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“Psychic Defense” is a phrase I actually abhor, believe it or not. The word Psychic that is.

Remember Miss Cleo? She made a mockery of it, the psychic networks commercialized it, and naysayers have their jokes and skepticism they go after it with.

There are many ways to describe the “seer” but for this post I will go with the word above. Most of you do not even know that you fight a spiritual battle daily.

Reading this as I write, I am marveled at how many people discount Obeah, believing that it “doesn’t exist” or is simply nonsense. Not all Spiritual Wickedness is “Obeah” in the practical sense. Some are your own mother, father, sister, brother, aunts, cousins, neighbour, friend, co-worker… This spiritual battle I speak of is the minds of men and women. More often than not it is the family member who is causing the trouble in the family or who has turned the brightest child of the mother crazy, and it can all be done through “psychic attacks.”

Psychic Attacks are negative energies that are transferred mentally, usually through negative thoughts projected onto another person (jealousy, anger, bad wishes, etc). Psychic attacks can also happen by simply walking into a space where a malevolent entity dwells. I had a client some years ago who could never find or keep a boyfriend. I divined for her and it wasn’t obeah, nor was it Egbe. Instead, it was a spirit who said it had “fallen in love with her” five years ago and has since “married her”. My client remembered that it was 5 years before that her last boyfriend had suddenly packed up and left her house.

Obeah, on the other hand, is the practical act of using negative energy to inflict/manipulate others or change their destinies. But Obeah can also be positive and this is done when that negative energy is reversed and the person affected can now live normally or better.

We know not the power of our minds, some people more than some. It is common for a person not to be happy for another who has more than he does. I have a sister that is the definition/example of this.

My senior sister was using a crimping iron on my hair one day. I wore shorts and she noticed my skin.

“Your skin is brown and pretty,” she told me.

Before I could respond, the crimping iron fell from her hands and right onto my legs. I received severe burns on my leg which took years to fade. What happened here was that although my sister complimented my skin, the comment was fueled by jealousy in her heart. I never knew then that my sister was insecure of her dark skin, but the iron falling onto my legs after the comment was the physical projection of what she truly felt. Not admiration, but anger and perhaps hate.

This is a form of ‘Psychic Attack’, a spiritual attack through mental projection.

It is difficult to escape someone having a negative thought about us, but we can protect ourselves from the effects such thoughts can have.

Often times when you lose your job, a co-worker may have moved you because of his/her dislike for you or his/her anger that you have the position that they don’t believe you deserve. This thought can manifest in your sudden decision to quit, or the quarrel between you and your boss that happened out of the blue, or some silly mistake you would never normally have made.

But this can also have a different effect: The co-worker dislikes you and wants you to leave, but you are spiritually conscious, attuned to your higher self, and have embraced your spirituality – so instead of you leaving, your co-worker has suddenly decided to quit.

What I have described here is the number one way of defending yourself from Psychic Attacks.


  1. Be Aware. Be Present In Your Life. Embrace Your Spirituality. Be Conscious.

How does this protect you? Because you’ll understand that when you ride the train, bus, or visit a crowded space, you have walked into a pool of many different energies. If one clings to you and life becomes abnormal, you’ll start asking questions and this will send you searching for spiritual answers, and looking for spiritual answers leads you to solution.

When you embrace your spirituality, you become awake, conscious, so you no longer see things the way others do. You come to realize that everything has a spiritual explanation, and this is what needs your attention, what is the spiritual reason?

Many people do not realize this, because the human body is programmed with emotions, so often times when there is an argument brewing, some people will not walk away from it, having to always get the last word in. I have been in situations like that many times, I am a work in progress where this is concerned, but this is something that you must pay attention to.

A person with a bad temper is more likely to be affected by walking into or attracting a negative energy, than a person with a calmer temperament. The negative energy can quickly affect the person with the bad temper, making him angry quickly and causing chaos. The more chaos, the better, as this negativity is like food for this energy, it is like vampire-ism, yes there lives among us are many spiritual vampires, I will deal with this another time . The calmer person is too “closed” for the negative energy to have much success, and without success, there’s no “food”.

There was an old house I once lived with family. In that house there were constant heated quarrels, police visits, fights, bad relationships, just constant chaos and sadness.

