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I have always been sure of who I am from ever since I can remember. As a young girl growing up, I sought to know many things of life. I was most often intrigued of things of a spiritual nature and I spent a lot of time out in nature, feeling clost to it,I had no friends so I embraced nature and books. I remember when I was in primary school in Kingston, Jamaica, our school Maxfield Park Primary School would go on outings to Castleton Garden, there is something mystical, magical and enchanting about that place. Jamaica on a whole is beautiful, big up mi place!

I always felt an eerie feeling when I went there, a fear I cannot describe. I felt as if the place was alive and that there I was being watched, by unseen eyes. Of course, I never voiced my fears, because even as a child I was aware of how ridiculous my fears were and was sure never to let anyone know what I thought. Instead, I would stick close to the teachers and pray for the time to come soon so that we could leave. It would be years to come before I understood what that feeling was and why. The feeling not only came from Castleton Garden, but anywhere I went and there was rivers or Ocean, rivers more so than the Ocean. Even while driving there, as we begin to get close by, the feeling would come

One day here in Africa I was having a conversation with a Babalawo name Ifa Kazeem. I told him about those days in Jamaica (Africans like to hear about Jamaica, they have great respect for us, and I am a great story teller, so we would sit and talk in between work) and how I felt when I visited Castleon Garden and he laughed. He knew that I was an initiate of Osun, the water Goddess  and so upon hearing my fear of water and its surroundings, he laughed a healthy booming sound and slapped his thighs as he laughed. He said  in between laughter;

“Of Course you would feel like that, you are Osun and she is water, your spirit knows that she is there seeing you, your family is there and you feel them even though you were small and did not understand, this is why you fear!  Kazeem laughed until the laughter spread to me, and I began to chuckle, for there I was sitting with this Babalawo who in one sentence told me why for all my life I feared water. As simple as that.

I sat with my husband, and I asked him why was it that I feared these places, not revealing to him the conversation I had with Ifa Kazeem days earlier, and he looked and me and said, “Honey, you are from water world, and so when you go around water, you fear, because you want to live in this world with us, you are not ready to go with them, so your head, unknowingly to you, reminds you of this. This is where the fear comes from”.

He said we all comes from different worlds,and this I knew before, but I remained quiet as he spoke. He said many peoples fears come from what they already know or have encountered in another realm, another life. Many people may fear eating meat because it maybe that in another life they were either poisoned or they choked on meat, or it may be their taboo, or they made a promise before they came into the world that they would not eat meat. Some people will fear to drive or ride in a plane or car because the world they come from is the realm of Iron, or maybe it that is how they left their last lives, or this is the means they chose to die before they come into the world, so seeing these things threaten them and they mistake it for fear, not knowing why. There are many mysteries to the world and if we deal gently we will begin to unravel them.

I asked him what was the meaning of deal gently (I knew it, but I want his explanation), and he said, we should not hurry our lives, instead we should remain positive and focused, patient, prayerful and humble and face life and its adventures. We should have no fear, but trust our heads to guide up to the correct path in life. I studied him for a moment. All this I knew he practiced, so he was true to his own path.

“I am Ogun, and Ogun is of God of Iron and steel and God of war. If something annoys and upset me, immediately Ogun comes out and shows himself. I have mastered this feeling however, because growing up, I would fight at the drop of a hat, but Ifa has calmed me down since and so if I shout, I am honoring both Ogun and Ifa. Ogun, because I allow him to shout thorough me instead of fighting, therefore I honor his presence and the warrior in me, and Ifa because I only shout, not fight and I forgive right away, I keep malice with no one.

He said “My wife, remember that we are more than who we think we are in this life, even though we have physical bodies, we are apart of a greater spiritual family somewhere beyond this earth. We must expect remnants of ourselves to come through, it is the spirit which motivates the human being, not the other way around. This is why we do sacrifices to stay balanced and to be grounded and to stay in alignment with the Universe”.


His wisdom is that of an old Baba, and I admire him for that.

My mother was also one of my greatest teachers, she taught me many things about life and how to have Iwa Pele ( E-wah-peh-lay, Good Character) before I even knew what Iwa pele was, Iwa Pele is the overall concept of the teachings and practice of our traditional practice of Ifa/Orisha. Orunmila teaches us that we MUST practice good and gentle character.

