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Spirit Message: How Rising Consciousness is Interfering with Communication

I am presenting to you some voice notes that my assistant recorded as Spirit came through with these messages as I was about to write this post. As you all know, I am a medium, and messages may pass through me at any time. I am sharing these voice notes with you all, as it was given to me. I am not sure if I am supposed to share the message, but I feel moved to do so.

The message was given to me raw by Spirit, so if I may sound short of breath or slow to find my words, I was feeling an overwhelming heat to the point of passing out.

This is a true message from Spirit. Understand it how you will.



It is important to write this post because there are, I am sure, in each person’s life, abnomalies occurring during this period of the Earth’s shift that you may not understand.

One of these abnomalies, which you may not liken to a spiritual cause, is miscommunication.

“Miscommunication”, here, has a lot of subs under it. Miscommunication includes communication of the body, in other words disharmony within the body, which will produce sickness and diseases. The same is true of the mind and people are then diagnosed with all sorts of medical terms. Miscommunication is determined by all things which require balance and the transference of Light (i.e. vibration). This topic I urge you to read more than once in order to gain full comprehension of its importance.

I came to a realization two weeks ago when I had a dreadful exchange with someone I was doing business with. It was through this back and forth that it dawned on me that this person was not hearing what I was saying, and I also could not comprehend what he was saying. To me, he seemed like a lunatic, and perhaps he saw me as the same, I am not sure (and I hope not). But after I calmed myself, I realized that we were not communicating on the same wavelength and neither could understand the other.

It was in that moment that my mind did a rewind…

A rewind to things in not only my life but also in the lives of others, things around me, people I divine for or advise. I realized that there was something off and has been for a very long time. There is a miscommunication happening throughout the world in almost of every form because of the Earth’s shift and its vibrational sequence.

As the shift is occurring, it has been throwing many things off balance. Where humans are concerned, some are becoming more conscious, but at the same time feeling as if they are losing themselves.

What I mean by this is that they feel that they have outgrown others around them, including those who they may have been close to in the past (i.e parents, spouse, siblings, friends, etc.). The world is becoming more and more spiritually, intellectually and emotionally lonely.

In what is described as “ancient times” our Earth has been through several shifts. Each shift was to bring the Earth’s inhabitants closer to Nature, hence bringing them closer to the Divine. However, over time, because of greed, power, materialism, selfishness, hate, division, ego, and more, humans have grown further away from Nature, and therefore operating more within the false material world, or as I like to call it, the World of Manifestation (one day I will explain this).

Everything operates off vibration and frequency (speed) because everything is energy. Now that humans have been more grounded to the Earth and less spiritual, they have lost a lot of their Light and their vibrational frequency reduced to a heavy and lazy speed, which emits a dull and dim Light. This kind of being manifests false perceptions and a more animal-like character (i.e. as greedy as a dog, as cunning and thieving as a monkey, as sneaking and vicious as a snake, and so on), and the human is more beast and instinctive than Man and intuitive.

Now as I write this, I have to go back to where I said that my mind did a rewind to some of the interactions I have had. I realized a very important form of miscommunication taking place in the medical field…

For instance, I want you to pay close attention to this example.

While driving, a family member of mine began to experience heart palpitations, where her heart began to beat abnormally. She was on her way to the doctor for the problem, which was later diagnosed as “tachycardia“. She had called me on her way to the hospital, but while on the phone with her, I picked up an electrical vibration within her environment. I asked her where was she driving? She told me the area, and described it as being nearby a cemetery. By this time, my family member was experiencing high anxiety. I stayed on the phone with her talking her down from her anxiousness until she arrived home after the hospital visit.

I told my family member that she had no such thing as “tachycardia”, and that her heart was in good health (which was later to be confirmed by the cardiologist after several tests). I explained to her what had happened, that she was spiritually sensitive (which does not happen to everyone) to things unseen. Her spirit picked up on the high vibrations of her environment, and made her own frequency increase in tandem with those unseen. Either because my family member is naturally spiritually sensitive, or had undergone some form of initiation, when her environment is interfered with by high vibrations, her spirit will “join their dance”, meaning her own spirit will respond in harmony. If these vibrations could be heard, it would sound like a beautiful melody. But what is beautiful in spirit does not always reflect beautifully in the physical.

Note: People whose consciousness is on a particular height will be affected by unseen things of a higher frequency when they come in contact. The physical body will react in a sick feeling or anxious state when this occurs.

