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Once upon a time, I use to have horrible stomach aches. I would wake up in the mornings around 6 am and cry for my belly. I had no idea what was wrong with me.The pain was almost excruciating, and it never moved,the pain stayed one place, Like Queen Elizabeth’s royal guard dem,  creating my own hell.

It was almost three times per week or more that this happened to me, and mostly during the mornings. I would drink tea, most Caribbean people associated belly ache/stomach pains with the dreaded gas ( nuff time ah heart attack de people dem ah have and Jamaican people bawl out “Ah Gas man, gi him some tea deh!). I would use some over the counter medications, but to no avail, de pain nuh budge like cheap weave hair caught in high winds.

Nothing helped. It had to leave by itself. This was many years ago, and I was awakened  but not an initiate as yet. I still had a foot in the christian church/religion albeit on my way out. There was a church I use to attend, but because I was pulling away from Christianity, I had not gone there in a while, until one Good Friday, I went in time to catch the last part of the service, They had just finished Jumping (Poco.Zion revival church) so they were about to close the service and they were around the pool of the church. Yes, the Pastor had built a pool in the middle of the church, serving when invoked, what Jamaican people refer to as River Mumma, which we know as Osun the river deity.

When I walked in the Pastor, who I liked very much and who was very spiritually talented, looked at me and shook his head with a half smile on his face. He said nothing to me, but continued his closing prayer. In the middle off the prayer he paused and looked at me again, and then he smiled shook his head and continued to pray. Then he stopped and called out my name, he beckoned me to come over to him and chastised me for not coming to church as I should, he told me that I had a stomach that was troubling me and that if he followed his thoughts about me not coming to church he would not help me, but he was going to any way, and then he proceeded to get a glass which he took the water from the pool, in the glass he poured some Florida water and some flower petals and told me to drink, which I did. People mi belch fi bout one month straight (not bredda Curtis or Yazzy Granny belch dem ei nuh, caws mi dainty) some cute burps, but can I tell you all that the stomach problem left for about three years.

The pain returned again after the three years, and it came back with a bang! Nothing helped, and I decided that I would not go to the Doctor about it. I had never been to the doctor about it before and I  told myself that I would not go. Now I know you all must be wondering why I was determined not to go check it out with a doctor, especially since it was persistent and I had been going through this for years and Here is why.

My belief, ever since I was a little girl and it got even more stronger as I grew and eventually became awakened. I believe that I am here on this earth plane by God’s will. I believe that I have a very strong mission here and while on my journey here although I expect to see or experience some not so good times (things cannot be good all the time, balance is needed for life to continue, so the good and bad have to co-exist), I convinced myself that I would not see any devastation, I knew that I would not see any bad thing in my life, that I would not be able to recover from, this I know for sure.

I knew that no sickness would take me away from my children or them from me, nothing would stop me from accomplishing my work upon this earth in this incarnation and I know that I would never see tragedy, or die untimely. I knew this and it stuck with me, so whenever I felt fear of anything(it is human to experience fear, but we should never allow it to linger around, but drive it wickedly away!)I remember that fear is an illusion created by me or the one who is experiencing it.

I calmed down when this very thought presented itself in my mind as a reminder, hence me praying to God, telling my creator that I will not go the doctor. I prayed and told God that I knew that my purpose on this earth was great and so he should send help for me and heal me of this stomach pains. I told God that I would not go to the doctor, and that I leave myself open to him to do as he wished. That was my prayer. I prayed and left the matter alone for my creator and my ancestors to deal with.

I had always dreamed of this white lady from I was a child growing up. I remember seeing a white form which looked like a huge cloud as a child, and as I grew this old white woman would come to me always dressed in white clothes, at times she was stern and other times she would be scolding, others loving and pleasant to me. I would see me combing her hair, or washing her if she were ill or not feeling well or just standing in front of her when she summoned me, as if summoned by my school principal/Head mistress.

The night I said that prayer, I saw her again in a dream. The white woman was in the hospital and I saw myself visiting her where she laid propped up among many pillows. I had a ice cream glass in my hands with what looked like some soft pink ice cream, something like a crumble was on top. In the dream I watched myself with her  (as if I was one side watching all the happenings, so there were two of me there) as I approached her I chided her on giving the nurses problems, not wanting to eat, being a difficult patient. I handed her the glass for her to have the concoction there and she shushed me away almost annoyed, and told me that she did not want it, I should eat it instead of her, after trying to get her to eat and she resisting I ate it instead.

