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Embracing Spirituality is a blog of a wide variety of spiritual topics and discussions, led by spiritualist, metaphysician, and traditionalist Obara Meji and her personal experiences. Born out of a desire to assist others in embracing their spirituality, and to lend our contribution to the ultimate goal of the evolution of mankind.
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E’karo ooo! (Good morning in Yoruba language). Yesterday I wrote a very long post on which I thought was a very good topic and although I repeated some things already shared here on this site in the post yesterday, I felt It needed repeating in order to support the subject written upon, this is a huge effort on my part seeing that I always tell you that I cannot type. I do this because I want all of you to “get it.”

Understand it all! E Ma Binu jo (Please, I am sorry) let me explain. I am not treating my bloggers as children, I am aware that I am blessed to have highly intelligent people here with me, however my belief is that when something is important for all and sundry to know and learn, it then bares repeating. I thank all who made a comment and all who read my efforts yesterday and all other days. There are times when I feel to stop and forget this blogging thing, please pray for me to endure and continue. My prayer is that you may learn something from all of my posts collectively or even just from one. Orunmila and Osun will bless you all. Oore Yeye O!! Osun O!!!

I told my self that I would not post anything today, seeing that all did not turn out for yesterdays post, but I got up this morning and thought what the hell! Nunu shared this article with me the other day, in her email, she said that many things she read here is what I already taught on ESP. I agree,yet I have to say that I do not agree with all that is written here. I am not disputing all that he has written and for the most part he is on point, my disagreement is in some of the things described in the realm, the breaking down of the realms and what the energies sees there and how they function there, perhaps what he has been made privy to, I have not been made privy to so I am not saying he is wrong, but for the most part what is written here is pretty accurate if not all. Wonderful Article!

I have been taught much by my non-physical elders about the realms of spirits and dimensions and things which I have never shared, many of them too shocking to reveal and having the possibility to blow the minds of those not spiritually prepared to hear or try to understand. Let me, just a little while share with you some of my out of body experiences on my many travels to the astral realms. They are many,and not wanting to take away from the article, I will share the most simplified ones, so that you will not be bored today.

My premonition of My God mothers death, here I was brought to the lower astral realm, where she waited to be received, she was alive when I saw her here, but her spirit had already left the earth and in limbo waiting what existed within her body while she remained in the earth realm was a shadow of same spirit…I will explain this one day.

I had a vision where I saw myself in a room which was blue and it was busy with people bustling all around, to the left of me I saw my god mother with her husband sitting on a wooden bench dressed in white linen cloth both of them (the husband did not die, but I believed seeing him there with her is a result of their bond in real life), but while I saw them, they were oblivious to me. Now I want you the reader to understand that I felt that I was watching this person in the vision who seemed to be the real living Obara Meji.  But no one could see the ME that was watching (remember what I wrote about Spiritual twins in another post)?!!… ok to continue,…… I was screaming and saying.. “Put me  back on earth why did  you snatch me out of my body!! I was on my way home from the store and you snatch body, send me back to earth!!.. I continued to yell this on the top of my lungs and then I saw my godmother’s daughter come out of another room with cuts and scrapes on her face but SHE could see me (she is alive and have remained so). When she saw me she started to scream and said what are you doing here you’re not dead!! Then she was led away and I continued my screaming. A woman who looked like a nurse, dressed in white nurses uniform and the old fashion nurse hat, came up to me and said why are you behaving like this, and I complained to her that I have to go back to earth because I did not belong there, she said ok wait and she left and came back with the biggest needle I had ever seen and said let me take fluid from your spine, she said I will remove water from your spine and the water will tell me if you should be sent back and then I woke up.


Years ago while I was going through spiritual schooling,  what this means is that the spirits came for me and stripped me of everything that I had been taught all my life and all that I thought was needed in my life including my baby’s father, my business and left me bare like a newborn child and started teaching me spiritual things.  At nights while I slept or in the days when they put me to sleep I would be taken out of my body and into the spiritual realm and experience lots of things and also meet lots of people some who were living on the realms, some who were living on earth, some who were to come into the world, and some who was living on earth but whose spiritual double I met while walking in the astral realm, one such instance is this; They came for me while I slept, the lift out of my body was subtle and I knew not except a few times when they took me, on this particular occasion I found myself hurrying to get home (back to my body),for some reason I felt that I had to get back into my body before a certain hour (I will not say the hour), while walking a man materialized beside, he had a very pronounced limp and said “hello young lady, how are you and where you hurrying to” I told him I was hurrying home, he asked if he could walk along with me a little way and I said yes, he then asked “do you want to know how I got here” and I said yes,” here” being the astral realm where he now resides, he told me this story.. “I met a girl, and invited her on a date and she accepted, so we decided to meet up on top of the  hill,” I wasn’t sure what he meant by on top the hill,.. “when I went to meet the girl, her brothers had come along with her, because apparently she was under age which I did not know, they used cut lasses and chopped me really badly and that is how I came here” he stopped, forcing me to stop too, and said ” it was nice meeting you, thanking you for allowing me to walk and talk with you, if you should ever need me please call for me my name is peanut”, and I found my self back into my body. I wrote this experience down as with all my others and carried on about my life.

I will stop here, as I will do a post on realms and on my visits there. However these two stories are of me travelling to the realm, the first was the lower astral realm, a triage of sort there, where she waited for admittance. I was taken there so That I could see what would happen to her in weeks to come.

The second was Peanut in the lower astral realm, where I met him. I would meet him in the physical earth years to come. I did not recognize him when I met him, as his name was not Peanut…..read the whole story here;


So read and enjoy. The post is quite long, so I have included the link at the bottom so that you can read at your leisure.