However, as my family member picked up high vibrations, so did the hospital’s machine.

But because science can not comprehend what can not be observed, a scientific diagnoses was given for a spiritual occurrence.

Had my family member gone home and someone thrown a bucket of cold water on her, she would have been fine right away. It would have been like outing a fire. However, the treatment of “tachycardia” involves medication, a pacemaker, or even surgery, etc.

Yet both diagnoses, spiritual and medical, are correct. The difference between them is that the hospital’s machine detected a vibrational sequence that was not ordinary in the human world. The machine detected vibrations that did not have anything to do with the patient’s physical organs. But how can a machine know the difference between an unhealthy heart and the vibrations of spirit, when both the human body and the unseen are vibrational in nature.

And how can this be communicated to a doctor whose entire consciousness is purely material?

Here is where the issue of miscommunication comes in. Because the Earth has shifted so greatly, human beings are becoming more spiritual beings, and there are different vibrations on the Earth that will affect even the communication and functioning of technology. There has been and will be more outages and interruptions of technology and electricity throughout the world as more vortexes open within the Earth.

Thus, persons ought to also be aware of misdiagnoses coming from the medical field and ought to consider second and third opinions should they hear something they do not like, and also seek spirituality in aiding them in their wellness.

Everything happens within the spiritual first before arriving in the physical, and this is a topic I will make as a post one day as it is very important for you to understand how this works.

There is many things I want to explain but all you have to do as of today is observe.

The reason that there will also be miscommunication between persons is because some people will have their consciousness rise higher than those who are around them, and as this happens, everything within their mind will change.

There is a miscommunication in expression and also in reception ; how a word is said, and how it is interpreted. Words we speak are vibrations emitted and received, it is because of this that a sleeping consciousness can not interpret ancient wisdom or sacred doctrines, such as the Bible, the Koran, Torah, Bhagavad Gita, et al. In communication, persons operating under higher vibrations, even in the simplest of language, will be lost to a listener operating on a lower vibration. Not only the words spoken but also the tone behind them, and when I say tone, I do not mean attitude, I mean the resonation that the words carry.

These are things that people should be on alert about, not only as individuals but also as nations, as miscommunications can create wars, which can create economic sanctions (which will affect citizens), and all kinds of malevolence throughout the Earth and we should be expecting some of these happening. Understand that it is all apart of the Shift.

Later down in the year I may expound more on this topic, or in class I may be able to reveal more if I am permitted.

I love you all,

Obara Meji

PS: For all who have signed up for classes, there are classes coming up next week! Those who have signed up will receive notification on the course topics and how to enroll.

A virtuous and wise man winks sometimes at things in the public which he would not allow in himself.

Ancient wisdom
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2 years ago

Modupe my sistar. First, I bring gratitude to your words. You always bring your wonderful messages, and I receive them lovingly!
I’ve been hearing a constant ringing in my ears since 2019. Intuition told me not to seek medical assistance on it; it comes and goes. I refuse to operate on fear due to this and recognise it as something more ethereal.
I’ve become more isolated now, but I’m fine this way, as I’m dropping things that no longer serve me.

Modupe once again!


Queen Okunmayowa
2 years ago

Aboru boye Obara Omg!!!!! I have been hearing this sound since the end of 2020, it made me feel as if something was wrong with my ears (mi all a lick mi ears a say a wax inna it loool) it’s very high pitched and very profound that most times I have to stop what I am doing to let it pass. The miscommunication is true but because I know something was a miss, I stay calm and just explain (eventhough mi a hot head) and I find myself typing or texting more to avoid this I don’t like calls… Read more »

2 years ago

How i was, thinking that my conversational skills have dwindled or that i was incoherent. I’ve been battling exactly this, and it has been leading yo needless arguments or me having to explain and explain and explain what i said, when within me i know that i was straight to the point without any form of ambiguity. Now i know why and it’s so true. Spirit didn’t mince words ma’am. This message is timely and I’m privileged to know this. I had resolved to say less and told myself to just observe and let things be, because it was draining… Read more »

2 years ago

LOVE the voice notes – thanks for sharing! This makes absolute sense. Anxiety attacks and ringing in the ears have definitely increased and I’m thankful I know the spiritual reason or else I’d have gone to the doctor already! With miscommunication, is there anything we can do to tell when something is being misheard due to unaligned frequencies as opposed to a true disagreement? Just pray for discernment?

