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Hello to you all! I have been missing for some days as I have been busy with Egbe initiations and also I was (still am) fighting the flu. Here on Embracing Spirituality, I have written on Egbe before (read here), and I have done many initiations for people here in Nigeria. I even have initiated Egbe myself and so have my children. I have video footage of the recently done Egbe initiation this past week, but the young lady has not yet agreed to me showing them, so I may post some audio in the comments instead.

Egbe is a Yoruba word which can translate to mean society. With Yoruba language, the words and their meanings are not easily translated into English, because the words and tones with it, carry a much deeper meaning, something we do not have in our English language.

As I began to write this post, I had titled it Egbe Initiation – The Excitement. But then I thought I would speak to our Oladayo (who interprets dreams here on the dream page) and get his perspective as a Yoruba man, and also an intelligent person who is deep into his culture. We had a fascinating conversation. One so lengthy I had to cut it or else you wouldn’t stop reading today, and so I have re-titled the post and have gone even further with the help of Oladayo about Egbe, which is something that affects almost every human being. Oladayo will be passing through this side of the blog, so if you have questions, you can ask them.

Egbe – The Conversation:


Oladayo: “Yoruba and Igbo people call it the “eighth grade” phase of someone’s life, this is for the word Egbe and it’s literal meaning. If we are looking at it like this, it’s like saying group or sets, but calling it a society does not do it justice because it’s like trying to fix it in by force, and Yorubas don’t speak like that. The word Egbe is a compound word and it depends on the context to determine the meaning, so you have to know what someone’s talking about. Egbe isn’t orisa. It can be looked at as “party,” for example, like Egbe Democrat and Egbe Republican or Egbe PNP or Egbe JLP. Do you get it?”

Obara: “So the groups are separated by their functions, their spiritual, physical, or astral functions.”

Oladayo: “Yeah, and a single person can be referred to as a carrier of a group or association this is what we call Ẹlẹ́gbẹ́ Emèrè.”

Obara: “Okay, so tell me about Egbe…”

Oladayo: “Let’s say, children born in 96, 97, and 98, they’ll be mates at first until they start realizing that they were born different times. When they grow older, their innocence is removed, and they may separate because of age difference, but during that young stage is Egbe. So it’s close to saying “level”. Egbe isn’t a “club,” this bends the meaning, and that goes for calling it a society as well. But Egbe is actually a set of spiritual mates, or “playmates” or “playgroup”, because there is innocence among them, there isn’t any age or any difference in that realm, everyone moves together.”

Obara: “Okay, so there are no boundaries, there is no ‘superior to you, inferior to me, or vice versa.”

Oladayo: “Yeah.”

Obara: “So what does Egbe have to do with children? During initiations, children must always be present.”

Oladayo: “The child is a metaphor for innocence. You know, everyone has power. Everyone has something they can do that is supernatural, this is where the group comes in, it depends on the playgroup you have, and during initiation when they create that Egbe pot, it is a portal to access them.”

Obara: “Okay, so describe a type of Egbe, I know there are many and that will be too long for this conversation, but describe them as their function in our world and in their world.”

Oladayo: “Um, okay there are a lot of Egbe, truly, and there are even some that wear rags and causes trouble, do you know? This Egbe is Emèrè Alakisa, ‘akisa’ means rags. If a child from this Egbe is born into a very wealthy and successful family, the minute that child is born, that family of wealth and success is brought down. They becomes nothing.”

Obara: “So these Egbe bring bad things to the family?”

Oladayo: “Yes, but there are some that the way you treat them will determine how they treat you. So some Emèrè bring blessings, and some bring the opposite, and some has the ability to bring both, but again it depends on how you treat them. But for those that bring blessings, Yoruba people would tell the mother that, ‘This child that you carry is special. In fact you might not have another child because you didn’t choose plenty, you chose the Sun, one that is powerful.’ But for the ones that come with gloom, many Yorubas won’t tell the woman that that child is Emèrè because some people are stupid, they’ll begin to mistreat the child which will only worsen the case for themselves.”