Thank You Nunu!

The Spirit World

By Dr. Tan Kheng Khoo

There are few ways in which one can visit the spirit world. The first is the most common one. Every night when we are asleep, we go to the spirit world, especially when we are in deep sleep and in delta wave. However, we do not remember our visits to the spirit world most of the time. If we have had a wonderful night’s sleep including periods of dreamless sleep, we will wake up feeling thoroughly refreshed: this is a good indication that our energy has been recharged in the astral. It will be most fortunate if one can remember an astral dream. If we dream of somebody who has died, and he appears in his prime and years younger, this is the surest sign that we are in the astral. If we have a recurrent dream of visiting a house, which is being modified, or altered, it would signify that we are preparing our future house in the astral. Whenever you dream of yourself flying you are in the astral. All these dreams are very clear and lucid and we remember them for years after that. The second way we visit the astral is by having a near-death-experience. In this instance, the scenes depicted are also very vivid and extremely realistic: we meet dead relatives and friends with vistas of lovely countryside plus personages of white light, which exudes tons of love. The next method of arriving at the astral is by the practice of out of body experience (OBE). OBE can, and often do, land you in this physical world, like in another country or in your relative’s place in the same town. But a skilful traveller can project himself to the next realm without much difficulty and this would be the astral. Of course, the surest way to arrive at the astral is to have a physical death, and this is the subject of this article.

The Dying Process
When we are about to die our energy levels become lower and lower, and our consciousness goes in and out of our physical bodies, i.e. the spirit leaves the physical body intermittently. This goes on until the final departure, when the silver cord is severed. This cord connects the physical body to the spirit body. When the cord is finally severed, all the subtle bodies will involute and aggregate at the heart chakra. To clairvoyant eyes a light is seen hovering over the heart chakra. Then after a short while the total spirit with all its attendant auric bodies will depart from the physical body through the 7th chakra i.e. at the top of the head where the anterior fontanelle used to be. While the spirit is congregating at the heart chakra, life will slowly withdraw from the body, starting at the toes and the feet. This paralysis will slowly move up to the legs, thighs and the torso. Then the final total paralysis will coincide with the withdrawal of the spirit from the body. At the final departure, the face usually depicts calmness and peace, especially if the body has hitherto been subjected to much pain. To clairvoyant eyes this cloud of smoke emitting from the top of the head will then reform into a figure that looks exactly like the dead body on the bed.

The Spirit World
After the spirit leaves the corpse for good, several things may happen. Some of them will be met by spirit guides in their earthly bedrooms, and they are quickly led away to the spirit world by these guides. At this point they may or may not be met by relatives or friends. After some greetings and catching up of events, the individual is then led away by the guides to a place for a rest. If the subject has been ill for a long time on earth, he will be sent to a convalescent home for a prolonged rest and healing. Some, however, will either go through a dark tunnel or climb up a flight of stairs towards the white light. Here, he will meet loved ones, i.e. dead relatives or friends who will happily greet him and explain the situation he is in. Then a life review will take place: it is at this juncture that the individual will see his good deeds or his mistakes throughout the life that has just passed. Or this review may take place at a later date, when the deceased has completely recovered from the ordeal of crossing over. Little acts of kindness appear to be of importance. Then he is taken to the realm where he has earned the right to reside. This entirely depends on how the individual performed in the recent life just passed. Each of the countless realms has its own specific vibration, and the spirit will go only to that pigeonhole that he deserves. During this period, he is looked after by his guide, and this looking after may go on for some time. For those who have died a violent death, quite often they do not realise that they are dead, and are therefore very confused. The deceased sees a crowd gathering around a dead body and he goes across to find out what the commotion is all about. He sees his loved ones crying and moaning away over his own corpse, and then he begins to shout to his loved ones to say that he is all right. But, alas, it is to no avail. They cannot hear him. This scenario repeats itself in his home until finally he gets the message that he is dead. So that when the guides come to help him cross over, there may be some difficulty here because the deceased may not realise that he is dead. It will take some time before the truth sinks in. Some of these individuals will remain earth bound for a long time. The spirits who tend to be earth bound are those who are very attached to their families, their homes, their business empires or other attachments. Some stay behind because they believe that they deserve to go to hell, due to wrong religious indoctrination. The most recalcitrant are those who continue to believe that they are not dead. These earth bound spirits will appear as ghosts to those who are able to see them. Some individuals who are spiritually developed may go straight to the right realm without a guide. These individuals die with full awareness, and the trip to his rightful realm is also taken with full awareness by himself.

The Astral and Higher Realms
The spirit world is composed of innumerable interpenetrating realms around the physical world. It is not geographically far away or way up from earth. It is interpenetrating and just around us. The spirit world of China is next to the physical China. The spirit world of America is just where physical America is and so on. There are numerous men-made classifications of the spirit world. Let us use the commonest classification, namely the astral, mental and spiritual: (a) the lower astral, (b) the middle astral, (c) the higher astral, (d) lower mental, (e) higher mental, (f) the lower spiritual, (g) the higher spiritual and so on.

