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There are some people in life whom we meet, who are on a spiritual path, they are awake or are becoming awakened, but often times when they discover that there is something different about them from the rest of society, when they realize that there is a special calling in their lives, they begin to run before the horse, instead of embracing their new found light, and trying to understand what it is they came here to this realm to do, they begin to seek power, often times the wrong kind or type of power. Some use the fact that people look up to them as enlightened beings and so they use the respect they are given to their advantage often times creating havoc in other peoples lives. Knowledge is good, and the saying is that Knowledge is power, but power can never be really owned by any human being. All things belong to God and we should know and respect that. Once you decide to walk the path of enlightenment, you have to be responsible, because there are those who will look to you for guidance, be of good stead and ready to give good counsel when called upon, never becoming mischievous or creating problems as in the story of Miss Dottie told below.

Living a spiritual life means living a life of love, light and harmony. Awakening to your  spirituality, for me at least, allowed me to see life differently and to understand human beings a little better and situations encountered daily are viewed for there reasons or lessons more than by chance or mere coincidences because all these are falsities there are no such things.  A newer perception of life  is taken on when a person becomes aware or awaken, and you are now better able to put things or fit them into their right perspective as oppose to what may have been indoctrinated within your mind from birth through family upbringing, religion or the television/media. For me, my awakening was very jarring, almost to the point of where I thought, fret and worried that I would lose my mind, and maybe I did a little, it is possible (not in the becoming a lunatic kind of way), but in the way which, what was there for all the years I grew and for all which I had learned and come to know all those were stripped away and gone, leaving me refreshed and renewed, re-born.

I went through my awakening  alone, no spiritual guru or spiritual house to attend to my fears or worries. I was taken over at nights by beings who visited me in my darkened room and introduced themselves to me one by one, some not all, but their presence was felt and I knew them to be there. I would lay there on my bed, and wait while all in my house were asleep, I waited, scared and nervous, wishing I could run, but where to go?. I remember a very black beautiful woman would come to me between the 2 am or 3 am hours. I would be asleep and she would come in and tap me on my legs three times, often times while I slept I saw when she glided toward my room and come through my door, she wore blue, she had with her many different Oracles and she would teach me how to use them, her method was very swift and she never stayed long with me but she would tell me in a strict tone that she would come back in however much nights time and I had better be able to read the Oracle, like a teacher warning her student, and a frightened me would stare as she glided  backwards out of room, goose bumps shivering all over my body, lol. This is the premise of a script, lol warning everything here is owned and copy righted.

I know many of you who may read this and have no idea of the spirit world and how it operates and if these people of which I speak really exists, and if the cow jumped over the moon, and if Wee Willie Winkie really ran through the town, up stairs and down stairs in his night gown and did the dish really run away with the spoon? lol,  and I understand your skepticism but trust me, I speak the truth. If I were to tell you all, the real, real, real deal it would be mind blowing, so I stay topical on this blog so as not to shock the hell out of some of you, (big up oonuh self Ty, and Cami, mi know fi oounh mind would be still be solid, lol, to my other bloggers you all are coming along nicely) but shaking someone awake is never the way to go, it could lead to dangerous results.

When you become awake spiritually you now have a responsibility to humanity, because know it or not you are now an elder, an elder for all those still asleep. As an elder you are suppose to be circumspect in your actions and attitude. You must carry yourself appropriately, your speech should now be different, meaning, you will no longer use frivolous words, abusive language, negative words should never escape your lips, your home or apartment or living space should be clean and uncluttered since dirt and untidiness calls and entertains negativity and negative spirits, promiscuity should never enter your life or if it were there before you have now driven it away for good, your body is a temple and should be honored as such. You will not easily be vexed nor should you ever keep malice with anyone, nor participate in any row, no matter how pushed. You will now read or sing or listen to music, anything which you are led to listen to often times God or your guides, or ancestors speaks to you through music. Engage in anything which will allow you to grow while on your path and as you learn you will teach, because knowledge is not only for you it must be shared. You will love all people, not some, it matters not who they are, race, color or creed these things do not exist spiritually or within the realms of spirit, never let it once be among your thoughts, we are all the same, all discrimination are humanly bred, and it dies along with the physical flesh once a person makes their transition. You will not practice evil, wish it or even entertain the thought, nor will you partake of the same soup of an evil person, but rather shun their presence while you pray about them to your God. Iron sharpeneth Iron, so you will be your brothers keeper, so to speak, people will know you by your actions, it will speak loudly without saying the word, “I love, I care”!

