What makes you cope with stress, anxiety, and a world filled with murderers thieves and liars, what makes you turn to prayers to assist you with problems? Hope!.. In the story of Pandora’s Box, when all the evil escaped, only Hope remained in the box, and in the very much appreciated novel The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby was very poor and so he went after Success and notoriety, all to get the girl of his dreams Daisy, and even when she left him never to return, he held on to Hope that one day she would come back to him. Hope is an orientation of the heart. A renewable energy source that comes from the grace of God. It never runs out. We can tap into it whenever it is needed. President Obama won the election due to Hope, and his slogan was ‘A Change Will Come‘. Martin Luther King said “Everything That Is Done In This World Is Done By Hope“. One would rather have Hope as his companion than its nemesis Despair. When we pray we Hope for better. We hold on to Hope with dear life, Hope is our comforter. Amid discomfort, chaos, poverty, homelessness, disease, hatred, discrimination, it is Hope which keeps some people from putting a rope around their neck. People pray and fast in Hope that God will answer them, and People do good deeds in Hope that when they die they will go to heaven. We thank God for Hope.
Hope springs eternal in the human breast; Man never is, but always to be blessed:The soul, uneasy and confined from home,Rests and expatiates in a life to come.– Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man…Hope Springs Eternal! Hope is nourished by Patience. During the time when my Spiritual God Mother did her evil to me by way of witchcraft, read my post Wicked People, I sat home for almost two years not earning a thing. She had blocked all my doors with witchcraft. I had great friends in my small circle of spiritual people, yet I sought no help from them, as we initiates would comfort and check oracles for each other if we came under attack from another powerful person as was she. I would sit in my bedroom and stare through the window daily in silent prayer. This powerful witch was attacking me, she attacked me in such a way that a lesser person would have fight back, and to fight her back, with all her talons bare would be to Kill her. That, I would not even consider, I had the fear of God within me, and make no doubt about it, to fear the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. So I would wake up every morning and pray. I would go to my shrines and kneel humbly to my Osun and my Ifa and I would pray. I never cursed God or asked him why? I knew that this would not last forever. I did not know when it would end, but I had Hope that God would assist me out of my dilemma, and he did. I was being tested. If I had not Hope and Faith in a higher power, I would have sought the help of my all too powerful friends and we would have retaliated in a way which would have affected her worse than what she did to me, but like Job, when backed against the walls with nowhere to go, I cursed not God and held onto Hope, and like Job I was renewed, I thank God!
Hope strengthens your faith, often times without you even realizing it. No matter how bad a situation is, it is common knowledge that anything is possible. A scientist whole life and research is Based on Hope. Pastors and Imams preach daily in Hope of reaching some lost soul. People, men and women make themselves attractive in Hope of getting a spouse, and people go to school to get an education in order to do well in life, perhaps even better than their parents so that they may one day assist them. In Christianity Hope is one of the three theological virtues, Faith, Hope and Charity. Hope is distinct on its own because it is directed toward the future, as fervent desire and confident expectation. Hope is confined to man forever. It is Hope why many people buy the lottery, Hope keeps us motivated. We need Hope to survive in this world which is filled with despair. Everyone relies on Hope. Hope is the only thing stronger than Fear, when danger looms and you are left staring out at impending doom, it is Hope which still stand strong. A dying man takes his last breath with Hope still clutched in his hands. My mother used to pray all the time “God please let me live to see my children pass the worst” unspoken within these words were…God please assist my children to do good in this life, let them be happy in their own lives and keep them well, let me live so I can see it. This was her Hope and dream for us, as with any parent for their children.
Marcus Garvey gave the black man Hope. In one of his letters he wrote “Look for me in the whirlwind! He gave us Hope that not even death could keep him away from the fight for our freedom and equality. He wanted us to know that a change will come and even without a physical body he would still be with us along with countless of other spirits, charged and ready for battle , he would fight along with us, using every element, every force of nature. He wanted to reassure a race of people who have been suffering for years, that death could not hold him back, he needed us to have Hope!….. “If I die in Atlanta my work shall then only begin, but I shall live, in the physical or spiritual to see the day of Africa´s glory. When I am dead wrap the mantle of the Red, Black and Green around me, for in the new life I shall rise with God´s grace and blessing to lead the millions up the heights of triumph with the colors that you well know. Look for me in the whirlwind or the storm, look for me all around you, for, with God´s grace, I shall come and bring with me countless millions of black slaves who have died in America and the West Indies and the millions in Africa to aid you in the fight for Liberty, Freedom and Life.”