Obara: “Okay so, those that wear rags in their realm, they are like twins or the counterpart of a person here? So everyone here has a twin or a counterpart-”

Oladayo: “I don’t like the words ‘twin’ or ‘counterpart’ because that isn’t really what it is. While the physical walks here, they have a reflection of themselves in the realms. In the realm, it is a reflection of you, and that reflection represents you.

Obara: “That’s like what I teach, that we are all projections of ourselves from somewhere else.”

Oladayo: “Yes and some people don’t know that they are Emèrè Alakisa. They can take their families from riches to rags, and not even just their families, if they just go anywhere. Some know what they are doing and others don’t. Some can go do good and some can do bad, it depends. If someone in the family is active in spirituality they can find out where that child is from. That is why in Yoruba land they tell pregnant women not to walk at night, or to wear a pin on their clothes, because it is at night that malevolent children walk about, and malevolent children can replace the baby within the woman. So for the Egbe that wears rags, in that realm they may misbehave which affects the physical here, and the physical person will misbehave too.

Obara: “Well, I know that there are many different realms, some owing to nature as we know it here in the physical realm. So where do we find Egbe amongst nature in our realm?”

Oladayo: “Umm… it depends on the Egbe, but within the realms, where ever a banana plant is, that is where these children play, the Emèrè Alakisa, I mean. The banana plant is a very spiritual plant, it’s very important. Look at the leaves, it’s like a rag, do you know? When a banana becomes ripe, it starts to rotten, but it is still sweet. This has a lot to say. It has something to do with wastefulness, so these Emèrè can waste things, and spiritually that is what they do when they are born into a family and that family becomes nothing.”

Obara: “Wow. What about Abiku? What about that Egbe?

Oladayo [laughs]: “Abiku! Abiku is a form of Emèrè, do you know?”

Obara: “Really?”

Oladayo: “Yes but they don’t usually call them Emèrè, but underneath, we know that’s what they are. Abikus love the realm they come from, so when they come to earth, they come and die. They may die at birth or they’ll die at a very young age. But when they come, they’ll give the mother clues of what they are. The earth is nothing to them. They won’t care about anything. So before coming to earth, they will tell their playmates that their mother will be rich, successful, and happy, or they will wait for the mother to party, or to celebrate, and as soon as she does, that is when they’ll choose to die. They’ll choose their mother’s happiest moment for them to die.”

Obara: “That’s wicked.”

Oladayo: “It’s not wicked. You are the one with emotions.”

Obara: “That’s true, because I always teach that emotions are blinders. Once they’re removed, people can have access to wisdom and see reality and what is before them. We come to earth to learn a lot of things, but two of those things are emotions and limitations, because that doesn’t exist in the realms we come from.”

Oladayo: “Exactly. So a spiritualist will tell a person, ‘Don’t party. Don’t celebrate,’ and that spiritualist will not even know why, but that is the message, and it is because that child made contract that on that day when the mother celebrates, is when they chose to die.”

(Abiku - Yoruba word meaning 'Born to Die')

Oladayo: “The Abiku world is different. He or she will decide that on the happiest day is when they’ll choose to die. And immediately on that happy day, his spiritual mates are already there celebrating that their mate is about to come back home.”

Obara: “But Abiku can be avoided or stopped and the child live a long normal life, right?”

Oladayo: “Yeah, for example, there are some cases where a mother will get a divination, and the diviner will tell her ‘Your child is getting married, but don’t celebrate.’ So the child gets married, but doesn’t die because of the warning the mother adhered to, even though the child will keep proposing and proposing to have a wedding celebration.”

Obara: “So a person in the physical form will keep having dreams, because Egbe speaks through dreams.”

Oladayo: “Yes – but it depends. They will even come in real life, do you know? It depends on that persons spiritual level. You might even catch a person speaking to themselves, and you’ll ask them who were they talking to, and they’ll say ‘Was I talking? Nobody,’ and then they’ll act normal again. It’s different levels. But for example, the mates who were celebrating that child to come back, they will visit the child because the promise has been broken. She was supposed to celebrate. So now the child is an adult, and she, herself, wants to have children… but now she can not. That Egbe is now disturbing her life, because you know the promise was to leave on her wedding day, but there was no wedding celebration, so she has broken that promise.”

Obara: “Ok so now they’re going to try to disturb her in a way of trying to bring her back to their side.”

