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The Untouchables – Why Some People Are Unaffected by Spiritual Attacks

In my Jamaican culture, there is a saying “Belief kills, and belief cures“. This was a saying that Jamaicans would often use to kill the whole argument of “obeah”, which some did not believe to possibly be the cause of anyone’s problems or demise.

In many ways this is the absolute truth because in all honesty, we all create our own reality, but in the case of juju/obeah, the same does not often apply because there are particular forces among us that will not allow our positive minds to reign, and there are certain things that are negative that we must experience in order to move on to the next phase of our life.

I have written extensively on the topic of obeah, but one thing I have yet shared with you all is that not everyone is affected by it.

There are some special humans among us who wear a special veil. They are not easy to identify and if they were, the limited mind of humans could not understand them and through the wisdom of God, they, themselves are not even aware of their own uniqueness.

These types, regardless of their earthly contract, possess something that hardly anyone, be they powerful or knowledgable can replicate or give out.

I’ll explain what I mean by this…

Some years ago, my parents bought a home in New York. It was a lovely 3-family brick home, with each floor having three-bedroom apartments. We (the daughters) decided to live there, each taking a floor for ourselves. But the first night I moved in, there was a big fight between my family with a lot of shouting and yelling.

This set the stage for many different fights to occur, often coming out of no where. We had never lived like this before. It was disconcerting to me as I wondered what was happening.

Years later, one of my children who was never involved in the arguments, (this child would be the one trying to settle everyone), sat me down and said to me, “Mommy, I think everyone is fighting each other because each person has a touch of anger or rage or some other thing already inside of them.”

Shocked by this profound observation by one so young, I suddenly realized that this was the absolute truth for even I was a raging bull back then (I’m an Aries, what do you expect?), and did not allow anything to slip by.

My child continued to say, “Whatever is plaguing this family latches on to the anger that each one of you already have, and it bounces from one to the other, but I noticed that it never touches me.

Yes o! Energy transfers!!

It seems as if a door had been opened after this conversation between us, because that same night, or perhaps the same week, I had a vision. I saw an elderly Italian-looking lady with her hair pulled tight into a severe bun and disgruntled features, (I am trying to put it nicely because granny was not cute at all). She faced me and shouted angrily, “Give me rum! This house was built in 1901. Give me rum!

Also– I forgot to tell you, my sister (who I told you about 5 or 6 posts ago) and I would occasionally fight also (here’s one of those times).

The house was just one raging house of terror. But because my child had lifted the veil, the raging spirit who was behind the chaos had to reveal herself.

Now, this post is about that statement that my child made: “...but I noticed that it never touches me.”

Most of you know, as I have not hidden it, that I am an initiate and Iyanifa (female titled Chief) within the Yoruba Tradition. Within this tradition, there are particular deities that have their avatars or symbols in aspects of nature. One particular deity is called, Obatala, the ‘Great Orisha’ who one might say is symbolized by the sky. He was bestowed the power to mold human beings, and is the Great Deity of peace, the ‘All Father’, that if one does not know to which Orisha one belongs, in Obatala’s great compassion, he claims all as his children. He is the “White Orisha”, as in purity, and so the cloth of his devotees and all of his symbols are white for that reason.

I mention this Great Divinity because the lore of the tradition tells that it is Obatala alone (with the exception of Orunmila) through his power of calmness and patience, who is exempt from the terrors of the “Elders” (the “witches” who thwart human progress and happiness).

Within the beatitudes in the Christian Bible, it says, ‘Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God‘ (Mt 5:8) The words “see God” here must never be taken literally. I find that this statement juxtaposes with what I mentioned above of the Great Orisha’s purity.

I want to tie this all up in explaining to you the person who is pure in spirit, pure in heart- not by being quiet and gentle, but by living in such a way that maintains a neutral position towards others. Purity is the nature of being objective in the perception of the world and its intentions, untainted and undefiled by any bias or other influence.

The person who sees white as white, yellow as yellow, and black as black, one who puts no interpretation upon what they see, but are rather like blank canvases whose mind and heart are deaf to the cruelties and influences of the world. These are the untouchables, and they are very few and far between. Even they do not recognize themselves, for to know of their own purity would be the first sign of having lost it.