She taught me, never to ignore even an enemy who asks for a drink of water, if I can, I should give it to them. This one I practiced all my life, but as I grew and experienced human beings and their wickedness and coldness to each other, I found this a hard pill to swallow, yet I continued to heed to her words and even taught my own children.

I was in America when the wicked baby father called one day complaining of his life and all he faced, he needed help as he had fallen and for a long time was not able get up, in terms of his everyday life and prosperity. He felt that Obeah was apart of his life and he needed my help spiritually. I thought it odd, because when I suffered while we were together at the hands of him and his woman through Obeah and the wickedness she threw at our young and newly formed family, all in her hopes of getting him, when I would tell him what she was doing and pleaded with him to remove her from our lives, which was crumbling at her hands, he would lambaste me and quarrel with me and said there was no such thing as Obeah! Ahhh, life!

While he spoke to me, almost in tears, (he didn’t cry, but his voice shook with emotion) as he lamented about his suffering, while he spoke and I quietly listened, I found myself remembering his terrible treatment of me and also how he totally forgot about his children in every way. I thought of how he never took care of them when he had it, and even now when he had lost everything he never called them at all, not even a happy birthday. I thought, as he spoke, “the nerve of him!  How dare him, ask for my help, did he forget all that he did to me and my children, especially the children, never mind me!. I never voiced any of my thoughts, but instead told him that I would call him back.

I hung up from him and called my husband in Nigeria and told him about the phone call. I told my husband that I was not prepared to help him, he should find someone else. His treatment of me and the children was too much, too bad, I couldnot forget it, I wanted nothing to do with him. My husband interrupted my speech with “Ni Suru, (be patient) Farabale (calm down).

He said, “Honey, we shall help him”, I protested, but he insisted, he said “Please honey, forget about what he has done, he is down and he called for help, let us put bad feelings aside and help him! I asked my husband who will pay for his medicines, he said that we will. He told me, in the same words of my mother and also with what I have practiced all my life, but was willing to put aside when It came to this wicked man. My husband said,

“He asked for help, we cannot as initiates ignore his cry. If God is to pronounce judgement on him, then that is for God to decide, but we will help him! Of course I conceded, but the wicked man never followed up, so we are yet to assist him.

Here was one of the very same teachings my mother drummed into our heads as children, and I in turn taught my own children while practicing what she taught me, which was really forgiveness termed another way. Emotions and hurt at the hands of this vile man made me forget this and had to be reminded by my husband, that although this man was an enemy, look at him as my mother taught me (my husband never said these words, it is I who m explaining it this way for you), “If an enemy asks for water and you are in the position to give it, do not deny him!

Our teachers are all around us, and we also teach as we learn. As you all know the earth is a school room, there are many lessons here for us to learn. Through out my life, people always called me teacher, and anywhere I go in the world, once I begin to speak,crowds would draw near it is amazing to see. I always had something to share, and I loved sharing what I knew as well as I loved to learn and still do.

My three mentors in spirituality was Mr. Mitchel, Mr. Pierre and my sweet Padrino, I will never forget them

My husband speaks of his Oluwo everyday, and he always begin his sentence with this, “My Oluwo taught me…..” His Oluwo is the one he trained under when he studied Ifa for twenty three years until he became independent. His Oluwo made his transition at 112 years old. I was in Africa when the Oluwo called him and told him to come see him, before he left, as he felt to travel very soon. He left a month after the phone call.

Iba Ifa Toki (Ose/Fun) Oluawo of Ilobu Osun State!!!! Your teachings are not forgotten Baba!!


He was not sick, he just left on his own. It was his Oluwo who taught him what I now teach you here on this site and that is… is not good for person to expect life to be happy and good for them all the time, rough times, and turbulence has to be in the mix, but we should pray that we do not see devastation, because a person who has life good all the time, who is happy and who does not experience some bad at times, will not live long, there must be balance.