One morning I had a vision of an old Italian looking woman with black hair pinned atop her head. She was stout and wore a white dress. If scrooge had a wife this would be her, in her looks. Wearing a disgusting scowl, she shrieked at me in the dream, that this was her house. It was built in 1901 and if we want her to stop the chaos that she has created, then we must give her a certain type of alcohol. She wailed this to me repeatedly until I forced myself to wake up. I called a meeting with everyone and told them what I saw. I am the practical spiritualist, so it was up to me to continue giving her what she demanded in order to keep peace. A part of me resented this, as I grumbled, that “nuh duppy cyaan bad mi up fi gi dem nutten”, but I did what she asked, and the place has been peaceful ever since.

This was a case of a Psychic Attack. This earth bound version of Mama Celeste, who was possibly a racist and a man hater (since no relationship seemed to survive in that house back then) when she had a body, created chaos among all inhabitants of this house. She was probably a drunk in life and now one in death. As you can see, no one threw Obeah toward the household, but an old hag without a body turned everyone against each other day after day…If I had not been among them, it would have continued, but my spirit confronted her in her world, and she begrudgingly confessed and gave me her demand as the solution. Blessed be Orunmila, my Ori, my guides and Osun.


2. Prayer. – Prayer is the key to life! I cannot stress this enough. It matters not if you believe in anything as in man, Spirits or God. Put your words out to the universe and they will hear you. It is prudent to spill positive words, as this will be accepted greatly among the elders who receives them. Negative words are heard and can even be answered, but be mindful of the seeds you sow.

Pray against attacks of any form. This will put all your non-physicals in motion in your defense, there is nothing better in this human world than prayer. It is a spiritual tool, use it.

(Quick fact: When I first began to read people, it was through prayer and song. Words and sound, it was what I used to open up the doors to people lives and with simple prayer, I could see everything).

  1. Water – Water is the source and there is nothing stronger to cleanse yourself or your home of negative energies, (see my post on water HERE).

  2. Chicken Coop or Pet – If you are in the Caribbean one of the best ways to rid your house of negative influences is to have a chicken coop. Not only does it help you rid yourself or house of negative influences, but these animals take the attack upon themselves and away from you. Don’t be surprised if the animal dies or falls sick suddenly. Our animals often absorb spiritual blows before it can affect us. If where you live cannot accommodate that, get an animal.

  3. Avoid The Colour Red – No one should wear this colour and I know why, but I will not deal with the reasons on any post. Just wearing the color red can get a person killed or ill – yes, it’s that powerful. It can pull millions of malevolent beings which will cause great harm. Avoid it if you can. If you must wear red, blend it with white to calm it down. Remember we are not alone here in this realm, many unseen eyes watches us daily. Colour have specific meanings within the realms unknown.

  4. Be Careful of Your Own Thoughts – Most often you pull negative energies unto yourselves with your bad thoughts of others, or of yourself. There are some people out there with such protection that if you wish bad for them, it is you who will feel it. At times, the problem begins with you.

  5. Wear Crystals – The trick to finding the right Crystal is to pick the one that pulls you. You must be attracted to that particular Crystal and not the one that someone recommends. Crystals are great for creating a shield between you and negative forces. You can avoid a lot with just wearing a crystal everyday.

8. Meditate- When you meditate you open yourself up for answers, you become attuned, connected. This will allow for defense of you and yours. You plug yourself into the universe who is alive and well.

9. Pay homage to mother earth and nature- This space we occupy belongs to the earth which is the womb and also nature, they are one in the same. When you pray, mention them, along with the four cardinal points of the earth, wisdom. Salute the elements, as the Sun holds the secret to our Divine All. There is nothing that is non-physical that visits this realm that can disrespect the earth and nature. If we show our respect, we will be rewarded by them. They will defend us.

10- Honor you ancestors-They are with you daily and will show up in your dreams to warn, heal and care you.

Remember, try never to offend your fellow human, you have no idea who you deem as your enemy is. Some of us here on this planet, are not ordinary people or are even human as you believe (ponder on this), so in all things, be good, try.

There is more to this, but I will see you in class.

Also read the rum ans salt posts

Obara Meji

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3 years ago

I was given a stone for protection.Are stones functioning same as crystal?

4 years ago

Am learning learning,thank u mama

7 years ago

love this post….can you do a post about wearing a guard and forms of really strong protection from obeah?

7 years ago

Great post as always Obara and so true. I can definitely attest to the power of water because of what you taught in class and the advise you gave. Thank you for reawakening my spirituality.

