I gave somebody a reading once, and as soon as I opened the oracle the words that came to me to tell her was: “the spirit says you feel like a bird perched upon a thin wire.”
I must admit that in that moment as the words came from my mouth, I had no idea what it meant. I did not know why the spirit would tell her that and I was somewhat puzzled by their use of language as immediately a small bird perched upon a high wire flashed through my mind.
As I told her this, she seemed to understand what the spirit meant, but they did not allow me to be puzzled for too long. For they began to explain to her, through me, how she was feeling and the effect those feelings had on her life. When the reading was over and we hung up, she called me back not long after and told me thanks. She felt exactly like the spirit described she said, but had never placed an image to her feelings. She was so confused about “why” she was perturbed about life most of the time.
We all get to that place sometimes… a place where we can not figure out ourselves, our future, where we are in life and where we ought to be. The young lady told me that although she felt accomplished in her schooling and her profession, all things else was at a stand still for her. She was watching life pass by and she had no control of it. She felt clueless as how to fly off that wire she was metaphorically perched upon, but she knew she must.
I have often written about wanting to be childlike again; wanting to be under the care and protection of my mother. Life can be daunting at times and not everyone has the bravado it takes to forge on through. It’s like walking into a big empty old house with many doors, and the thought of pushing a door open makes you fret as to what may leap out. Life’s worry is certain, the unknown is the future and it is spirit all on its own. Many people are waiting for their life to begin. ‘Begin’ in way of whatever they had planned for themselves by “this age” or what society or family expects of them. Everybody needs somebody sometimes as the song says and this is very true. It doesn’t matter if you tell yourself different. No matter your accomplishments, there is always a need. A need for something else, something that is down deep inside and at times we may not even know what it is… it’s just a feeling, an inexplicable one.
In the case of the young lady I read, she wants a family. She wants her husband and children and she wonders everyday and every year as she gets older, if these things are meant for her at all, are they written in her destiny? She did not see it. She only saw a routine: go to work and go back home. Nothing in between. Not everyone is a social butterfly, there are some (like me now) who enjoys staying home, enjoying my own company and ( Gunsmoke’s Matt Dillon of course, so masculine). However, the young lady had become present in her life and had taken steps to spiritually remove any encumbrances which may be the hold up of what she was waiting on. So now she waits again… perched on that wire, in hopes that that spiritual step would offer her the way to fly.
I love spirits. They are so wise and caring, the ones I work with. They have such a wisdom with them, that they can give a message to a client and I will not understand it, but the client will. Genius! She told me that day that she was comforted by their words, because they had followed up the description with these words:
“…The time for the bird to finally fly off that wire without fear was near”.
Have any of you ever felt like you were just waiting for something? You may not even know what it is you’re waiting for, but somewhere within you, you know that the time for your enjoyment, the patience you have exuded in life, waiting on your creator, trying to be a good person, friend, companion, doing all you can to just wait upon your time to enjoy your life is coming. You cannot explain the feeling, no one told you this, you just feel it. You know that just around the corner, up the street a little, you will reap your just reward, another phase of your life is opening up. Have you ever felt that? I have.
As I am typing now, I am on my bed, positioned in a way that I can clearly see through my windows which are tall and many. Outside is dark and gloomy although it is just past noon. The dark clouds are spreading across the skies, it is about to rain again as it has been doing all month. Pretty soon, the vendors outside in the streets will begin to run for shelter and so will many others as huge drops of rain will pour down torrentially. What many will not see however is what I am seeing: a cleansing. It is like God passing through with a bucket and a mop, cleaning up. Spiritually making way for the sun to shine again, and it will. I had a talk with my young daughter today, it was a talk about dark and light, and I told her that of the two, I am not sure which is more powerful. They are both even in their power. Light heals and protects and darkness is always pregnant and so it creates and gives way for light to do its job. As the darkness covers the sky right in front of me as I write, getting ready to pour water from the clouds, some people will be receiving clearance, some deliverance and some will be receiving their judgement. God is nothing if not fair and nature is perfect.
I had another topic in mind, and also I have three more already post written that are in draft, but this young lady came to mind today and the message that she received. As funny as it sounds, I pondered on what she was told because it resonated with me. Like her, I often times have felt like that small bird perched on that high live wire, wondering what’s next. What should I do now? What gives from here? Being human is stressful, I should have opted to come in as a tree. Strong and in the woods somewhere. Watching all who pass by, when they pass by.
People are often surprised when I tell them this. They are shocked that I am also affected by what they are affected by. I laugh at this, but I do understand them. After all, I am no ordinary human, but I live inside the human body and unfortunately this subjects me to human emotions and human qualities. I say unfortunately because the spirit which is truly me, knows better. Yet emotions is necessary for the human to function here in this chaotic world. We do not have this problem (emotions) in other realms. Things are what they are and are never muddled by sentiments, feelings and all that nonsense. You must admit, it is tiring, but life is sweet, so no complaints about it, and that tree that I wished I had come back as, could not go to Stone Love or wear long Brazilian hair, so there are perks to the human flesh and to life.
If you are like me or the young lady, “perched on that wire”, waiting, not knowing where to go, or what will happen. If you happen to look up and see the darkening of the sky, the threats of thunder or the spark of lightening, knowing that the rain will pour and pour and pour, rest assured that the time for you to fly steady and well is near. The rain will stop, the clouds will brighten, the thunder will silence and the lightening will retreat.
All will soon be well. I promise.
Obara Meji
Thank u so much,did post here is just for me,.love and light.
Thank you ❤️
I needed this. Thank you so much Obara❣️
You’re most welcome
Wow this story..my story brought tears to my eyes. I too am perched on that wire…it must be the 3 little birds Bob sung of. Aye sah to be human….
