A part of human evolution is sound, or language. A child is born and the first thing we hear from him is sound as he cries his welcome into the world. As the baby grows he will develop speech which will become a greater part of his intelligence.
But did you know that language plays an important part in our spiritual life? It is the word, sound, and command. It is the request, plea, the commitment, the swear and then some. Some of us are fortunate to be born in places where the vibration of the language we speak resonates high throughout the realms. This makes us more spiritual and have more access to things unknown, unbeknownst to us. This however can be a good thing or a bad thing.
But I want you to note my emphasis on sound rather than actual words.
I will not go into linguistics as how a linguist would. I am treating this post from a spiritual perspective, although I may have to touch on linguistics in a small way. I have always said here in my writings that English is a “low” language when it comes to power in spirituality. By “low” I mean the vibration the language carries. For example, try saying or thinking of the word “Help!”
What did you feel? When you say the word, does it vibrate through you?
Now try saying the same word in Yoruba, “E ba mi o!”
There’s a difference in both. The “gba” (pronounced ba with the ‘g’ in the throat) in Eba carries a vibration, whereas help falls flat. However, remember that while the word falls flat it can still have an effect within the realm. The only way this is possible, however, is if the word comes from passion or a deeper baritone voice. The point is to project a greater vibration, so when uttering a word the body should feel vibration and all the chakras should awaken.
Within the beautiful Hindu religion, the Universal word for peace is OM, so people who practice this kind of religion is told that they ought to meditate while chanting this word. When chanted, the inner ears begins to vibrate, this activates your pineal gland, located in the deep center of the brain, the third eye. Doing this consistently opens up your chakras thus allowing the person to awaken to higher consciousness, and this is what language is supposed to do for humans.
Now, saying ‘OM’ consistently would be unnecessary if the language one spoke in their everyday lives carried the same vibration as OM. But if the language is flat, the spiritual consciousness will be lower.
In Jamaican Patois, the word for ‘you all‘ is unu, which some say comes from the Igbo language (not sure of this). Unu is a powerful word in terms of pronunciation because when said it is felt along the chest, the inner ears, and the throat.
Most often whenever anyone “falls into spirit” they will speak an unknown tongue, not only English speakers for that matter. While you will hear or recognize some languages (in the spiritual churches, like Zion revival or others), you will never hear a person caught up in spirit utter any form of English. It is spoken without tone and therefore cannot carry the frequency it needs to connect to the outer realms of light.
It isn’t necessarily the word you say, but how you say it.
This is not to say that if you pray in the English language it will not manifest or connect, of course it will, but the process for that takes a while longer than if you spoke in a language that has a tone either nasal, guttural or vibrating through your inner ear, throat, or stomach. What many people do not know is that it is the sound that is used while expressing that has the power.
In all of Africa, the languages are tonal. No wonder their spirituality and knowledge of everything is more advanced than the rest of the world. Every time they speak, they send out a vibration. This vibration is like a telecommunication to things unseen, thus communication with the outer world is easier and response is quicker and clearer. And if you think about it, animals, children and even people alike respond to the “tone” of your voice rather than what you’ve actually said. That under current, that vibration which conveys what you mean without even saying the direct words.
When I was younger and my Padrino (a Cuban man who was one of my mentors) was alive, we would go to the Ocean together to propitiate Yemoja and Olokun. We would also go to the river to propitiate Osun. At the river, he would pray in the Yoruba language mixed with Spanish, this was called Lucumi. The day, once hot and dry, would change as Padrino would pray. The leaves around us would swirl, the branches would swing, the water would ripple… you could physically feel the energy shift. At the ocean it was always the same. Nature would respond so strongly it would have pulled us into the ocean and taken us away. And when we left, it would calm again.
In the realms of light continuum, there is no need for speech, as all communications are telepathic. All communication are wave patterns through our consciousness. In the physical worlds, the density of the human body obscures this reality and therefore we need sound.
Yet in some parts of the world, the languages that are spoken allows for the citizens who speak it to be more spiritual, more attuned to the outer realms, more intuitive, more spiritually connected to their higher self. The Jewish language, which they call fire language (when written the words looks like flames), is called a sacred tongue and with its tone when spoken gives way for highly spiritual people. Syllabification and accentuation are both included in the tonality of this language. Whenever any language has tones the language when spoken sounds like poetry or like a song and this resonates well within the universe.
When Babalawos chant Ifa, it is a almost like a song. Their voice carries high at times then it swings low, almost like soothing a child. It raises again and then dips into somewhere that could sway the listener (me) to another place and time, almost hypnotic.