Last edited 2 years ago by RBH
2 years ago

This is a timely post thanks for sharing, especially the voice notes it had given me glimpse of the mental image I have about you.

when I am doing my morning rituals and I begins to pray for the world to be healed and the consiousness of humans and animals to be raised, I feel cold chill all over my body.

Obara it’s good you said we should “observe”
Beginning from January 7th, February 7th and 27th, March 7th either someone will provoke me seriously or something unusual would happened.

Obara please will you open a spiritual shop this year?

2 years ago

Thank you for this post Obara on communication, it is well needed. How do I sign up for classes?

Intellectual Bhutu
2 years ago

Greetings Obara Meji, It is always good to see a post from you 🙂 I can relate to many of the examples you described. However, I’d like to acknowledge the fact that, as a result of this blog and having the opportunity to interact with a “competent spiritualist”, I have been getting better at recognizing these occurrences as they unfold. Based on the knowledge that you have shared on the shift over the months/years, I have been able to recognize that the shift has caused my circle of “friends” to change drastically. There have been times when my physical being… Read more »

2 years ago

Alafia! Thank you so much for sharing this information. I have been feeling off and you gave clarity. Comfort. Again thank you

2 years ago

Ooh wow, you’re so right about the miscommunication. It’s like every little thing sets everyone in my house off. I’ve also noticed that I’ve been kind of out of sorts like I need to find my center and stop being so antsy

2 years ago

Haven’t read the blog yet but I will in a few seconds lol, I’m just so happy to see a new upload

2 years ago

Thank you Obara Meji for bringing forth this topic. I totally agree with what you are saying here. My husband and I have been having a lot of miscommunication for years now. Even yesterday afternoon. Sometime I wonder aren’t we speaking the same language here . The English language. So, why are we not understanding each other right now…. It like we both are not hearing each other or not talking the same conversation here. Also, my mother and I are also going through it too. So far from each other when speaking on the phone. A lot of miscommunication… Read more »

2 years ago

She is right, as I am having issues with my staff about something that was communicated.

2 years ago

As always I am thankful for your post Obara. I am going to read and listen the voicenotes again 🙂

2 years ago

World seem to having a glitch in its matrix presently- Everything seems off! Covid , now World stability with Russia/Ukraine and its implications of higher prices all over from oil to food.
I know this is part of the shift…

2 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Alway nice to read your posts-

2 years ago

Thank you Obara! This explains the crazy headache I’ve been having and my senses are really heightened, I can smell things really far from me and also hear things far from me. I’ve been trying to make sense of all this changes, I even had menstrual cramps for the first time in my life last month! It was really bad. Also hearing ringing sand sharp sounds

2 years ago

Thank you Obara! This explains the crazy headache I’ve been having and my senses are really heightened, I can smell things really far from me and also hear things far from me. I’ve been trying to make sense of all this changes, I even had menstrual cramps for the first time in my life last month! It was really bad. Also hearing ringing sand sharp sounds

2 years ago

Thank you Obara! This explains the crazy headache I’ve been having and my senses are really heightened, I can smell things really far from me and also hear things far from me. I’ve been trying to make sense of all this changes, I even had menstrual cramps for the first time in my life last month! It was really bad. Also hearing ringing sand sharp sounds

2 years ago

Obara, I thank you for this blog and giving us enlightenment on our spiritual journey. Hello to all everyone that reads and comments on this blog. I’ve noticed the change in communication with people I interact with at work and personally. When I’m at work and I’m talking to colleagues they always have a puzzled look on their face when I’m speaking to them, as if I’m speaking a foreign language. When I speak to my supervisor she has to repeat what I said 3x out loud lol, before she understands what I’m trying to convey to her. When I… Read more »

2 years ago

Maybe this explains the miscommunication in my body vs. my own consciousness- parts of my body like my eyes, eyebrows, and even forehead twitches and flickers like crazy- sometimes for weeks, and in consecutive days. Sometimes, in my left and right ear, it sounds like someone is blowing air; a fast whooshing sound, and all of this started in the peak of the pandemic. Even now, it’s the same, my left eye will drop for weeks , then my right eye, and the twitching in the center of my forehead- and sometimes it comes with headaches at time, which causes… Read more »

2 years ago

Asé Oooo is all I can say ‼️

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