Because of your wizened state of being others begin to look up to you, you begin to influence others, this responsibility must be taken very seriously, and now with your mild and gentle nature, which you now have due to your awakened state, you will attend to all and sundry with the manner of peace and love. You will not use your influence to abuse or use anyone. Remember everything you do or say affects others. You are accountable for what you do in life and how it affects another, be responsible.

I knew a woman when I lived in Jamaica, her name was Dottie, Miss Dottie to us children. Miss Dottie lived upstairs across the street from my house. The house where Miss Dottie lived was a rooming house which hosted many families and there were many shops below belonging to all kind of businesses. Dottie claimed that she was a born again christian, she lived alone in her room. Our street was a main street, and so at nights Dottie would sit at her window where she had the view of all the happenings of the street, right left and center. Everybody complained about Dottie not sleeping when night came and they all called her a spy, Jamaica was the best place when I lived there, fun memories. I remember the area boys would wait and wait and wait for Dottie to go to sleep, so that they would be able to bridge the light from the light post, a gentle man who worked for JPS, Jamaica Public Service lived around the street and he and Dottie attended the same church, so no one wanted to take the chance of Dottie squealing on them which could lead to their arrest.

Now Dottie always greeted everyone with “Praise God”, and whenever she had any conversation with anyone, “Glory to God” and “Glory Hallelujah” would be uttered several time from her lips through out the conversation, she was an upright up standing christian despite the fact that she was  having ‘relations” according to the rumor mill with rum head Stanley (as he was called) who was married and lived up the street, this news was supported when Stanley’s wife Fatty came to Dottie’s house and even went to the church and had to be held back from giving Miss Dottie the beating of her life for being rum head Stanley’s mistress. Tall Jennifer who lived with Mr. Smalls was having an affair with bad man Dog, yes that was his name, Dog. When it came time for tall Jennifer to meet up with bad man Dog, she would come visit my mother and tell Mr. Smalls where she was going and all would be well. My mother was well respected, so Mr Smalls would be home secure in the fact that his sweetheart was in good hands. Unbeknownst to my mother,  Jennifer used her as an excuse to go to Big 5, a motel on Lyndhurst Road (I hope my memory severs correct), and so Dog would know the time tall Jennifer would be visiting my mother and would ride his bicycle and stop to hail my mother then ride off. When this happened Jennifer would stay for a little while and then leave with the promise to come back, she never did. This happened about four times, and according to my mother, she had no idea, but story was about to come to bump when, Mr Small came to our house one evening and dragged tall Jennifer off our veranda and gave her the beating of her life.

Dottie had told Mr. Small what she had observed tall Jennifer and bad man Dog entering Big 5 motel when she was on her way home from church, Mr. Small had kept quiet until Tall Jennifer came to visit my mother again, only to see Dog stop at our gate hail our mother and leave, as tall Jennifer gathered her things to leave, Mr. Small pounced on her with a mighty beating while shouting that Dottie told him he had seen both Jennifer and Dog at the motel. Needless to say Dottie had to move and quickly as the community came down very hard on her and also bad man Dog could not be tamed.

In the above story Dottie had become a born again (according to her), she was on her spiritual path, her route was through religion, and she was so holy that there was never a time when she was not ministering to another or giving praises to God, despite breaking her religious commandment with her relationship with the very married “rum head Stanley” and also her news carrying to Mr Smalls which could have earned tall Jennifer her death. Dottie was a trouble maker and a very wicked person. As a christian Miss Dottie was respected and held in high regard, she was an evangelist and would often times go to the nursing homes and minister, comfort and care for the people there, Dottie preached the love fo God and called for the saving of souls, yet through her actions Jennifer was beaten and could have died.

There are people who seek the wrong kind of power and claim to be spiritual, whether they are coming from religion or they are Seers, diviners, Prophets, Motivators, Inspirational speakers, workers of tradition, or Guru’s, Teachers, Mentors or others. People who claim to be awakened but use who they are or who people believe they are to mis lead or harm others.

