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The lessons of karma are so much often repeated that many people just take it at face value and not as something real. The law of causation (cause and effect) is real and must be taken seriously. Spirituality needs to be taught in schools, or as parents, we must take up the responsibility to teach our children that the world we all live in is alive and pulsating. There are forces that protects us and forces which are here to harm us or create encumbrances to block our way. These forces are necessary for our evolution both malevolent ones and benevolent ones. Christianity has created the Devil or Satan (a singular being with minions at hand) to represent the malevolent forces I speak of here albeit they erroneously teach that these forces are but one single entity, who once was an angel named Lucifer. Perhaps I should not be critical of these teachings and learn to understand that this may have been a crafty way the religion figured they could teach their followers about forces of good and evil (making them singular entities with human emotions). Yeah, that’s it, perhaps! (light bulb moment for me here, let me take a minute to sink this in).

I am still working on it (sinking in) but let me continue during the process. I want to share a peculiar story with you, not really peculiar, but peculiar nonetheless. To all intellectuals who will read this today, (I know you are many here, but I am referring to the “peculiar” sentence before this disclaimer) do not judge me too harshly for the way I write (being that I am learned also) it’s a blog Goddamnit so the rules are my own. Now on to the story…

I recently did an Ifa initiation for a man with a very interesting (mi waan use de word peculiar again ei si (not “interesting”, but peculiar ), but mi haffi hold back mi self) problem. He was under a very strong (again peculiar should be used here, but mi fraid ah oonuh) Obeah attack. One of the most peculiar (there I used it, mi cudden help myself) spiritual cases I have ever seen, and I have seen many things. Oonuh memba “tonguey“? De woman wid her tongue ah long outta her mouth and ah choke her every time she chat? Dem did Obeah her because dem say she chat out people business. Or de boy whey Madda Myrie de Obeah woman set fi go round and bawl “Moo” like cow? Well his attack was very bad. Although I would like to go into details about what he was going through, I will not, because I did not ask his permission to do so (mi phone dead and mi cyaan call him yet, and mi get inspiration fi write now) but I am sure he will one day write his own story and send it to me to share with you all. I can however share with you some part of his initiation and something that was revealed to him that manifested right away, but neither he nor I recognized the manifestation until not too long ago (today) when he called and the spirit took over my body (I am a medium) and revealed some things to him that were foretold at the initiation by Orunmila other wise known as Ifa.

When he first contacted me about his problem, the solution was that he needed Ifa. He had been going through hell for a very long time without release and he was at a point of not knowing where to turn. It was to be one Obeah man who referred him to my site (mi tell oonuh seh de Obeah people dem deh yah ah study wid we) and that was how he found me and I am now his God Mother. I told him that Ifa was the solution and he threw caution to the wind and came to meet me here, (with faith, mi respect him) in Nigeria. The initiation began the very night he landed and lasted the night until morning. It was a very fascinating night as something was revealed that shocked all in attendance, especially he and I. The Odu Ifa that came down and greeted him told him that before he left Africa to go home, one of his enemies, one of the persons who did harm to him by way of Obeah, will die. I had also told him this, using myself as an oracle as I naturally am, except there is a twist in this story.

While going through his challenge, he had pointed out certain people, figuring that these were the ones behind it. It is never good for a spiritualist to identify the persons responsible for inflicting  Obeah onto another, as the consequence can change things for everyone involved. For example, the victim may become angry enough to kill the person responsible for their plight, but by doing this the blood will also be on the identifier’s shoulders. If you are a healer, assist the client, protect him, and allow the Universe to have it’s way with them the evil ones, leave it unto the elders within time and space, no human being have the power to exact punishment like them. Ifa does not agree with an eye for an eye, and I trust Ifa. The man was correct on some of his guesses, but I urged him to focus on the solution and not the problem. It was hard because of his suffering and the pain (emotional) he was going through, but he had developed a trust for me and a hope in the words I shared with him, the hope I gave him, the posts he read here on my blog, which he said became  a page turner and a comforter to him, were reassuring and soothing to him, he sought light and believed he found it. I told him that all would be well, and he, like a small child, trusted and believed me, I had to see him through, I had to! Mi deh yah ah bawl de living yie wata as mi type, people wicked ennuh, but oonuh gwan read, gwaan read deh!

