Lincoln commented on the post, Valuable Things You Should Know Along Your Spiritual Path 1 year, 11 months ago
SILENCE!- Most dont understand the depth of this – Silence is something that make you connect to your inner and spiritual self- Silence make you observe and understand more and a micro level-
So funny you mentioned this! Because I practice Silence often- for me its like how some practice fasting-Much Love Sis
and readers! -
Lincoln commented on the post, 2023 Spirit Prophecies – A Financial Prank, Monarchies, and Revolution 2 years, 1 month ago
Nice to have the yearly prophecies back!
Blessed love to all -
Lincoln commented on the post, When Spiritual People Are Called To Power – The Reality of the Awakening 2 years, 3 months ago
Only thing I asking is when you become a world renown writer- can I be your manager lol
Lincoln commented on the post, When Spiritual People Are Called To Power – The Reality of the Awakening 2 years, 3 months ago
Yes Sis- Love this post- you know that I am always in awe of your gift in WRITING! Your command of the english language and imagery is excellent- I mean I dont want to force you lol but you need to write a book!!!! – and it doesn’t have to be on anything spiritual but I would love to see you explore your talents of the pen to paper or I guess keys…[Read more]
Lincoln commented on the post, Spiritual Blockages in Your Way and How to Remove Them 2 years, 3 months ago
SIS! You know me and family went to New York and got covid- mash us up for 2 weeks- a true you no know- we must have been the last people to get it lol- Nah me deh bout- My email server also changed and it no set up right so some email notifications seem to be getting rejected for some reason- I have to look into it or just use my gmail over my…[Read more]
Lincoln commented on the post, Spiritual Blockages in Your Way and How to Remove Them 2 years, 3 months ago
Yes Sis we always have to keep clean ! Something I constantly do is burn my Frankincense in and around my house. To be honest I need to keep up with my spiritual bath. I need to do them with a set frequency and not when I feel something is up. Always hear of people who have had great results from blockages by doing spiritual baths..
Salt and…[
Lincoln commented on the post, The Gifts We Receive in Spiritual Suffering — My Journal of Channeled Messages of 1999 2 years, 6 months ago
Thanks for the Post!
Blessed Love -
Lincoln commented on the post, Wedding to Funeral? Here's a List of Life's Celebrations… and the Tragedies That Follow Them 2 years, 8 months ago
Lincoln commented on the post, Wedding to Funeral? Here's a List of Life's Celebrations… and the Tragedies That Follow Them 2 years, 8 months ago
You know what I think about the world be chaotic? I think the world is in balance and it is man who is in chaos- Nature is working perfectly anything out of sync is due to man making it imbalance through mining, pollution, politics etc. But trust me universe is in balance- it is man who need to get in balance
Lincoln commented on the post, Wedding to Funeral? Here's a List of Life's Celebrations… and the Tragedies That Follow Them 2 years, 8 months ago
Sorry for the second post- I think people need to understand that the universe is always in balance and that means we have positive and negative energy working all the time- That’s why there is no utopia in the average man mind but we need to realize that balance is the perfect utopia and as such we must navigate and learn to live in balance-
Lincoln commented on the post, Wedding to Funeral? Here's a List of Life's Celebrations… and the Tragedies That Follow Them 2 years, 8 months ago
yep This post is something I have lived by through my uncle and mother- They always talk about the darkness after joy and we must be mindful. They are from the old school of sacrifice as you spoke about when you move or build a new house to warn off the darkness. Growing up they would say dont tell everyone about your positive movements as you…[Read more]
Lincoln commented on the post, World Message! A New Harsh Energy Has Entered The Earth – And it is Taking People With It 2 years, 9 months ago
I so can feel this energy manifesting itself globally- Seeing more global conflicts, more famine, countries on the edge of food crisis. This is real readers take what Obara wrote seriously- I have noticed in the last couple months people just behaving erratic very quick to react negatively. Just read the news or watch and you can see it clearly-…[Read more]
Lincoln commented on the post, Ever Feel Like You're Being Watched? Yes, There Are Spirits That Spy On Us 2 years, 9 months ago
Tomorrow is 4/20 the Great Earth Strong of the beautiful and divine Sister Obara- Wishing you the BEST year ever!
Lincoln commented on the post, Spirit Message: How Rising Consciousness is Interfering with Communication 2 years, 11 months ago
Alway nice to read your posts-
Lincoln commented on the post, Spirit Message: How Rising Consciousness is Interfering with Communication 2 years, 11 months ago
World seem to having a glitch in its matrix presently- Everything seems off! Covid , now World stability with Russia/Ukraine and its implications of higher prices all over from oil to food.
I know this is part of the shift… -
Lincoln commented on the post, What Happened to Mr. B? A Mysterious Tale of Money Ritual 3 years ago
When you want nothing you gain everything I love that because everything that comes is a blessing you weren’t expecting if you want/crave nothing- Funny I had a conversation with one of my friends today about happiness and we were talking about the world just seem to be on edge and people are so jumpy to attack each other- We said people dont know…[Read more]
Lincoln commented on the post, Is 'Back to Sender' Spiritual Work Considered Obeah? 3 years ago
My mother would always say, harm no one no matter what and do your best not to make anyone harm you- Always observe and protect yourself and Let the universe/Heavens do their revenge because it is not asleep–
Just like you I live by these motherly words from I was single digits and never once in my life I have ever wish bad or incite evil onto…[Read more]
Lincoln commented on the post, 3 Excellent Incense To Use When Starting Your Spiritual Journey (And What They Do) 3 years ago
I only do two incense Frankincense and Sandalwood- I actually use Frankincense on my altar and throughout my house on coal- I burn out the last bit at my front door- I also let the smoke of it cover my body whenever I take a cleaning bathe-
Sandalwood I buy here and there in stick form- sometimes they come from didn’t part and they smell…[Read more] -
Lincoln commented on the post, The Mystery of Animals and Their Spiritual Powers 3 years ago
me and my darn complex questions lol
Lincoln commented on the post, The Mystery of Animals and Their Spiritual Powers 3 years ago
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