Power is something which can rise a person fast in life and so people seek fame and money so that they can be apart of the lime light. It does not matter how some people get to the top as long as they get there, and once there they will do anything to stay. All Power belongs to God and If you have been fortunate in life enough to have an audience, to be a major player in someone else’s  life to assist another in their spiritual growth, be responsible! “Lawd Obara Meji, you always preaching about goodness and mercy”, some people may say, but in this post this is not what I am saying. I have met too many people who God has risen up and sent them out to help their fellow beings and they have dropped the ball seeking power, creating mischief or becoming  jealous of what another have as opposed to what they were given by the almighty. Too often people use others all because of the love, respect and appreciation they receive from being who they are as religious or spiritual elders and while I cannot stop it, it will certainly continue, human beings are just that, flesh, I can however post it here and say it is not the right way to be.

I am Obara Meji, and I am well respected in my real life and in my cyber life, I love people and I may not have the love and affection of everyone, I carry my self in such a way that I always give respect and in turn I get it returned to me. I try to be responsible with my words and what I put out there to the universe and how I speak to my children and to people in general. I am in no way perfect, nor will I ever be, but I try to do the right thing, I try. Have I ever  stumbled, yes I have, I have gotten upset many times while on my path and have even cuss two claat, but I have since resolved those as the journey is a process and it continues until the day one makes ones transition. You improve however, as I have, as you travel along life’s way and you own your mistakes and pray against them. Love leads the way to everything in life.  Love, so sweet an emotion, so good to give and so wonderful to receive and everybody deserves it. There are those who we will leave for God to handle, because some people are just stemmed from a bad seed and it is for a reason that they came to live amongst us. We should pray that we or anyone who belongs to us, never fall victim of these malevolent beings who walks among us here on this earth plane, as no one knows the mind of God or how he operates. We should spend our days seeking truth, knowledge and wisdom with full understanding and we should, as we become awakened in a world so frightfully daunting and filled with so much chaos become an example of all which is good.

Be positive at all time, give hope to those who seem to have lost it or on the verge of losing it, believe in and practice what you preach, be objective, not all people or circumstances are the same, do not judge another based upon who they really are, how they live or their appearance or their profession, rather counsel them, lovingly and without judgement. Be an ear for people if and when you can, sometimes people just need an ear. Remember to smile, that act alone can save a soul! I love you all!


Bọ́wọ́ ò sun’nú àwo tí ò sùn sẹ́nu, bó pẹ́ bó yá, èyàn à yó. /
If the hands won’t stick to the plate nor the mouth, one will be full eventually….Ypruba Proverb!

[If one won’t give up, results will come eventually]

All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…Obara Meji!



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Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
8 years ago

Good day everyone.

Good post today, Obara. May we always stay humble and grounded and know that our gifts are from God Olodumare and are for his/her purposes. As human beings it is so easy for power and self-righteousness to go to our head and justified in the name of religion or whatever the belief system. I’ve seen people get robbed blind and emotionally taken advantage of by people with so-called gifts. Not everyone with the gift is good. I pray for discernment, but also humility and compassion always.

8 years ago

changing their ways in this lifetime or after they die?

8 years ago

Good afternoon good people. As usual the messages are always on point.

I have come across people who “read” people but instead of using their gifts for good (the benefit of the person) they use that opportunity to insult or put down the person. That irks me. I can’t stand people who use their gifts to negatively manipulate people.

From what I understand their are consequences for this bad behaviour, spiritual consequences, I mean. Do such people “protect” themselves from these consequences? If so, why is that allowed?

8 years ago

Good morning Ekaro Obara n all ES peeps
May all our lives be as cool as Omi tutu, smooth as palm oil, sweet as honey. I send love n light to you and your families. ASE!
I will read and come back later. Have a good day and be productive!

9 years ago

Toy mi girl, just seeing this. Chronixx is my heart beat…Yourube Rastaman Wheel Out..

9 years ago

Morning everyone, Mth, I love chronixx. I love his voice

9 years ago

Di whole proud a him Nunu. When u have di time youtube dis song Wheel Out. Chronixx tell dem how mi fi truss an mi nuh certain.

