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There was a time when I was younger that I allowed my imagination to shield me from the harsh realities of life, or to breathe happiness within my mind. It was an escape when I did not want to pay attention in class, or while I did my chores, even to conjure friends I didn’t have. My imagination was wild and vivid, (this makes for a very creative person) so I traveled the world in my mind, experienced many things in my mind, was anyone I wanted to be in my mind, and it was comforting.

The power of thought is a wonderful thing and thinking of this, our ability to do this, makes our creator worthy to venerate. Yet there can be a downside to all of this for some people. Some people, filled with same imagination as I, never come back to reality. Yes I say “we create our reality” and we do, but there are some who fantasize about things abstract and out of touch of themselves or who they perceive themselves to be. The mind is powerful and can do what you command it to. It can bring forth what you want if you are awake enough to consciously bring it to you here in this reality. Some people are strong within their conviction as to what they want or aspire in life, that regardless of being “conscious”, they have the ability of creating their life the way they see it in their head and it manifests before them in their waking and alert state.

I met a couple once in Jamaica. A very nice family with two small children. They were rasta people who lived in the country side and had embraced their spirituality. I loved their story and how they lived as a family. The husband had built their home from the trees he had cleared the land with and he farmed every day. I sat with the wife in her neat home one day as she breast fed her youngest baby and remarked to her of how lovely their lives seemed to me. She smiled and told me that she was happy in her blissful environment with a loving and hands on husband. She then said, “Obara, this is exactly what I asked God for while I was at sea, (She was in the navy) I prayed everyday for the life I have now and the man who is my husband”. We smiled together as she pulled the now sleeping baby from her breast and turned her on her stomach to lay on her lap. She then added cheekily “The only thing I did not pray for him (the husband) to come with was some money… we’re happy, but no money Obara” she said, still smiling.

She had created her life, which she was living and was conscious enough to realize that she got exactly what she conjured, but she had forgotten to include how they would survive financially as a family. I realized from this that we should be careful of our specificities when spiritually ordering our life, or our life’s additions. Some women may fantasize about having a man like Brad Pitt, and may very well get their version of Brad in this reality, but he may come with some tendencies which you may hate. Same for the man, he may want a dream girl (in beauty) but she also may have some disturbing habits or some things that may want you to vomit when you get your version of that dream girl.

So how do we get what we want and still be happy? The fantasy in our head is soothing, but the reality when faced can be disappointing. I once married (the first and only time I was ever legally married) a man I disliked. I wrote about him here and called him Mr. High Grade. We were together a long time and when I decided to marry him, I divorced him a year later. I actually began to dislike him six months after I met him, but I decided to settle with him because I knew all my family members waited for us to part and I didn’t want them to get that satisfaction. In my mind was the “I’ll show them!” determination. So I stayed. I stayed and endured a terrible and emotionally abusive relationship not only to spite all my naysayers, but I filled my head with the lie that one day, I may get to like him again.

That day never came. He felt it and used to ask me if I hated him. I would quietly deny it, but at nights when he would come home from doing nothing on the road, I would leave the room and go sit with my children to escape his presence. Read here.

I have been binge watching the old show Gun Smoke and found myself so enthralled by the character Matt Dillon. At nights I would watch season after season, loving how strong Matt was, how masculine. I kinda figure myself to be an Ogun groupie (the diety Ogun), Ogun being so strong and masculine and Matt’s character seems to fit. No, I did not see me married to him or anything like that, I just watch his shows and sigh dreamily when he gunned down a bad guy or box down some fool. As the days and nights passed with me happily watching my Matt, I began to realize the fault I had in previous relationships. In my mind lays the perfect spouse, but it does not seem as if he exists here in this world. The relationships I have had in the past had had some semblance of what I imagine or have fantasized about, but never in its whole. It seems as if I have glimpsed some qualities and ran head on into disappointments afterwards. I kept doing that. My story book hero has never been born. Or maybe I’ve never met him,(yet). Yet he can be created in a T.V drama or in one of my novels. Wow, I am being lowered down from off my high, but probably now I will be sober enough to make better decisions, not dazed ones anymore. Dazed by my fantasy of something that may never be complete as how I want it to be.

