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When I wrote the post Who Do You Trust In This World? I told you all that the person for whom this happened to would send his own post in. I’m very happy that he did so because my philosophy as you all know is that we teach each other from our experiences. His is quite a journey and although there will be a part 2 to his story, he still had to carve the story down in order for it not to be too lengthy. People be wise and as I always teach, be present in your lives.


My father was a man of the world, loved his women and his booze. January 2016 was the start of what could be considered an “abnormal year.” Things started happening that were out of the ordinary. Smells, sounds, strange birds, and others. However, I started having a very hard time at home and work. My door bell rang one Sunday evening, but there was no one at the door. My wife and I replayed CNN over and over trying to determine the origin of the doorbell sound….there was nothing.

The symptoms started manifesting themselves more and more each day. Not realizing what was taking place, I went to bed one night, but as soon as I laid down I felt the feel of a veil being pulled over me, from my toes to my head. I sat up for a moment then laid back and went to sleep. In the morning I woke up the usual time, but instead of sitting in my favorite chair at the kitchen table, I switched to one that had me facing the window into the backyard. To my surprise, I saw the image of a face embedded in a tree staring at me (this was the start). I went out and took pictures of the tree and texted and emailed them to some family members. I was then referred to a Prophet from Jamaica. He came, charged me a hefty sum, spent a month in our home and in the end nothing changed. Several months later, I was summoned to Jamaica, where I was told God was upset with me and I had to spend time by myself in a Tabernacle about a quarter of a mile down a hill away from all civilization. I did, I also fasted for those ten days…..but, again, No Change.

While there, I was referred to another gentleman (don’t know exactly what to call him); but this time around the charge was minimal and I got some immediate short term relief, because by the time I returned home to the states everything started up again as if they were home waiting for me. With thousands of dollars in airfare and phone calls and no relief, I called gentleman number 2 who told me there is nothing he can do to help me. He told me to go on to the De Laurence site and order a ring for protection. I felt helpless, with no one or nowhere to turn I went on to the site. While searching around I discovered a post by Obara Meji (the start of everything good). I immediately sent her an email, hoping someone would respond but not expecting it. The usual routine, I awoke said my prayers but this morning I checked my email. To my surprise, she responded to my email asking “HOW YU KNOW SEH A OBEAH?” Wow. I was so excited I responded to the email with a very long explanation and asked if she could call me. Again to my surprise a few minutes later my phone rang. I attempted to tell her what the other people told me but she shut me down instantly saying “I DON’T WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE OTHER PEOPLE SAID, LET ME FIND OUT WHAT’S HAPPENING TO YOU MYSELF.”

Sure enough she came back with the same things, the difference was she knew the details of all that was done and what was used. All the others knew what was done but could not identify what was used. Over time, I called her every day, several times a day (just couldn’t get the time difference right). During this period, I was being taught and counseled at the same time. As was said in my previous blogs my god mother has taught me so much, I am now able to depart this knowledge to others. One very important thing I had to do would take me on a journey to Africa. The suggestion was made to my wife who was leery of the idea, but we were desperate as my family was being affected also. My son’s evil mother and her evil husband and his evil mother, the ungrateful ex-girlfriend I tried to help to buy a car, ended up costing me over $2,800.00 out of pocket only to find out that she accused me of robbing her. The long-time friend in New York, who, for reasons unknown to me (until Obara), was trying to kill me so he could claim my spirit.

I had a very hard time putting the funds together for the trip (thanks to my wife who went above and beyond to help) it was a struggle but my GM (Obara Meji, as she is now my spiritual God Mother) did what she did to pull me through. She constantly warned me that while in Africa for my initiation one of my enemies would meet their demise and I should not attend the funeral. Over and over she kept reminding me, “Don’t, do not, promise me you won’t attend any funerals.” I made her that promise because I trust her more than anyone I’ve met in a long time (did not meet her face to face as yet, we only spoke on the phone); But while there, I was reminded again of what would happen to my enemy.

I arrived in Nigeria on the 10th of November 2016. My initiation started the same day I arrived and it went all night until mid morning Friday. Several hours later, I received a call that my half brother’s mother had passed from a massive heart attack. Strange…. She was considered our second mother because of the relationship we shared. She cooked, we ate, she would send up fresh fruits and vegetables for the family, we would spend weekends at her house; how can she be my enemy?

Well, after returning to the States I immediately turned around and went to Jamaica to attend the funeral (she could not be my enemy). On my way there I fell ill. My face became swollen on one side from an abscess that appeared out of nowhere (Obara told me before I left Nigeria, that the obeah within my body would leave my body in different ways. The boils were one way. But I found it strange that they appeared while on my way to the funeral. Apparently, if I had fallen ill on my way, it would have prevented me from going. But I went anyway). Anyway, not thinking, I tolerated the pain to and from JA. Got back home, called Obara, she got on the phone, then suddenly she couldn’t speak to me directly, the Spirits had possessed her, so someone else had to translate to me.