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Arite M

9 years ago

Mannas an respect mi fambo. How unno duh inna dis Ben Johnson day? Mi dey a road still… Unno hear how mi likkle spee-gu Chronixx dun di Tonight Show last night?

Naah lie, a bare a dat a talk bout inna Jamaica. When one a wi own a hice di flag, wi haffi show nuff love and support…What a fitting topic fi sey diss…Nuff youte and youte well waan bus and when dem getting a little shine dem hype an nuh follow di orders…Big man ting…

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Yes M!!! Big up Chronixx!!!

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ok Teach

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Mi feel much better, mi get some boss medication last night suh mi soon good agen

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yailings Teach how yuh doing today?

9 years ago

Good morning lovely people! Mi deh yah

9 years ago

I myself am striving to become more and more self responsible. Although i am aware that all is not within my control, for the time being.

9 years ago

Be RESPONSIBLE! I love it! Goes hand in hand with Walking Good. Mommy O, keep the teachings coming. Right ya now dem a simma and a bubble up inna me quietly. When yuh done wid me ova yasso… not even Ms. DOTTIE can refuse me. I totally love it! Thank you for these gentle reminders and the spiritual nutrition I need for this massive appetite I’ve acquired 🙂

Good night all my sweeties! Upliftment to yall.

9 years ago

Hello good night family hows everyone tonight? mek i guh read n ketch up

9 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Hi Kia.

9 years ago

I will be back in a few everyone.

9 years ago

Thank you all for your feedback. I really mean it for the bottom of my heart. I am going to take everything and def incorporate it in my life. Obara,I just always associate the word malice with grudge. That is the first definition that pops up, but I did look it the word malice though. Good evening my family.

9 years ago

Ty, YW and Nunu bless up. YW mi naah lie anytime yu pass thru di lane yu leff bare words of wisdom…I totally love your view on people adding value or devaluing you…

Nunu mi gal, mi inna di doctor’s office wid Little M an memba mi told yu, when mi si yu sey yu a panka panka a buss out mi mawkit woman laugh…

Obara meji
9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Nunu ah e ooman M

Obara meji
9 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Yes man Toy, if she evil low har, but never wish her harm or Ill will

9 years ago

Tee hee…Ah true dat. Every person definition of family different, even within the same family. Some “family” love tear down. Mi nuh inna dat. In Bambi, Thumper mother said “if yuh nuh got nutten good fi seh, nuh sey nutten at hall” (JA version). Of course, on occasion you have to release on somebody when they won’t behave.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

What a gwaan Teach!!! Mi deh panka panka tidday

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Will do.

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

NuNu hailings to you, bro and mum.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

O, Ty and Yw are a great team. Both have knowledge to share, Ty tells the stories and Yw do the humors.

Blessing and longevity to them.

9 years ago

Good evening fam! How unno duh?

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Cool cool. Hail up Nuns.

9 years ago
Reply to  Tw/Yw

Yw!!!! Yuh deh a road man, yail up Ty fi mi

9 years ago

Respect to you too as always, Teach (note the capital T).

Obara meji
9 years ago
Reply to  Tw/Yw

Lok Yw yuh something else

9 years ago

Greetings ES fambo! Thanks for this post, Obara Meji. Imagining yourself with power (whatever that power may be) is great exercise. What would you do if you had the power to _____? How would that change you? Who would you become? Is it right to use your power in that way? All important questions in discovering who we are. Now all you would have to do is accept it or aim to change it….

Obara meji
9 years ago
Reply to  Tw/Yw

Very good exercise Yw, I would want to pose that question here on day and see the responses! Thanks for stopping by, always a pleasure to see you with us, nuff respect

Obara meji
9 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Very good exercise Yw, I would want to pose that question here on day and see the responses! Thanks for stopping by, always a pleasure to see you with us, nuff respect

Obara meji
9 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Agreed Yw

9 years ago
Reply to  Tw/Yw

Hi Mr & Mrs…hope you guys enjoy your time away.

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

CAMI!!!!!! Yes wi did, tonks (but mi miss nuff ah unno, though). Bus’ some knowledge pon mi nuh, man. Mi know yu shaper dan Gillette….