Oladayo: “Yeah, in fact there are even cases where some people will decide that it is the day that they come to this earth that they will die. So the doctor might tell the mother she can’t give birth to this child except by cesarean section, and they’ll do incision. So maybe a spiritual person now says, ‘this belly, no matter what–

Obara: “–Don’t let them cut her”

Oladayo: “Don’t let them do it. If the doctors say there is a problem, come. Come locally. So that is when things are altered. The mother brings the child to the spiritualist. The child wants to die through incision, so while they want to do the incision, those mates will be there and things will start to happen. The doctor will make a mistake. Something will just go wrong. Some will even say they want to kill the mother as they are going too.”

Obara: “Jesus…”

Oladayo: “Yeah. So when they take the child to any spiritual place that can handle it, then they will do what they are supposed to do, and the child will come. But the child might become the stubborn child or the angry child. He says ‘Okay! I didn’t want to come, and you made me come by force?‘ He’s now here and he has no reason to be here. That’s when the child starts to act out, and become problematic.”

Obara: “Wait, wait, wait! Listen to me. You’re telling me about my own life, especially with my youngest child. She took 3 days to come. I wouldn’t dilate, and the doctors kept sending me home. And it was the night before she was born, that Padrino came into my dream in full white and cleared me, and when he finished he said “Now go and have your baby.” And when I did, I was awake during the whole C-section. Can you believe someone being awake while they were cutting me? When she was born, the anesthesiologist said he will not charge me. He said I prayed the whole time that they cut me, I prayed for everyone. They couldn’t believe that they couldn’t put me to sleep.”

Oladayo: “There are some that just wants to give you a sign that they are very different children. Their journey is very very long because they are coming from a different world. So that is the Abiku. But the Emèrè have their difference, there are some that even know they are Emèrè.

Obara: “You’re breaking Emèrè down right, but tell me, for the word Emèrè -”

Oladayo: “They are just spiritual children. They can be negative, they can be positive, or they can have the two, but we are the ones looking at it from this perspective.”

Obara: “Because we have limitations.”

Oladayo: “Exactly. But they, they don’t care. It depends on what they choose to do. There are some that bring light, there are some that can not be cheated. There are even some that already know who they are, they can control the power they have. Some are even the ones causing the things that affect them in their life. Their own self, if their life is not stable or whatever, they are the ones causing it, but they don’t know. And some will know, that is just the way they’ve chosen to live their life.”

Obara: “There are so many people like this, but it can be fixed spiritually-”

Oladayo: “Yes, and usually with any spiritual work that you do, you have to dream, except it’s not original. I don’t know if I have said this before. And the dream you will have it depends on the work and the time. That dream will show you a very good sign that you used something. Or the first dream that you would have, if your problem has to do with people tying your enemy down and all those things, then you will see them come to release you. The release may not be that they’ve cut a rope or cut something. They will just talk, and you’ll see it that they let go. You’ll feel it. And how to know when it wants to come, you will just feel that the sleep descends heavily on you.

Oladayo: You will even see it that if you want to wake up, something is just forcing you to stay asleep. So if you use work, naturally don’t even wait for the dream or force it, just go to bed early, and go with the mind that you want to pay attention to everything. You will have a dream that will tell you that you can now move forward and you will feel it.”

Obara: “Alright, so let’s leave from the part of Egbe children. Let’s go to the part of Egbe that affects so many people, even myself.”

Oladayo: “Spiritual husband.”

Obara: “Yes, spiritual husbands or wives.”

Oladayo: “Um… I don’t know why they call it “spiritual husband.” Most of the spiritualists say Oko Orun, ‘Oko’ is husband and ‘Orun’ is heaven, but the heaven is astral. Then I don’t know where we get the sexuality, maybe it’s because of our thinking, that’s why some people with this Egbe will have dreams of having sex with this person. But it’s not actually “husband” so to say, but it is, you see we always interpret everything-”

Obara: “-Literally”

Oladayo: “Yeah-”

Obara: “But then what do you explain about me? I’ve told you about my experience with my spiritual husband and how much I used to see him, and how much love I felt for him in those dreams and when I woke up, how much I would miss him, but I haven’t dreamt him in years-”

Oladayo: “Don’t see him again. Don’t talk about him passionately. If you are enjoying him in whatever way, even reminiscing about him, your enemy might not be able to have somebody here on earth. You have to divorce that person.”

