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Two days or I should say nights ago, we took an outing to one of Lagos’s rough ghetto areas called Mushin, not the market (for the Nigerians who will read this) the town itself. We were going to meet up with someone near the Luth hospital. The driver we have is a little short man, (he says he’s twenty, but he looks 45 wrinkles and all) who can drive very well but does not “know road”, as Nigerians say. No matter how many times we have traveled somewhere and have directed him, we will still have to direct him again and again to the same place he just went, neither does he know his left from his right, nor according to him, the month when he was born, oonuh si mi dine trial? A person with a sane mind or rather a person who is normal would not employ him, I did, examine this statement well. I am not saying that I am insane or mi mad fi hire him, or perhaps ah dat mi ah sey, who knows), but I do not conform to what is the “norm”, how others think is not how I think, I do what I feel within the moment I am feeling it, mek sense?

The place where we were going in Mushin had us asking questions of Okada (bike men) nawmal looking people pon de street or Mariwa (yellow tricycle drivers, dem use dem ah India nuff). Nigerians direct like this “go straight and then ask”, nobody nah tell yuh sey dem nuh know ah whey, it is the cruelty of “sending the fool ah little further”. After getting this for a while we decided to enlist the help of Apple’s trusted CIA agent Siri. Siri began to guide us, mi nah lie she tried with the pronunciation of the hard to pronounce African streets. My daughter and I were in the back of our truck, while two indigene (Nigerians by birth), the driver and our family member here with us were in the front (well of course the driver would be in the front, ah wha do mi?). I was busy on the phone (ah watch Majah Hype) while my daughter was listening to some serious Beres Hammond through head phones, so we gave them Siri so THEY could follow her instructions. Siri ah gwan good wid de turn right, turn left wid har speaky spokey voice, but the driver who born confuse began to get a little agitated, because as Siri directed, the other man repeated what Siri said, but de driver could not keep up (dunce like bat). He stopped the truck, declared (in an ignorant voice, meaning speaking loudly and harshly) that he would turn back and start all over again looking for the place. The other young man, was now frustrated with the very tough headed driver, calmly asked him why would he turn back when Siri said that we were close, the driver proceeded to shout at the young man, who had had enough (him easy fi get angry, de driver mi talking) and just lost it on the driver.

He tuned to him and began speaking very strongly to him in Yoruba, about his attitude, his shouting and his lack of understanding basic information, him having no manners and being a dunce bat (ah me put dah one deh in). While he berated the loggerhead driver (and before oonuh come judge me and ah ask why Obara Meji ah class de man suh, him was de one who told me he was twenty years old, but him madda dead twenty four years aguh, so oonuh low mi and help mi class him). While the back and forth was going on, I sat in the back and saw him (our family member) take the keys away from the driver, tell him to get our of the truck, lock the doors and drive off, leaving him right there in the very rough ghetto looking town of Mushin, five hours walking distance from his home. I saw it like a video playing inside my head. I was brought back to the driver saying in Yoruba “Ma binu”, I am sorry. Things calmed down and we eventually found where we wanted to go, we praise de lawd!

The next day while I was in the kitchen, ah galang bad wid de cooking, the young man (the family member) was in there with me discussing the incident. I was cooking rib eye steaks with asparagus and spinach, and that was already done and set aside perfuming up the entire estate, the rice had began bubbling up and so as I lowered the heat to allow it to steam (to shelly rice perfection, Jamaican oonuhn know shelly rice), the young man got to the point of the conversation where he began speaking strongly to the driver the night before. He said, “Mom I felt like taking away the truck keys, and the room key, and telling him to get down from the vehicle, leaving him right there in Mushin where he would have to trek five hours to get home” . I smiled as he said that and looked at him intently, knowing that I never voiced what played in my head that night.

Of course I am used to that. I am a spiritualist after all, have been a practicing one for many years. Seeing visions is nothing new, hearing words or connecting to vibrations have been a part of my life, all my life. Understanding them took a while as I grew out of slumber, eventually becoming awake, and even now that I am an elder in my craft. I still look for odd ways for messages to enter.

