Good morning, this blog was posted on Saturday, but I am noticing that on Saturdays much of you do not visit anymore, so I may stop posting on Saturdays. I have reblogged it again because I feel it is an important subject which the bulk of us did not discuss and some of you did not read. The post is filled with lots of information, probably I am a nerd who just love to learn. Mek mi gwan do this until something tells me to stop, because class participation is limited nowadays I notice, o ma se oooo!
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nunu mi ah come deh ooooo!
I believe Nunu, is today, the very Studios Ty, mek me know sey Martial arts began in Africa, Angola at dat..rope in Ty and come teach we, dem teef everYting from we, like how dem teef BLING BLING from patois anuh gi we credit and tek Dj’ing tun inna hip hop and nuh gi we credit, dem teef all BIG UP AND RUN TINGS AND AH SPIT PATOIS AND AH ACK LIKE ANUH JAMAICA WUD, AND BOBBY SHEMURDA TEEF TATHI AN AH GWAN LIKE AH HIM MEK IT UP, LMAOOOOO!
Don’t leave out the fact that it was the Maroons who introduce Guerrilla tactics to the redcoats.
I’ll be back later when unoo start rolling in peeps
I couldn’t understand the last part of what daddy was saying, did he say the knowledge of the pyramid?
I have to read about Constantine, because I don’t know who he is.
Morning Obara and ES fam. I have a couple of questions. When I watched Rev. Phil Valentine he said the only thing perfect is death. I really didn’t understand that statement. Then he said the creator is a child. I also read the article. The man that wrote this article everything he said was in fact true, but he never gave a solution to how he was going raise his children differently to help them embrace being black human beings.
Hey Toy toy, He said he didn’t want to raise them with a ‘race complex’ but he just wants them to be aware that they can and probably will face certain “difficulties” in life because they are black
Toy di bredda seh him hope him son nuh get too “tanned”
I’m not certain how accurate some of the historical details are, the article is really afrocentric of course so I wonder if what he said about Confucius is true. That part on Alchemy is very interesting, I’ll have to read it a few more times fi grasp it
hey nunu
Hey Obara
I love how passionate that author is in the Ma’at article. This sentence cannot be truer, “For every race or group of people, there must be a guide, a spiritual rallying point, a centre of gravity that holds its children together before it can begin to impact on civilization.” One of the major reasons why it look like wi deh guh backwards instead of forward
I haven’t watched “Pimp daddy” Supreme mind video yet but I did read the dad’s article and he made some very valid points nutten that we nuh know though. The point about not being taught black history beyond Egypt and the pyramid ties into what the author stated in the article about the Ma’ at, we can’t progress because our history always starts at slavery. I remember in school they taught that not much was known about Africa because it was the “Dark Continent” too thick to penetrate so starting at the slave trade was the only option. Profy said… Read more »
a little wisdom from an elder, sometime when you see some people and dismiss them because they do not have the INTELLECTUAL look or academic achievements that the world believe is important for you to be recognized as being knowledgeable!