Today at 12 noon any where you are in the world, please say a prayer for our world, our earth for which we reside. There is something happening, something we all cannot see and do not know about. The best way for us all to send out our prayers is to quietly speak to the divine which is within all of us quietly ( I meditate, this is the way I heal). There is no need to pray and sweat like bible wielding Pastors or even to shout loudly. Just a quiet meditation, even for a minute for all the problems the world is facing. Family, we must think of the future generation and what they will be facing.There are so many things happening and perhaps it is best we do not know, but this is not to say that we all as a collective cannot change the outcome of what is brewing or what is to come unbeknownst to us. We have so many non physical helpers, who will quickly help, if we only send out the signal, through vibrations and frequencies released through our prayers and meditation. We must create a reality for the earth that will bring it to a place where it is a pleasant experience to live here.
While it has always operated in chaos, it has to, this is the only way for it to evolve, humans were able to mange as they walked the earths plane, here to complete their mission. Hurdles are always in front, but there was a time when humans had the knowledge to clear them, a time when we were one with nature and respected it. However things has gotten out of hand, and it is our responsibility to assist.
I am in! is all you will type in the comment box today ( unless you have a comment to add, then go ahead), even if you are a peeper. The hour is 12 noon, however you can pray all day. At midday a particular energy visits the earth and lingers for a while (it doesn’t matter where you are, the way how this operate is hard to even explain), this is the reason we pray and meditate at the time of noon and on this day.
Be blessed family
Obara ” I am in” Meji
This is a good time to this prayer even if the post is from 2015. A lot of things have been happening and it’s all coming to light now.
Today I’m in!!!
Kay, I did this for sometime but the response was lazy, had the Earths inhabitants who reads this blog responses perhaps it would have at least cut down what the Earth is experiencing now. See the small amount of people who responded? Do you see from how long my spirit has been picking up something coming? Prayer is a life changer, it doesn’t matter your belief, just pray. I appreciate you Kay, May the Universe allow you to see your wants and needs manifest Ase!
I saw the small amount of responses Ma’am. I just wondered and thought that it looked kinda selfish. And i feel most people here are just after themselves, so long as they get knowledge here and tips that lead to breakthroughs they forget a vital part of being here is that we’re here to serve each other and it is what you do by giving us all this knowledge and teachings for free, including sensing this vibe for years. I have noted what you said about the energy at noon and I’ll put in the effort to always say a… Read more »
I saw the small amount of responses Ma’am. I just wondered and thought that it looked kinda selfish. And i feel most people here are just after themselves, so long as they get knowledge here and tips that lead to breakthroughs they forget a vital part of being here is that we’re here to serve each other. I see people just comment “thanks for the post” they don’t make any comment regarding the message so that we can all learn from different perspectives. But keep going Ma’am Obara, divinities will continue to give you strength and have your back always.… Read more »
Hi Lisa!!!!!
I AM IN!,next Wednesday for sure, the earth needs love in these times but spirit will forever live, LOVE AND PEACE.
I thank you all
wednesday noon is exactly mid week- I guess it has to do with some cycle providing the energy vibration
I did the prayer at 12 noon sharp,the vibration felt universal,
and you right there is that energy the hits the earth on this time on this day.
Thank you Lincoln, mi deeven ah watch nutten, lol
I did a prayer at 12 as instructed focusing on the cleansing and betterment of mankind.
Bless love all
Hi toy, Nunu, KB
I am in
Good morning everyone, I am in
Ask ” I am in” Amber