However, a person can not just “be” this way by himself, it has to be an innate characteristic trait or a rebirth through consciousness awakening. And when the latter occurs, purity is not immediate. The person must evolve into that being, and it is through the process of self-realization and understanding life as they grow, that wisdom and universal love begins to take root.

Because of this the pure, the untouchables, are unable to be affected by spiritual attacks.

The reason is because of the main ingredient that obeah and all the evils of life require of its victims: fear.

The pure who lives his life in such a way that does not distinguish good from evil, safety from danger, love from hatred, is exempt from the grips of the illusions and mental torment that obeah can inspire.

At times those who are looked upon as weak because they appear humble, or mocked because of their obedience, or used and abused for their supposed naivety, are heaven sent and most likely avatars in human form among us.

However, I want you to understand that purity does not mean perfection. Sometimes it can even mean naivety, because one who is pure is often like a child to the cruelties of the world, almost completely oblivious to harm or harmful intent no matter how much you try to point it out to them.

A childlike purity, innocence, serves as a protection against evil and its forces.

This is not to say that the pure do not feel the effects of malevolent forces, because every human being, everyone, is born with a spot of evil that is dormant until activated. And many have missions on this earth that require the tests of malevolent forces and attacks. However, the pure I speak of has their “evil” kept in a latent or dormant state, or they may face an inner battle between their pure love and some powerful inner darkness.

And pure does not have to mean “good” by human definition. There are criminals who possess innate purity, but not in the eyes of human law. There are temper-filled people who possess an innate purity that can not be seen by the human who sees only the outer personality. Purity does not mean good at all times.. but this is a post by itself.

There are also those who are naturally, spiritually fortified, almost as if an invisible force field surrounds them, that when attacked by an enemy, if it were intended to create some dead sickness in the body, a boil or a rash or a pimple occurs instead. This is like instead of delivering a lion, a gentle baby kitten passes through. And even so, when the boil or rash or pimple appears, it is merely a signal to the person that an enemy has struck.

The percent of persons here on Earth that principalities and powers and wickedness in high and low places can not affect is very very small. However, within that small percentage that is protected through and by their natural innocence and love, often times not even aware that they wear this badge of honor, nothing that is scathing, bitter, or wicked are able to penetrate the veil that cocoons these special ones.

Everything that occurs to anyone in this life, whether it is coming through invisible forces or it manifests in the physical world as attacks or evil, are tests to mankind, and most often many fail these tests.

It is not easy to have people change the way they think and feel. However, wouldn’t it be nice to be among the few that are not affected by evil in any way, shape, or form? Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a way that we could remove some impurities from ourselves and allow that spiritual protection that comes from a pure heart and pure mind to be apart of us? Wouldn’t it be beautiful if there was a clinic, a surgeon, or some type of therapy, to purge us from the indecency of our thoughts and errors of our ways so that we can see God as the Beatitudes suggests?

The select few, who most often, are born this way (and by “this way” I mean not only the absence of influence, but the love that sits at the core of their being) are people who radiate Love and Light.

If you are fortunate enough to have such a beautiful soul within your circle, honor the person. Treasure your own life for having this person be apart of it, be it husband or wife, be it father or mother or friend.

There is so much that I believe the world needs to know and should know, for we are passing into the new earth, currently crossing over muddy waters. The time of spiritual reformation is nigh.

However, I beseech you all to pray for each other and practice Love and Light, because it is in innocence of heart and mind that we receive our greatest protection and our greatest defense.

Obara Meji

PS: Thank you to the few of you who remembered my birthday who wished me well, and also those few who remembered Mother’s day and wished me well. I appreciate you.

PPS: Since the 1930s (and even before) there has been a wave of spirits coming to our earth to help with the shift, they have done a lot of work even by them just being here. Since 1980 some others have been added, these ones are among us and are more effective than those before in helping with the shift (the awakening). Identify them in your surroundings by their “old soul” characteristic traits, keep silent when you do, and smile.

“The one means of protection is piety. For neither doth an evil daimon nor doth Fate rule over the pious man. For God doth save the pious man from every ill. The one and only good found in mankind is piety.”