Sound (through language or otherwise) connects us to the invisible world. This is why when anything spiritual is being done, Church, Mosques, Spiritual Gatherings, Rituals, Sacrifices, there must be the presence of music, drums, prayers, or songs. In Africa there is the talking drum, a drum that has a language of its own. Remember music is a universal language. We were given language to communicate with each other, but deeper than that, through said language we could use it and the sounds that come through its utterances to connect us to a world beyond our reach, one who watches us while we trod through this realm.
This was meant so that we could have the opportunity to open ourselves up to our consciousness, awakening to who we ought to be. It would be a process from baby stage to adulthood, but we would have had our road map to our journey, once we are awake.
But pay attention to your speech.
Be mindful of what you say passionately, how you curse, how you swear, what you say when angry and hurt… Your language is your spiritual key, but use it well. It is not every door you want to open.
If you watch Game of Thrones there was one particular character who shared her story which she believes is the cause for her family’s misfortune. Catelyn Stark told the tale of never loving the “bastard” of her family. A motherless baby boy whose birth was the result of her husband’s infidelity. For her husband’s betrayal, she hated the child and prayed that he would die. The next day the child took ill with a deadly sickness. Alarmed and ashamed, Catelyn prayed and begged the gods to cure the boy and let him live. If he lives, she said, she vows to treat him as one of her own children, give him the family’s surname, and love him from henceforth. The child lived, but Catelyn could not keep her promise. Years later, Catelyn lost her husband, her eldest son, her eldest daughter was raped and tortured, and Catelyn died. A life of misfortune was Catelyn’s fate “all because I could not love a motherless child,” she said.
This is a prime example of utterance, words, sound, command. Language is a spiritual key but it can also be used as a weapon. When Catelyn prayed for the child’s death, she had anger in her heart and this passion turned the words into power. Be mindful of your tongue, your words, and the passion you ignite them with. It can take on power, yes, but words used as weapons wrongfully can have reverse effects.
She had unlocked a door she could not close.
If you speak English, learn another language, which will aid you when you pray or seek the counsel of your non-physicals. When you speak pay attention to where you feel the vibrations within you.
To all of you who have been sending me emails of love and encouragement, thanking me for the lessons, nuff respect. Thank you.
Obara Meji
Thanks very much,
Need more of sounds, vibrations and spiritual connectivity.
Will be glad, you can post in my email on updates.
, I need to switch to praying in another language,thank u for dis post,love and light mana
For me language is a connection through the universe.spoken and also non spoken more like a feeling that sticks within me a deep feeling that I always sAy if I’m wrong I leave it up to god to judge me!I know I have a strong connection within me with no fair just hope and faith.have a bless day I enjoy reading your posts stay blessed.
Hi Doris! Thank you so much. Keep reading 🙂
For me, language and its potency boils down to concepts and tones. The more readily the concepts come to mind of the perceivers the more potent the language/words. Then for added effect we have the tones we speak. The tone you speak will then determine the intensity of the concept in the mind of the perceiver.
This is as simple as I can make it. Hopefully ppl understand what I am getting at.
The tone resonance where language is concerned, for me, has all the power if one is thinking in the physical aspect of defining language. The spiritual aspects has to do the frequency each word with tone emits, not only to the ears, but through the atmosphere as everything is energy, So tone perception, can be relayed to the human depending on their consciousness or their conscious level. You may say something, but internally or even unbeknownst (having to do with your subconscious state) to you mean something else, How I perceive it, has to do with how it comes in… Read more »
You are welcome Obara.
I have another question: Would the more ancient languages be more potent than modern languages?
Hey! I came across your blog today and really love the beautiful insight on spirituality you share and your entertaining way of writing <3 I also nominated you for the Liebster Award, check my latest blog post on http://www.heart-bridges.com 🙂 Feel free to join in or not join in, what ever feels right for you 🙂
Thank you so much my dear, i will check you out also
Good day mums and es family. This post has provided evidence for what i have went through my whole life. Your words, thoughts, and feelings behind those words all work together to create an energy. Growing up i didnt speak much, my enemy was what you would call a recluse when i was ready. So i didnt talk much unless prompted. More often than not my enemy was almost always prompted by extreme frustration. So when i spoke it would cut whoever my opposition was very deeply, hurting a lot of feelings. As a result out of fear of not… Read more »
Hi Obara and ES great post. It’s time to buy Rosetta Stone lol English language is indeed flat. I was just reciting LIGHT, MIGHT..GH has no sound. SMH
What if you pronunce the english language differently? With more umph, more sound? Allowing the letters to roll and rumble in your chest? Could this help?.
light, night, right and all others HAS tone, but that was taken out of the English to dumb the people down
Thanks Obara, may God continue to guide and protect you. Reading this has open my consciousness, l will be more careful of what l say in anger, especially negatively which l noticed comes to reality which l know why.
A good lesson learned. Thank you.
