a tear jerker from laughter!

We been good so we need some Piper, yes….ooops onu don’t read into the “pipe” part to much………lololol Me have seasonal madness so onu bare wid me.

10 years ago

Teach thankyou for that hug and kiss. *Here I go chatting mi business again* Lately, I have been really, really depressed. I get very low at times, however when I catch myself, I (try to) quickly snap out of it.

Teach, mi naah lie, mi welcome the hug and slobber kiss.

10 years ago

Obara you spoke on depression saying that didn’t want to spread your bed nor eat. Depression is something grips you, but it is all mental.

10 years ago

Cami, mi read an a sey what a way dis ra*s man bright.Him get free lodgings and bring in him whole fambily pan di likkle girl…(Mi when know it never real-real chilvren). LOL

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH


10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yu gwan walk and leave ‘hate-red’ alone because it valid to me.

10 years ago

Ladies of ES, a very good afternoon.

*Today, I feel like I am at a Garden Party, sipping tea with my pinky finger extended* I am just soaking up the knowledge.

Teach, hold strain, never get weary in doing good. I am sure that everyday, your post touches even one person in a very remarkable way. ((((hugs))))

10 years ago

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. I love this putting right in my journal. Hey Cami,Courtney, and Mth

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

True, Kia. But I don’t care how many quotes get created I HATE RATS and anything resembling one.

10 years ago

Teach, as I read the post, a thought came to me. I think you should hurry and get your book published. After the publishing of your work, you can seek out the big times aka Hollywood aka OWN (Oprah’s Network). This kind of work, deserves/demands to be shared on a wider scale. This is what Oprah/Inyanla talk about. You on the other hand, have a deeper understanding as there is so much to you. All three of you have so manyt hings in common and can reach different kinds of people. What I am sure of is that more and… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

lolol…me drop a duttttttty! I wish she would because a then me will get fi know how wonderful oprah really is…

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Cami you kill me every time. I love it. You are so raw and honest.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Toy…me say last week the amount a praise harpo get I nearly puke! lolol….but me want fi see Obara try har fi real…so that the Meji dem read har good and proper.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami


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