I woke up as I was half way eating it in the dream/vision, de belching began and I could feel my belly bubbling up nosily like acid in a shaken Pepsi cola bottle or a frothy overflowing pepsi can. It was 3 am in the morning and as I awoke, sitting up in my bed cutely burping (lol) my phone rang it was my mother. She told me she just had the strangest dream, she dreamed that I came and gave her some wine to drink and told her that it was for her stomach, she too had stomach problems. As I hung the phone up from her, it rang again, it was a former church sister of mine, an older woman, who told me the same thing my mother had just told me, she saw me in her dream and I told her that she should dink this wine, it would cure her stomach.

That night all three of us got healing. My stomach to this day have never pained me like that again. I have had upset stomach and felt even bloated since but nothing like de horse stallion pain whey mi use to get whey mek mi holla out “Mi bumbo!! like Beryl!, Gone was the pain, dem serious going into labor baby pains deh, I have never gotten again, I think God and I praise Orisha Osun, my ancestors, my guides and my Ori/my head.

I kept dreaming the woman from time to time, and it was after I received/initiated Osun that I have not seen her again, I did not need to I had crowned her on top of my head, Oore YeYe OOOo Osun oooooooo!!.

The woman was Orisha Osun unbeknownst to me (she can take any form she wish). I cried out to God and he heard me and so did she. This and more incidences made me realize that God truly interacts with human beings through his intermediaries, and that Prayer is vital to our survival here on this earth plane. Also that we have our guides and our head (inner consciousness), we must make use of it.

Throughout my life experiences I have learned that the less you have in life is the more you learn and develop that which is in you, that you had no idea was there, often times certain circumstances creates in you humility, and when in an humbled state you will get closer to the divine. Often times people pray and wish for money, and when they see others thriving, they ask their creator, “why not me my God?

Yet many (not all fall into these circumstances for said reasons, there are a lot of answers for life’s questions) have no idea, that their creator/the Universe can see tomorrow, and it knows that if this person suddenly becomes rich, the character would change despite how they feel deep down of helping others and being the best person with their new found wealth. Many who do not achieve the wealth desired in their earthly life, have no understanding that it is because there is a greater plan for them, or the universe is assisting their spiritual elevation therefore it will not allow money or material gain to soil them.

It is not every head that can carry wealth, wealth needs a strong head!. (please note that it is not every one who has money will lose their way, some are given great wealth by the universe because they can handle it and will do good with it as measured by the Universe), but this is for another topic, I tend to run away with topics, my apologies, but I have so much to share….Let me continue.

At the time of that prayer which led to my healing, I was alone with my children. I had no money, no job, no family (my family and I are not close) nothing. All I had was my faith, my belief in God and my ancestors. All that I thought I had was gone, so my faith was all I had and I made use of it. I knew deep within, that God would hear me and assist. I believed in God and I trusted my spirit, and if God did not come to my rescue then I was prepared to accept my fate. However my faith was stronger than anything else, and as a naive child, heart devoid of anything else than my petition to be healed, I said a very calm and short prayer and received solution that same night.

Necessity is the mother of invention, and olden days people who did not have modern technology had to make due with what they had. I use this example to say that when we are down and fallen at times feeling broken and are with out anything even support this is when our inner strength comes out, and we begin to contemplate, we begin to call upon or seek the assistance of a higher source. There are some who will just give up, but we, human beings are designed to fight, to survive against all odds.

Look at anything that challenges you as a lesson. Do not fight life, allow it to flow. If you receive a NO, and you try again and the same thing, leave it in prayer and ask for the revelation,look for the lesson. Everything has its season, the river flows in one direction and the Ocean has its time when it is calm and when it rises up. The sun rises every morning and return to its abode in the evening,leaving way for the moon to take his shift. Things are how they ought to be, the Universe makes no mistakes, yet often times we as humans create our own dire situations but circumstances can change due to fervent prayer coupled with faith .