Understanding your spirituality is very important. We are all not on the same level spiritually. The teacher in me want to teach and show many people how to embrace, listen, learn their spirituality, how to awaken to their gifts. Me being happy for them, especially ones who I know for sure are spiritually gifted unusually, an elder in their own right, but they have not awaken to that fact as yet, even though it shines bright in my face as I look at them.

Years ago while I was in the university, I would go every weekend to Harlem and buy videos (lectures by Dr. Ben, Bobby Hemmit, Phil Valentine, and more) from Sa Neter (big up Sa Neter who have been doing a great job for many years for the people). After getting my videos, I would go the opposite direction up the road across the street, to a big red van, a man called Brother Seku was there selling books. Books regular books store would not carry, books about our (black peoples history) people, our struggles, our history. I bought a book called “What They Never Taught You In History Class” by Indus Kemet Kush who happened to be there at the time I was buying the book. Brother Seku pointed him to me, he signed the copy I bought, and we got to talking. He was very interesting, and I opened up with him and shared some of my awakening experiences with him. He only smiled and said, you must go to Africa, sister you must go to Africa. He never explained why or even where in Africa I was to go, but I have never forgotten him and his advice. I guess he knew, by what I was saying to him that I would one day be here in Africa and by not telling me where to go, he knew that I would be guided. I thank him, wherever he is.

Understanding your spirituality can be complex, especially if your mind has been beholden to a particular doctrine (religion). To educate yourself about the inner workings of spirituality, you must first uneducated yourself from all that you have learned while growing up (this is a very hard thing to do, and it has left many in the mad house, but you must free your mind, a hard task, but one that is necessary), because all that you have experienced before you became awake was an illusion, a lie. When you awake (becoming conscious), you will see and understand life differently, things you would normally worry about, becomes trivial to you. You no longer fear death or disease. You no long go after wealth and material things of this world, you will know that you are the owner of whatever you need, but most often you will realize that you need nothing. All that you must have will be handed to you just like that. If while reading this you ask the question about you needing a house but still do not have one, know that you are still asleep. The awakened will never have lingering thoughts about things they need to have, if they desire to have a house, once they are conscious, they will see the house and where it is in their minds eye without even thinking about it and if they are mature spiritually, they will now wait for it to manifest within this realm. If they think about it them selves too much, it will not manifest, (human aspirations, desire and thought blocks everything), if they keep seeing it flash before them without thinking upon it, it means that spiritually it has been built and it is only left  for it to appear within this realm of consciousness. However it will only appear, if you have no heartfelt thought upon it, you have left it up to the universe to send it to you, and you believe it has been done, it is as simple as that, although for most, not so simple.

For the gifted, you must first acknowledge that there is something within you that is special.

For the dreamer……Know that going into the dream world and coming back with tales of your travels or experience is a gift. Many people go into the world of visions and dreams and when they come back they cannot recall what they experienced. For those people, they are the ones who will say things at random and whatever they say manifest. While they may not remember their dreams or visions, they will have gotten the ability of utterance. Whatever they say comes to pass, because when they enter into the dream world they are made privy to things that they must never share with others. these things are only made to come out through utterance at the time needed. To others they will seem like a prophet and indeed they are, but they have picked those messages long ago, and is guided by their sub-conscious when to use it, even they themselves have no idea of where the message came.

The dreamer, the ones who wake up immediately and can recall their journey, people such as these must be cautious of speaking their experience to every and anybody. They must first write down their experience, and the wait until they are urged to share what they saw with someone with knowledge, but please be mindful of some people who have the secret to block your recall so do not tell your dreams to everyone. If you know you are a dreamer, please wear shades a lot to protect your eyes from the suns glare. A night dreamer is under the influence of the moon, this is the person who dreams in the dark of the night. The one who experiences visions is under the influence of the Sun (all this is energy I am speaking of) visions occur while there is light outside, and even if you are not asleep and you see something like I did play inside your head (whether it be day or night) know that this is the influence of your inner consciousness or even you astral family showing your the way.