7 years ago

I LOVED THIS POST. I was up last night reading this and quite a few older posts. After you didn’t my reversal you warned me about both colours.
Does this mean that the Jamaican culture of having babies sleep in something read to protect them can actually put them in harm? Big up yuhself Obara.

7 years ago
Reply to  NAN

Did my reversal that should have been.

7 years ago

I like red! 🙁 but honestly I don’t have many pieces in this color which is good. I will add white to try and balance the color out. I have stopped sleeping in black or wearing black head tie. You taught me that O!

I am adding these defense tactics to my spirituality journal and memory. I have to re-read multiple times.

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

It’s not abandonment sister. I come visit the site and don’t see a post I go away. Plus I am not getting any notifications for new post. I added a different email today so hopefully I receive the notifications. I want to call you just know you busy like bees…..

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Okay sunday early afternoon or so..

7 years ago
Reply to  KTB

BUBBBBBLLEESSSS! How you doing lady??? Yes, O killed my enemys dream of owning a red sports car, i will have to settle for white lol!

7 years ago
Reply to  SeaQueen

Queenie! hahaha good good… great to see you on the wall! No worries white will look much sleeker! lol

7 years ago

Ms Obara Thank you for another great post! I have missed reading your knowledge.

7 years ago

Morning Obara and all. Re: Vampirism, I have noticed that persons with the narcissistic and/or sadistic trait tend to suck the energy of those around them. Narcissists feed off your attention while the sadists feed off your pain and sufferings. Re: Pets, I have noticed that dogs that are part Rottweiler tend to be docile around me while dogs with the German Shepherd trait tend to be aggressive toward me. It makes me wonder. Re: Colours, I have heard that wicked people tend to dress in all white a lot of times. Well, you do see that in movies but… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

U r welcome Obara.

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hello Obara, can you please blog more about black and the void at some point? I keep hearing people speak about working with dark energy, how it relates to the womb, etc and it is finally beginning to make sense to me. I was thinking of darkness as evil, not as the source of creation. Thank you.

Intellectual Bhutu
7 years ago

Welcome back Obara! Spiritual attacks through mental projection…this knowledge is emancipatory! I have no question today, I am simply here to testify. You present spirituality in such a relatable way. Your teachings (spiritual consciousness, crystals, prayer, meditation, honouring the ancestors etc.) have become a part of my daily rituals and because of this – my physical experience is much improved. This doesn’t mean that “life is perfect” but I now understand the extent to which my experience can be influenced or even serve as a lesson towards my greater good. Your teachings have given me the upper hand cause a… Read more »

7 years ago

Dearest Obara n the ES family, I greet u all with continued love, light n balance. Now on the topic of the colour red: In my high school days my uniform was like a market vendor’s apron n RED!! I had a stepmother who made it almost a daily ritual to buss mi up wid pure licks almost every evening after I got home from school. Mind u, I used to get a beating almost everyday, sometimes more than once per day but the red uniform I think brought it on all the more. Reasons were I didn’t make it… Read more »

7 years ago

Hello Obara, thank you so much for another informative post. It’s interesting how something as simple and accessible as prayer can be one of the most effective weapons in spiritual battle. It can be easy to forget. And of course your number one rule to always be aware Not only for yourself but for those around you. If nothing else, I have received this particular lesson from you.

7 years ago

Hello Ma and my ES family Thank you for your post Ma. Very informative. It’s a real eye opener on how powerful our thoughts really are. It reminds me when people say “yuh too bad mind”. Such is the intense evil and poison that some people abhor in their minds, through envy, malice, hatred etc feeding these negative energies, that eventually it becomes so strong it permeates outwards. Thank God for your life Ma and giving us the tools to protect ourselves from such negative attacks. When I was younger my mum was so against us wearing red or black… Read more »

7 years ago

I was going through some heavy stuff the last week or so and I would feel so much better when I actually took a shower and wash my hair, I found myself washing my hair 3 times in one week and did not know why. God bless your heart Obara!!! Reading about the power of water now

7 years ago

Hello Obara and the ESP bloggers, wow what a powerful post. Thanks for sharing. I experience these things you describe wow wow wow…… Blessings to you for always sharing your knowledge.