And about observing where the vibration. As I read this post, I’m feeling some frequency ( if I may use that to describe) on my neck, chest area and upper back. Does this signify something? thanks once again ma’am. love and light..
raising of consciousness Lola
Hmm. Thanks beautiful yeye
Thank you as always Obara. May Olodumare bless you and grant your heart desires and wishes before Him in prayers. Amin.
Vibration is the key to communication on different dimension – That’s why to induce a altered state of consciousness spiritual sects chat, hum mantras, use drums etc. Sound vibrations is scientifically proven to move objects and many believe ancient man used sound vibrations to move large objects as rocks/boulders. That’s why musicians are usually highly spiritually connected because the music energy enable them to experience a higher level of connectivity with the universe. This is one of the areas we should really be studying IMO. effects of music and sounds on health, spiritually etc. Just a note on OM, I… Read more »
Nice comment Lincoln, where yuh been? How yuh been? This is a deep post many may not be able to manage them, but I cannot allow them to slow down my writing. Than God for you few that are awake or on becoming awake. I am coming with more and more deepper posts.
Just last night I see you made 2 new post- – I am here sister- I am good beside my neck a hurting from sleeping bad 🙂
But seriously sound vibrations has alot to do with even weather, natural occurrences like earthquake and animal migrations . That is a real deep and scientific topic—
Frequency people!!! read up people enlighten yourselves- Obara just a touch on stuff but go find time and research-
She soon tell you about the 741 hz frequency ! frequency of the earth magnetic field
Gwan teach
I have written on here about the earths magnetic field!
It is, thank God for the few of you who can manage it intellectually and see the value of the information. Reading is fundamental
sorry bout yuh neck, hush!
You trying to teach but some of the potential students don’t have the open mind. Most of our minds are closed and will forever be. Like the MATRIX they don’t want to take the right pill and free their minds lol.
It is sad though Lincoln, no wonder Jesus wept.
get one leff han smaddie fi crick it incoln
Big up u self Ms. Obara u never fail or disappoint. Mi always hear dem say ppl need to be careful with the words they utter out of dem mouth. Words can be very powerful and can impact on ur life or other individuals. Mi love stay quiet when me angry enuh mouth nuh have nothing nice to say when ppl mad.
So Ms. Obara patois is a strong language. Mi a wonder if my have a non-physical being watching over mi and his/her language different from mine mi can still understand what they saying… nuff love and respect
Thanks Mscan
From what I gather Mscan, Patois is indeed a strong language. It may not carry the power of some African languages but I can say it’s above English. Professor Hubert Devonish, a Professor of linguistics in UWI, said himself that “Patois is more complex than English” and that “English is a lazy language”. His example was this: “Let us look at the following three English sentences, ‘I am a man’, ‘I am tall’ and ‘I am here’. You will notice that they all take ‘am’, a form of the verb ‘to be’, to link the subject, ‘I’, with what is… Read more »
Yes Victoria well done. Patois had tone and power. It is not a dialect but a language. Jamaicans are Bi lingual. Pray in patois if you can, English is indeed lazy and simple. It should have tone, look at the word LIGHT, RIGHT, MIGHT, THE GH should be pronounced with tone, but they remove the tone to dumb the people down, When tone is expressed in a language the brain expands, making them smarter. Q in English has a K sound when it should sound like it is coming from the throat. Much to learn. Will teach to worthy students.
Hello Ms. Obara,
Great post.
I pray that I will think before I speak and only to have positive thoughts.
To love one and all even those who hurt me wishing them all the best.
To always be mindful by counting 5, 4, 3,2,1 and said silently ‘ God bless you’ whenever someone gets me upset ( a lot of that happening lately ever since dem cancel me vacation leave). Ah sah!
Enjoy your week.
Stay blessed
Thanks Natalie
This is valuable information, thank you for sharing this.
How your comment so short today? Where is de bag ah question I so look forward to, since yuh is a brilliant student?
The brilliant student was at work. Maybe she was leaving room for others to ask… I found some very interesting points that I’d love for you to elaborate on: “…language is flat, the spiritual consciousness will be lower” We could adjust our tone and even pray in patois. However, let’s say I desire to pray in another language with more vibration and a higher spiritual consciousness. Can I just choose one that I’m drawn to or is it necessary/better to have some type of spiritual connection to the language? “Your language is your spiritual key, but use it well. It… Read more »
“…language is flat, the spiritual consciousness will be lower” This means the vibration which the words when pronounces does not give off stron vibrations.? You can pray in any language you are able to manage other than your mother tongue. Patois is excellent. It is colorful, passionate and vibrant. The passion/ emotion you feel when you pronounce them decides how far out they reach and the response from the putter realms. It is never good to swear while angry. Remind yourself to be calm and be watchful of speech you may later regret when you have calmed down enough to… Read more »
I understand 🙂