The Lower Astral World (Hell or Purgatory)
Whoever goes to the middle astral must pass through to the lower astral. The guides accompanying the new spirit usually ask the spirit to close his or her eyes until they reach the middle astral. An occasional individual may stumble onto the lower astral on his own when not accompanied. He may see fearful things like depressed people cowed in a dark, dank atmosphere, crowded together feeling miserable and moaning and groaning. This place is not for him, but stumbling into this realm by mistake can give him quite a scare. These regions are usually called “hell or purgatory” by Christians and others. The punishment here is more an emotional and mental affair. If one has killed someone else by stabbing, this stabbing scene will be repeated over and over again. But this time the murderer will suffer the pain of the stabbing and not the victim. This scene will continue until the murderer is contrite and asks for forgiveness from the victim, and the suffering will cease when the period of retribution is over. The murderer can then be released from the lower astral. Imagine if one is a Hitler or a Stalin, the forgiving may take a long time. We have been informed that Hitler is still there (The Testimony of Light). During the whole period while one is suffering in the lower astral, there are many guardian angels or other higher beings who will continue to go down to help these sufferers to repent and to make them ask for forgiveness. Higher spirits as well as living beings are conducting this form of rescue throughout the day and night. For the latter, the work is most arduous, dangerous and harrowing. These living helpers are truly performing a Herculean task of servicing the dead.
What is the environment of the lower astral like? This “hell” is not a place of perpetual burning fire, as what the theologians would want us to believe. Instead, the territory is dark, damp and slimy. There is no warmth. In fact, it is decidedly cold. The atmosphere is shrouded with mist, and it appears as if there is a constant cloud over the place. There is no vegetation. Flowers and trees do not grow there. Most of the terrain is rocky and uneven. There is a great danger of sliding down the rocks to pools of muck, but one cannot drown in it. Nobody can die in the spirit world. Interspersed sparsely are small shanty shacks, which contain a few sticks of furniture that are most uncomfortable to use. Here and there are groups of bent, gnarled decrepit old bodies planning evil deeds to torture their fellow residents. There is an occasional isolated person who is seen crouched miserably by himself filled with anger. There are no birds or animals present. Most of them were humans before, but up to now they have remained unrepentant. Their crimes on earth keep coming back through their minds with constant regularity, but they still remain far from contrite. The atrocities they inflicted on their fellow men and women on earth are indeed heavy, and their stay here is the result of their earthly activities. As most of them are utterly hypocritical, they maintain an air of righteous anger at the way they are treated here, not realizing that they themselves are the authors of their own plight. Amongst them were prominent religious figures, politicians and multimillionaires, who dispensed millions to charity whilst on earth. The money that they gave away was ill gotten. Individually, they all look old composing of bags and bones, and their faces and bodies are gnarled and deformed with hardly any limbs being straight. Getting about is a great strain. Their evil deeds on earth have sculptured their present demeanour, facial characteristics and bodily deformity. Some of them have inhabited these hovels for centuries, and they are still unrepentant even after numerous attempts by higher beings to change their attitudes.

The Middle and Higher Astral

Now the middle astral proper. Where is it? Geographically, it is exactly where we are, except that it is interpenetrating our world. Why don’t we see it? It is like the blades of a fan. When the blades are revolving slowly, we can still see the blades moving. If they go much faster, there will come a time when our eyes cannot see the blades. This is exactly what happens. The etheric and the more subtle bodies vibrate at a much higher speed than the physical body, and consequently our eyes cannot see these bodies, except those with clairvoyant sight. That means that the astral world is not up there. It is around us. In the same fashion the higher astral realm is not visible to the lower astral inhabitants. As there are innumerable grades of the astral, and as there are also the mental, the spiritual, and the celestial and cosmic consciousness and so on, the way to enter these higher realms is to increase our own vibrations to their rates. But we cannot increase our vibrations so quickly: it takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, if one is interested to visit someone else in the higher realm, another being with higher vibrations must escort that person up. And then it is only for a limited time; otherwise, it gets too hot and stifling for that individual who must come back down to one’s own pigeonhole immediately. In crossing over from a lower realm to a higher one we inevitably come to an invisible border beyond which we cannot traverse. The air gets thinner as the vibration rate is higher. The light becomes brighter as we approach this border. Then after crossing the border, we begin to suffocate and feel faint. Then our strength fails us. At this point if our guide, who is of higher vibration does not help us, we have to return to our own realm.
Having been welcomed by relatives and friends and having gone through the life review, they gather at a concourse like a depot. Those who have recovered from the convalescent homes may join them there or go directly to their destinations. All of them would be allocated their respective pigeonholes: these are the communities of like mind within a set range of vibrations. Their guides escort all of them to their respective destinations. Like attracts like. In one pigeonhole, all the inhabitants vibrate at the same speed, and are at the same level of spiritual development. There are no freaks or miscreants in the community. They all mirror one another: the angry will be with the angry, the loving will remain with the loving.
Now that they are settled down they can start to learn about their new environment and either make new friends or renew old acquaintances. They will notice that everything is available to them as on earth except for motorised machines like cars, lifts and aeroplanes. There are also no policemen, bankers, brokers or taxi-drivers. There are no restaurants, food-stalls, and public or private toilets. They do not eat or drink and therefore there is no necessity to excrete waste. The air is superb and not contaminated. The vegetation is wonderfully fresh and the colours of the flowers are simply exquisite: the red is redder and the green is greener. The flowers are themselves a source of energy. If you were to cup the flowers with your hands, a surge of energy will go up your two arms. The colours give out different sounds. Each colour has its own sound. The fragrances and the perfumes are magnificent. Everything is so vivid. The sounds are sharper and the musical scale is much more than the eight note octave: there appear to be natural semitones and quartertones and the musical dimension is celestially beyond human ears. It seems to wrap around you: there are no jarring sounds and there is no hard metal music.
You don’t have to eat or drink. But if you were in the habit of eating, the very thought of any food would make it appear to you straightaway. After eating half way, if one does not want to continue eating, whatever food is left over will simply disappear. Sex is required in the physical world because that is the way to replenish the species, but the spirit world is populated by the death of the people on earth. Therefore, there is no necessity for physical sex. However love in the astral is very much more intense and much more satisfying than on earth. Seeing that we can have almost anything we want by merely thinking of it, there is no end of experimenting, but certain objects have to be earned as well. For instance, if we want a house in a certain locality, we have to perform enough service to have permission to have it built there. So is the type of house. Of course, we could have earned that right even when we were on earth.
How do we travel about? There are four ways. The first is to walk about like what we are doing on earth. The second way is to glide along as we travel on a travelator. The third method is to fly. The last method is to think of a place and at once we are there. This method, however, needs some practice initially. There are no cars, trains or aeroplanes or any motorised vehicles: as they are not needed. Sleep is not necessary as we do not need to rest the etheric and astral bodies. There is no sun, neither is there any moon. There is an eternal sun that is never glaring or heat producing. It is soft and glowing. However, if a group of souls want to have some darkness to simulate night for some sleep, it can be done communally, but after some time, they realise that it is not required. Similarly whole communities can change the landscape by wishing for mountains, rivers and waterfalls etc. These take time to organise. However after many aeons, the wonderful landscape is already present and it does not seem to require improving. As one goes up higher the spiritual ladder (mental and spiritual realms), there will be no sexual differences and finally there will be no form.
There are numerous halls of learning for all interests and disciplines e.g. history, mythology, mathematics, painting, music etc. There is no shortage of teachers if you are willing to learn. All the information will be displayed before you in graphic forms and around you in three or four dimensions. All the sound system will be either stereophonic or sense around. The instructions will be up to our own individual level and no higher. What about recreation? You may play all sorts of ball games or swim or ski, anything that is involved with nature. Then those who are inclined to look after animals waiting for their masters, or to care for children who have preceded their parents, may find themselves pretty busy tending to these pets and children until their respective owners and parents arrive in the astral. For the more leisurely and those who are in for aesthetic appearance, they may adorn themselves with jewels, rubies and diamonds etc. These ornaments must be earned. Most of them are given for prolonged service. Apparently the deserving ones may pluck these ornaments from the ethereal clouds. The largest and most beautiful ones are worn by higher beings of thousands of years old.