Obara: “But there’s something within my spirit that juks me when you say that.”

Oladayo: “You see? You can’t have your cake and eat it, too. It’s like saying you want to have two husbands, and one is more powerful than the other. You can’t. It is you. You have to be the one to make your decision.”

There is so much to talk about with this phenomena that so many people are affected by. Our part of the world does not understand it well, but one of the reasons why I am here is to break things down for our better understanding. I thank Oladayo for his knowledge. The conversation isn’t over, there is still much to learn about Egbe. What Oladayo has shared with me is even more fascinating because he goes deeper into the explanation. So many people are affected by things they don’t know of, and I am hoping that within these posts that they may get a better understanding of their lives, or the lives of others.

Stay tuned.

Obara Meji

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3 years ago

Can you enlighten me more about emere elay way and emere olowo or emere omi

6 years ago

What is egbe iyalode


[…] know ahead and prepare. In case you don’t know what a ‘spiritual divorce‘ is (see here and here), there are many people who have not had luck in relationships, or have not been able to […]


[…] Since being initiated into Egbe, I have discovered even deeper knowledge about this phenomena. READ HERE and […]


[…] everyone. Here is the second part of my fascinating discussion with Oladayo about Egbe (here is a link to part one). I pondered very hard about doing another post on this even though I had promised, […]

7 years ago

Ooooh thanks Obara for this blog …what an eye opener…I laugh so hard for the spiritual husband part cause I’m going through with mine ..oh my…what a ting ya? Well well this was a lot to take in..I would like to know more..

7 years ago

Night night O and Oladayo Obara you said Egbe affects almost every person. Is it certain persons or groups it doesn’t affect? Does it not affect some because they remember their “contract”? Can it also be that we came to this realm to learn emotions and to learn how to deal with them? among other lessons we came to earth to learn. Okaaaay am I a child in my Egbe realm? Then project on this realm from child to adult? Oladayo said people can divorce their Oko Orun. Can you write a post explaining this? Teacher help me ma? I… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara, very, very good subject matter to address ; Oladayo replies were to the point.

7 years ago
Reply to  KTB

Some people made pacts that project some kind of insolence to what we deemed normal for this earth while others made something close to a favorable pact, that’s the reason they think it doesn’t affect them but the Life can’t be totally perfect, so they enjoy the good side and embrace the other side. To your second question about coming to this world to learn emotions the answer is ‘ yes’ but we need to know when to say ‘No’ to emotions too. My response to the notion of being a child, adult or old is only useful here in… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Oladayo

Good day, to Obara and Oladayo.

Oladayo, if the male or female “divorce” the spiritual mate, what becomes of the relationship when they return to their origin ?

I think I followed my mate to this realm years after he came…is this possible?

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

LoL. I notice you led and he replied…just keeping that momentum. BB to see the reply. Think it may cause me to ask more. This was a very interesting read.

7 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Obara, what a long wait me a wait pon Oladayo reply? Lolllllllllllllllloooooooool

7 years ago

Hailings Obara great post! Thanks for sharing. Very informative and I like the in depth explainations from you and Oladayo. I often wonder why there are many unwed persons when we were made in pairs. I will come back with more questions later. Is there divorce or legal separation in Egbe?

7 years ago

Greetings Obara and Oladayo, on rereading, I have more questions. You state that Abiku can be changed and the child live a “normal” life. But the mother must not be happy, must not celebrate, isn’t celebration a necessary part of life (like laughter and joy) or am I displaying again, my limitations in understanding? Isn’t not being able to celebrate or be happy a great sacrifice for the mother to endure for her child who does not really wish to be here? Is her suffocation worthy even as she loves her child, is she not controlling something that should not… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you for the clarification Obara. If I understand correctly, it is not the “behind the scenes” that is our business, but the spiritual teachings, messages, instructions and understandings in the “here and now” that we must follow, heed, for our healing, health, guidance and longevity. That is the staying awake. I am determined, no matter what, to STAY AWAKE!