His Oluwo taught him not to speak dreams at night, his Oluwo taught him the use of every plant, root and wood in the bush and the uses of certain animals for the goodness of mankind and to cure many illness and also his Oluwo taught him Ifa! He mentions his Oluwo every day, from I know him to this day, he has never forgotten him, and so he shares those teachings with me and also his students on our compound. I also share my knowledge with him, and things that I have learned throughout life, from these three men who were my mentors, to my mother who taught me many thing through life, the cycle continues,because I teach my children and they in turn also teach me.

We teach each other here on this blog, for it is not I alone who teach here, I also learn from you. This post came because a couple days ago my husband sat in our parlor talking, and of course he was telling me some of the lessons he learned from his Oluwo, by the way an Oluwo is an Ifa Chief (the word actually means chief), but it is a title given by the Araba who is the head of all Babalawos in the town, not all Babalawos have this title, or can be called Oluwo, my husband is also an Oluwo. In Africa you are recognized and respected because of your title. he said during our talk, that everyone has a teacher, and it is important for us to recognize and respect that. The idea for this post was born in that moment.


We learn from everyone and from everything, we must look at every  thing in our lives as lessons. We must recognize our teachers, even if she is the wicked sister or he is the wicked friend or spouse. As we search for gold and prosperity in life, we must seek knowledge, if we do this, we can grow and become who we ought to be in life.

Parents listen to your children, or rather we should not ignore the younger ones, some of our greatest teachers are them. Always think before you speak, words are like eggs, once spilled they can never be retrieved.

Never be quick to lay curse on another, think and deal gently before pronouncing judgement or curses, some curses can never be removed, and often times it is the undeserved who suffer.

Adults all children belong to you, do not care only about your child, if you see a child having difficulty to cross the street, assist him or her.


Wives respect your husbands, Husbands respect your wives.

Respect your elders, even the ones who have no respect, be mindful not to be found at fault, if anything let the fault be theirs!

Do not worry about anything, everything that is supposed to be will!

Everything happens for a reason and everything comes when it must!

Never hurry your life!

If you pray and you feel that your prayer is not being answered, look again, the wisdom of God surpasses man, and often times God answers our prayers, we are just not wise enough to see it!

Wait and be positive in life, positive thoughts and out look is better than any antibiotic,

Never be found with Jealousy, what is yours will be yours in this life and if you never find riches, then it was not meant for you, accept that. You may have gotten something even better of which there are many, Knowledge being the best!

Never Judge, this bears repeating, you do not know what lay in wait for you tomorrow, no one is above another persons circumstance, never judge!

Love surpasses all, let love be a part of your life, show it and open your self to receive it!

When you find a good person, cherish that person!

Reject the spirit of arrogance!

Be humble, release ego

Release fear

Release hate, it only destroys

Practice the things you preach, be an example for others to follow

Have compassion

Never rejoice over another hurt

Figure out what is your service to humanity and do it, if you even have to volunteer at a soup kitchen, help your fellow human  beings

Pray, meditate and practice your affirmations daily

Never do what is taboo to you

Remember your sacrifices

Honor your ancestors

I have so much more, I am not even finished!


I have so much more to write on this topic. I want to tell you my lessons from Padrino, and Mr. Pierre and Mr. Mitchel. From Madda Myrie de Jamaican Obeah woman, and Miss Milly another wicked (as in great) diviner. Lessons fro Miss Jenny who read tea leaves, and from my Jamaican Oluwo. I wanted to tell you many things, but if I continue then the post will be too long, and many of you I notice are drawing away from me, the visits are not as much as before. You all know I call is as I see it.

I will continue to blog until a voice says stop! mi nah watch oonuh!

Ìyà ńjẹ ọmọrí ìṣaṣùn; ìṣaṣùn ńjẹ dídùn ọmọrí ńjoru ọbẹ̀. /
The pot-lid is exploited; the pot gets all the sweetness but the lid gets all the steam……Yoruba Proverb!

[Only a fair deal, a win-win position is sustainable in the long run.]

All religion are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…. Obara Meji!

There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji


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11 months ago

Obara I love this post. years have gone by but it still never lose the power it carries.

3 years ago

If the enemy comes to you for help you still help him/her?one of the most difficult things to do but I try.

8 years ago

Again you have touched my heart peace and blessings to you.

9 years ago

I love your blog posts please continue.