Be prayerful, have faith and trust yourself . Introspect, self reflect and meditate. Sing, read and spend time with yourself every day. If you can do this, Life will begin to speak to you and you will understand and appreciate it better. Allow love and peace to enter your life, and when disappointment come learn from it, then pass on the knowledge, this is your responsibility as human beings, share knowledge from you own experiences. Do not Judge or condemn another, you never know the circumstances you may find yourself into one day. Reach for a fallen brother or sister, if they prove ungrateful, leave then to time, do not scandal them, or wish any bad upon them, if you do then what you did to help them will be removed from your spiritual journal as a star in your life’s journey. Be careful of gossip or speaking ill of a fellow being, to do so set you apart from your brothers and sisters upon this earth plane negatively no matter how much religion you are apart of, sow good seeds! Also as a gossiper the Universe will not be happy with you, know that every human have their head/ori (their greatest divinity) who will fight for them.

Watch your own life path, not another’s, we are all different in our ways and purposes. Do not get lost comparing your life to someone else, the person may be your spiritual junior or senior, but how are you to know. Concentrate on your own life. Be kind to animals and small children they are innocent and the Universe watches over them and protects them, respect your elders even the bad ones, let them go and pay for their own mistakes but let you never be found distressing them lest you be judged. Pray for everyone!

We have the ability to heal ourselves or to solve our problems if we put our minds seriously to whatever ails us. It may sound cliche, but believe me it is true. No condition is permanent, and Jamaican people have an adage which says “God does not give one more than what they can bare”, and this is true.

Allow your head to guide you, follow your head, pray and believe. The tools for our life’s survival is within us, programmed within the crevices of our minds. We need to unlock it, or know how to do so. The school which will come soon will teach you all the depths of these things. Be well in your spirit, know that you are never alone.


Ẹni sọ̀rọ̀ púpọ̀ yó ṣìsọ; àsọjù lo nmu ìyá ọba pe ara rẹ̀ ní ìyá ọ̀bọ. / Whoever talks excessively will misspeak; excessive talk is how the mother of the king (“ọba”) refers to herself as the mother of monkey (“ọ̀bọ”)…..Yoruba Proverb!

[Moderation is crucial.]


All religion are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…. Obara Meji!

There no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji

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[…] to listen to the message and write on the subject. I have written on this very subject before read here, a little more indepthly, but in the few words written below, I pray that even one person will find […]


[…] who had helped me with the stomach problem I had when he gave me medicine from his spiritual pool, read here. They had went to see her and I had gone along. I never took a reading from her, as I was not there […]

10 years ago

Cami thank you so much for the lovely Bday Vid and well wishes my babygirl! I love it and appreciate it very much! Thank you sweetie!

Thanks to allll who wished me Bday wishes!! I love you ALLL!


10 years ago

I am on pins and needles waiting for our SCHOOL!! Lawdd… It will be an amazing place to write home about!!

Come ooooooo!!!! There’s so much work to be done! We declare it!

10 years ago

The other day I thanked Our sweetie Obara Meji for this our blog and all it has done for us and others. There is an old wise saying “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime!” and this is exactly the lesson here…. What I have found here is my identity and when you can help an individual to find their identity….. you have helped them to find themself. That is priceless and that goes a very long way as with the wise saying… Read more »

10 years ago

And I look around me and trust that the universe wants me right where I am. In an humbled state… Giving me only the likkle me need at a time… Not true mi cyah manage di nuffmentz but tru mi heart wuda tun mi hinna eeeediat! Sometime is not what you would do had you been “well off” with money or material shit… Sometimes it’s what you would do for others and how used and abused you would be as a result … So it is blocked from your path! Mojuba to Olodumare and Ifa for its wisdom! And to… Read more »

10 years ago

“Throughout my life experiences I have learned that the less you have in life is the more you learn and develop that which is in you, that you had no idea was there, often times certain circumstances creates in you humility, and when in an humbled state you will get closer to the divine” Obara this statement is the realest! I swear by it! I recently found a flaw with myself that I know is not intentional but I picked up on it and really wanna expel it and that is that while I may not love the situations I… Read more »

10 years ago

Mi sleep and wake… This post is very timely and inspiring to say the very least. Gn world! Gn mi sweetie Obara! Gn allll mi sweeties! Obara I love it when you dig deep and share all your exceptional experiences with us. How beautiful and resilient of your Ori to command your healing, twice. The first by leading you to church and the second be directing you to cry out for help to the universe and your ancestors with that prayer! Mama Osun always deh pan di case eenuh! She’s an amazingly loving and supporting deity. Ore Yeye Osun oooo!… Read more »

10 years ago

Hey guys, just a little hail.

