Yesterday I received a call from a client of mine. Someone she had helped two years ago was cross with her and had put their “I’m Pentecostal!” Aunty on the phone to pull down judgement on someone who they believed had offended the big woman neice. The story goes like this:
The lady was thrown out of her house two and a half years ago by her biological father. She was pregnant with no where to go, baby daddy jump ship and run gone. Her siblings and the rest of the family, including the judgement calling down aunty refused to help her, so my client gave her a place to stay in her house, in an apartment that was empty. The offer was temporary and her stay was for free.
My client’s family was against her assisting the woman, they argued that it must be a reason her father threw her out pregnant and also why no other blood relative wanted her to live with them. Fi wi Jamaican people first thought was that this gal yah ah crosses (bad luck), but my client’s soft heart got the best of her and I do understand because perhaps I would have done the same thing, to take in and care for someone pregnant with no where to go, I have done this in the past before, that is another story I will write one day.
While the woman was at the house, my client reminded her that she had to find a place before the baby was born as the other family members who were the owner of the house demanded that she not have the baby there. No one came to her rescue, and the fact that while she was pregnant she went and credited a Mercedes Benz truck did not sit well with the client and the already ignorant (of de crosses gal) in the house, family members. She had the baby, and left from the hospital with the new born to drive to another state where she was offered refuge by a family member, who at last assisted. According to my client she had left a box of her belongings in the apartment, but this was two years ago, however my client admitted to me that from time to time the woman would ask her if the box was safe where it was and my client assured her that it was, since they had not rented the apartment.
The family members who are the owners of the house jointly with my client decided to rent the apartment to someone, but the part of the apartment the person was to rent was half of what it was, (the apartment big so only half of it was rented out), so my client did not worry about the woman’s box, as she was certain in her mind that it was not in the way of the new tenants.
My client said she got a call from the woman (this is two years since she left) telling her she was coming for her belongings. When she came, she discovered that the box she had left was not in the part of the apartment where she left it, and so she called my client to come take a look, they looked around and truly it was not there. My client then called the new tenant who told them that the work men threw all the boxes out. My client told me that the woman let out a gut wrenching cow bawling, the likes she had never heard before and for a while was inconsolable. When she was able to catch her breath, she called her aunt who asked to speak to my client (cho, de writing my client is becoming annoying to me, I will call her Debbie from hence forth, cho rass man).
Debbie explained to the aunt, while the tenant apologized saying he did not know the things were important. That was not enough for the Pentecostal aunty, Debbie told me that the woman began raining curses (Jamaican people, she draw dung some judgement deh, like ah Obeah she tek God ah wuk), the good old Christian Pentecostal (she kept repeating it like it was a bad word) woman cried out death for the tenant and for whoever responsible for the things being thrown away, (Debbie told me that she had a feeling the she was included in the bit), the woman cursed in the name of Jesus, pull dung de blood, some Jamaican bad bud was thrown in the mix, and detailed some horrible things that would happen to the persons responsible for flinging away the box, I imagined her sweating and out of breath when she finished.
The tenant, who tried to console the lady, left angry because he realized that he was being cursed even though he was not aware of the importance of the box when the workmen threw it away, and even his attempt of apology was not being recognized.
The woman (the niece), after she had calmed down somewhat, from de cow bawling left, but then she called Debbie and asked for the tenants name, saying that someone told her (I am guessing the Obeah working Christian aunt) that she could go to her parent (mumma) grave and do some things there to wreck the tenants life. Debbie told her that what she was planning was no good and that she should remember that she has a child, her response was that she did not care, he must pay. She even asked Debbie why could she not be honest with her and tell her that she did not want the box there, there was accusation in her voice. Debbie called her out on it, and she backed off.
When Debbie called me and told me what was going on, I took the woman’s side and cussed about the tenant throwing the box away even though he had no business over that side, but when I heard that she wanted to Obeah the tenant and also when she played the recording of the Pentecostal aunty, calling down judgement on a situation she only heard about and on the tenant who apologized, this woman who is supposed to be a Christian, using same Christianity to threaten the tenant with Obeah, saying “Mi ah Pentecostal oonuh tink mi easy!” When I heard this, I got involved and quickly told her that while I at first pity the woman losing her stuff (although two years of leaving her stuff was really taking a Debbie and her kindness for granted), I would defend the Tennant if she tried him. I told Debbie to tell the woman that I said if she ever tried the tenant, she will regret it! I told Debbie to tell the woman and the aunt to take one step toward him or Debbie and they would find out how wata walk go ah pumpkin belly, translation, they would be sorry. This was one fight I would join. I hate wicked people, especially the ones wicked in the name of Jesus.