The initiation went well. He had some miserable moments (meaning he got frustrated and impatient at times, and Jamaican people easy fi get ignorant, including miself, Please to excuse mi to all de decent ones dem, oonuh few an far in between), too many things on his mind and he missed his family, who was his sole support while he had been struggling through. Others who knew what was happening to him all thought he was crazy and even tried to convince him that he was, but he was strong and knew that what he was  experiencing was not normal and did not give up on himself. He was present in his life, OONUH CLAP HIM!

The following day after the all nighter we pulled doing the first bit of his initiation, he received terrible news that his brother’s mother died (aged 87, from a massive and quite sudden heart attack). He immediately wanted the initiation to hurry on through as he needed to attend her funeral which would be held in Jamaica. He told me that the woman had children for his father, although his mother was the father’s original wife. He said although she was the “other” woman with her children, she treated him and his other siblings kindly and would specifically go out of her way to prepare lavish meals for them whenever they came visiting. He said she would go to the fishing village and buy the biggest fish and the freshest foods to prepare for them, oh how she loved them. He reminisced of her fondly. To him, it was as if his own mother had died. He loved and respected this woman so much and so did his siblings that were not her children. He finished the initiation and all was well, we had to pull all nighters to complete everything since he had to make the funeral. He asked me if he could be a pall bearer at her funeral, but the Ifa told him no.

But he did attend the funeral and he came back home after spending three days. But he (before he left for the funeral) began to develop boils which were many, big (they were abscess) ones, so much that when he returned, they had to drain them at the hospital he went to. We had told him that the Obeah would be removed from his body little by little as it had been there for years (about 34 to be exact) and it would now come out, we just did not know the door it would walk through. These were the abscesses that were developing all over his body. When we initiated him, we made sure to do all that we had to do to send the Obeah from his body, it would take time to leave but it would leave.

He called me this morning to tell me of what he went through yesterday as they drained the abscess, and as he told me, the spirit took me over and the revelation came that the woman who died was the one who first did the wickedest Obeah against him – and she did it through food when he was just a teenager.

She had did this to him and the other two of his siblings who are all having problems and to also elevate her own children. The same thing I told him before he visited Nigeria and what Ifa told him had manifested, but it flew right over our heads, because of who it was that died. This was a woman who he boasted had loved and cared for him so much, a woman he called a second mom, a woman who nutured and cared for him. But she was one of his biggest enemies – and he had no idea. All the food she so lovingly prepared for him were spiritual poisons, which affected him all throughout his life, and as his life plummeted, her children’s life progressed. When she died while he was on initiation ground here in Nigeria, no one looked at her passing as “Yes, ah de brute dat” because of who she was and what she represented to him. It was spirit who invaded my body and blurted out everything. It took 34 years for her to get her recompense but it came, while she sat comfortably in her favourite chair, spirit walked through her body as a heart attack and she now has gone on to answer for all her deeds.

Parents, be mindful of how your children eat from others! Do not willingly accept gifts for them, and be present in your life. Listen to your spirit. Ifa is wonderful, I cannot stop saying this.

The gentleman I speak of will post his own story and I will publish it as soon as he sends it in.

Obara Meji

Ọmọ tó bá mọwọ́ wẹ̀, á bá àgbà jẹun. /
A child that knows how to wash his hands will eat with the elders……Yoruba Proverb!

[If you would identify those ahead of you and learn to relate well with them, you would be favoured with uncommon privileges]

All religion are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…. Obara Meji!

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[…] I wrote the post Who Do You Trust In This World? I told you all that the person for whom this happened to would send his own post in. I’m very […]

8 years ago

Obara, why was it necessary to hurt someone else in order to better her own, could she of not just used what ever she did to have them prosper without harming another?

8 years ago

Thank you for the cautionary tale. And I’m sorry but I laughed so hard at the toungey story. Lol!

8 years ago

Great story

8 years ago

A peeper coming out of the wood works. Thanks for Sharing this Story Obara, I used to be in denial of the existence of obeah ….. viewing my life from a distance through reflection and pondering upon my family background (Paternal and Maternal) its not rocket science to sniff out the presence of obeah – “When the normal becomes abnormal evil is at work” Obara. The obeah the fella experienced in the above piece is quite common among the yoruba ethnicity tribe in 9jeria due to envy, greed and sheer spite, most people in the church settings chose to be… Read more »

8 years ago

MTH, Obara has taught us well and we just have to put these words in our daily life. They become part of our daily affirmations. Blessings!

