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The Spiritual Effects of Electricity + 6 Ways to Elevate at Night

Fire is mysterious. No one knows exactly where it comes from. Yes, rub two sticks or stones together and the friction (the force that resists motion between two surfaces) can create a spark which will cause fire, does that explain its origin?

Friction is what creates the spark which produces the fire, but where does fire really come from? One day we will really explore fire from a spiritual perspective, hopefully we all will be able to have the conversation intellectually and spiritually.

There are many topics I have been praying and hoping I can discuss on the blog, but I have held myself back because I did not want to fly above your heads. Yes, I know you all know about duppies (ghosts), obeah and such delights, but I have wanted to delve deeper and further. I tested the waters with you some time back, with a wonderful post of Rudolf Steiner, someone whose mind I admire, but many people complained that it was “too long” and “too much for them to read.”

So I continue posting about my life and sharing stories with you so you can learn and also teach from me. I tested again with the post Strangers Among Us, and the same luke warm response. I still wonder how can I delve deeper into subjects that are beneficial to our evolution and have my bloggers understand or at least be interested in learning?

This morning something woke me up and told me to just write, and so I am being obedient. Hopefully you will become more awakened one day enough to come back to the post and “get” what I mean.

In one of my posts titled An Extraordinary Encounter, I told you all that I received a message for Africa and I told you the source, but what I did not tell you was what that message was. After that encounter, I told someone the message I had gotten and he was somewhat cynical, which made me regret telling him.

I still will not reveal the message that was given to me, but I feel extremely privileged that I was chosen to receive it. Let me, however, explain some things to you about us humans and the things here that are placed in front of us that we actually need, but they impede our journey.

In the days of our ancestors, there was no electricity. If we review their lives and look into history, we will realize that they were more advanced than us. We have the internet, search engines, social media, TV, radio, the light bulb, sockets, and plugs, and this indeed makes life easier for us, more modern and we are considered advanced. But this is not true (the more advanced part).

Instead of evolving at the rate we should have been going, we have devolved, we have no idea who we are or even where we are going. This is one of the reasons the earth is shifting and is already set on a course, and why there are so many “helpers” coming in to assist (more on this topic another time). We human beings are spiritual beings, as you may already know. So when joined with our host, our physical bodies, we are electrically charged.

This speaks in how the body functions and operates; the electrical waves that the brain emits, how the heart beats, the skin and cells within, all of this is electrically charged naturally within us coming from the source, nature. This is how we are able to link with matter and are able to sustain or be sustained here on this planet. Now, what does this have to do with external electricity and us?

The frequency from man-made technology or electricity is on a different level from how we are electronically programmed and how our vibration is synced. Imagine when you have a highly charged device near a radio and it causes that screeching weeeeee sound like the one they use when interrupting a television programme with their testing, or having a microphone and it emits that same sharp sound. This is how it is with the human and electricity.

We’re not balanced. It interrupts our spirituality. Man made electricity can be looked at as a negative force because it is not something that is coming out of nature naturally. The electrically charged us, with our brain waves and heart beats, can be looked at positive charges.

Now, negative charge and positive charge can create a balance if both are operated off the same sound wave, but the force field that we are, and the force field that comes with man-made electricity are not the same.

What happens when the two wires that are not on the same frequency touch, (or an overload of current)? They short out. This is what happens to the human being when charged with too much electricity of the man made kind, but instead of shortage, our connection to the outer source or outer realms are blocked. It doesn’t work with our spirituality, and it blocks the way for our guides to assist us.

There was a time, for a lack of a better description, when man was able to communicate with his God or his divine directly. When man had direct connection to his consciousness, but now man is searching for his consciousness and has no direct contact to the divine but for the most part, hope and pray that God answers our prayers.

These are some of the effects that so called man made technology and electricity has created, and what has set human beings out of alignment with their consciousness. What is happening now is that we are moving more towards Solar Power.

The world more and more is getting into this, and while the earth shifts as we head into the 5th dimension, very soon everything will be using the Sun as our electrical charge. So gone will be the pollution of the earth, the sockets, the fuel… we’ll be Sun charged as our ancients were.

We’re going back to basics. There are many other species here on earth, some who will wear earthly uniforms, looking like us, acting like us, but are here to either assist or impede our way. Many are parts of nature and most are present but invisible and can enter our world, but there are others that cannot enter our world (the vibration is too low for them), but they can transmit messages to us telepathically.

These beings or energies (some good, some bad) are for our greater good and well being, yes even the bad ones, (will explain this one day). They operate off a different frequency than us, the same as ours is different from animals and plants.

They are not of this world, so their energy or vibration is very high or different from ours. Yet we also operate off frequencies and most often we are not at all operating in compatible frequency as a collective. As we walk the earth with the different ranges of frequency emitting from us all, along with those who are not from our world and now joined together with human technology, this makes for chaos in the world, all the diseases and sickness, wars, crimes and all.