The countryside in the astral is the most exquisite. Whatever one has seen on earth, those in the astral surpass the earth by a thousand times. The meadows, streams, trees and flowers and other plants are so well cultivated that one would need a thousand gardeners on earth to have the same effect. In the astral, merely a few specialists working with the mind will suffice. Of course these specialised gardeners would have had much training on the subject. They have an advantage with the weather. There are no rain, storms, snow and winds of any kind. The atmosphere is always perfect. The plants and flowers have their own energy and they more or less grow on their own. They emit such wonderful fragrances that the perfumes of France are like cheap perfumes. The vegetation also produces musical sounds befitting the environment. The water in the streams, ponds, lakes and sea do not wet the individual. The water just falls off like very, light mercury. One can dive into the sea for a swim and the minute one gets out of the water, one is dry!

Help From the Other Side
There are numerous people who are still very attached to the earth realm and their jobs are to assist the professional on earth in their specialties, e.g. scientists, doctors, artists, musicians and healers. The last category is now appearing in full force and with one compassionate healer there maybe several spirit doctors helping out at a session. Scientists, engineers and inventors are all being inspired by spirit guides without their knowledge. All this help is to foster knowledge and wisdom on earth so as to improve the conditions in this world. Whatever new discovery or exquisite piece of art that appears on earth must have its blueprint in the astral first. And these are the areas where scientists and artistic geniuses work constantly in the spirit world.
Lastly, let us discuss race, religion and relationships. We will soon find out that the colour of our skin is only relevant on earth, as it is related to the sun and its rays. As there is no sun in the astral, the etheric and astral bodies tend to have only one colour, and after sometime we find that we are dealing only with one race or one people. The colour of the skin is adorned mainly for the earth people to recognise them when they appear before them. If one is a rabid racist, the chances are that he will end up in the lower astral. Generally, the spirits in the middle astral do not discriminate between the races, as this difference will soon disappear. However, there are still small groups and communities that are still nostalgic for their own race and religious worship. These will aggregate in Chinatowns, Dutch or Eskimo communities or Jewish ghettos. Some congregate in churches, mosques, synagogues and temples. These forms of segregation will not last as they will soon realise that there are absolutely no racial or religious differences. Their religious beliefs are not tenable because there is no religion in the spirit world. Religion is man-made and it exists only on the planet earth. These so-called churches, temples and synagogues are not places of worship. They are venues for them to get together and to welcome some visitors from the higher realms or for communal meetings. There are no radios, newspapers or televisions to announce these occasions. The announcements are made telepathically to the individuals concern. The meetings are short, but the transmission of energy and blessing is tremendously powerful.
While on earth, we come to know our immediate families very well, and near the end of our life span we would find out that our constant companions and members of our families have been with us for more than one lifetime. Some close friends also come into this category. Some relationships have improved, but some have deteriorated. After death, one realises that quite a number of these relationships are soulmates. They are there to teach us. But if one is not interested to meet anyone in the astral one can easily avoid it. Do not agree to the meeting. To meet someone in the astral, both parties must agree. Of course, most of us would like to see how our loved ones are doing in another realm and the natural tendency is to try to see them.