Cami sweetie, wad up? Didn’t see your comments yesterday.

10 years ago

Ore Yeye Osun…

10 years ago

So many lessens in this post…. your ori that the universe will see you thru all
3. Fervent praying is needed
4. Prayers are answered

I pray that we all can embrace God, our ori, our spirituality, the elemental forces, and the universe….

Today the song that was my message …goes directly with this post…

The song is one of my favorite Bob Marley songs, Lion of Judah….

I am putting the pieces together….

10 years ago

I will have to say I have had some experiences that have humbled me greatly. It is to the point now when I catch myself judging another person I just say to myself, “who are you to judge?” and shut myself down real quick. It took a few situations to get me to that point I think I still have a little to go but for the most part I try to have more compassion than judgment. I even try and stay away from people who do gossip just so they don’t drag me into it. Great post Obara…I likes… Read more »

10 years ago

Hailings to Toy and all who nu reach yet inna de Sunday yah.

10 years ago

Blurt naught! What a story Yazzy get today! Yazzy that is an honorable story because it falls in line with a pataki belonging to Osun/Ochun.

Obara, me sight it from I read this portion “One day Yazzy hear through the grapevine that the devil was coming to visit God in heaven and so she evily devised a plan to come to earth”.

That line reminded me of when the male deities had a gathering and nu invite Osun, but she work her way through Esu/Ellegbua and Oldumare to be present. Yazzy that was an real honorable thing in deed.

10 years ago

Me fi get to cry excuse after me post Yazzy birthday video. Me in and out a do road…be back inna de night.

10 years ago

Teach, I have a question, (Nobody don’t laugh, if it sounds stupid)…

You always say don’t eat in your dreams…How did you know the difference that it was ok to take the food.

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Me rass me nhame more than me share inna dreams…lolol. Thanks fi just letting that puss out the back, MTH! lololol

10 years ago

Toy, mi gal pardon mi mannas. Obara a mek mi laugh a gwan bad inna di ppl dem stow-shus place. Mi figet sey a farrin mi dey a di mawkit woman nuh stop jump out.

10 years ago

Mek mi declare it, mi bad minded. Mi sey mi grudge Yazzy, fi dah story wey Teach write fi har…Mi a call out Cami from now, yu betta post one nice sang fi mi…(Stevie Wonda, hint, hint)…Or mi a guh cry. Nuh baddy nuh waan si mi when mi a bawl..

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

lolol…Me we find a song fi you too.

10 years ago

Wid di bu*bo duh Obara man. Mi sey mi read di fuss line a haffi buss out mi mawkit woman laugh. Jezam pezam man. A wey duh yu an pug nose….LOL…Mi chunney, a can laugh nuh more…

10 years ago

I like what the healer told Maria about living for and focusing on what’s happening now. At times when we stress and worry about the future we miss what’s happening around and get stuck on a hamster wheel

10 years ago


10 years ago

Teach, I cannot stress it enough that we need to trust our heads. I am confident that all I need to survive is within me. All I need to do is slow down, pray and answers to the questions will come.

I always wanted money. Now, I do not care so much about it. I have come to accept the balance (good & bad, up & down). I am happy that in this life I got to love twice. (1) my children and (2) my favourite ex. Hahahaha

10 years ago

I am glad for this post this morning. My sister in law loves to talk about people’s business. I swear when I hear the news I would listen and I find out all the lies people have told me. I feel like I get so much enjoyment out if it. I smile out of excitement. I need help… I am going simmer on her phone calls. Obara when someone is missing it is called pulling a Toy. LOL Waving to everyone

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Hey Toy! Dem a fuss wid yuh today. Lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Nunu

Yes Nunn lol

10 years ago

Sometimes I think I am in too much rush. I keep thinking, I am way behind others and I need to have xyz to keep up. I thought having the baby so early slowed me down. I wanted to be a lawyer or a teacher. I had to fend for myself and the child and could not take the time out to go to school full time. Mark you, I have gone back to school and have qualification. My truth is that I wanted so much to be so successful, that I would rush things. I lost a lot of… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

I feel tuh right there M, I understand feeling left but as you seh yuh have everything with yuh to survive

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

I am happy for you… good things coming

10 years ago

Nunu it cold lacka wah, but nuh diss mi sign up fah..

10 years ago

Yazzy a yu birthday? A lie? Next Tuesday (Jan. 13) is mines.