This is why we must be spiritually grounded, but electricity interferes with our spiritual growth and evolution. In the show Better call Saul, one the best thing on Netflix (pay attention to Chuck), he may be a bastard but he is the most brilliant of Lawyers, extremely bright.

Yet he has a condition where he has to stay in the dark and no electronic devices can come around him, nor can he stay in light, he gets panic attacks, and anxiety attacks if he is exposed to light for long he goes into a catatonic state. Yet Chuck was amazingly talented in his work, a brilliant and respected lawyer who could figure out what others could not. When I watched it, I marveled at the writers. He speaks of the electromagnetic force field (I have posted about this on the blog before) and how it affects him.

The earth do have an electromagnetic force field which shields and protects it from many things, like cosmic rays, solar winds, high energy particles, this is also another topic, but at another time.

Let me get on with the current post. Collectively we cannot get away from electricity, but individually we can, and especially at certain times of night, when we all slow down, we can choose to elevate ourselves by allowing our spiritual vibrations to rise, therefore having access to our mission and evolving as we should, making it easier for us to complete our mission here.

6 Ways to Elevate at Night without the Disturbance of Electricity

For those who are disciplined and ready, if you do this, you will realize a major difference in your life, and how you process things, how you communicate and even how you understand things henceforth. There will be a gradual change within your personality, for you will grow, grow beyond what you even expected of you, so here goes.

  1. Turn off the lights in your house and unplug everything at nights before you go to sleep. You can have a candle lit (be responsible with fire please).The cell phone is a hard habit to break, but for every three hour of the day, turn off your phone for one hour, and remove it from your body. The more you have your cell phone on your person, the spiritually weaker you become, not able to receive natural vibes (messages) we all, as humans receive daily.
  2. If at all possible whenever you are home, turn off the lights and use lanterns or candles, this races you into high spiritual development, if you can do it.
  3. Receive the energy of the stars and the moon, if possible, at night when you turn off your lights, and if you have a yard, go outside or even on your verandah and quietly sit and receive the energy of the stars and the moon, sit in stillness.
  4. Always sleep with your phone and computers in another room, spirits or beings who are very high and knowledgeable, cannot visit you to teach, if these or other electrical items are around.
  5. If you must have light, use low watt bulbs, or the white lights, but it is best to turn and unplug everything before you sleep or at anytime you are able.
  6. Sleep in white if possible or naked, and as long as you are careful let the lit candle be not far away from whee you sleep, you can set it on a table in a corner but away from curtains or anything flammable. Scented candles can be used, light colors never red.

I will stop here for now, but if you can do these things, even as an experiment, then you will see and experience remarkable things.

Obara Meji

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4 years ago

I came across your page in search of a simple example I was looking for for a language that very few in the world speak. The teachings of man and God within theM just as woman is the manifestation of the true and ultimate goddess, neither which can exist without each other, are a lost teaching sure but I do know the bread and water bringers that carry the true teachings still, even wine that will get your spirit drunk just off of the words, completely non religious, not 5 fold teachings but rather 7 fold. I believe I may… Read more »

4 years ago

Hello Obara If you turn your phone off does it still have to be in a different room when you sleep and why? When you say turn off everything and unplug do you mean everything in the house or just in the room your sleeping in?

5 years ago

i have a question. ive noticed you elaborate a lot about wearing red or the colour red. why is that? if i may ask.

5 years ago

Wow,I have always been drawn to active restructuring, by want,the more I attended to this push,the better, I have been becoming

7 years ago

WOW- I can’t sleep without some music playing – I usually don’t have my cellphone in my bedroom as this I have as my quiet time from all the text I receive 24hrs a day lol. Interesting you would say to sleep with very little light because growing up I was taught not to sleep in darkness, my mother is very adamant about this with my daughter – One thing I do though is on nights of full moon or bright moon phases I have my blinds open so the moon light can shine in while I sleep. I usually… Read more »

7 years ago

Good night ES family. I’ve been missing in action for a while. I’ve been battling a few things and the flu have mi away. I’ll need to catch up on mi reading when mi feel ready, but first I want to say a massive thank you to Obara for calling and checking up on me and reassuring me that all that I’m going through at the moment is only for a matter of time and I will be victorious. Thanks Mama O, you are truly a caring person and thanks for looking out for me always. Another thing, bless up… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Prosperity

Feel better <3

7 years ago

Good afternoon good people. It has been a while, I see I came back right on time 😀 synchronicity is awesome! The other day I started clearing my room of all electricity and got battery operated clock. I think I will get rid of it too, I would hear it ticking at night lol. I completely agree and have found that electricity (and all it brings) makes you work harder to balance your whole body. Even in an office with that horrid fake light, drives me crazy. So since electricity is all around us, even if we don’t plug anything… Read more »

7 years ago

Dear Obara, Great post – very interesting. Do you, by any chance, know what “wind power” or “wind energy” is or means? I haven’t really been able to find anything on google; not sure if this is bc I’m not properly wording it. Recently, a man read my cards/scanned my chakras; he told me that I have this wind power/energy and that although he doesn’t advise or entertain it, he says I have that gift. He basically said that I could hear things through the wind…never heard of this before and I know, if there is something to this, you… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you, Obara, for taking the time to respond; it is much appreciated! You’re right, I should have, I don’t know why I was too shy to do so.