There are people in life, when you see them in problem, you have to leave them alone. I am extremely compassionate and kind, mi nuh si my levels of kindness. Jamaican people would call me “gi whey” artist, but this kindness which is innate in me have hurt me more times than not in this physical realm. The Universe loves me for it, but human beings takes advantage or develop an agenda when they realize it within me.
The wicked baby father left me and my children fi ah evil gal. When we broke up, he would not help me or the children, (Mi leff de past, but for the sake of storytelling). God shined his mercy on top of me and through some people that I prayed for, I began doing better for myself. He (the dranco baby father) got wind that things were “happening ” for me, by this time he was hiding his car from the repo man. He came to my home, (before this he would not pick my calls) and begged me to give him 3 months car payments he owed. I gave it to him. The next day, he came and begged a hundred dollars, I gave it to him. He came everyday from then for about four days straight, each time, I gave him the money he asked for. On the fifth day God spoke to me through a taxi driver. I have never forgotten that man, perhaps one of his life’s mission was to wake me, a stranger, up from my then stupidity.
While taking me out, I was in the back seat, for some reason (which is unlike me) I began telling him my story with the baby father, his evil woman and his she devil mother. The story was heartbreaking, they put my enemy through hell, and so the taxi driver asked me where is he now. I told him that God had put me back on my feet after months of struggling and he heard and have been coming for money from me for all sort of reasons. The little Jamaican man, who looked like dem St.Elizabeth white man (the German descendants dem) was shocked to hear how “fool fool” (Jamaican term for foolish, except Jamaicans repeat it twice to let you know how very foolish you are) I was. I never forgot his outrage nor the words that followed,
“Yuh ah idiot?” He screeched, I lowered my eyes as he sought to hold them in his mirror, (we were at the light and I begged for it to turn green, shame like dawg). “Why yuh interfering with God’s business?” It was green light now thank God, but he continued. “God ah beat this old dog (insert bad word that rhymes with pit here) and yuh ah help him? As of today, no more!” he was almost shouting, but I absorbed the message from him as I would my own father. “Young lady, God is giving him his judgment and you are interfering wid God business, stop it please“. I responded with a meek “Yes sir”. It was the white looking Jamaican taxi driver who gave me the message, but he was only a medium that God (the Universe) used to wake me up.
In the case of Debbie, the woman and the Pentecostal aunty, when I heard the story my fingers itched to pick up my laptop and write this story. The woman who lost her box, did not return to tell Debbie thanks, yes, I know the pain and hurt she must have felt when she realized that her box with her belongings were missing and I sympathized with her at first, the sympathy however flew away when I heard her evil plans. Some of you may say, she may had uttered them during the time she was distraught, and while that may be true, she called Debbie again and again trying to get the tenants information, swearing that she must destroy him, I think it was pretty clear that she was/is serious.
There are times when some people are being beaten by the Universe, times when we meet upon people meeting their repercussions for things they did to others. We may pity them, not knowing that it is the hands of God upon their lives. Some people will never change, no matter what they have been through, no matter the lessons they have been taught, their character is their character they will never change.
We must be careful of how we treat kindness or trust given to us. I remember a coolie friend of mine telling me that a person can give her a plate of food now and she would cuss the person later if they got fresh with her. For me Obara Meji, if you give me a glass of water to drink I will never forget you. Even if we fall out and I do not like you anymore, that glass of water you gave me when I was thirsty, I will always remember and should you need my assistance as long as I am able to, I will give it. It does not mean that I will be your friend, but I will not stand by and see you suffer.
I wanted to share this story because I know that the tenant did not do this on purpose and he apologized, nor did Debbie know the box was not there. Truly, I can sympathize with the woman, but she lost the sympathy when her first instinct was to harm someone with obeah, someone who didn’t know her and who she did not know. Who knows, perhaps this was what the family knew about her and that is why they closed their doors when she needed them. The first thing to come to many people’s thoughts when they feel hurt and violated is to hurt the ones they feel responsible or anyone associated with that person. In this case the aunt, who proclaims to be a Christian, a pentecostal one at that (as she bawls this out after every other word), should have calmed the woman who was distraught with words of assurance instead of pulling down judgement on whomever in Jesus name.
In this case Jamaican old time people say “Soup nuh good ah mawning, it cyaan good ah evening.” In other words, a Leopard never changes his spot.