Hermes Trismegistus
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8 months ago

“The Untouchables – Why some people are unaffected by Spiritual attacks” Thank you yet again for sheeding light in this journey called race of life. For a moment I wanted to forward a message few days ago just to check on u. Much appreciated

Jean Maurice
Jean Maurice
8 months ago

We are all here for a purpose. Even a thief, killer,… light bearer,… we can also reach purity by being non judgemental. I am always happy to wake up and find a new post from Mama Obara. It boost my energ. Thank u for being here on earth in the present moments where so many people need a little light to shine on them so that they can wake up.

Timothy Johnson Chizorom
Timothy Johnson Chizorom
8 months ago

Welcome back Obara. Meeting you in Nigeria left was a moment I will always love to cherish. This post has made me realize who I am and why my life is the way it is. Thanks again. Happy bilated birthday.

8 months ago

Happy belated birthday and Mother’s Day, Obara Meji. May you live long and keep prospering.
Another heart-opening post from you means lots to read, digest, and integrate. Eseun!

Peace and blessings.

8 months ago

What a Blessing… This post shed so much enlightenment and knowledge. When you said, “Purity does not mean good at all times.. but this is a post by itself.” I said to myself I can’t wait until you write about this topic. Is should be very good, when you do. Rhetorical question Obara; Are these people the “Chosen People ” from God? or as others would say, they are apart of the hundred and 144,000 from the Bible that God talk about in this earth now? As you mention and describe in this post… Also, your Welcome back Obara regarding… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Wow, well said Obara. I did not look at it that way or see it that way either.” We are All chosen One” . That why you are the Best Teacher Ever. The way you break things down to get me to think more beyond how I see things and know things. God continue to Bless you , Obara with your knowledge you share with us & also teach us too. Yes you are so right about that, we have a lot to learn indeed included me too. The way you schooled me. Love it. It had me speechless, but… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  TCanada

Sorry, Those type of people I like to stay away from in conversation.

8 months ago
Reply to  TCanada

That was really mind blowing to know that. We are all chosen people. I had the believe that chosen people are hand pick from God, like Mose, Abraham, Samson, Saul, David , Jesus, etc & now the New chosen people in this era or generation. That is walking in this earth now adays.
It shows how limited my thinking was & belief. But, because of you Obara I was able to see this in open mind perspective.Thank you again.

8 months ago

Wow,this is an AHA moment for me,first time am taking out time to read your write-ups and all I can say is am awed.
It’s an eye opener.
For the first time Psalms 24 makes a lot of sense and the Beatitudes.
This write-up has really opened my eyes,thank you Iyanifa for this wonderful exposition.
Thank you for availing us the opportunity to drink from your fountain of knowledge.
May the ancestors bless you.Ase.

8 months ago

There are also those who are naturally, spiritually fortified, almost as if an invisible force field surrounds them, that when attacked by an enemy, if it were intended to create some dead sickness in the body, a boil or a rash or a pimple occurs instead. This is like instead of delivering a lion, a gentle baby kitten passes through. And even so, when the boil or rash or pimple appears, it is merely a signal to the person that an enemy has struck. Even criminals possess innate purity, but not in the eyes of human law. This post has… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I’m good Obara.

8 months ago

Good to read this great piece from you again. I will settle down to read and thoroughly digest it. Thank you very much, Momma.
God bless you. Amen

8 months ago

Lard Obara, mi did a wait fi dis one, yuh know. Thank you for sharing such a thought-provoking piece on purity and protection against negative forces. The idea that purity is not about being perfect, but about having a neutral, objective point of view, is a strong warning of how complicated people are. It questions what people usually think about what it means to be pure and good, saying that real purity means being as innocent as a child and being able to ignore the bad things going on around us. “Mi still a try wrap mi head round dis… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ah, Obara, thank you for your reply. I wish I were pure in heart, too. However, some things people do to you will make you fi cuss di “rass” outta dem. Like this evil witch who keeps riding her broom in my life, trying to sweep hell and domination in my home.  Mi say, if mi did have a slingshot and mi aim good, mi woulda knock har off har broom and put har fi sit down.  Nevertheless, I agree with you when you said, “If everyone could ignore trivial things, take the higher road if they encounter things that… Read more »

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