Movements between Realms
When we are in the higher states of the astral, and we intend to descend to the lower astral or physical world we have to reduce our speed of vibration (like using a rheostat). This is so that we do not harm the beings in the lower realms; e.g. we may hurt them with our faster vibrating energy. If we want to ascend to the higher dimensions, the best is to be accompanied by a higher being, who will change our rate of vibration by just one touch. When we appear to the living, we would look our prime, mostly in the thirty’s. In fact, shortly after our arrival in the astral we would revert to our prime. After that we would look our prime wherever we go. Whatever we have lost e.g. a limb or an eye these will be restored accordingly. In other words we become whole again.

The Article is very long so here is the link if you wish to read it all;


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Proca Chelsea
Proca Chelsea
15 days ago

Please ma we need the long write up, whoever that wants to read must read, thanks for your coperation.

9 years ago

Better late than never! Good morning my loves. This was a very interesting read but i have to say i had some mixed feelings on the article. Mostly because the lower realm sounded like such a lonely and scary place to end up. I guess you can say the fear of the unknown had me a bit uneasy. I enjoyed the comments and questions moreso than the article. Big ups to Yw and Ty for putting into words what a lot of us probably thought but couldn’t find the words to bring those thoughts across. Yw i have to say… Read more »

9 years ago

Thank you Ty, that time is good for me too

9 years ago
Reply to  Nunu

Ok…there is power in numbers…all of us collectively prayer can move mountains…

9 years ago
Reply to  Nunu

How bout 9-1? give us 3 full hours

9 years ago

Can someone please remind me of the fasting hours tomorrow please?

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

We were thinking 9 am to noon…if you want different hour let us know…

9 years ago

Thank you Obara YW and all my family. I will fight, we will fight together and overcome. I am loved maybe hated too lol but I do have the love of God, my ES family, my ancestors, my guides…this too shall pass. Bwoi is a shame wen yu nuh even kno or see di enemy dem still a pree yu smdh

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

Have no fear…we nuh fraid a nuh war…man wye mek fi heng cannot drown…di dutty fassi dem going to have a shock …we have a army here…plus we have the powerful Obara Meji at the helm…

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Thank u my sweet dear Ty my prayer warrior sister. Yu a real champion! peepers u are also invited to join our fast tomorrow.

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Oooooooh Ty how it sound like u have ‘bitch’ ready fi war loool

9 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez


9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

ok I will call now

9 years ago

Obara Ok i understand. CAn you email me personally to explain how to serve Ogun properly. I’m try to get calling card tonight and call you tomorrow. oh boy my belly!

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

Kia-B, Don’t fret, take a deep breath and release the belly tickles….You have a spiritual family here that is behind you. I agree (for what it is worth) with OM that something is coming but you will get through it. Let OM guide you and your fambo pray for you…

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

Have mercy Kia! Mi guh pop a pieca prayer fi yuh tuh mumz

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Nunu yu si u loooool thank yu mama tomorrow wi ago fast also di amount a prayers we will release for our ES families nuh guh nawmal.

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

Kbps, I have your back…I will be fasting tomorrow 9 am to noon….I wil also go to my altar and pray for you…I will be sending my ancestors to your aide….

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

Yw , I am come on in the early morning 1am to read. I have been helping my son with math it is really a struggle for him. Kia… my heart skipped a beat two times when I saw what Obara wrote. We all here have your back. Thank the Creator for Obara. Hi everyone I am reading the comments.

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Night Toy thank you. Ur heart?! mama i think mine stopped lol Obara is very competent and we are prayer warriors. The Orishas know me as i honor them. I will be provided a solution. My head n ancestors will fight for me. I have not intentionally harmed anyone that i am sure of. Good over evil…
Iba grand daddy

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Kia, I know this for sure… you are over good..You are well guarded. good over evil always. Where is Cami?

9 years ago

Yes TY i want everyone’s input on my dream. For about a week and half I noticed when I awake my legs are tired like I’ve walked or ran miles but I am sleep. Plus I am not actively exercising due to the cold so I’m wondering about my legs. Only to wake this morning remembering my dream…….. I’m being held hostage by a vicious dog. I’m trapped inside the trash container(di one dem a Jamaica) it’s being guarded by a brown/white tall dog. He’s protecting me and someone else from the vicious dog. They are barking at each other… Read more »

9 years ago

When recurring dreams stop, does this mean you have accomplished the necessary steps for that particular message?

9 years ago

Other questions:

1. As access is granted to spiritual realm, traveling through can cause physical symptoms when you return, I think of you not being able to walk or talk, …..do you know this ahead of time before entering or only after?

2. Does our guides travel with us as we explore the spirit world?

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

I like those questions Ty, mi wan’ hear these answers

9 years ago

Obara here are a few questions I have about the spirit world:

1. Is there always a gatekeeper for each realm?
2. I presume you cannot enter a realm until you are ready, not just on a vibrational level, but also spiritually ready and the elders see it fit or permissible for you to enter
3. Do the elders only interact with us when we have passed the veil?

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Great questions TY also does your team travel with you to each realm? Team meaning the beings that are with you from birth…left, right, shadow…

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you so much for that Obara…as usual, you are awesome…

9 years ago

Ob, she’ll the dream..we will all pitch in…

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Arrrghhh auto correct…Kb, please shell the dream…

9 years ago

Afternoon everyone, hoping all is well with you all…

Obara as usual wonderful explanation…God is so awesome…

So many things have to intertwined and aligned for our path…

9 years ago

Afternoon Toy hope you and your family are well.

9 years ago

Hey Nunu Bear mi did see you other day and wink at you. You never see me? lol I was waving and yelling your name…Nunuuuuuuuuuu

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

Lol mi si the wink late K by the time mi wave back yuh did gone

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

😀 😀

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

Lol…sound like you were doing the delta wave dance…lol

9 years ago

Morning everyone. Yw your comment was great. Hey Obara, Kia, Nunu

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Hey Toy!