There are those who FEEL things, and often will say they have a feeling, these people are sensors, and must be very careful at all times, because as they feel things, things can also be transferred to them, they have to learn as they grow how to release. They have the ability to heal as sensors, but their compassion can make them susceptible to peoples problems and situations, to the point of feeling physically ill. They must always take baths and use things to remove other peoples problem from them, keeping crystals are good for sensors, try to connect to the ones which calls you. These people should not go to hospitals, funerals, wakes etc, r watch horror films, or anything dark or dreary. If they touch a person who is ill, that person can get better or feel better right away, but the sensor must them drive the illness into something else. Most sensors are water people and have stomach issues often, or headaches. They must always protect these areas, they will also have tooth aches or tooth breakage. They need to be surrounded by water to be able to slow the feelings they get often from humans and their problems. If you have a sickly child, most likely she may be a sensor, look into it. Most sensors needs an animal to help them share the burden.

There is more to write in this post, but I have the flu and I am not feeling well, mi probably mek ah bag a typo, but right now mi nuh bizznezz ah long time mi ah tell oounh sey mi cyaan type, mi aguh lay dung. Mi will continue pon dis topic soon.

You will need to always have a journal and chronicle things that you experience, even if you think they are not important.

I will write part two to this based on the response I get.


Má rù ú loògùn ẹrù; béèyàn rù ú ọrùn á wọ̀ọ́.
The antidote of a burden is not to carry it; whoever bears a burden will feel the impact……..Yoruba Proverbs!

[Every choice comes with one or more inescapable consequences.]


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Flying Ram
5 months ago

I don’t remember majority of my dreams. I do get “deja vu” moments often, also sometimes a scenario will play in my head and it happens so shortly after. I never consider it. Looking forward to part 2

3 years ago

Do part 2

3 years ago

I think I’m a sensor. I get so nervy when in town or travelling by public means.i feel tired after this journeys. When I reach home it takes time for me to be calm.i dream a lot and many of them seem to manifest in reality.i also have the tooth breakage.

4 years ago

Obara blessings I laugh because I am a sensors, I also received a crown in the form of a hat from a mermaid. I was wondering if i was apart of the water people now I know as I write i have 2 holes in my teeth always had problems with them i am also a dreamer day and night, i get alot of warnings for myself and others and things to come, but I need alot of help with Interpretin messages, in my dreams when I am faced with what we call duppy I speak in a different language… Read more »

6 years ago

I can often remember all of my dreams, and messages I get from ancestors and what to do in situations I want to get control over or understand. Sometimes it just all sounds so weird, what I should do. I literally just bought a journal to start writing down my dreams because after a few minutes after I wake, I seem to forget it all if I don’t immediately write it down. 😳

5 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

What must one do? If a dream 9nly returns as a dejavu for split seconds, what is the purpose–except for you to feel or remember you’ve seen or had that experience before? What other purpose does it serve? I have these VERY frequently and I KNOW it is because as you’ve said–i have dreamt it before. But example it is a negative situation and I have the dejavu why can I not recall the rest so I can do something to change the situation?

6 years ago

Most of this post spoke to me. I know that I have a very strong intuition which is something you have also confirmed to me during one of our conversations. I believe I am slowly starting to become awake which has helped me to realize so much about how I attract people energy after doing my research I have started using crystals to protecting my energy. I also listen to my head more and most evenings when I get home I am drawn to light an incense I somehow feel that this help to rid of anything I might have… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you for the insight this is very encouraging.

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hello Obara! I discovered your page on February 3 while looking for the spiritual meaning of salt and since then I have been hooked. I feel like I was led to your blog atleast that is how I feel. I know there are changes happening with me but I am not able to comprehend all of them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Moesha

I have been having dreams I can’t remember.

6 years ago

Oh, gad Obara! This make my head hurt. Lol. I feel like you was talking straight to me. Love your posts!