While Bob Marley battled his illness, he found the strength to write and record Redemption song, which is hailed as one of his greatest work. Marcus Garvey’s words can be found in the song, “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds”. Marley recorded the song in solo acoustic, It was as if he meant to give us his last message, a message of Hope. He needed no accompaniment, to shrill out the words, he wanted us to be able to hear them and perhaps sing along with him, after we had heard the lyrics and learned them well. It was a message of Hope. Faced with his own mortality, through song. he gave us Hope.
Helen Reddy’s song, I Am Woman..There you find the essence of Hope scattered throughout the lyrics, that as a woman you can do anything. There is a line in the song which says, “I am strong, I am invincible, I am woman”, Highly inspirational, this song gives Hope to every little girl that their possibilities were endless, they could dream and realize their dreams. Journey has a song “Don’t Stop Believing” which is a song of Hope., and Jimmy Cliff song, “You Can Get It If You Really Want It”, Johnny Nash “I Can See Clearly Now The Rain Is Gone, all songs of Hope and Inspiration. Music carries the voice of Hope so very strongly. We Hope to be the best we can in this life. We Hope to raise good children who will be upstanding citizens of the world. We Hope to do right by everyone around us and not be found sinful or wretched in the eyes of our fellow human beings and most importantly in the eyes of our God. We Hope for a Peaceful and a Better world and we Hope to see this in our lifetime. I Obara Meji Hope to be remembered when the time which is so far away off, comes and I go off into a world up yonder, to be remembered as a Good person who impacted peoples lives in a good and positive way. I Hope and pray that all of you who visit me here everyday use your head to find your way in life, as the fish uses its head to find his way through murky water of the River or Sea….ase!
Better Must Come… by Delroy Wilson
“Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”
― Shel Silverstein
“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will live as one.”
― John Lennon
“I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.”
― Robert Fulghum, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten
“Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird,
That cannot fly.”
― Langston Hughes
“It’s really a wonder that I haven’t dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.”
― Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl
“Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.”
― Emily Dickinson
“If you’re reading this…
Congratulations, you’re alive.
If that’s not something to smile about,
then I don’t know what is.”
― Chad Sugg, Monsters Under Your Head
“They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.”
“What can be seen can be changed”…..Obara Meji
“Everything happens for a reason and Everything comes when it must”….Obara Meji
Mímì lẹpọ̀n àgbò ńmì, kò lè já. /
The ram’s testicles are merely dangling, they cannot fall off….Yoruba Proverb!
[Keep hope alive, though tough it may seem]
This post was written beautifully – I’m so grateful that you have written it at the time that you did.
A feeling lead me to this post after reading Psalm 74 and I can’t tell you how thankful I am, Obara, that you have put this message out there!
(It was as if you heard me praying because your words spoke to me directly and responded to everything that I had poured out of my heart.)
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Love and Light.
Le Tigre this is also one of my favorites post. You are welcome.
I got what you mean, thanks for posting. Woh I am pleased to find this site.
Thank you Charlotte, That would be wonderful. Hello Rosie and all!
Obara, you are truly a teacher and scholar. Thank you for taking the time to research and write. I believe your Oshun University is going to be a great success. Perhaps you can get a grant from the U.S. I see a number of scholars in old published material received grants to do research in Africa. The African Studies Department of major universities. Why not get you to be an adjunct- the real thing. Love, Charlotte
Thank Gos for hope! I hope our lives will be betta and we will have peace of mind.
Hello Obara and ESP family. Thank you for reblogging this post, the words are powerful. Your words resonate with me as I have been through hell and back in the last four years, but I always had hope and faith in God and never gave up. In all my trials and test, i thank God everyday because I am still here and I have and will continue to overcome because of my hope and faith God. Thank you. Off to read the Wicked People post.
Toy mi miss har tuh!
I thought that MTH post was from this year. Lol Mth wherever you are we are sending our love to you
OMG MTH is that really you. How are you we all missed. Big hugs and kisses to you. I love that first poem by Sheil Silver stein can I steal it Obara. Hi Obara and ES fam
Reblogged this on Embracing Spirituality and commented:
When I wrote this post, I did not think it got much attention, and I really feel that it has a positive message. Please read again. Hope is a precious gift that God gave to all of us!
[…] give them grief, pain, sorrow, heart ache or they believe that there is no way out. Read my post Hope. A terminal diagnosis for anyone seems like doom for that person and their family, someone loosing […]
Good one MTH, I am going to do a reading now, ah soon come back!
Ase Ty, because no matter a persons race, I just only see their spirit. I love everyone, mi nuh love some people ways, but I understand that we are not the same, I get it!