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Thank you Toy. How mi nuh si yuh? Mi miss yuh but understand how busy it gets. Love and light mi sister…

9 years ago

Helloooooooooooooooooooo where is everybody today?! I want to share my dream. My fambo yu know I rarely remember my dreams 😀

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

Good afternoon Miss Bubblez yailings to you

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes Obara while you do write them simplified and easy for us to follow. I think the information is at times so innovative that it takes me a couple readings and many thoughts to grasp. just being honest…I do appreciate every effort you take to explain much of your knowledge.

9 years ago

Wow Obara statement at 8:39a great! understandable, clear, precise…brb need to read it again lol

9 years ago

Good morning Ekaro!!! Obara i completely understand what you’re saying. You need to write these experiences in a way people can understand and come across as clear. Get into our minds to make us think and say aha!

9 years ago

Obara, please let this post be up for another day or so, I feel like we all have more thoughts to develop…so much is ruminating in our minds…

9 years ago

Thank yu Obara Yw for hashing that out. It was very understandable. Sometime i have questons but cant even begin to form them for speaking or writing. Then i feel dunce for not asking nothing but i cant even form the question.

9 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

KIA-B!!!! No way, no way…. is the same with me. Many of my thoughts need clarifying because sometimes I think I think something but as I converse, debate, chit-chat I realize that maybe what I think I thought I really don’t think…..hehehehehe, sorry I couldn’t help it. But seriously, don’t feel that way because there is no reason to….

9 years ago
Reply to  Yw

Lol true brother YW thanks ♥yu know what u want to ask or say but u thinking n typing then yu read and say huh that dont sound right. Im learning though that this journey is beyond anything i could have imagined and sometimes i wont get it the first or third time. However the more i read the more ppl post the more we reason i get it.

9 years ago
Reply to  Yw

Beautiful Kia-B. To me, that is the whole point. We can use technology to communicate and learn in this way from all over the world or we can let it be used against us as a distraction….

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Well mi wi bare wid yuh but doan do like wha mi sey and “bear” wid me – only teddy bear not grizzly or di biting one dem 🙂

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you. Took me longer than expected to get that last thought out…

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

“Each person have their life plan, and it spells out what they need to achieve in order to accomplish their journey.” – OM 16:22 1st Paragraph Yes, I think I get the individual part but I am not as clear as I would like to be on how individual life path ties into the whole (ever notice that individual has dual in it? and div – could come from divisible of divine? beautiful English language * sarcasm*). I think there are many parts to how we relate to each other based on our chosen life paths but would like some… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Yw

Thank you Obara. That does clarify quite a bit. Will have to sit on this for a while……

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Very good, Thank you. I think this goes to the…thought(s) I was trying to get out. I’ll try again (sorry if it does not make sense because it is just a seed right now – need some tlc): Ok, your experience sounds….(sorry) rough, but that is (was) a part of your journey which opens various choices like branches on a tree. So….1. if our life goal is self growth, then the aim would be to make the choices that would best achieve that goal…..more here but not sure, so 2. From an individual point of view, spirituality does not have… Read more »

9 years ago

Thank you….so much here, so much….On Earth – or this plane – …….not sure how to go about this one…..In this plane you have addressed that there are many different reasons why each individual is here…..sorry, I can’t get this one out. I think it might just have too many parts. Hard to process, much less put into words….

9 years ago

Ahhh, think I had a thought here…….ah, yes, there it is; Obara are the realms kind of like levels of consciousness? Or rather, are certain levels of consciousness a way to raise our vibrations so as to access certain realms? Just speculation, for me, but divine consciousness and universal consciousness seem a bit different (although similar). If that is the case, then there are various levels of consciousness and corresponding “beings, vibrations, frequencies” etc that become accessible once we have….developed our thoughts to achieve the various states of consciousness. Carrying the thought a bit further… Orisha and other dieties may… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Sorry mi did at the drop asleep part of the dance, hehehe. Hope yuh doing well. Big up hevrabady for me please – NOBADY SI DIS PART BUT OBARA – Thank the Mother land for me…real heartfelt…

9 years ago

Obara yuh si di email mi sen yuh ?, check it for me please

9 years ago

Nuh watch nutten M, Friday wi guh focus all wi energy inna di fasting fi yuh. Just remind mi what time wi starting agen

9 years ago

Good afternoon folks!

9 years ago

Thanks AMH.

9 years ago

Thanks AMH. I am not really in a good place right now.

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

I will add some extra intentions for you M. You are amazing and everything will be alright, if you can’t fully believe it right now, I will believe it even harder for you till you can.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

You can never run out of love as long as you share it.

9 years ago

Morning everyone. Thanks everyone for praying me and my daughter.

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Sincerely hoping today is a better day for you both M.

9 years ago

Ps I mentioned the delta wave in the sleep discussion…

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

It was facinating Ty, have a good night and tell Yw night too. Tomorrow yuh tell mi why you don’t agree with the hell description

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

I can’t wait until Ty do that NuNu…because I have issues with it to.

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Night Newns (or morning depending on your view)!! Will post more substantive words later…Likkle sick right now but really like this topic, discussion, and post. Thank you Obara Meji and NuNu for this.

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Come to think of it you did…I skipped over it because I saw REM.

9 years ago

Obara, many topics and points to discuss here…I liked this topic and article …

The spirit world sound wonderful…

I and off to bed…going to travel ….hope I see you all and can remember my travels in the am…

9 years ago

I also like that he clarified the ” heaven above” diction that. Is repeated and pounded in out heads….