9 years ago

Good morning yes I remember Same Berns. I watched a special with him on Pregoria before. Excellent attitude! In spite of his trials he has a superb attitude. I’m sure every day is different but just his frame of mind is great! Now to start watch Nunu video….looool

9 years ago

What a great kid! He was a glass half full kinda guy. I liked his positive attitude.

9 years ago

Lolol yeah mi si how Ty dis show mi up suh. Juss watch fi mi video piece, piece man by the end a di week unoo wi done it lol

9 years ago

I also wanted to share this 12 minute video….

Iba Sam sterns….he died but his words are so true…

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ok thanks Ty, I’ll watch it

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Yu si how Ty come wid di 12 mins video lol n yu come wid ur twooooo hours video looooool

9 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez


9 years ago

If the film wasn’t so long, I’d ask Obara to put it up as a post but everyone’s so busy, two hours might be too long

9 years ago

Ok Kia and Ty hope unoo like it. It’s quite interesting. I am that person that didn’t pay attention to my health, so it was eye opening for me.

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

I will like it, I already know…

9 years ago

But a which part dem ago look fi him?!

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Dat mi waa know loool

9 years ago
Here is the link to the film. It’s almost 2 hours long but you can watch it in segments.

9 years ago

Flax seeds are awsome Kia. Flax is considered good fat, it’s has calcium, fiber, magnesium, high in protien, vitamin B1 which is a brain booster. You need about 2 tablespoons a day. I put ground flax on my yogurt or in my oatmeal. It’s also great for your hair. I’m gonna make hair gel out of it cause fi mi head jye and I hear it makes it really soft and shiny

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Ok i can try in my yogurt. Yes i will watch in segments. Cause honestly after 15 mins i cant focus on the video.

9 years ago

Good Nunu. What is this origin film? Nunu u should do a post on the benefits of flax seed. I see people using it but i dont know enough about it.

9 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Kia heres a synopsis Origin challenges us to reevaluate our existence in the modern world, and embrace the simplicities that defined the beginnings of our species. It’s basically about being harmonious with nature, eating clean and healthy, it gives a pretty good breakdown of our bodies and how its not equipped to deal with the chemicals and junk that we consume in all these processed and gm foods etc. It’s good

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

I will also try to watch it too…

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Ok Nunu u have the link can share it? oh also cnn has a special march 1. Dem ago find jesus lol watch n see if they find di real jesus or caesar borgia. I gwaan lol

9 years ago

Good night Kia and Ty, making haffi mek sure mi peep in every now an agen cause unoo nuh si Obara dash wud fi wi lol cho man. I’m finding it harder to eat processed foods now too and im not a big fruit and veggies person because almost every thing make me feel so nauseous. I want to start juicing though drinking it is easier to stomach and I’ve been eating alot of flax seeds in stuff

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

No Nunu? I love fruits n veggies!! meat i can do without.

9 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

I’ve been eating the clean stuff more than usual but I haven’t been getting enough calories as I should. I’m working on it though.I watched that docufilm Origin and it gave me a boost.

9 years ago

Often times the wicked baby father wicked ex fren or wicked sister in law, teacher us more than we ever want to admit. Be mindful not to miss the lessons from people we deem wicked n wutliss lol

9 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Yes kia, some a dem evil persons here for balance and also to show us how life can deal with us if we choose darkness and evil…

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

True i had to learn to appreciate them also wid fi dem crosses self

9 years ago

Teachers all of yu please share more. When yu find a good person, cherish that person…i cherish all of yu here…from Obara to every blogger n peeper. I have learned much here n continue to learn from yu all.
Good night Nunu n Ty

9 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

And we have learnt from you to Kb….hey sistren…

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Hey one of my many sistas lol *waving*
Ty i got a new bullet n been drinking aloe n fruit smoothies all week. dont know if its the smoothie or the likkle bullet im enjoying more lol

9 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Yeah… Yazzy a the juicing expert…she is our superstar pon the juicing….