Walk Good people and sow good seeds!
“What can be seen can be changed”…..Obara Meji
“Everything happens for a reason and Everything comes when it must”….Obara Meji
Mímì lẹpọ̀n àgbò ńmì, kò lè já. /
The ram’s testicles are merely dangling, they cannot fall off….Yoruba Proverb!
[Keep hope alive, though tough it may seem]
Nice one…
Grungggg @ harpy breed, Cami yuh si yuh!!!! Lmaoooo!!
Yes Nell she found two job that same week a weekend job and a full time one
That’s good for her! I should have checked back sooner man.
I can’t find the relevant post, but did blogger Joy find a job yet? I have remembered her sporadically, up to yesterday and said brief prayers.
Hope she is well and has found something.
A wha coulda inna da box deh suh!? No sah, yuh si how some people heartless, this lady is willing to destroy this man because of a box an then shi have a nerve fi try lowkey accuse Debbie. An weh dis aunty did deh when she needed help. You have to be so wary of people
Yehemm, Miss NuNu! Frim yu get yu hot job you rare like a 80 carat diamond…lol
HNY! Love you said speed.
Cami Wi Nunu inna College mi love, she accelerate the course so she soon done, mi proud ah har, mek wi pray HAR through
Dwl@Prosperity, yuh too bad lolol
Hi O loooool Why the bawling and threatening of the man life? Something was in it and it seems they needed to store it somewhere but never throw it away. Don’t think it’s money as she a kotch and trust benz smdh lol
Trust benz and nuh live no whey! Can you imagine?
She wicked to herself! smh
Baby daddy knew wen it was time to go. Sorry fi de pickney, but such is life when mommy come from harpy breed.
Kia, I was thinking the same thing. I want to know why the aunty wasn’t so holy and tek in har stray mongrel of a niece.
I despise that jesus blood mantra! It provoke my being whenever I hear it and worst base on the tone I hear it in…that is “demonic” mantra.
KB yuh know sey mi neva tink bout sey ah muss obeah fi bring dung dem deh cow bawling deh and obeah threat
2 years 2 r**** years?! She lucky! Mi dash dat whey after 2 months! I do not like junk nopes too much clutter is not good. i need space and air. A must some obeah in di box make dem gwaan suh eeh Maybe some dolly or tie man strings in the box looooool Something!
Hello Obara and ES Debbie and Pena-cos-less need to hold several seats…the whole stadium
You know seh it cross mi mind sey a Obeah KTB, but mi figure after 2 years it muss expire. Maybe it was up for renewal. Dwl mi caan bada!!!
tehehehehehehe Prosperity said up for renewal lol That’s what I think too. Something ina something
Good night folks. The girl reminds me of a cousin of mine smh. Every couple years we used to fall out and start talk again and the last time we let her stay with us and she cause all kind of problem. I have stories for days with ungrateful ppl (could write a book). I agree with prosperity, don’t feel sorry for her one bit. She is careless and disgusting. I wouldn’t dare judge because u have my careless moments, but to threaten an innocent party like he did something malicious is just foul…him definitely couldve ask bout the box… Read more »
wait deh- the box can’t be that important if them leave it for 2 yrs. That’s like the hoarders a pack up boxes and dont throw away saying they need it and 20 yrs the box don’t open-
Its sad that people throw evil words and action at people they don’t know or of their circumstances- just how the world is I guess- I feel it most for the tennant than anyone else in this situation they are innocent really
Prosperity same suh! At first mi did feel away, worse mi hear sey har some important paper works dem did in deh, but who leff important papers fi two year and gone, and den ah use brain from time to time call Debbie, Wuklis cultis!, and bout she and pentecostal aunty aguh obeah people
Unlike you Obara mi nuh empathise with the tenant. The box was left for 2 years, that means whatever in the box she can live without. (No reason to want to curse the man or Debbie) If the box had something in it that I couldn’t stand to lose, I wouldn’t leave it for 2 years, but that’s just me. If the contents of the box really did valuable, whether sentimental or financial it shows that she careless fi lef it so long. Har carelessness is evident when she go get Mercedes, when she pregnant homeless with no family or… Read more »
Exactly! What could have been in that box for you to kick up rumpus like that? And if so important, why leave it?
Mi nuh finish read yet, but the Mercedes truck have mi a bawl out “bullet bullet” hot gal a road. Mi pred whey. Mi gwan back gone read
Hot gal ah road an nuh live no whey, bullettttt!!!!! New lyrics fi Squiglly Ranking! Bulletttttt!!!