What is Spirituality?
Spirituality is a connectedness of one to self and to others. It is a catalyst to finding your place in this world. Spirituality is your life, who you are, what you are and what is your meaning and purpose, even your direction in this world. Spirituality deals with the issue of inner beliefs and feelings and can be closely associated with religion and or philosophy. In many different forms it sheds light on the human experience of what is reality. It is connecting the physical to its source which is the soul and therefore connecting the soul spirit to God. It is endless possibilities, the challenge to reach beyond limits; it is a journey, an awakening.
Spirituality is keeping an open mind, questioning current beliefs, it is embracing one’s self and therefore being non judgmental but rather allowing the human to experience life as it was meant to be. Spirituality allows you to view the world void of religious baggages because you are not tied to a particular institution even if you are apart of said institution your mind is objective , rather you have become an explorer of life and nature and all therein. It removes the ego and desire which seeks to destroy human beings. It guides you to the right and proper place. Embracing your Spirituality releases you from the madness of this world, from the stress, from the lies that are told throughout mankind that have shaped our lives. Embracing your spirituality gives you the freedom to connect with your spiritual family who are your guardian angels and your guides. It allows you to love with purity, everyone, regardless of race, color or creed when religion does not.
When dying on the cross the martyred man of sorrow forgave his enemies. His last words were a prayer on their behalf. He taught his disciples to curse not, but to bless even their foes. But the heirs of Saint Peter, the self constituted representatives on earth of that same meek Jesus unhesitatingly cursed whoever resist their despotic will (as written by H.P. Blavatsky in her revealing book ‘Isis Unveiled’). To Embrace your Spirituality sets you free from the oppression of religion whose creation was to divide people, socially, economically and politically.
To quote again Madame Blavatsky ‘their charity and simple, child-like state in the infallibility of their bible, their dogmas and their clergy bring into full activity all the virtues that are implanted in our common nature. We have personally known such God-fearing priests and clergymen, and we have always avoided debates with them, lest we might be guilty of the cruelty of hurting their feelings; nor would we rob a single layman of his blind confidence if it alone made possible for him, holy living and serene dying.
We cast our gauntlet at the dogmatic theologian who would enslave both history and science; and especially at the Vatican, whose despotic pretentions have become hateful to the greater portion of enlightened christendom’. I included this quotation by Blavatsky to show the mind of a free thinker, someone who has embraced themselves and their spirituality; therefore seeing and revealing the truth of enslavement behind doctrine.
He who digs a pit for others must invariably fall into it……Yoruba Proverb.
The world is full of self absorbed assholes that hide behind spirituality when they are just big vaginas. This site has helped me get away from the loony toon people in this world.
Obara I have a questions about two dreams that I have had. Perhaps you can shed some light on them.
maniac…mi sey!
Works fa me…. Teacha man, mi lub mi patwa enuh man…..an mi noe yuh lub it to, alla wi as a matta ah fak lol
Maniac!, yuh ooda mus ask de ooman if she undastan patois!…lol tru yuh chat de wickedess patwa bout yah!!..lol…mi mind tell ki sey grace is not Jamaican and she might not ansa us in patois but she will be able to read it right grace
Do you understand patois Gracelove?
I’m sure a few of us on here can relate with you on that Gracelove.
Gracelove, I see where Obara answered on the ASTRAL REALMS thread….see with her
Hello Gracelove and welocme to the site. I’m sure as you know this site is for all to receive a better understanding and knowledge on spirituality, awareness and host of other topics. Please feel free to share if you like as we all are here to learn from one another. Once again welcome.
Thank you for that wonderful welcome!!! I’m not very computer savvy, my typing is a little slow, but I’ll try to keep up.
Hello Gracelove
On behalf of all of here on Embracing Spirituality, I would like to welcome you to the site (I figure you have been reading but just commenting)…. 🙂
We invite you to join us in our MANY discussions…..and even though we may act a little crazy sometimes, its all done in good fun 🙂
Don’t be afraid to ask whatever question you may have as I am sure Obara will be more than willing and happy to answer them…… Here’s a group hug from all of us..Ase! {{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}
ASE!!!!! Gracelove!!!…welcome!!!!
HI GRACELOVE…WELCOME…yes it’s like if you are not embracing your spirituality you are living without air…in a world of no air…we would all disappear
Thank you Obara Meji for being a blessing to me, and for this entry, some of us are afraid to seek the truth, which is our spirit connection to God, the foundation to our everyday lives, the foundation of who we are as individuals. in seeking that path of spiritual enlightenment, and connecting with spirit, through prayer and meditation, it’s bought the most positive and beautiful changes into my life, taking away the negative obstacles of a previous life of depression,stress, anger, resentment, emotional pain and financial challenges. this spiritual enlightenment is like air to me, I need it to… Read more »
This is a good entry. I, myself, am trying to get on the path to enlightening myself. Learning about my spiritual side as well as bettering myself. It isn’t easy. It really isn’t but I’m during all and everything. I’m sure whatever you want in life doesn’t come easy. So I must stay the course and see where this path takes me.