8 years ago

Carpediem, just like you, I will use the mantra always be present in your life. Sometimes we get excited and want to share our progress with people and of course they have hatred towards us.

8 years ago

Hi Ms.Obara,

Great post. An eye opener to a lot of things. Most times the people who you trust the most are the ones that hurt you. I am glad he found you and got help.

You know my story. God is good. With determination, strong will, prayer and hope. I SHALL overcome.

You are a blessing. Continue the good work.

8 years ago

Dear Obara, thank you for this story. You always remind us to be present in our own life. To quote you, my motto is “when the normal becomes abnormal evil is at work.” Just as you always say, if Johnny does well, keep it yourself because those closest to us will do things to keep us down. This is what was done to your client.
Do you think had he realize that it was his stepmother was the one who obeah him he would have gone to funeral?

8 years ago

Keep your enemies close and your friends/loved ones closer hmmm yup I agree that its mostly close individuals betray you. i hate to think of it but is true. I think it was a case of the brute want to keep down the 1 wife children as hers must surpass them in life. also she secretly hated the man 1 wife and kids and possibly could not show bad face to them so she use this hold down method. Hey I know I don’t play with food and this is one some people nasty

Intellectual Bhutu
8 years ago

I like your peculiar style of writing! Your vivid language took me to the initiation, the funeral an have me a look pon abscess lol. It so important that we pay attention to those around us and those who accompany them. At times, the “badmine” an dutti heart is created by their relatives and friends. I am now watching somebody and wondering about some peculiar things that have been happening. I may need to take a trip to March’s Drug Store soon. Mi nuh too inna di hug up, hug up…an mi nuh eat weh most people eat. My mother,… Read more »

8 years ago

Hey Teach. I hate to throw away food but this isnt someone that I was particularly closed with, sorry but mi naah nam nuh food from nuh body like dat…I was doing some thinking just now and I am really thinking there are people so devious they would do any and everything to impede the growth and prosperity of another. That man must feel away. Lawd, what a bitta pill fil swallow. No badda talk bout all the same person wey yu a sleep wid, wey grudge an try rob and kill you.

8 years ago

Yow I feel IT for the man- people can only harm you if they are close to you so Think about it . Everyone who has hurt me in life is someone I had close to me –
That’s why I move myself these days and mystic- Not a soul know what me a do, not even mi shadow lol


8 years ago

Greetings everyone. I knew immediately that it was the crossis step mumma from yu si how shi a prepare food an how shi drop drop dead sudden. It is so distressing to see the lengths people will go to hold back another in life. Teach, again this was captivating and had me hanging on to every word. Thanks for opening our eyes to the ways of these evil people. About three weeks ago I was at home and this lady called me and ask if she could stop by as she had something for me. I thought it was hair… Read more »

8 years ago

this is well interesting

Obara Meji
Obara Meji
8 years ago
Reply to  Imani

Hi Iman and MTH, hi everyone

8 years ago

This is a very sad story as an unsuspecting teenager to be attacked by a maternal figure is heartbreaking. However was yhis a necessary experience to set him on his path? Through turmoil we seek alternative answers. Thankfully he was led to aObara and was healed. Is the formation of an absess a common way for obeah to leave the body

8 years ago

What I have found is that betrayal comes from those you would least expect. I’ve heard of parents, biological parents harming their own children through Obeah, so who can you really trust? It always puzzle me why someone would go through great lengths to seek the demise of others without justification, why go after innocent people. In this case why go after your step children, harming them through food. God know I respect people who show others that they don’t like them. Atleast that way you know to be careful around such people. Obara in the case of the step… Read more »

8 years ago

Wow!!! jumping up and down!!! soon as I read her death, I knew it was she who had obeah him. but God see and know smdh what a wicked lady. look how him and his siblings love she eeeeeh I no longer pray for my enemies only to be protected from them and that the universe will return what they have given. ASE!

Thanks O Obaraaaaaaaaaaaa you need to call me ma’am we need fah catch up

8 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

tehehe nah too bash aunty. is only when she visit mi get di dream dem lol

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