We humans fantasize about many things, and this isn’t only a fault of women but men also. We have our own means of escape and this is good at times, but this also shapes our expectations. Media propaganda has taught us that women ought to look a certain way and men ought to act a certain way. So a man dreams of his woman being a size 2 and search for her regardless of being in love with his school mate who is a size 10. He has to have what is acceptable to the world so that he can be congratulated, she is what society accepts. Yet the girl next door loves him and longs for his attention, she has somewhere going in life. Same for the women, if his pocket is deep and he is a heavy spender, then he is who she wants, rather than the man who truly loves and respects her.

Our fantasies are influenced by life’s sweetness. Yet we can, through them, bring them into our reality, not realizing that it could have a negative reaction in our lives. Yes, we can fantasize, but when you do come back to reality, your reality, smile and realize to yourself that this is all in your head.

Women, when searching for the right spouse you can conjure him with repeating this as a mantra:

I pray the Universe send to me a spouse that embodies all that a man should be“.

As simple as this. For men, repeat this as a mantra:

I pray the Universe sends to me a spouse that embodies all that a woman should be“.

For the best most effective prayers, do them at an early morning hour. When we awake in the morning, we are returning from our journey during sleep. The essence of that journey has not yet been broken, and also at these early morning hours great celestial beings of light pass through. If you want to do an experiment with a mantra, email me for more instructions.

What is important in the mantra above is that there are no specifications. You leave the fate of your happiness in the hands of who knows best: God. The Universe is wisdom filled and will know what is conducive to your spirit. Learn to trust and stop living in your head. Matt has taught me this. I was about to go and purchase a pillow and name it Matt, but nah I won’t. Not after this post.


I love you all,

Obara Meji


Èyàn tó ńbínú orí, irú wọn kìí rí fìlà de. /
Those who are deriding the head seldom find the right size of cap to fit it…….Yoruba Proverb

There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji

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7 years ago

Good Morning Mums, and Es Family. Being a dreamer I have had this problem for years, getting our of my head and taking action. I will say the past year I have practiced being present and it helps tremendously with me taking action. I’m not quite where i want to be as far as manifesting my thoughts but I’m better. At the present moment I’m in a place trying to figure out what I truly want, the best thing for my soul, which I Believe is key to manifestation. After evaluation of my life I realized that I had got… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Mi gets mines…Thanks Teach!!!

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

For some reason I’m not getting past the subscribe page. I’m going to try using another browser.

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

*Update* I have subscribed for my daily inspiration!. Heads up to bloggers subscribing may not work with Mozilla. It worked for me the first time on GOOGLE Chrome.

7 years ago
Reply to  SeaQueen

Tonks…Yu waan si teet. LOL. Thanks SeaQueen. Been a rough ride but the ES crew held me, even at times when I could not hold myself.

7 years ago

Teach, I love the post today (via email). Today, is my graduation. It is a milestone and I am grateful for your help in guiding me to this place. When I had the desire to study abroad, I was met with the fiercest of criticism. I dreamt it, created it and actually lived it. Today, many of the people who shot down the dream is congratulating me with ‘I knew you could have done it’. I had no money to start the journey, but everything fell in place. I will not say it was ever easy, but I kept going.… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Teach, there were three times (three is my favourite number) that stand out paramount where you held me like a mother, father, brother, sister, friend, fambily, co-worker, aunty, cousin, best friend, neighbour (wey mi leff out) 1. The time when I couldnt pay for my daughter’s trip and the teacher said she wanted to gift a needy student a trip. I cried for days, weeks, months. Neva know how or when I dropped into the needy category. 2. Last summer when I had that teefing boss 3. My daughter’s birthday and how my sister dealt with her I love you… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Even in my inconsistencies you are there for me. Mi dey yah a polish mi ginga toe dem. Pray for me Teach. Love you!