Well, now (from your response) I know that there is, in fact, validity to what he said…I just never ever heard of it in that manner. I tried to google it and came up with nothing, but due to your response, I see that has to do with spirits.

Have a wonderful day and thanks again:):)

7 years ago

This is a great post. On the path to enlightenment we need little anecdotes such as these to help light the way. I will say I have made the first step because I do sleep with my phone by me but have turned on the “do not disturb” mode so I cannot receive any msgs or calls. The only reason I don’t leave the phone out of the room is due to my alarm. Maybe I can send up prayers before I go to sleep for me to wake up on time without it. Lovely post mums. Will experiment asap.… Read more »

7 years ago

My husband and I are unplugging everything tonight. We thought we were doing something by not sleeping by our phones anymore. Would like to know more about not sleeping in complete darkness. It’s the only way I feel comfortable. Thanks for the info Obara.

7 years ago

Good morning Ms. Obara,

Interesting post. I will practice the six ways and get electrified!!!

Stay blessed

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Good night Ms. Obara,

I trust all is well.

Intellectual Bhutu
7 years ago

I am grateful for the information you’ve shared, some of it is new to me and other bits of it a confirmation that my quirks are spiritually led. I taught a class today and I attempted to explain to the students how electricity has confused our bodies causing us to stay up later even after daylight has ended. I acknowledge that modern technology is beneficial (giving us access even to this blog) however, balance is key. Di light inna my house eva lock off, ppl muss a wonda if it cut off but a jus sumtin bout di light weh… Read more »

7 years ago

I ‘ve noticed that I sleep better when my electronics are not near me. I need to be better about shutting them down and removing them at nights. I also know a couple people who tend to short out electronic items whenever they touch or are near them.

7 years ago

Wow! The place changed. I don’t like changes! 🙁

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I’m sorry! 🙁 I literally just skimmed the post because I was checking for new posts. I understand what you’re saying though, Obara, especially because I see it with myself. Some people even get headache when they’re around these artificial lights for too long. This posts also brings my mind on the Orgonite pyramid. It can change negative charges into positive ones. It’s best to put them around electronics or in a room filled with a lot of negative vibes or people. It can really make a difference with the emotions within a room and it all has to do… Read more »

7 years ago

Awesome Obara…the story u wrote, I know about that..especially the part where u said our ancestors were smarter than us. I always turn off my electronics before I go to bed..most of the things u said I know about but thanks for more of the enlightenment ..but I am still learning and your blog enhance what I already know..keep up your great stories and knowledge

7 years ago

This makes so much sense to me. For some reason my phone is always dying. I walk with my charger and it’s like something always has my battery on low. Great post!

7 years ago

Giving thanks Obara for your informative postings.

7 years ago

Thanks for that information.

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

the main thing is nature have its own vibrations and frequencies and as strong as nature is man made energy has disrupted these vibrations and frequency of the natural source-
I think if you scientifically understand natural physics its easy to understandable what you are saying.
definitely we can see stuff being affected today like animal migration changes, bees pollination issues, even weather abnormality. I STRONGLY believe is all caused by too many man made frequencies affecting the balance of nature’s frequencies and vibrations.

Blessed Love

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

i am going to try and find the documentary online – i will whatsapp it to you if I find it so you can post

7 years ago

I have to look for this documentary I saw on this very same topic Obara- when I find it I will let you know-Talks about the natural energy waves and vortex around the earth being disrupted by man made energy and its causing strange behavior in animal, seasons (weather), plants and I am very sure like you just noted humans.
EVERYTHING has natural energy and its that natural energy that keeps everything in balance. Man made energy source is disruptive.

Totally understand this post –
love it
Blessed love

7 years ago

Is it necessary to remove all electronics, laptop, cell phone etc from where you sleep even if all is unplugged?

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Spiritually, as a collective unit yes, we are lost. Even the most enlightened among us have measures of darkness. This is to be so, for it causes us to seek the light(fire) of creation within causing spiritual renewal and upliftment. The shift that we are experiencing is what I liken to a changing of the God principle. There are many routes but one destination leading to your truth, at your level of understanding of the truth. The wheat must grow with the tears ( interesting), the key word is growth, some will grow good others bad. However, we are genders… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


7 years ago

False light, false hope, false ideologies in an Aquarian age. Or the symbol to wash away what is indoctrinated, fostering collective growth within the mental of universe. Fire, spark of illumination of creative thought manifestation of unknown to known that is adaptive to the level of the conscious mind. Primordial wisdom. Divine light of truth. I believe sacred knowledge is sacred.

Chief Bayo Harold-Sodipo

Aboru aboye ó………on a lighter note, meditation in the dark is easy here in Nigeria, there’s hardly any electricity! I do get you though and look forward to your next post.

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