Hope is knowing that no matter how the Jamaican Dollar slide (the Jamaican Dollar is currently $111 to 1 USA$, $102 to 1 Canadian and $186 to 1 Pound Sterling) I will survive.
Mi grandmother used to say fi you wicked enemies, you kill them with love…just like you did Obara…
I hope like all mothers, my children have an easier life than I had…that we all use our ori always and live up to our life plan…
I hope for the day when race is no longer an issue…that people do not fear me because of the skin I have but because of the strength of my spirit…
Yes Ty, I have heard that they do that, it is still done in Africa
MTH, mi culd ah fight har back and beg God pardon, but my fight would have affected her how humans affect each other, but when you endure and mek God fight for you, as long as you are innocent, who can stand up to God’s wrath, here I am where is she?….mi touch har?, I swear I did not!!!..GOd heard my cry and responded!
Obara, you honestly think that if you fought back, you would have been in the wrong? Well, the God I know did not par wid nuh soft soap…God himself said render unto ceasar unto him which belongs to him and render unto the Lord what is the Lord’s. Remember how Peter chop off the man ear? How God kick over the people dem money table… You luddy, mi sey mi wudden juss tek it suh…My pickney dem muss duh widout (or less) when mi know mi a try. No sah!!! Not if mi know fi a personal fact who is… Read more »
Cami use to live mi off because dem sey mi lips, my too brown eyes and mi bandy legs, lol…neva thought nothing of the lisp comments, but now mi a look back, man bad enuh
Look it, where is she now, she died, Her own actions put her in the ground at 48, years old, which mother wants to die and leave dem childen, she had a two year old
No mi nuh go yet have to wait on my date first. I have something to share that happen to me during prayer this mawning mi bawl yuh si
That is why mi always win over mi enemies MTH, mi nuh revnge nobody as God as my witness, but I always hear bout dem
Obara mi haffi lift mi hats off to you cause memba mi told yu anybody fu*k wid mi pickney dem food can consider themselves just as good as dead. Obara you are very good not to send something to rattle her nerve.
I hope to live to see my son grow up and have kids.Hope is Powerful.I hope one day to see my mom before I get old.
I have a slight lisp where you cans hear the s sound however my tongue shapes funny when pronouncing it, not the elephant man spit inna you food when him ah cook or share lisp…ewwwwwwww!
lolol…you did the mirror review? lol I did, an I notice i have a slight snarl on the words that gets me. I guess that’s because I have an unconscious sense of impatience knowing that the word will not come out right on the first go…lol
my youngest has a lisp and it is very cute…my mother stutters…I did when I was small but the maroons, cut under my tongue and it is gone…
Cami, yesterday you commented that you hoped I didn’t have a lisp lol
MTH, who ever piss you off release them, is a test!!
Hugs and kisses to you to Nunu, wha bout the interview, yuh get chu mumzel?,
Good afternoon everyone! A big hug and kiss fi everybody
Cami yuh can run in ah run out fast sah, we love yuh man come back!…MTH mi ah come deh, Sa-Fo yuh too bad hehehe!
lol…I’m here reading. Just finish Wicked People and ready for Traditional… Told you I love reading your stories.
You know I have a lisp? lol During speeches I lisp on words and apologize at the end about it…lol My mate is lisped too and he loves teasing me..lol
What discipline you have lovely one. You had all the tools and resources to destroy this woman and you didn’t. How admirable. I’m telling you, it would be very hard for me not to consult the circle of friend you have. I wouldn’t want to hurt her but just teach her a lesson!
Good day All. Courage one day, Hope another, coupled with phrases and songs. Obara, you sure know how to link the feelings. Thanks
MTH, i also hope to let go of things that I simply cannot change…it takes a while.
I hope I do not lose my temper right now.
I hope this anger boiling deep within me subsides for I work with a bunch of silly people.
I hope that in confessing this, I start to feel better.
And I do!!!
Look at them in their silly form (charactures that you see them as) and have a private laugh. Clear yu throat, smile and resume working. Have a wonderful day going forward.
I hope that the ties that bind us together as cyber-family may never be broken. I hope to hear of the dreams and aspirations that you dream come to pass. I hope that Obara gets her school. I hope that all of us who passes this way daily be so set apart, everyone will see and know that there is something different about us.
I hope to be the best me, I can possible me. I hope to live to seemy children pass the worst. I hope to let go of some of the hang-ups I have. I hope to find grace and favour from the Lord. Most importantly I hope my ways please the Lord.
Hope makes all of us visit this page. I hope that hope springs daily in our lives…