I absolutely love it…we all embracing a healthier lifestyle…

9 years ago

I remember a woman who use to read tea leaves in my old building. I was 8 and I use to sit on the steps and watch her read the leaves. I didn’t understand a thing of course

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Wow….I have also seen them read by pulling on a spool of thread that you slept on…

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ive never seen either but why the spool of thread reading sounds familar…like deja vu…

9 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

It is used mainly by Europeans…

9 years ago

Thanks Ty, I will

9 years ago

Yazzy I am taking notes fi di two a we…you can copy off my paper when you get back…

9 years ago

Mth a whey you deh??? We have you in prayers sed way sis….

9 years ago

“Positive thoughts and outlook better than any antibiotic” love this one…definitely going to use this one…

9 years ago

Obara, Jamaica is so spiritual…. Crystal springs and YS falls are another highly charged place in Jamaica….

Also if you have never been to lover leap…you should go there….strong energy there too…

9 years ago

Miss Milly sound fun… Cannot wait to hear about Millicent the diviner…

9 years ago

Evening everyone…..

Welcome Aboyade…we glad to see you…please drop in more often…we welcome you and want to hear your thoughts…

Master teacher Obara, big up!

Iba padrino, iba mr. Mitchell, iba oluwo and iba all teachers…

Iba Ojubona who always so kind in his knowledge…

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lol! Mi nuh switch man. I have to take a test soon and I’m preparing for it so I have to study. Usually I’m at home alone but now I have company so I can’t sequester myself away anymore cause mi name call every two seconds

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Good luck on the exam…remember Obara’s tip wid di salt water bath fi ace di test…we know you will do well…

9 years ago

Do not worry about anything, everything that is supposed to be will! This is easier said than done but mi just a try listen my head n enjoy the ride…good and bad will come so try not to miss the lessons.

9 years ago

Thank you Obara Meji! This post was right on! I needed it today today! Everyone you encounter is a teacher so watch, listen and observe.

9 years ago

Greetings ES Massiv & Crew. I am a member of the covert ES Peepers Anonymous…Just wanted to come out and acknowledge the blessed lessons presented herein…very thought provoking, timely and nourishing to my soul as i trod my spiritual path. Bless up to you Obara Meji and all your t’chas.

9 years ago

Like I knew you would!

I have learned a lot of those lessons already, some i’m am still trying to grasp. The respect your elders one is kind of sticky for me. I was raised to respect my elders but some of these elders really don’t deserve it sometimes. I guess in that instance it is best to just be quiet.

9 years ago
Reply to  Seaqueen

“If you pray and you feel that your prayer is not being answered, look again, the wisdom of God surpasses man, and often times God answers our prayers, we are just not wise enough to see it!” This one right here.

9 years ago
Reply to  Seaqueen

Sea queen as Obara always say, sometimes them older in earth years but are babies spiritually….

Unfortunately earth age does not necessarily give wisdom…

9 years ago

Good afternoon everyone! I love this post. One thing I’ve realized is that I stand in my own way alot. It’s like a battle of wills with me, and once I’m over that hump I’ll be better able to receive/be aware, focus and learn

9 years ago

Good morning family. O, your story of the wicked baby father asking for help hits me to my core as i am in a similar situation and have been for the past two years. It was two years ago the father of my children asked me for help and my initial reaction was a yes. I am in a position to help the father of my children but i go back and forth in my decision because on one side i feel it is the right thing to do. Then on the other hand i have so much anger and… Read more »

9 years ago

Good evening Teach and all ES CREWS MEMBERS and our beloved peepers. I ask for patience, with patience I will understand life more. Today’s teaching is another topic we all should embrace. I know how difficult it could be to help a person who have shown you only wickedness. Meanwhile teach, how is sister doing, the last time we discussed a topic close to today’s lesson was when she had an accident. Hope you are still keeping in touch? Love,peace and light everybody.

9 years ago
Reply to  charles206

Charles we love when you drop in…glad to hear from you…

Marie tapping
Marie tapping
9 years ago

Good morning I really like your comment

9 years ago
Reply to  Marie tapping

Thank you

9 years ago

Good morning family I love posts that make me think about life and how i relate to people. I have begun to look at life more this way and i try to understand the roles people play in my life and sometimes ppl act as a mirror so you can see your flaws reflected back at you. All the mentors in my life so far have been female. In my design life and now spiritually. just realised this as i read this post. In my personal life i dont do well with women my age period but through these rekationships… Read more »

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