7 years ago

Bless up my ES family, seaqueen what a gwan mi dear? Suppose one enters a room which is filled with malevolent or psychic attacks but your enemy enters that space and start to cuss them off and run them. Would they pretend they’re gone, wait and plan to cause chaos in your enemy life? As for the colour red, every time I put on a red piece of garment you actually feel different, it makes you feel undefeatable, it makes everyone stare at you with fixation, its like you mesmerize them. Nubody never feel so yet? When I wear red… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Mi deh ya Sue! Hope all is well on your end of the world. O, I think she means psychic attack in the form of a malevolent being inhabiting the space. Like the case above where you appeased the old wench by finding out why she was causing so much ruckus and what she desired (alcohol). Further, she is trying to see if she handles it the wrong way in rebuking or cursing them, instead of appeasing them, would it run them or would they still be there planning for her enemy to cause chaos. That’s what i got from… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hush ya mums. MI know typing is not your best friend. I understand *muah*

7 years ago
Reply to  SeaQueen

You got it spot on seaqueen. 🙂 I’m doing fine. Muah

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

No problem teach

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

My enemy enters a room which she senses a psychic attack is there waiting to happen

but my enemy reacts by cussing and screaming at it. Would that reaction make the negative feed off that energy making it want to stay or just pass through?
Why is it that when someone comes in contact with anyone they’re always cussing or causing mischiefmischief forthemself, its like people who are just knowing them dislike or hate the person for no reason and it’s there 1st interaction?

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thanks teach. Appreciate it

7 years ago

Fyi…plz to let me know when class starts and the schedule ASAP!

7 years ago

Mums!! You don’t know how excited I got when I check my email and it said “New Post.” After rereading old post’s for the past two weeks this am I was saying to myself, “I miss my daily posts!” And BAM!!! Seet deh….#4 at work, I was very careful in my thinking and got what I wanted lol. Even if annuh so MI still believe ah so. Mums, what say you about red hair??? Say a person is a born red head, do they attract a certain energy to themselves due to their hair color? Thanks for this though mums,… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  SeaQueen

Queenie! You make me laugh but I am on the same page. I peep and peep looking for new post, rereading and missing the heck outta of Obara’s knowledge and style of writing.

7 years ago

Lovely post Obara, as usual. I have been on “hiatus” but checked in earlier today hoping for a new posting. I was premature, then lo and behold, here you are. (I did read some of your earlier posts while I was there.) I am sad to read that red is a “no-no,” I love the color (and it looks good on me too! 🙂 Many times I feel I am called to wear a particular color and it is not simply my preference. In those instances, is it acceptable to don the shade? Also, if one must wear red, say… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you Obara. It’s nice to be here.

7 years ago

U never disappoint it was for the pass couple of days I kept on checking my email to see if u had post and I had missed it… mi did hunger fi u post mi sey mi ears n eye did deh pon cock lol… love this topic everything is depict as ppl obeahing them some ppl don’t understand their thought can affect them and that they can be in a certain surrounding and pick up negative energy dat affect their life

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

This is so deep! Thank you. xoxo

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Interesting. I never thought of it that way.

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I mediated on that thought for a bit never look at it in this aspect before it was a burden to him he could barely manage a man carry it for a little bit and it was too much for him so Jesus did have to take it and finish carry it if my memory of the story is correct.. I love that u always impart ur knowledge on us allowing us to think outside the box open we eye dem to things we normal bypass and deem as normal.. oh blessing on u Obara u thought me so much… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Wow Obara! Received. How about the Ankh symbol or the female symbol worn as a tattoo?

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara…..da one ya lick mi fi six! Mi ago call everybody mi love n tell dem nuh wear nuh cross! Look how we wuda pree it as protection though eeh.
Please let me know when u class a start. Full time now mi tun up di ting.

7 years ago

Great post as always Obara! As I grow spiritually and evolve… I’m learning how prayer, mantras, positive affirmations are in important – for my own mental thoughts and sanity. I try to pray first thing in the morning, asking for God protection and to cover me because I know I easily take on others energy like an empathy and easily susceptible to creating enemies known and unknown for whatever reason and this negative energy can easily affect my day and has in one way or another my life. It’s interesting what you say about the color red, I try not… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you Obara! Can’t wait to see you! Xoxo

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hahaha You know I love my red lip! If you ever see my eyes pop out trying to read your message. LOL Thanks Char and Obara. So many great questions and answers! #LOVEIT

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