I always feel this was, this is the story of my life. I don’t know ow to feel I don’t trust my own judgement. I ponder my every move. I am not sure if I like people or I don’t . It is a terrible feeling and I am just waiting for the right moment where I can feel the current so I can fly off. My whole life I have been waiting to be truly happy. I have always wanted kids and now I wonder if I even like them anymore. I don’t like animals but I guess I… Read more »
No cats for you, you are about to fly off that damned wire even if mi haffi fi climb up deh Miself and sprinkle wats fi shock yuh off. Nothing happens before it’s time my dear, yours is right up de street
YES YES YES- THIS IS REAL- I have felt this exact feeling about living good and patiently waiting on what must be. I will tell you a personal mini story. When I was younger I was always ahead of everyone age wise. I skipped 2 grades, was the youngest person to enter my high school, youngest to graduate, youngest to start advance degrees at my university and then my life slowed. Though everyone would say something mystical had/ has happen to me I look at it another way. I look at it as the Universe slowing my life down for… Read more »
WHERE YOU BEEN SIR? Mi nuh like Mazda eeda.
haha me just a see the new posts- me late
Obara, did the bird fly off the wire?
About fi tek off now
Beautifully written teach. You always on point and good timing with the words of “inspiration” muah!
Es family big up yourselves
Hi Sue
Greetings to u teacher Obara Meji n the ES family. Funny how I was directed by my spirit to read this post this morning. I have been doing my routine to rise each morning before the Sun to give praises to the Divide Force of Creation which we call God. This morning I felt so very tired n I just lie in bed, trying to reason with the Powers that be that I couldn’t get up n I would just lie down n pray this morning. But it was’t to be…with tired limbs n sleepy eyes I willed tired bones… Read more »
Hi Ms. Obara,
I love this. Thanks for the reassurance.
Waiting to see the rainbow again.
Stay blessed.
Hello Obara and ES family. This is EXACTLY how I feel in my life right now. I know better days are coming but it’s hard when you’re in that waiting period. Thank you for this encouraging post.
Did I ever tell you guys I despise the phone and it’s spell check?? Lol
me duh Queen, but de wire ah shake fi true, lmaooooo
This wire is about to pop due to the amount of us wah deh pon it lol…without this sight and mums I probably would be still stressing over the things Im “supposed” to have or accomplish. But because I have embraced my spirituality I have found a better way to let those feelings pass. They come and when they do I drop down in fronthe of my altar and “be still”, hold a firm meds and remember where, and who I came from. Lovely post mums. Live and light to you all *muah*
DWL, nuh true?
Mi naah play! Yuh fi si mi set fi yuh, mi well a brace gense di post causen seh mi dun decide seh mi nah feel dah one ya tideh. A weh dis reader ooman tek dis ting fa? An mi start read an a mek excuse – nope dat doah mean nutten to me , few more words jus whop mi up, nope I cannot relate – why wi suh difficult an fufool sumtime?! It dis as well yuh jus write mi name an seh yuh a chat mi pon yuh blog. Can you please stop it? lol As… Read more »
My dearest IBQUEEN as I sit here perched on the wire I am perched on here in Africa, I reminisce about the many times I have flown off this same wire to go explore and experience, and had to come back come perch again, each time it gets harder to fly off, each time it gets more worrisome. Yet today with the rain and even more threatening to come, I somehow feel an ease, something good will come as soon as the rain ends, then maybe I will never perch here again.
Stay Blessed mi love.
That was a great story. I kinda feel like that sometimes but I just thank the divine source for the day I experience. It’s so true u said about everything will clear up soon..thanks aga in and thanks for the inspiration mornings
Love and light Lucinda!
Gotta love you and love the things you do and say. Love your message and it has perfect timing.
Love and light Nordette!
Can you stop Obara! Jesus. O_o. I stopped midway on this post because the words are just too overwhelming. It is quite relatable. You give me hope, well I should say push me to GIVE MYSELF hope.
“and that tree that I wished I had come back as, could not go to Stone Love or wear long Brazilian hair” ahhahaha Afterall.
P.s it’s dark outside and thunder a beat LITERALLY. Dwl..I gots to go- you’re too much ahaha
Hi Sa-Fo, lol
Hang in there Karkar, yuh soon fly off to better things without fear, nuh watch nutten!
Hi Obara. I came upon your blog recently and subscribed. This new post really resonated with me. I’m so perched on that wire it nuh funny…any way, I know I can’t afford to give up. *Sigh* – hanging in there. Thanks for the inspiration. Bless up.
Thank you for the Spiritual Morning inspiration. Blessings!
We all have to encourage each other. I write them, and I practice what I teach.
Dear Obara, how are you? I get that feeling also but I have also learned that everything that happens occurs for a reason and a purpose.
Yes Carpe, but every dog has his day
Very timely blog, yet again. Very inspiring, and a reminder to be patient and that blessings are near. But boy oh boy, what a daily test in the midst of what is perceived as darkness. I needed this message. Thank you Obara.
You welcome CharMD. It’s raining cats and dog here, the whole place is dark and I am laying in front of my computer on the bed rocking to this!
Bob mek yuh feel like yuh wan roll sup’n between yuh two finger dem and chill
Greetings and Salutation, Obara and fam! This post resonates. “Human life is stressful”..sigh and to add, by the time you figure it out it more than halfway done
Nunu ah really you dat, mi doe believe
A me man! Mi get scarce nuh chue! lol
Yuh human Nunu, so mi expect it
I don’t balance things well. School has been taking up literally all my time. But mi still try come peep doe
np, peace Nunu