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

First, I think the word celebration is being used according to how we westerners know it to be…bells and whistles, cakes and drinks. while the ancients connotations were something different.

Secondly, could the caution issued be to ward off retribution or attention from those not in agreement with that life force coming through to this realm?

To answer your question of longevity…I don’t wish to be 75 or 80.

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes, Obara. I same strange don’t? Lolololol.

7 years ago
Reply to  Cami


7 years ago

Good morning my loves! Mums egbe mek yuh put on yuh church hat and ball out fi Jeeezzaass lmao…on a serious note I love this in depth explanation on egbe. The previous egbe posts only scratch the surface but this goes deep. Don’t be afraid to go there and don’t watch the comments, quality not quantity, remember. Feel like I was sitting down watching the interview on an episode of “super soul sunday” lol. This honestly explains most if not all the instances in my life story. I could go on and on about my visions from the tender age… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I think it has to do with one of two main things, fear of the unknown and some heavy duty programming. Its hard for persons mindsets to be shifted, in the case of spirituality it often takes time and a giant leap of faith.

7 years ago

Thank you Obara and Olodayo for breaking down Egbe, very interesting. I’m the youngest of 5 kids, and I was born later than my due date, I believe by a couple of weeks. I was suppose to be a June baby but born July 1st. My mom said she had to have a c section because something with like the cord was cutting oxygen off to me. My siblings have a lot of years over me, so basically I was like an only child so therefore I had ALOT of imaginary friends, Edorian, Felicia, I can go on and on… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  CharMD

To on lookers your playmates were imaginary, to you they are very real and as time goes on you no longer pay attention as the environment starts to Influence you to make you blend into your new environment then you lose your innocence and become what I call ‘adult-rated’ forcing you to become who you are expected to be… you forget almost everything and some people forget totally.

Yes Charlene the Egbe influences a lot of things; marriage , miscarriage,fertility, health etc.

7 years ago
Reply to  Oladayo

Thank you Oladayo. 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  CharMD

Obara, is it really auch an horrid thing aa having a spiritual husband?

Many of these human males makes awful mates and seems to cause mire havoc in this realm than one from another who is genuinely your soul companion. Hence, me asking about the “divorce”.

Gone again…

Intellectual Bhutu
7 years ago

So as mi ease up fi get dung inna di post, braps! it jus done suh. I admire the clarity and applicability of the IFA tradition. I’ve always had questions, an wen mi cya get ansa mi nuh pleased. Don’t tell mi seh God nuh waa mi fi know dat – mi usteh ah ask question inna church an cyaa get nuh ansa. The death of some children, di crosses weh some bring yuh can tell seh sumtin nuh suh normal. We’ve all gotten caught up in civilization and have neglected spirituality an dats why suh much problem a reach… Read more »

7 years ago

Hm. Good questions

Intellectual Bhutu
7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ahhh boy…. My bunnununus Mwalimu! yuh well an know seh a yuh mi a talk bout. Please fi unkiss yuh teet an come back 🙂

7 years ago

I.B, Your first question is not very clear to me, are you talking about Egbe children in astral world or the ones born into this world? If you talking about the ones in the astral world, there is nothing like growing… that is for our dimension here… though there’s hierarchy. They can’t grow to become Egbe wives and husband, they can only have their partners over there. Here Egbe carriers born into this world are humans and may assume they are leading a normal life but they might have forgotten the pact they made just before Coming here. Africans, especially… Read more »

Intellectual Bhutu
7 years ago
Reply to  Oladayo

Thanks for responding….I’ve gotten a clearer understanding.

7 years ago

You very aware….love it

7 years ago

Hi teach and oladayo :). I love this post and can’t wait to read the follow-up. Although sleep a knock me down I couldn’t stop reading. Keep up the good work, truly appreciate the enlightenment. I’m now thinking that my spiritual husband has come here and won’t divorce me. I remember having a dream of him and in it he said “don’t come looking for me, I will always find you.” Funny enough someone in my dream I can’t see him but hear his voice. People always talked how I’m crazy because I talk to myself but I tell them,… Read more »

7 years ago

Dear Obara and Oladayo, This piece is full of so much information, I will have to read it over a few times, but immediately it resonates deeply with me. There are so many things that ring true for me personally that my head is spinning. Having been told “…they cannot harm you.” by my father long ago, without any explanation, I feel that Egbe is the reason for so much disturbance in my life. Can this be so, even if one “cannot be harmed.” And what then does it mean, spiritually, to be harmed, when I myself consider, disruption, etc.… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Sharon

As a child I had an imaginary friend, Nabeel, whom would ride the cat’s ear and I would regale my sister with his stories for hours each night at bedtime!