10 years ago

This is my truth…I love Obara because in Obara I see all the qualities I would have wanted in a mother. I will be the first to tell you, I give her a fair amount of talking. I love when Obara makes posts like these. It gets me to look inwardly. This post is so timely and yes mi a bawl. On the issue of money. My big brother who I mentioned in the Obeah Garden blog, is very, very handsome. He is my mother’s first child and my mother loved him world without end. If my mother was outside… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

That’s why Obara seh yuh have to have a strong head/ori. Money is a great puppet master

10 years ago

Happy Weekend my sweeties!! It’s my BIRTHDAY!!!!!

I’m still smashed so mi nuh too rightid! Mi nuh read yet either. But chu mi never come bout yessideh ((sarry mi wuk all day den tun roun party all night)) suh hask pardon! I sooo miss u guys. I need to recover then I’ll be back later.

Obara mi phone dead ya now sweetie. I’m gonna call ya when it charge up.

Hugs and Kisses all my sweeties!

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Happy Birthday Yazzy! Yuh get weh like bad dawg last night, that’s right! Enjoy the rest of your weekend

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy
10 years ago

Nunu-lishious how yu duh mammy?

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

M-licous mi deh yah sawt out tings mumz. Hope the north deh treat you well

10 years ago

So true, where would any of us be without faith. Mawning M and Cami

10 years ago

I got up this morning and said, I am going to the library to spend some time with my family. Last night I had so many thoughts.

10 years ago

Cami mi gal, yu hit the nail on the head. Obara always comes with the right post to match the way I am feeling. I am glad that I am not the only one who thinks this way.

10 years ago

Maria wrote ” She became noticeable annoyed with me and said that she will know when my higher spirit decides that I’m ready for it”.

Maria! base on your experience it is the same thing that Obara is stressing here. It’s not when you ready is when the higher powers are ready. Your ego was grand and had to be checked/downsized.

10 years ago

Teach yu muss gwan betta man, yu can write dem way yah man cause yu know sey mi vulga, mi laugh out like mawkit woman.

10 years ago

Woiee mi inna di ppl dem stow-sush library an a pap dutty laugh. Obara sey shi did a blech dainty. Woiee if a laugh a faint wey inna di Friday mwaning yah. Mi a guh dun read..

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Mth…Shhh in the library! Don’t mek Obara cause you to get get side-eyes or put out Ooo, lol

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Mth lmao danity burp Obara is something else. Lol Cami lmao side eye. Lol lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Me de yah OOo a craft me CV o.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

How sad.

10 years ago

Gud Evening Teach and all ES crews. Right message at the time. May God contiune to grant you the grace to lead us on. Spirit lifed.

10 years ago
Reply to  charles206

Happy 2015, Charles.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Same to you Cami

10 years ago

Morning all. Just reading.

10 years ago

Hey NuNupuss, hope all is well with you and mumsie. Hello Maria.

O, this post goes with what I wrote a bout Ifa having its own clock. We do create some of our own hell, or attempt to rush the course of our lives.

10 years ago

Obara is nutty! Lololol Why?

Like Queen Elizabeth’s royal guard dem

de pain nuh budge like cheap weave hair caught in high winds.

Away from you bubbly, nutty personality you are on point and tend to put up postings that match my day (majority of the time) or that of someone else.

10 years ago

Ego is such a funny thing. I usually tell myself too that if I get nuff money I wouldn’t change, because ive seen some decent people turn into mini monsters. I think it’s easier said than done though money give access to almost everything. It will take effort to keep humble and grounded.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes Obara, I’m glad I put mine back up because when I wake up it’s one of the first thing I see

10 years ago

I really like tnis post Obara. That’s so interesting that it is when our backs are against the wall we find God, when things ok or great we get distracted so easily. A when puruh(mi nuh certain how it spell) tek wi now wi nuh get up offa wi knee lol. I want to have the discipline to remember to pray every single day

10 years ago

Smiling – thanks for sharing this!


10 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Alafia Maria…welcome, we are glad to have you here….

What a blessing and beautiful experience!!! Not many people are as fortunate to have such a healing….you are amazing and I am happy that you shared your story…it gives us all a few clues about ourselves, the negatives of the ego, and the universal connective ness… Thank you….

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lol Wah Toy did missn tuh?

10 years ago

Good morning folks! Back in a sec

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