I will read the rest of the article tomorrow …

9 years ago

The authors description of the spirit world sounds amazing…I think I fly for transportation… The happiness, games, groups , all sound fun…

If what he says is true if animals…I have quite a few animals that are being tended by others till I get there…and I will be here fir a while…lol

9 years ago

I like that he said religion is man made…

9 years ago

Not sure if I agree totally with his hell description…physical earth is one of the hardest realms…

9 years ago

Religion has done a disservice to us…it sets us back spiritually…rass even mek some people earthbound as this author states…nope not I…

Out of body experiences that he mentioned has been used by indigenous people for many centuries…eg maroons, American Indians etc… Before cellphone, internet, and airplanes, people travelled…

9 years ago

Night everyone, catching up

Nunu, great article contribution

9 years ago

Nunu these was a great article. MTH I hope little M feels better. I have a question… The reason Peanut was walking with a limp was it because he was still stuck in a lower realm and didn’t get to ascend to a higher?

9 years ago

Big up Obara Meji and di ES crew!! Reading and posting, so bear wid mi por favor

9 years ago

Where’s Yazzy haven’t seen her in a minute

9 years ago

Night Kia, M, Ty and Cam.There’s a nasty flu going around, I hope little M get well soon

9 years ago

Thanks Cami, I am praying for her. Was down the whole day. Thanks KB. Just know that I have to ensure that I fast and pray, so many things coming at me.

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

All a wi mama prayer is a necessity

9 years ago

Teach I remember you telling us in an earlier post about your spirit departing your body through your head.

I now know what happens to babies that have passed.

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Good night M hope the little one is better soon. I hear isa virus going around that gives fever n belly pain.

9 years ago

Good evening everyone. Today was a little bit hard for me. Got a call early this morning informing me that Little M is sick.

Teach, Cami large up mi chargies. Teach, I like the analogy of God liken to a CEO, much clear for me. Teach, question: your loved ones know the exact time that you will pass to welcome you into the realm?

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Hey M and AMH (Happy 2015 A…long time no see 🙂 ) MTH, send M a speedy recovery don’t let it break your spirits if it’s a common illness.

Me off to me yard, see you all in a bit.

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Healing, hugs, and love to you Mth and little M…I get the feeling you need it more than her Mth…we have your back and the prayers sending out left right and center

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Prayers for little M!

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Big up Big M. Hope likkle M feel better soon

9 years ago

oh…and all things without, hence the creator.

The creator has laborers, hence the likes of Obotala, Osun, Esu…and so forth.

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Night Cami have we discussed angels on this forum? Are they light beings or like Orishas or what? Forgive me if e previously didcussed. My head is pounding tonight my thinking is not expanding or remembering

9 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

I believe it was done, maybe not in depth…could be before I came along.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I am thankful that I NEVER absorbed christian teachings.

GOD= Oldamare, Allah, Superior being or the creator is of NO face, race or gender. The attachment of a gender (He) is one of the first fallacy of man, associated with the superior being. The only time I do a male attachment of the creator is when I’m talking to people that uses the ‘he’. The creator/god/superior being…is all things that has life.

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Either that or “him” have a likkle of everything: all colour skin, different types of hair, various teeth…hmmmm, scratch that…it sounds a bit scary (heh heyeh).

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

AMAZING explanation….

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

lolol…Y never fails to have me laughing! Hey Ty…muah!

I propose that we all move away from using ‘he’ to reference to the creator and see how it work out for all who do it because it was absorbed through church teachings.

Hey KB

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you Teach for the help in understanding. I have, since his death, had a connection with my grandfather (her husband) and have seen him more times than I could count both awake, asleep, or in meditating. I have always found comfort in his visits and hers are just as special.

9 years ago

My grandmother passed away on New Years Eve, this weekend I brought home some items from her house (my most prized the family bible complete with large family tree that I have been so intrigued by sense I was a child). Ever since I brought these things into my house I catch glimpses of her in my peripheral vision and I have heard her very distinct laugh more than once. Could this be just my imagination? My minds way of getting over the sadness?

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I understand somewhat Obara, it’s the “how” I’m trying to tackle now, that’s the herculean part

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hello Obara. Everything is fantastic. I am very grateful to have such a wonderful pastime to fill my sleepless nights and it all began with you!!

9 years ago

Good Afternoon everyone. This was an interesting read. I have been in a spiritual learning mindset lately because of our imminent change and being unable to sleep it is where my mind wanders and where I crave to learn the most. This blog has ignited a fire that I really don’t want to put out.
Thank you for sharing a couple of your experiences with us, it is a gift to all of us that you have not given up on your sharing/teaching.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ok Obara, no wonder we need more than one lifetime to learn. If we give up our egos it seems as if we wouldn’t even exist, that is a task and a half to say the least

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Well I guess this will have to stay until another topic. My last comment was not just for spirit realm alone
..I was interested where the role of God was in all of this And why he/she/they/it seems so removed.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Very nice explanation, OM. Leggo ego and fly…

9 years ago

Ok Obara when you come back I would like u to answer this for me. I know that ego is defined as an awareness of self but when you say you need to “kill the ego” what exactly does that mean? Is it talking traits like jealousy, anger, selfishness etc.?