Alejandrina Rodriguez
Alejandrina Rodriguez
8 years ago

Obara Meji, I experience many things in my dreams and I don’t understand exactly why or what it could be. I often dram situations or things happening and afterwards they happen in real life. I also get revelations in my dreams. I can also fell a persons energy as soon as I meet them. At times I feel a bit scared. I just wish I could understand it better.

8 years ago

Get well soon. Enjoy your post. Blessings

8 years ago

Dear Obara, thank you, thank you! I knew water was powerful, but what I learned in your class last year gave it a higher power.

8 years ago

So happy that I found you. You begin my awakening…Remember when I was so in love with Jesus…lol…Thank you. I don’t comment often but I read EVERY one of your posts. They make me happy. Also its funny you said something about people who feel. I always carry peoples burdens…my husband said to me the other day if I’m blind because I feel too much. I really do feel a lot…I don’t do well with funerals, sick or horror movies. Ironically I am no longer afraid of death since I left Christianity. Thank you. I’m not completely awake but I’m… Read more »

8 years ago

Hope you feel well soon teach. Make sure you drinking up your soup to knock out the flu.

Good writing style and the stories make it seem like a live movie..

Always a pleasure to read and learn. Looking forward to part 2.

Bless up everyone!

8 years ago

Great post, Obara. I am a dreamer. What do you think of using water to remember your dreams?

8 years ago

I am definitely a dreamer and a sensor.
Wish I knew how to not let it affect my nervous system so much. Can’t wait for part 2. Thanks.

8 years ago

I am definitely a sensor based on this description. I wish I knew how to have a thicker skin so I don’t pick up other people’s energies as much. I would love to learn more about releasing the illness when trying to heal a sick person.

8 years ago
Reply to  Aisha

Wow what I wrote is so similar to Iman and I didn’t see her response when I wrote mine.

8 years ago

I am for sure a sensor and I am suffering with illness. I am about to move house to by the water which is a good thing and get cats too. I want to know more about the baths and crystals and what I can do to stay balanced and not overwhelmed by other people energy and vibes. I also have stomach issues and headaches

8 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you that would be so good

8 years ago

I love the story teach. The driver come like me, easy fi last yah all if mi guh di place numerous times. I’m a dreamer and happy about it. I get many warnings in dreams. It wasn’t until I came across this blog that you’ve reiterated that what is seen can be changed. Before I just waited for the bad to come instead of praying against it. My son also gets dreams, he often dreams about me being chased or someone trying to hurt me. I tell him not to worry about that as he really gets worked up about… Read more »

8 years ago

I have to say thank you for this post today mums! Bless up ES Family! And Happy belated birthday to our brother Lincoln! One question i have to ask you mums, is it possible for someone to possess more than one or all of these gifts? I will say that as I am growing spiritually, slowly but surely i begin to notice certain little things from past and present where my sprit has been disrupted. Or things that I have seen, some of which you and I have discussed, and I would pass them off as them being something that… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  SeaQueen

Thanks Seaqueen for the bday wishes

Ms. LaTonja
8 years ago

Great teaching…..Ready for Part 2!

8 years ago

Obara my mother told me when I was very young I was a sensor. I would always pick up vibes of people when I was young to the point where she would not hire someone till I saw them and told her how I felt about them. I would always be sick with sinus and allergies (causing me to have headaches constantly) and on 2 occasions as a youth went to the ER/hospital and doctors had no idea what was wrong and recovered on my own. When I was in high school I had 2 friends who would often tease… Read more »

8 years ago

Good day beautiful people, special request Teach! Your writing is so good, you made me laugh and learn, you are very gifted. I feel like I know Nigeria like the back of my hand, based on your description. Thanks for your time and efforts in sharing what you know and helping to shape our minds. I love and appreciate you so much!

8 years ago

Aboru Aboye………Good post each one teach one. It is always good when the gifted present gifts……

Intellectual Bhutu
8 years ago

Your vivid “cya type” writing makes me feel as if I’m in the truck wid unu, trying to find the place.
I’ve had glimpses of my gift/s but they don’t seem consistent. I tend to feel that maybe it was coincidental. I wish there was a way to activate them fully. P

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