Lover of light
7 years ago

Wow wow wow! I’ve read the other egbe post before And it took some of the scales of my eyes but this one has fully remove them. The more I think about my people and how lost we are it pains my heart, a lot of us get the signs but because of the christain deception we continue to exist painfull and in fear. And I realized that a lot of these so called Christians are such hypocrite they want to come on the blog and read suff for what. Why buy a hermes bag if you ain’t gonna use… Read more »

7 years ago

very interesting

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hail Iya, luv to know seh yuh consistently doin yuh ting an providing profound though
t provoking content. Dis piece put mi in remembrance of a coversation we had when i was sharing a domestic situation wid u. Peace & blessings

7 years ago

Obara- how old is Oladayo ??? One thing I am going to say is that we need back our history for example the stuff you tell us need to be formalized and taught 1000% in the west. That’s how they catch us with christianity it’s formality. We need people like yourself and Oladayo others elders to start putting in place formal teachings, book, audio, etc so the diaspora can grow in knowledge. We are damn clueless! I am not afraid to say it, black people in the west are the ones most into christianity and we are suffering the most.… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes LOVE you too Obara- You no see me call you my sister from the first day we spoke —
Anyways DADA , first time I heard about that is from some Rastas in Jamaica. I understand fully what you are saying- Tell Oladayo much love and guidance from me and continue his works. We need this- we black people need this we need knowledge to bring us our of this darkness set upon us by the babylon dem.

Blessed Love

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

well guess what I think in my father house really means that. I always took it to mean multiple dimensional planes of existence. really what else could it mean?
christians can chime in here lol

7 years ago
Reply to  Lincoln

Thank you Lincoln.

7 years ago

This is such an interesting topic, chock full of wisdom (that banana bit?) though it doesn’t seem like very much people are interested or maybe they don’t understand it? New info maybe? It’s rare to see an ES post with crickets. Anyhoo, It’s intriguing to see what is behind many problems in people’s lives… the loneliness, no friends, no partner, no children, problematic children, barren women, etc. Honestly I don’t know a person not plagued by this, which reminds me: in cases like the above, is it always Egbe? Or could it just be natural? I had Obara’s reaction when… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I’ve been waiting for you to say this! Time to talk did ting as dem say lol. Those with genuine interest will appreciate and open their minds to eat is about to be taught.

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Does this count as long? I finished it fast, too fast, (read it twice actually) it’s a great conversation between two uh… spiritualists? (Not sure what Oladayo would term himself, but he’s obviously something wise).

7 years ago

Thank you for yours and Oladyo’s wisdom, i hope you feel better soon. Lemon and honey is my favorite thing to have during flu times

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

You are a very huge help, i hope you never stop believing that, alot of people are confused and lost not sure what is truth or not and your blog helps. I do apologize if i ever did or ask anything that could not be answered privately or any other actions directly or indirectly.

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you very much, this place and you and oladayo mean alot to me and others. Feel better

7 years ago

Hello Obara, I hope your doing well. I must say I was really fascinated by the post on Egbe. I was reading the conversation between you and Oledaya and it lead me to read up on some of your past post on the same topic. Right before I came to Canada I made a promise to my then boyfriend that I was in love with, that as soon as things worked out for me I would help him to come to Canada . When I got here I was so depressed and heartbroken because I had to leave the man… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Nordette

Dear Nordette, I believe you are talking about two situations here; a dream and a waking life situation. You will need to help us for us to help you. If you can read this and understand it … you will be a different person after reading this. Seeing your ex and your present lover together might have different meanings which relies on the situation, yours is about your ex becoming the new boyfriend and the same thing continues. This dream doesn’t have all the details but I can give you a little insight. It seems there’s a part of your… Read more »

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