Finally it was revealed that my half brother’s mother was my first enemy. She planted obeah in the foods she fed us, in the fruits and vegetables she sent for the family; this woman did everything in her powers to destroy us (“us” that were not her kids). Everything God Mother said that morning was right on the mark, she was talking and I was remembering the “what we thought were” wonderful times we spent there with them. My life today has changed significantly. I trust no one, I take very few visitors (rarely). I’m not closing myself off from the world, but after 52 years my eyes have been opened and guards are always up. The people that have hurt me are the people I’ve Loved and Trusted. It goes right back to what we’ve always been told by our Parents, Grand Parents and even Artistes like Bob Marley “ONLY YOUR FRIENDS CAN HURT YOU”.

There is still a lot more for me to share. My son’s evil mother and her evil husband and his evil mother, the evil ungrateful ex-girlfriend and the so call friend in New York who wants to capture my soul and spirit to per long his life because he’s dying. I will write a part two to come.


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3 years ago

God be your helper my brother and Mummy Obara as usual God bless you and keep you safe for us.

4 years ago

Wow this is shocking. It’s always the people that you must trust that hurts you.

4 years ago

Where is part 2

8 years ago

Jipijaper hope all is well. Waiting for the continuation of this story.

8 years ago

Hi everyone, love the feel of here. Some people are just plain wicked, poster you are blessed. Obara thanks for sharing with us useful things on this blog,i being a silent reader for a while now. Will comment more and will get my reading from obara as am sure obeah is at work.

8 years ago

Oh wow…what an incredible story. I felt every moment of the story but there is Divine light where we go and the blessing they give to us. How funny life is that he find his way to Obara and was heal. Always be thankful for life and be aware of your surroundings cause u never who is looking at u

8 years ago

Hi gentle people Obara hail you are a blessing to sooooooo many people. Thank you always and forever.Now missa man you a decent somebody. Cah all with dem boil and pus a run mi must cuss and galang bad a di funeral. All my mother couldn’t calm me. I would have cuss from pupa to brown dog. It must have dawned on you say something off when the dutty woman dead as Obara declare the enemies death. But true she used feed you and show a likkle kindness. Thats why mi nuh like nicey nicey people smh lol and nuh… Read more »

8 years ago

Wow this story… people are so wicked it is so hard for me to wrap my mind around it. I know, I always say I am glad your enemies have been revealed to you.

8 years ago

Hi Obara…. hello everyone.just wanted to say hi before I started reading

8 years ago

YOW– How the world so wicked- Me a tell you that’s why me no eat from people at all!!!! God bless he found you Obara and you gave him help.

8 years ago

Sorry Teach exam pressures

8 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Oh bless, thanks for connecting. I’m very well and truly blessed Ma’am. Send you oceans of abundant love, ease, grace and flow from the universe. I’m all smiles while typing out this comment.

8 years ago

I meant overcomer – the very end of my last comment.

8 years ago

Another awesome Share. Many thanks to Obara Meji for this platform(A platform to share knowledge, teach, empower & inform and not to even mention the endless learning and development opportunities we benefit through the various post – Obara Meji !!! you’re highly appreciated – remain bless).
Reading up the countless shares on this platform: from subduing plans, plots and cruelty of household frenemies (People are wicked), I need to step up learning and development – i know alot people who believe spiritual attack don’t exist. Jipijaper thanks for sharing your story – you’re an overcome.

8 years ago

Manners and respect everyone. This made me tear up. Thanks so much for sharing your story. Some parts of it really shook me up about how terrible people can be towards you for no justified reason. It’s good that you’ve found your release, thank God it came in time. Obara I have a question, hope its not too silly. if someone uses Obeah against you without you being aware and taking the steps to clear it, can it wear off over time and does this depend on the severity of the obeah and as in the case of the gentleman… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Dem probably nuh scroll so far lol

8 years ago

Good day all! Wow, this is some tale. I just wish you all the best and every drop of strength you need to get pass this experience. Can’t imagine how you feel know the people you trusted would try and hurt you. But thanks be to God that it was revealed. I look forward to part 2 as well as a happy ending for you jipi!

Mums, I see how u ah sport yuh gold medal and book progress dung ah battam!! You go girl…dem cyan chat to uuuuuu! Love ya lady!

God son.
God son.
8 years ago

Wow you went through plenty,but you got your story told.Obara is the best truly a blessing for us who are awake.Stay strong and focus.

8 years ago

I’m not sure what the face on the tree is; I know his name but I’m not sure if I’m at liberty to say it. Part two of my story will go more in Dept about the tree (remember the evil people of spoke of, they are tied to the face). After all they encouraged me to cut it down knowing what would have happened if I did. (Will check with my GM to see if I can post it “the face”) Question 2: there are forces out there that can capture spirits; this so call friend have been dying… Read more »

Norma Samuels
Norma Samuels
8 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

hi i would like to talk to u if its possible, can u please get back to me ASAP, i would really appreciate it… thanks in advance…

7 years ago
Reply to  Jipijaper

hi will u u ever tell us the rest of wat happen to u?

8 years ago

I am so sorry for all yu went thru. Yu write nice an stylish but is a pity yu neva spit oan har grave. Thanks so much for sharing. I must commend you for listening to Teach. When I was at my lowest Teach was there. Be present in your life. I have two questions 1. Was was the face in the tree all about and what about the veil? Secondly how does the friend trying to capture your spirit will preserve his life? Love and light. I cant wait for part 2.

8 years ago

Jipijaper, thank you for sharing your experience. It’s hurtful when it’s those close to us are the ones who hurts us most. Keep faith.

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