7 years ago

Hello everyone! Thank you for this post Obara, there is so much valuable information here. I learned from you in class how to ask for what you want in a way that covers all the bases but still leaves the details up to the Universe. That has been a big lesson for me, that you have to give up control to your Higher Self. The lower mind thinks it knows best, but many times it’s wrong.

7 years ago

You know I just added this to my morning affirmations! woooiieee

7 years ago

I love you too Obara! This post was right on time eno 🙂 I am here…you know that..never too far. Hope all is well with you and the family and the heat has not wilted you lol as you are a beautiful flower

7 years ago

Great post! I too am a dreamer, more so a day dreamer. It’s almost too a fault… Always in my head thinking, imagining, desiring. These thoughts are things I see myself doing, being apart of, or being with. Honestly, they do manifest in due time. I believe in patience, optimism, faith, positivity, and hope are key ingredients for them to materialize. It’s like planting a seed in the subconscious and nourishing/watering it with the aforementioned. With those being said its hard to do when dealing with earthly realities. Mantras are powerful! The words, vibration, and sounds. Yantras are powerful too… Read more »

7 years ago

Hi Ms. Obara,

I trust all is well with you.

Very interesting post.

Is it a bad thing to missed a past relationship one ended? My ex and I have become such good friends now. At times I sit down and remember after coming home from a long day at work he would always make me hot cup of tea and give me a foot rub.

My current partner barely looks at me when I asked for a foot rub he does it only when I get mad.

Sometimes am afraid to move on. I hate being alone.

Stay blessed

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Mej

Good morning,

Thank you. I will.

Have a great day.

Stay blessed

7 years ago

Lets acknowledge that the title alone has a valid point. We know the mind is powerful. We know our thoughts are powerful and we know that thoughts become things. I consider myself a dreamer. I have a million ideas but get so caught up in dreaming about them, I seldom take action. Obara is right. Get out of your head and do something. The story about the Rasta lady made me chuckle Obara. It made me remember the adage “be careful of what you ask for because you just might get it.” She forgot the money oohh but it’s okay… Read more »

7 years ago

This is getting a bit spooky….how coincidental could it be that the new posts always seem to be specifically addressing a current issue? I’ve always had fun creating experiences with my imagination….at times, the situations are very real to me. I believe in the power of the mind and all of that. But now, doubt a tek mi ova. As soon as I read di part bout early mawnin mantra – mi excited an seh yes mi ah sen fi di ress a di steps but then there’s the voice that says “mi cya bodda, mi tyaad fi waste mi… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

How you one comprehensive suh? Inna one response – yuh console an encourage mi, laugh afta mi and admonish mi. Most of the times I’m trying to manifest good thoughts. All when people do mi tings mi nuh wish bad fi dem (ongle di dutti stay bad taxi driva dem weh gwan like dem waah kill off people pon di road – di mount a car mi shut off and buss dem tyre inna mi head) but mi neva yet wish nuh boddi fi tun gorrilla lol. Perhaps teach who? Yuh muss a trouble mi – no sah!

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lol only thing left for you to do is lap d skirt Obara. Woiii

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Doah mek dem draw yuh out…wi nuh worried cause wi backitive strong :
“A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee”
Psalms and wheel outta here

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Blessings! A straight love….

7 years ago
Reply to  IBQueen

Spooky fi real. This is not the first second third or 20th post that O.M writes and somebody doesn’t say the same thing. On time at all times. Mi nuh know a wha couda go suh.

7 years ago
Reply to  SA-FO

Big respects Sa-Fo

7 years ago

Greetings everyone. I send you love and light. Teach if yu on point one more time. This is reminiscent of one of your early post. I know you always teach about word, sound, power. Anyhoo, Just this past Saturday I talked about this male friend of mine from high school. We have been conversing for quite a few months now and he seem to really like me, but I do not totally fit the bill as I have children and his ideal girl should not have any children. He is desirous of children and marriage, but he wants that one… Read more »

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