9 years ago

Hey everyone, I missed you all… Obara I thank you for this post…it is my daily prayer, that I never seek power while on this path, that I try to remain true to myself and others…that I remember each day my first goal without bad things coming my way to remind me… Power or the false sense of power is a nasty energy that usually never leads to a positive ending… May we continue to seek love, humility, peace, and wisdom over power…Ase…. Yesterday I was with a bible guru and let me tell you I prayed many times in… Read more »

Obara meji
9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Toy, let me be clear because II too have a sister who I am done with, but malice here means evil intentions of causing her harm or suffering, being mean to her, hurting or spiting I am sure you are not guilty of these, u so not spell to mine nor do I ever wish to again, but I wish her non if the above, look up the definition if malice

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

True. Malice is different from dislike. In my opinion (which is contradictory to conventional thought), it is completely acceptable to dislike a family member because they are people. Some people yu ah go like an some yu nah go like. Some people say, “I like the person but I don’t like the behavior”. WHA….? If yuh nuh like dem, yuh jus’ nuh lik dem. Ah di TRUTH yu must accept

9 years ago

You know Obara you say to not keep malice. I have a sister that I do love her, I really honestly do, but she has done a lot of thing to me. It had gotten worse since she got married. Things I still hold on and I can’t let it go. I have prayed to take these feels away, but I can’t and don’t think I will ever be close to her. I am fine with that, but everyone keeps telling me to talk to, because she is my sister even my mom begged me to. If it is malice… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Big up Toy! It is my honest belief that it is sometimes necessary for us to love some people from a distance. It is important to evaluate whether a person adds value or devalues our life. To devalue your life they create negativity within you through their actions or words. At this realization, you must release them and love them from a distance.

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Obara telling me if me wrong.

Toy, I think the malice is actually the feelings. Bury the feelings and you an easily, and with a pure heart say that you will not deal with her and your aren’t harboring feelings said time.

I’ve cut people off for good. I don’t forget why, but I have zero feelings towards them which makes me pure in severing all ties. Although the malice comes around when you remember why you had to get rid of them from your life.

9 years ago

Cami buss yu Miss & Mr. Dottie story nuh.

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

lolol…Dem say to respect we elders O, but my story dem is having to read dem elders here cause is ALWAYS some big man and woman “Dotties” giving problems. dwln

9 years ago

Kaka fawt, Baby Adegoke want to know the power to get big money…What a smaddy ambitious. Dayeven blog 1 day good and waan ‘power to make big money’. Ifa laugh inna today…No sah, Baby A guh easy….

9 years ago

What I got from this post is pick the beam out of your eyes before you look on others. Wasn’t Miss Dottie, having relations with a very married man? Yet she found the time amidst her Glory to God to tell Tall Jennifer man pan har..Yow, I am not saying Jennifer should cheat, but it should not be Miss Dottie’s role to tell.

The typical do as I say, not as I do…Anyhow, if was me, mi done Miss Dottie to. Big man ting!!!

9 years ago

Hi Cami! Hope you are having a great day!

9 years ago
Reply to  AMH

I am, AMH, thanks. So good that I’m cooking, lol.

9 years ago

Hi AMH..Imagine if we exchange the Miss Dottie stories…lol. The Miss/Mr. Dotties (they come as males too) I love telling them the truth about themselves. Their hypocrisy is usually plain as day and using faith as their shield in creating misery in people life is so spot on.

Obara, I love this post because it shows that accountability is applicable in all manner of life.

Baby Adegoke
Baby Adegoke
9 years ago

i want u to show me power of getting big money

Obara meji
9 years ago

Lol AMH, nuisances

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

But they too seem to have purposes in our journey don’t they.

9 years ago
Reply to  AMH

They have a life purpose, yes. But as Obara points out…Power side tracks them from that purpose.

9 years ago

Thank you Teach, this is such a wonderful reminder. I have started to make a lot of these changes and I feel so much lighter and more peaceful (even with so many stressful things going on around me). C and I try to keep each others language and thoughts in check when we get overwhelmed, it is wonderful to have that support plus the support and guidance from you and all the family here. I have known several Miss Dotties in my life, strange how they can pop up so often…

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