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

The dream I had of him, he had facial hair is hair and beard was black and he only had a grey streak in his beard and he had muscle definition. Him walk trang tuh. He looked to be bout in a him 40s though not 30

9 years ago

Cami isn’t that because each realm works of off a different frequency

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Which one of my rants are you asking about? lol If it’s the age appearance…my grandfather and his friends when they came to visit me within the hours of his passing, before I even knew he passed, look just like I know him to look along with his old men friends. Not one age difference with Papa. I’ve told the story of my maternal grandfather visiting me with his friends, while sitting on my bookcase…I turned the t.v. off and covered up when I saw a bright light over in the bookcase direction I saw them and my grandpa scolded… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

When I see my grandfather who passed 2 years ago at the age of 88 in dreams he looks considerably younger and stronger

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

My granny looks the same. She and my dad came sometime around my birthday this month together. The looked the same age. 39 and 73 lol

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Writing deep things isn’t the problem…is attempting to write deep things with a bunch of unnecessary and pretentious grammar to get right back around to point A.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

All make sense.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

“We can (though very difficult and it takes a certain type of self mastery to do this) raise our vibration to communicate with them without feeling ill.” – 3rd paragraph OM 11:39 post
Hmmmmm…….I think this is kind of what I am asking about in my 15:37 post. Self-Mastery….internal communication….releasing: preconceived notions, actual or perceived hurt, facing fears and ego… behavior modification based on thought manipulation in correlation to thought form or level of consciousness desired to attain (last one just for you Cams, heheheh)….

9 years ago

This author creates a lot of questions and I find a lot of holes in his lonnng winded article. 1. When we appear to the living, we would look our prime, mostly in the thirty’s. Nonsense, because many passed long before their 30s 2. we have to reduce our speed of vibration (like using a rheostat). This is so that we do not harm the beings in the lower realms How we going to use man science of energy in the spirit realm? He should have elaborated on the ‘harm’ because it cannot be equal to that of the this… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ok, but deep sleep would have sufficed, lol

I looked it up and it is waves created during deep sleep…again when I am reading about spirituality the inclusions of technology and references from such things tend to corrupt what I want to know. With you Obara, it comes pure and void of those terminologies…blah, blah, blah.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Most certainly the death experience is different for individuals, but me qualm is with the authors description as if him dead already to know it in such details, plus he writes has if its concrete, not different to each individual being.

9 years ago

Obara do you agree with him when he says dreaming of a home being modified is our future house being prepared?

9 years ago

Morning all, Teach please continue blogging it nourishes our souls. Cami, Sa-Fo nuff respective. Nunu, bless up.

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Bless up M

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Good morning 🙂 🙂

9 years ago

I wholeheartedly disagree with the description of the dying process…no living can give such detail description and I doubt the teachers (like the ones who taught Obara) give that type of experience of dying.

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Memba doe Cami… Wi all dead already. Said energy been here

9 years ago

“the surest way to arrive at the astral is to have a physical death, and this is the subject of this article”.

DWLn… I honestly found this hilarious. The wrong mind may act upon that sentence to rah.

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Rahtid Cami, ah di said ting mi did ah laugh after. Same mind, same mind.

9 years ago

Hi Toy and NuNu and all who aren’t here as yet. I’m here and not here so don’t feel no way if me don’t reply in real time.

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Cami yailings to you dawlin’

9 years ago

What is the delta wave?

And I am going to relate the silver cord of dying to the umbilical cord of life.

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Delta wave is the new dance in JA. It is similar to signal di plane but yuh drop on di floor like yuh ah sleep at the end, den jump up like yuh well refreshed….and repeat….

9 years ago
Reply to  Y


9 years ago

Morning Morning Obara… where are you going? I know you want to give up, but you help it, you know we need you. I looked forward to my daily posts. Hey ES family let me finish reading, if I don’t respond right now. I will respond later.

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Howdy Toy

9 years ago

Good morning folks, Obara and Sa-fo

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Hi Nunu. . Was it you that had a birthday this month ?

9 years ago
Reply to  Sa-Fo

No Sa-fo Yazz, Kia and M did, mine is in March

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I always thought of God as an energy and not necessarily a being. That’s what the baptist church taught me any way which is not the case with some detonations. The thing that I am missing from here is love, provision, care, companionship etc. So this God that’s mentioned here is none of that/Does none of that? t’s just something that is hidden in darkness and watches us do our thing here? No interest in us no Interaction?

9 years ago

Good Morning, Obara (*side eye…lol) and morning Sa-Fo it’s a pleasure to see you, and to have YOU on to give Obara that note or reassurance…Thanks a million times and more.

Obara, me busy, but me reading…be back later.

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Hi Cami!
It’s an interesting read.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

That’s true…

No mention of a God/Source etc. though. I don’t see Satan mentioned either but that I’m not concerned with at all.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

That’s true…
No mention of a God/Source etc. though. I don’t see Satan mentioned either but that I’m not concerned with at all.

Is the reference of God left out of the description on purpose or is it a whole other topic. I wonder why the author didn’t include God?

9 years ago
Reply to  Sa-Fo

Sa-foHe talked about God in another topic. Quite similar to what teach said as well

9 years ago
Reply to  Sa-Fo

Hey Sa-Fo, good to see you. Please, please take no offense because none is meant. I would simply like to hear your thoughts (if you are willing to share). If you think of God “as an energy and not necessarily a being”, then that is the what. But the why: “that’s what the baptist church taught me any way” leaves you constrained only to the ideas, beliefs, and principles of that particular religion. Without releasing industrialized spiritual beliefs, we cannot explore our individual spirituality. For example: let us explore ideas of God a bit further…is God (in your view) an… Read more »

9 years ago

Morning Obara – do not be down. I believe there are just a lot of people who read and don’t say anything. I’m trying my best to make sure I comment to let you know that I am here even though I am not the greatest at this time. We really appreciate it.

I’m at the “Astral and Higher Realms” need to pause…so far he said pretty much what you’ve shared with us. It would be interesting to see what you disagree with…

Blessings all my bloggers….brb

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